8,458 research outputs found

    Complex WKB Analysis of a PT Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem

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    The spectra of a particular class of PT symmetric eigenvalue problems has previously been studied, and found to have an extremely rich structure. In this paper we present an explanation for these spectral properties in terms of quantisation conditions obtained from the complex WKB method. In particular, we consider the relation of the quantisation conditions to the reality and positivity properties of the eigenvalues. The methods are also used to examine further the pattern of eigenvalue degeneracies observed by Dorey et al. in [1,2].Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures. Added references, minor revision

    A new technique for oil backstreaming contamination measurements

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    Due to the large size and the number of diffusion pumps, space simulation chambers cannot be easily calibrated by the usual test dome method for measuring backstreaming from oil diffusion pumps. In addition, location dependent contamination may be an important parameter of the test. The backstreaming contamination was measured in the Space Power Facility (SPF) near Sandusky, OH, the largest space simulation vacuum test chamber in the U.S.. Small clean silicon wafers placed at all desired measurement sites were used as contamination sensors. The facility used diffusion pumps with DC 705 oil. The thickness of the contamination oil film was measured using ellipsometry. Since the oil did not wet the silicon substrate uniformly, two analysis models were developed to measure the oil film: (1) continuous, homogeneous film; and (2) islands of oil with the islands varying in coverage fraction and height. In both cases, the contamination film refractive index was assumed to be that of DC 705. The second model improved the ellipsometric analysis quality parameter by up to two orders of magnitude, especially for the low coverage cases. Comparison of the two models shows that the continuous film model overestimates the oil volume by less than 50 percent. Absolute numbers for backstreaming are in good agreement with published results for diffusion pumps. Good agreement was also found between the ellipsometric results and measurements done by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on examples exposed to the same vacuum runs

    Beginning of the End of Cost Competitiveness in CEE Countries - Analysis of Dependence between Labor Costs and Internationalization of the Region

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    In order to exemplify the above econometric model I carried out empirical analysis of the companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, identifying the companies for which efficiency-seeking is the main internationalization motive. The analysis of internationalization of 26 companies during the years 1990-2010 clearly shows that a significant part of investments is located outside the territory of Poland, in the countries with lower labor costs. This fact confirms that CEE countries will gradually become less and less attractive in terms of costs not only for MNEs from developed countries but also for the companies originating from transition economies.Głównym celem artykułu jest weryfikacja, czy niski poziom kosztów pracy w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej będący do tej pory jednym z czynników wpływających na konkurencyjność tego regionu pozostanie nim w dłuższej perspektywie czasowej. W pracy na podstawie próby wszystkich państw UE zbadano zależność pomiędzy poziomem internacjonalizacji (stan odpływu BIZ per capita) a kosztami pracy w sektorze przedsiębiorstw i GNP per capita. Analiza regresji potwierdziła istnienie zależności pomiędzy wyżej wymienionymi czynnikami. Oznacza to, że stopniowy wzrost kosztów pracy w państwach Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej prowadził będzie do stopniowego odpływu BIZ z tego regionu do państw bardziej konkurencyjnych kosztowo. W celu egzemplifikacji powyższych zależności w pracy dodatkowo przedstawiono analizę inwestycji zagranicznych polskich spółek notowanych na GPW, z których to 26 dokonało inwwestycji zagranicznych o wyraźnych motywach związanych z obniżeniem kosztów produkcji. Fakt ten potwierdza powolny spadek konkurencyjności kosztowej polskiej gospodarki, tym samym zmusza do poszukiwania nowych rozwiązań instytucjonalnych mogących utrzymać konkurencyjność polskiej gospodarki w długim okresie

    Field relations, structure, and geochemistry of the Fisset Brook Formation in the Lake Ainslie - Gillanders Mountain area, central Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

