14 research outputs found

    Development of model for evaluation of efficient business process management dimensions influence based on the specific aspects of the apparel industry

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    Пред изазовима савременог пословања организације морају да приступе са високим нивоом флексибилности и спремности за усвајање промена. Усвајање адекватне пословне праксе пружа могућност лакшег остварења намера организација да усвоје принципе савременог пословања и континуирано се прилагођавају променама. Одевна индустрија сматра се посебно специфичном јер има радно-интензиван и креативан карактер. Осим тога, за дизајн и производњу одевних производа потребна су одређена професионална знања и вештине. Сматра се индустријом са претежним уделом женске радне снаге и значајнијим бројем микро, малих и средњих предузећа. Организације одевне индустрије, у складу са специфичностима које одређују природу њиховог пословања, теже да усвоје пословну праксу која би у правој мери обухватила све аспекте пословања узимајући у обзир најутицајније специфичности. У савременом пословању, које разматра примену најбољих пословних пракси у производно - пословним системима, ефикасно управљање пословним процесима постаје важно и јавља се као пракса која доприноси укупном побољшању пословања организације, јер се фокусира на унапређење интерних процеса и процеса које се одвијају између различитих организација унутар ланца снабдевања. Штавише, управљање пословним процесима у организацијама одевне индустрије се може сматрати праксом која доводи до успостављања стабилног и прогресивног пословања. Ефикасно управљање пословним процесима у организацијама одевне индустрије може бити резултат усклађености посебних димензија у складу са природом пословања. Према томе, истраживању се приступа уз претпоставку да је функционисање процеса и управљање њима условљено специфичностима које карактеришу пословање организација одевне индустрије, те да у складу са тиме треба размотрити који сет димензија утиче и директно води ка успостављању праксе ефикасног упраљања пословним процесима. Сходно томе, у оквиру истраживачког дела рада развијен је модел за процену утицаја димензија ефикасног управљања пословним процесима на основу специфичности одевне индустрије. Истраживање је спроведено у три нивоа. Сваки ниво истраживања изнедрио је релевантне закључке о утицајним димензијама које су у финалном ниво моделоване. Први ниво истраживања обухватио је мишљења експерата из текстилне и одевне индустрије, док је други ниво базиран на мишљењима 508 менаџера/власника и запослених у самим организацијама. Трећи ниво истраживања усмерен је на развој модела за процену утицаја димензија формираних на основу закључака изведених из претходних нивоа. Кључни допринос дисертације се огледа у развоју модела који омогућава истицање путање на којој се налазе димензије од утицаја на успостављање праксе ефикасног управљања пословним процесима у организацијама одевне индустрије које послују у окружењу окарактерисаном многим спефифичностима. У оквиру овог истраживања значај улоге људских ресурса и управљања њима као корака од значаја за ублажавање потенцијално негативних утицаја појединих специфичности и успостављање праксе ефикасног управљања пословним процесима јасно је истакнут.In the face of the challenges of modern business, organizations must approach with a high level of flexibility and readiness to adopt change. The adoption of adequate business practice provides an opportunity to more easily realize the intentions of organizations to adopt the principles of modern business and continuously adapt to change. The apparel industry is considered particularly specific because it has a labor-intensive and creative character. Besides, certain professional knowledge and skills are required for the design and production of apparel. It is considered to be an industry with a predominant share of female labor and a significant number of micro, small, and medium enterprises. Apparel industry organizations, under the specifics that determine the nature of their business, strive to adopt business practices that would properly cover all aspects of business, taking into account the most influential ones. In modern business, which considers the application of best business practices in production - business systems, efficient business process management becomes important and appears as a practice that contributes to the overall improvement of the organization's business, because it focuses on improving internal processes and processes between different organizations within the supply chain. Therefore, business process management in the apparel industry organizations can be considered a practice that leads to the establishment of stable and progressive business. Efficient business process management in the apparel industry organizations can be the result of the harmonization of special dimensions by the nature of business. Therefore, the research is approached on the assumption that the functioning of processes and their management is conditioned by the specifics that characterize the business of the apparel industry organizations, and accordingly to consider which set of dimensions affects and leads to the establishment of efficient business process management. Accordingly, within the research part of the paper, a model was developed to assess the impact of the dimensions of efficient business process management based on the specifics of the apparel industry. The research was conducted on three levels. Each level of research yielded relevant conclusions about the influential dimensions that were modeled on the final level. The first level of research included the opinions of experts from the textile and apparel industry, while the second level was based on the opinions of 508 managers/owners and employees in the organizations themselves. The third level of research is focused on the development of a model for assessing the impact of dimensions formed based on conclusions drawn from previous levels. The key contribution of the dissertation is reflected in the development of a model that allows highlighting the path on which the dimensions of influence on the establishment of the practice of efficient business process management in clothing organizations operating in an environment characterized by many specifics. Within this research, the importance of the role of human resources and managing them, as a step of importance for mitigating the potentially negative impacts of certain specifics and establishing the practice of efficient business process management, is clearly emphasized

