123 research outputs found

    Le dede moderne : Ă©volution des paramĂštres de l’autoritĂ© religieuse de l’alĂ©visme dans la Turquie contemporaine

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    L’article dĂ©crit, en la replaçant dans son contexte, l’évolution moderne du leadership et de la structure d’autoritĂ© dans l’alĂ©visme turc. Au siĂšcle dernier, Ă  la faveur des processus d’urbanisation et de sĂ©cularisation, l’alĂ©visme turc a subi de profondes transformations. Formant traditionnellement une communautĂ© socioreligieuse endogame en marge de la sociĂ©tĂ© turque du point de vue gĂ©ographique, politique et religieux, les alĂ©vis participent depuis vingt ans, comme jamais auparavant, aux dĂ©bats publics en Turquie, orchestrant ainsi un renouveau de l’alĂ©visme et forçant l’État et la population Ă  reconnaĂźtre leur diffĂ©rence par rapport Ă  l’islam sunnite dominant. Cependant, l’adaptation Ă  des milieux urbains, marquĂ©e par un processus interne de sĂ©cularisation, a fait de la redĂ©finition de l’alĂ©visme une tĂąche passablement difficile. De plus, en entrant dans l’arĂšne publique, les alĂ©vis doivent rendre leur demande de reconnaissance conforme au discours socioreligieux reconnu qui est implicitement sunnite. Compte tenu de ce contexte, l’article se concentre sur les dĂ©bats internes des alĂ©vis au sujet de la transformation de l’institution au coeur de l’alĂ©visme traditionnel, le dedelik, c’est-Ă -dire la fonction de leader fondĂ©e sur la descendance et le charisme. L’auteur montre comment le dedelik, qui traditionnellement sous-entendait un leadership dans les domaines Ă  la fois socioreligieux et reprĂ©sentatif, est en voie d’ĂȘtre divisĂ© pour s’adapter Ă  un milieu institutionnellement sĂ©cularisĂ© oĂč il devient impossible de fusionner la direction des rituels et de la communautĂ©. Par consĂ©quent, le dedelik confie ses fonctions non rituelles Ă  une nouvelle Ă©lite alĂ©vie sĂ©culiĂšre qui organise et reprĂ©sente le mouvement alĂ©viste, aujourd’hui largement urbanisĂ© et transnational. En comparant les dĂ©bats internes des alĂ©vis sur la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’avoir un « dedelik moderne » et sur la portĂ©e de ce changement, dĂ©bats qui se dĂ©roulent en Turquie et dans la diaspora allemande, l’article veut contribuer Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension non seulement de la redĂ©finition des structures d’autoritĂ© des alĂ©vis, mais aussi de la façon dont les discours lĂ©gaux et publics sur la religion influent sur le dĂ©roulement de cette redĂ©finition.This article describes and contextualizes the modern changes in the leadership and authority structures of Turkish Alevism. In the last century, as a consequence of processes of urbanization and secularization, Turkish Alevism has undergone tremendous transformations. Traditionally an endogamous socio-religious community at the geographic, political, and religious margins of Turkish society, Alevis have in the last twenty years entered public debates to an unprecedented extent, orchestrating an Alevi revival and urging the Turkish state and public to recognize its difference from the Sunni Muslim mainstream. However, the adjustment to urban environments, accompanied by an internal secularization process, has rendered the reformulation of Alevism a rather challenging task. In addition, entering the public arena, they have to adjust their rhetoric of recognition to an established socio-religious discourse that is implicitly Sunni. On this background, this article focuses on the Alevi internal debate on the transformation of the core institution of traditional Alevism, the dedelik, which is the descent and charisma based office of leadership in Alevism. It illustrates how dedelik, which traditionally meant leadership of both socio-religious and representational affairs, is in the process of being differentiated in accordance to institutionally secularized environments, where the conflation of ritual and community leadership lost plausibility. Consequently, the dedelik is submitting its non-ritual leadership functions to a new secular Alevi elite that organizes and represents the by now largely urbanized, and trans-nationally oriented Alevi movement. Comparing the Alevi internal debates on the necessity and scope of a “modern dedelik” in Turkey and in the German diaspora, the article aims to contribute not only to a clearer understanding of the redefinition of Alevi authority structures, but also to the ways in which legal and public discourses on religion impact how this redefinition is carried out.Este artĂ­culo describe y contextualiza los cambios modernos en las estructuras de liderazgo y de la autoridad en el Alevismo turco. En el siglo pasado, como consecuencia de los procesos de urbanizaciĂłn y secularizaciĂłn, el Alevismo turco sufriĂł profundas transformaciones. Formando tradicionalmente una comunidad socio-religiosa endĂłgama al margen de la sociedad turca desde el punto de vista geogrĂĄfico, polĂ­tico y religioso, los alevis participan desde hace veinte años, como nunca antes, en los debates pĂșblicos en TurquĂ­a, orquestando asĂ­ un renacimiento del alevismo y forzando al Estado y a la poblaciĂłn a reconocer su diferencia con relaciĂłn al Islam sunita dominante. Sin embargo, la adaptaciĂłn a medios urbanos, marcada por un proceso interno de secularizaciĂłn, hizo de la redefiniciĂłn del alevismo una tarea bastante difĂ­cil. AdemĂĄs, al entrar en la arena pĂșblica, los alevis deben expresar su solicitud de reconocimiento conforme al discurso socio-religioso reconocido que es implĂ­citamente sunita. Teniendo en cuenta este contexto, el artĂ­culo se concentra en los debates internos de los alevis con respecto a la transformaciĂłn de la instituciĂłn en el corazĂłn del alevismo tradicional, el dedelik, es decir, la funciĂłn de lĂ­der basada en la descendencia y el carisma. El autor muestra cĂłmo el dedelik, que tradicionalmente se sobreentendĂ­a un liderazgo en los ĂĄmbitos a la vez socio-religiosos y representativos, esta en vĂ­a de ser dividido para adaptarse a un medio institucionalmente secularizado dĂłnde resulta imposible fusionar la direcciĂłn de los rituales y de la comunidad. Por lo tanto, el dedelik confĂ­a sus funciones no rituales a una nueva Ă©lite alevita secular que organiza y representa el movimiento alevista, hoy ampliamente urbanizado y transnacional. Al comparar los debates internos de los alevis sobre la necesidad de tener un “dedelik moderno” y sobre el alcance de este cambio, debates que se desarrollan en TurquĂ­a y en la diĂĄspora alemana, el artĂ­culo quiere contribuir a una mejor comprensiĂłn no sĂłlo de la redefiniciĂłn de las estructuras de autoridad de los alĂ©vis, sino tambiĂ©n de la forma en que los discursos legales y pĂșblicos sobre la religiĂłn influyen sobre el desarrollo de esta redefiniciĂłn