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    Detailed mapping shows that the Fisset Brook Formation in the Lake Ainslie - Gillanders Mountain area consists of a lowermost sedimentary unit overlain by basaltic and rhyolitic units. The sedimentary unit is mainly arkosic pebble conglomerate and siltstone, and unconformably overlies or is in faulted contact with older meta-morphic and plutonic rocks. Scattered gabbroic plutons and dykes in the sedimentary unit are interpreted to represent "feeders" to the overlying basaltic flows. The basaltic unit consists mainly of subaerial flows, locally interlayered and intermixed with red-brown siltstone. The overlying rhyolitic unit consists mainly of eutaxitic to spherulitic flows or welded tuffs, with less abundant lapilli tuff. In the Lake Ainslie area, these rocks occur in a north-south array of rhombic fault blocks, whereas in the Gillanders Mountain area, the dominant structure is a large-scale anticlinal fold closing toward the south, cored largely by rocks of the Fisset Brook Formation. The chemical compositions of the basalt and rhyolite in both areas have been modified by alteration, but discrimination diagrams using relatively immobile elements, including rare-earth elements, indicate that the basalts and gabbros are continental, within-plate tholeiites. The rhyolites also have features indicative of origin in a within-plate setting, but are depleted in Y, Zr, and rare-earth elements compared to A-type granites. A rhyolite sample yielded a U-Pb (zircon) age of 373 ± 4 Ma, thus indicating that the Fisset Brook Formation in the Lake Ainslie - Gillanders Mountain area is Middle to earliest Late Devonian in age, not Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous as previously inferred. RÉSUMÉ Une cartographie detaillée montre que la Formation Fisset Brook dans le secteur du lac Ainslie et du mont Gillanders est constitutée d'une base sédimentaire recouverte d'unités basaltique et rhyolitique. La base sédimentaire est principalement formée d'un conglomcrat de galets arkosiques et de siltstones; elle repose de façon discordante ou par contact faillé sur des roches métamorphiques et plutoniques. Les dykes et les plutons gabbrotques dispersés dans l'unité sédimentaire sont interprétés comme des systèmes d'alimentation » des écoulcments basaltiques sus-jacents. L'unité basaltique est principalement constitutée d'écoulements subécriens, localement interstratifies et entremelés de siltstone brun rougeâtre. L'unité rhyolitique sus-jacente est essentiellement composée d'écoulements eutaxiques à sphérolitiqucs ou de tufs soudés, avec des conglomérats volcaniques à lapilli dans une matrice fine moins abondants. Dans le secteur du lac Ainslie, ces roches se présenters en une rangée nord-sud de blocs faillés rhombiques, tandis que dans le secteur du mont Gillanders, la structure dominante est un plissement anticlinal à grande échelle qui se referme vers le sud et qui abrite en son cocur une quantité substantielle de roches de la Formation Fisset Brook. Les compositions chimiques du basalte et de la rhyolite des deux secteurs ont eété modifiées par alteration, mais des schémas de discrimination utilisant des éléments relativement immobiles, dont des éléments de terres rarcs, révèlent que les basaltes et les gabbros sont des tholéiites intra-plaque continentaux. Les rhyolites possedent en outre des caractéristiques qui témoignent qu'elles proviennent d'un cadre intra-plaque, mais elles sont pauvres en Y, en Zr et en éléments de terres rares comparativement aux granites de type A. Une datation au U-Pb (zircon) d'un échantillon de rhyolite lui a attribue un âge de 373 ± 4 Ma, ce qui révèle que la Formation Fisset Brook du secteur du lac Ainslie et du mont Gillanders remonte a la période du Dévonien moyen au début du Dévonien supérieur, et non à celle du Dévonien supérieur au Carbonifère inférieur comme on L'avait auparavant laisser entendre. [Traduit par la rédaction

    Prerequisites in Behavioral Sciences and Business Revisited a Decade Later: Ongoing Opportunities for Dental Education

