7 research outputs found

    Quantıtıve Rısk Assesment Of Subsea Pıpelıne Instabılıty And Desıgn

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    Bu tez çalışmasında, deniz tabanındaki boruların hem düşeydeki hem de yataydaki yer değiştirme risk seviyelerinin değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Modelleme çalışmasında, deniz tabanı topoğrafyasının, hidrodinamik yüklerin, boru-zemin etkileşiminin, dalgaların ve akıntının borular üzerindeki etkileri ve risk değerlendirmesi örnek uygulamalar üzerinde yapılmıştır. Boruların darbelere karşı risk seviyeleri için, uygulamada kullanılan Det Norske Veritas (DNV) standartlarına göre yeni seviye önerileri sunulmuştur. Bu çalışmadaki amaç, literatürdeki diğer çalışmalardan farklı olarak deniz tabanındaki boruların hem düşeyde hem de yataydaki yer değiştirme risklerini değerlendirerek, boruların taşıdığı farklı hammaddelerin boru dengesi üzerine olan etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Ayrıca bu çalışmada, boru et kalınlıklarının güvenirlik üzerine etkisi hassasiyet analizi ile irdelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada endüstriyel boyutlu boruların tasarımına yönelik olup güvenilirliğe dayalı tasarımını içermektedir. Literatürdeki risk analizlerinde riskin seviyesi DNV-RP-H101 standardında düşük, orta ve yüksek risk seviyesi olmak üzere tanımlanmıştır. Belirtilen standartlarda daha çok zemin ve boru etkileşimi üzerinde durulurken, bu tez çalışmasında dalga ve akıntı etkisi birlikte irdelenmiştir. Bu tez çalışmasının özgün yönü, dalga parametrelerine bağlı olarak risk seviyelerinin irdelenmesi ve yıllık yıkılma olasılığının Türkiye'den bir saha uygulaması ile desteklenmesidir. Limit durum fonksiyonlarının MCB ile bulunan kesinlik değeri olasılığı denge durum yüzeyinin altında kalan bölgeyi tanımladığından yıllık yıkılma olasılığını vermektedir. Bu tez çalışması sonucundaki önerim, boru sistemlerinin bütünü düşünüldüğünde, MCB sonucunda bulunan olasılığın tanım olarak borunun münferit olarak yer değiştirmesini, başka bir deyişle deplasman limitinin aşılma olasılığını ifade etmesidir.The assesment of displacement levels of both the vertical and horizontal displacements of the submarine pipeline has been done. In this modelling study, the effects of subsea topography, hydrodynamic loads, pipe-soil interaction, the effects of waves and currents on the pipeline, and the risk assesment were made on sample applications. A new level of proposal has been presented for impact risk levels of pipes in accordance with the Det Norske Veritas (DNV) standards used in practice. The risk assessment of the risk levels is examined in detail. The aim of this study is to evaluate the risk of displacement of both the vertical and horizontal displacements of the offshore pipeline, as well as the effects of the different raw materials carried by the pipeline on the pipeline balance, unlike other studies in the literature. In addition, in this study, the effect of pipe wall thickness on reliability was examined by sensitivity analysis. The effect of wave and current is investigated together while emphasizing the soil and pipe interaction in the above mentioned standards and applied in this thesis study. The thesis has a specific aspect with respect to study of risk levels depending on wave parameters and is supported by a field application than Turkey's annual probability of failure. The likelihood probability of limit state functions with MCB defines the region below the equilibrium state, thus giving the possibility of annual failure. The conclusion of this thesis study is that the probability that the MCB result is considered as the whole of the piping system is defined as the displacement of the pipe individually, in other words, the probability of exceeding the displacement limit

    Summarizing Data Sets for Data Mining by Using Statistical Methods in Coastal Engineering

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    Coastal regions are the one of the most commonly used places by the natural balance and the growing population. In coastal engineering, the most valuable data is wave behaviors. The amount of this data becomes very big because of observations that take place for periods of hours, days and months. In this study, some statistical methods such as the wave spectrum analysis methods and the standard statistical methods have been used. The goal of this study is the discovery profiles of the different coast areas by using these statistical methods, and thus, obtaining an instance based data set from the big data to analysis by using data mining algorithms. In the experimental studies, the six sample data sets about the wave behaviors obtained by 20 minutes of observations from Mersin Bay in Turkey and converted to an instance based form, while different clustering techniques in data mining algorithms were used to discover similar coastal places. Moreover, this study discusses that this summarization approach can be used in other branches collecting big data such as medicine

    Synthesis of cis-1,2-diol-type chiral ligands and their dioxaborinane derivatives: Application for the asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of various ketones and biological evaluation

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    Two cis-1,2-diol-type chiral ligands (T1 and T2) and their tri-coordinated chiral dioxaborinane (T(1–2)B(1–2)) and four-coordinated chiral dioxaborinane adducts with 4-tert-butyl pyridine sustained by N ! B dative bonds (T(1–2)B(1–2)-N) were synthesized and characterized by various spectroscopic techniques such as NMR (1 H, 13C, and 11B), FT-IR and UV–Vis spectroscopy, LC–MS/MS, and elemental analysis. It was suggested that both ferrocene and trifluoromethyl groups played key roles in the catalytic and biological studies because they could tune the solubility of the chiral dioxaborinane complexes and adjust the strength of intermolecular interactions. To assess the biological activities of newly synthesized chiral dioxaborinane compounds, DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging, reducing power, antibacterial, DNA binding, and DNA cleavage activities were tested. Then, all chiral dioxaborinane complexes were investigated as catalysts for the asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of various ketones under suitable conditions. The results indicated that the chiral dioxaborinane catalysts performed well with high yields