    Strategien gegen Zwergsteinbrand (Tilletia controversa) und Steinbrand (Tilletia caries) im ökologischen Getreidebau

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    Im Rahmen dieses Forschungsprojektes wird untersucht, inwieweit Schwellenwerte fĂŒr Zwergsteinbrand (Tilletia controversa) und Steinbrand (Tilletia caries) am Saatgut ausreichen oder ob kĂŒnftig das Infektionspotential im Boden stĂ€rker berĂŒcksichtigt werden muss. Die mehrfaktoriellen Feldversuche werden als randomisierte Streifenanlagen, an jeweils drei Orten mit anfĂ€lligen und weniger anfĂ€lligen Weizen- und Dinkelsorten mit unterschiedlichen Infektionsstufen und vier Wiederholungen durchgefĂŒhrt. ZusĂ€tzlich wird beim Steinbrand eine FrĂŒh- und SpĂ€tsaatvariante geprĂŒft. Zur Sicherheit wurde beim Zwergsteinbrand eine Variante mit Bodeninfektion angelegt. Der Sporenbefall wird am Erntegut und im Boden ermittelt. Beim Zwergsteinbrand lĂ€sst sich derzeit kein Zusammenhang zwischen Infektionspotential im Boden und am Erntegut erkennen. Sortenunterschiede konnten nicht festgestellt werden. Beim Steinbrand zeigte die FrĂŒhsaat einen deutlich höheren Sporenbefall am Erntegut als die SpĂ€tsaat. Die Sortenwahl entscheidet signifikant ĂŒber das Befallsauftreten. Es konnte bestĂ€tigt werden, dass der Steinbrand auch vom Boden aus infizieren kann