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    Introduction: Ten years ago a study reported on the lack of prerequisites in behavioral sciences and business management for entry into dental college. The primary objective of this follow-up study was to assess the current status of similar prerequisite courses in both U.S. and Canadian dental schools. Materials and Methods: Required and recommended courses in behavioral sciences and in business in each North American dental school\u27s official online publication were analyzed in December 2019. Admissions requirements were readily available in sixty-five of the sixty-eight U.S. dental schools and in all ten schools in Canada; three U.S. schools were contacted by phone to collect the information. Result: Only nine (13.2%) U.S. and four (40%) Canada schools required at least one behavioral sciences course; however, thirty-nine (57.3%) U.S. and six (60%) Canada schools recommended a behavioral sciences course, most often in psychology, sociology, or communication. Zero (0%) of the total seventy-eight dental schools required a course in business; however, eighteen (26.5%) U.S. and two (20%) Canada schools recommended a business course, most often economics. Conclusion: The authors strongly encourage the dental education community to again reconsider establishment of a minimum core of behavioral sciences and business courses as prerequisites in predoctoral dental education. Doing so will provide a much needed stronger foundation upon which to build upon in the curricula of dental schools

    Transform-limited X-ray pulse generation from a high-brightness self-amplified spontaneous-emission free-electron laser

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    A method to achieve high-brightness self-amplified spontaneous emission (HB-SASE) in the free-electron laser (FEL) is described. The method uses repeated nonequal electron beam delays to delocalize the collective FEL interaction and break the radiation coherence length dependence on the FEL cooperation length. The method requires no external seeding or photon optics and so is applicable at any wavelength or repetition rate. It is demonstrated, using linear theory and numerical simulations, that the radiation coherence length can be increased by approximately 2 orders of magnitude over SASE with a corresponding increase in spectral brightness. Examples are shown of HB-SASE generating transform-limited FEL pulses in the soft x-ray and near transform-limited pulses in the hard x-ray. Such pulses may greatly benefit existing applications and may also open up new areas of scientific research

    BASH: a tool for managing BeadArray spatial artefacts

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    Summary: With their many replicates and their random layouts, Illumina BeadArrays provide greater scope fordetecting spatial artefacts than do other microarray technologies. They are also robust to artefact exclusion, yet there is a lack of tools that can perform these tasks for Illumina. We present BASH, a tool for this purpose. BASH adopts the concepts of Harshlight, but implements them in a manner that utilizes the unique characteristics of the Illumina technology. Using bead-level data, spatial artefacts of various kinds can thus be identified and excluded from further analyses

    Telomere length and common disease: study design and analytical challenges.

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    Telomeres, the repetitive sequences that protect the ends of chromosomes, help to maintain genomic integrity and are of key importance to human health. The aim here is to give an overview of the evidence for the importance of telomere length (TL) to the risk of common disease, considering the strengths and weaknesses of different epidemiological study designs. Methods for measuring TL are described, all of which are subject to considerable measurement error. TL declines with age and varies in relation to factors such as smoking and obesity. It is also highly heritable (estimated heritability of ~40 to 50%), and genome-wide studies have identified a number of associated genetic variants. Epidemiological studies have shown shorter TL to be associated with risk of a number of common diseases, including cardiovascular disease and some cancers. The relationship with cancer appears complex, in that longer telomeres are associated with higher risk of some cancers. Prospective studies of the relationship between TL and disease, where TL is measured before diagnosis, have numerous advantages over retrospective studies, since they avoid the problems of reverse causality and differences in sample handling, but they are still subject to potential confounding. Studies of the genetic predictors of TL in relation to disease risk avoid these drawbacks, although they are not without limitations. Telomere biology is of major importance to the risk of common disease, but the complexities of the relationship are only now beginning to be understood.This research was supported by Cancer Research UK Programme Awards C588/A10589 and C588/A19167 (MMI and JHB) and C8197/A16565 (AMD and KAP) and the Isaac Newton Trust.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00439-015-1563-