    Erarbeitung von Schwellenwerten zur wirksamen BekĂ€mpfung von Zwergsteinbrand (Tilletia controversa) und Steinbrand (Tilletia caries) sowie deren praktische Umsetzung im Öko-Landbau

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    Zwergsteinbrand und Steinbrand sind die gefĂ€hrlichsten und hĂ€ufigsten Krankheiten im ökologischen Weizenanbau. In diesem Projekt wurde untersucht, inwieweit Schwellenwerte fĂŒr das Saatgut und den Boden zur Befallsminderung beitragen. Die randomisierten, mehrfaktoriellen Feldversuche wurden als Spaltanlage mit vier Wiederholungen ĂŒber ganz Deutschland verteilt durchgefĂŒhrt. Saatgut mit unterschiedlichen Infektionsstufen von anfĂ€lligen und weniger anfĂ€lligen Weizen- und Dinkelsorten kamen zum Anbau. Befallsfreie Jahre gibt es bei Brandkrankheiten nicht. Leichter Befall konnte in jedem Jahr und auf jedem Standort festgestellt werden. Hoher Befall konnte nur unter bestimmten WitterungsverhĂ€ltnissen beobachtet werden. Bei den zusĂ€tzlich durchgefĂŒhrten SortenanfĂ€lligkeitsversuchen zeigten sich bei beiden Brandkrankheiten deutliche Sortenunterschiede. WĂ€hrend sich fĂŒr Zwergsteinbrand ein Schwellenwert von 50 Sporen in 10 g Boden herauskristallisierte, ist bei Steinbrand kein Schwellenwert fĂŒr den Boden notwendig. Am Saatgut konnte fĂŒr beide Brandkrankheiten der Schwellenwert von 20 Sporen pro Korn bestĂ€tigt werden. Bei Steinbrand zeigte sich bei der SpĂ€tsaat ein signifikant geringerer Befall gegenĂŒber der FrĂŒhsaat

    From pro-growth and planetary limits to degrowth and decoloniality: An emerging bioeconomy policy and research agenda

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    In 2012, the European Commission (EC) introduced the new bio-based economy or bioeconomy policy project, since adopted by about 50 countries. Alongside politicians, various research and other interest groups have promoted the bioeconomy as inevitable, apolitical, and a triple-win strategy for nature, people, and the economy. Recently, bioeconomy is also actively promoted and framed as transformative. Yet what is transformative or even new in the EU bioeconomy policy, and why is it important to critically engage with the concept of bioeconomy, especially but not only in the so-called Global South? To address these questions, we revisit the discursive field of the bioeconomy, outlining two dominant yet opposed visions that focus on economic growth and planetary limits respectively. We term them ‘pro-economic growth’ and ‘pro-planetary limits’ bioeconomy visions. Drawing on the literature and our own empirical research in market-based, ‘green’, ‘climate friendly’, and ‘bio-based’ economy policy approaches and initiatives, we highlight the EU bioeconomy's embeddedness in colonial and neocolonial logics of domination and green extractivism. While our examples are drawn from the Global South they connect and resonate with the wider European bioeconomy project. We argue that the existing EU bioeconomy visions are poorly suited to address multidimensional and intertwined existential and civilisational challenges, including overconsumption, extractivism, and global socioecological inequalities and injustices. Employing the decolonial environmental justice, feminist political ecology and degrowth literature we outline the missing narratives, ideas and logics and their potentials for fundamental and systemic change in and beyond the bioeconomy project. Finally, we highlight gaps in policy and research that warrant further attention, including: self-reflexivity in identifying policy problems and solutions; historical contextualisation of the EU's role in global environmental governance; silencing and (mis)representation; and reprioritisation of multiple existences and life-supporting practices, together with the relevant epistemologies and ontologies that support them.Peer reviewe

    Islamicate Secularities: New Perspectives on a Contested Concept

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    In the colonial era, new distinctions and differentiations between religious and non-religious spheres took shape within inner-Islamic discourses, partly as a product of encounters with Western knowledge. This introduction conceptualizes these distinctions and differentiations in relation to Islam, drawing on Marshall Hodgson’s concept of the Islamicate, which we employ for our heuristic notion of Islamicate secularities. It charts the paradigmatic conflicts that shape the contested fields of Islamic and secularity/secularism studies. The introduction discusses the epistemological and political context of these debates, and argues that theoretical and normative conflicts should not hinder further empirical inquiries into forms of secularity in Islamicate contexts. It also explores promising theoretical and methodological approaches for further explorations. Particular emphasis is laid on the historical trajectories and conditions, close in time or distant, that have played a role in the formation of contemporary Islamicate secularities

    Schwellenwerte und weitere Entscheidungshilfen bei Befall mit Zwergsteinbrand (Tilletia controversa) und Steinbrand (Tilletia caries)

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    Beim Zwergsteinbrand zeigte sich, dass bei gĂŒnstigen Infektionsbedingungen bereits ca. 50 Sporen in 10 g Boden zu einem starken Befall am Erntegut fĂŒhren. Bei den verwendeten Sorten konnten keine nennenswerten Unterschiede im Befall festgestellt werden. Ein Schwellenwert von 20 Sporen/Korn ist nach den derzeitigen Ergebnissen auch fĂŒr Zwergsteinbrand ausreichend. Da ein AbschĂ€tzen der Winterwitterung schwer möglich ist, wĂ€re ein Grenzwert fĂŒr das Infektionspotenzial im Boden, vor der Weizen- oder Dinkelsaat, durchaus ĂŒberlegenswert. Dieser lĂ€sst sich aber nach einem einjĂ€hrigem hohen Befall noch nicht festlegen. Der Steinbrandbefall ist stark von den Auflaufbedingungen abhĂ€ngig. Nach zwei vorliegenden Versuchsjahren hat sich gezeigt, dass neben einer gezielten Sortenwahl und einen spĂ€ten Saattermin (Ende Oktober) der Befall am Erntegut gering gehalten werden kann. Es konnte auch nachgewiesen werden, dass die Infektion vom Boden erfolgt. Zur Aussaat sollte nur Z-Saatgut verwendet werden, denn je höher das ausgesĂ€te Saatgut bereits mit Brandsporen befallen ist, umso höher ist der Befall im nĂ€chsten Jahr beim Erntegut. Ziel des Weizenanbaus muss sein, das Sporenpotenzial im Boden und am Erntegut so gering wie möglich zu halten. FĂŒr einen Grenzwert im Boden besteht derzeit keine Notwendigkeit, da einem Befall mit entsprechender Sortenwahl und spĂ€ten Saattermin entgegengewirkt werden kann

    Normics: Proteomic Normalization by Variance and Data-Inherent Correlation Structure

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    Several algorithms for the normalization of proteomic data are currently available, each based on a priori assumptions. Among these is the extent to which differential expression (DE) can be present in the dataset. This factor is usually unknown in explorative biomarker screens. Simultaneously, the increasing depth of proteomic analyses often requires the selection of subsets with a high probability of being DE to obtain meaningful results in downstream bioinformatical analyses. Based on the relationship of technical variation and (true) biological DE of an unknown share of proteins, we propose the “Normics” algorithm: Proteins are ranked based on their expression level–corrected variance and the mean correlation with all other proteins. The latter serves as a novel indicator of the non-DE likelihood of a protein in a given dataset. Subsequent normalization is based on a subset of non-DE proteins only. No a priori information such as batch, clinical, or replicate group is necessary. Simulation data demonstrated robust and superior performance across a wide range of stochastically chosen parameters. Five publicly available spike-in and biologically variant datasets were reliably and quantitively accurately normalized by Normics with improved performance compared to standard variance stabilization as well as median, quantile, and LOESS normalizations. In complex biological datasets Normics correctly determined proteins as being DE that had been cross-validated by an independent transcriptome analysis of the same samples. In both complex datasets Normics identified the most DE proteins. We demonstrate that combining variance analysis and data-inherent correlation structure to identify non-DE proteins improves data normalization. Standard normalization algorithms can be consolidated against high shares of (one-sided) biological regulation. The statistical power of downstream analyses can be increased by focusing on Normics-selected subsets of high DE likelihood

    Erarbeitung von Schwellenwerten zur gezielten BekĂ€mpfung von Zwergsteinbrand (Tilletia controversa) und Steinbrand (Tilletia caries) sowie deren praktische Umsetzung im Öko- Landbau

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    Dwarf bunt of wheat (Tilletia controversa) and common bunt of wheat (Tilletia caries) are the most important pathogens in organic cereal production. The aim of this research work is to find out whether a threshold value for seed is sufficient or whether the infection potential in the soil must be considered additionally. For dwarf bunt of wheat two-years-lasting field trials are performed at 3 sites with susceptible and low-susceptible wheat and spelt cultivars, 4 infection levels and 4 replications. The field trials are designed in a randomized split-block design with additional marginal-plots, so (1) sowing and harvest will be possible without greater interaction between the field plots, (2) spore contamination of the soil during harvest will be assured and (3) the determination of spore inoculum density in the soil after harvest will be enabled. Only fields with natural spore contamination are chosen. The field trials for common bunt of wheat are carried out in a similar design with 4 replicates at 4 sites with susceptible and low-susceptible wheat cultivars and two different sowing times. For an infestation with dwarf bunt of wheat, diffuse light is sufficient. The wheat cultivar Capo showed a significantly lower infestation than the cultivar Saturnus. The infestation of the spelt cultivar Franckenkorn was significantly lower than that of the cultivar Oberkulmer Rotkorn, with the infestation of spelt cultivars being in principle lower because of morphological features. The greatest significant number of infested spikes per mÂČ was found in the variant soil infection. With the dwarf bunt of wheat results from the first year no threshold values can be determined neither for seed nor for soil. In the case of infestation with common bunt of wheat, there were no significant differences between the early and late sowing dates, nor between the cultivars Capo and Tommi. The highest bunt spore potential in the soil was found at the field trial site in Saxony; however, the highest number of infested spikes per mÂČ was not found there

    On the Typology of Inflection Class Systems

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    Inflectional classes are a property of the ideal inflecting-fusional language type. Thus strongly inflecting languages have the most complex vertical and horizontal stratification of hierarchical tree structures. Weakly inflecting languages which also approach the ideal isolating type or languages which also approach the agglutinating type have much shallower structures. Such properties follow from principles of Natural Morphology and from the distinction of the descendent hierarchy of macroclasses, classes, subclasses, subsubclasses etc. and homogeneous microclasses. The main languages of illustration are Latin, Lithuanian, Russian, German, French, Finnish, Hungarian and Turkis

    Methacholine challenge – Comparison of an ATS protocol to a new rapid single concentration technique

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    SummaryBronchial methacholine challenge is well established in asthma diagnostics and research. ATS guidelines propose a five step standard dosimeter (SDM) protocol with incremental concentrations of methacholine to calculate the concentration causing a 20% drop in FEV1 in an individual (PC20FEV1). In contrast, the aerosol provocation system (APS) by ViasysÂź automatically determines the administered dose of methacholine by measuring the effective nebulisation time and referring it to drug concentration and nebuliser power. Therefore, it offers a feasible and less time-consuming provocation procedure by applying incremental doses (PD20) of methacholine using a single concentration (16mg/mL methacholine, APS-SC). In this study we compared these two methods in 52 young adults (25±5.8 years). Following a screening visit, subjects were randomly assigned to undergo either SDM or APS-SC followed by the other method within 1 week. A close correlation between concentration and dosage causing a 20% fall of FEV1 was found (r=0.69, p<0.001).Using the ATS categorisation of bronchial responsiveness we interpreted the results of the APS-SC method as follows: PD20 methacholine<0.3mg as “moderate to severe BHR”, 0.3 – 0.6mg as “mild BHR”, 0.6 – 1.0mg as “borderline BHR”, and>1.0mg as “normal bronchial response”.We conclude that the five-step APS-SC is a suitable method, providing reliable results. In clinical practice the APS-SC is a timesaving procedure and less prone to errors since only one dilution of methacholine is necessary compared to the SDM