    Creating value for customers in the process of new textile product development

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    In line with the contemporary requirements of the fashion market and the development of new production technologies, which can be adapted to these requirements, new opportunities are emerging in the production segment of the textile and clothing industry. This industry can be characterized as creative industry in which innovation leads to sustainable development and competitive advantage. Innovation of products in fashion industry is a continuous process which should be properly managed so that its outcome could produce satisfactory results. As Ekstroem and Karlsson state, customer needs analysis has become more important over the time. Based on this statement, companies are becoming more customers oriented, and they tend to involve customers in process of new product development in order to increase the value outcomes of customer participation in mentioned process. This paper presents the evaluation of textile products value creation through the implementation of innovations in the development of new products based on customer involvement in the new product development process by gathering customer opinions. The research part of this paper seeks to examine the degree of product value creation for customers based on their own involvement in the process of developing new products. Focusing on the place of the involvement of customers in the process of creating values in different phases of the product development process and the degree of customer satisfaction with the outcome of the process in which they took a role. A small number of papers actually focuses on examination of the level of customers involvement within the various phases of the process of developing new textile products, and this paper is mainly oriented on examination within idea generation phase which could serve as an aid in new product development "front-end" decision making. The results of this research could be used as a guidance for formulating the future strategic steps of innovation within new product development based on ideas generated under the influence of the dialog between companies and customers. Practical value of this paper is, also, reflected in encouraging domestic organizations to innovate and position themself more favourable while building widely recognizable brand. While accepting the fact that customers are at the center of attention and that they should not be approached with an "one size fits all" attitude, because different segments of customers have different expectations and different perceptions of values

    Potential impact of the science - technology park on the regional development

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    The impact of the Science and Technology Park (STP) on the development of one region can be considered through many reasons for establishment of STPs. STP represent useful instrument which creates conditions for promoting innovations, entrepreneurship, growth of knowledge-based companies, while the output results are reflected in economic growth of the region. Due to declining demographic trends in region of eastern Serbia, especially considering young population and phenomenon of “brain drain”, the goal of STP is to provide conditions for intellectual companionship at the highest level, to create chances to exchange knowledge and ideas, to improve potential of the community and to increase knowledge and achieve suitable bilateral cooperation with similar entities in the world. This paper provides review of possible benefits of establishing STP in city of Bor, based on scientific-research potential of Eastern Serbia region

    Contemporary management of business processes within the supply chain of fashion industry

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    Evaluation of Process Orientation Dimensions in the Apparel Industry

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    The dimensions that influence the establishment of business process management (BPM) practices and the progression to higher levels of process maturity derive from exploring the dimensions of process orientation of organizations. Small and medium-sized clothing enterprises (SME’s) are characterized by various specifics that can affect the degree of process orientation adoption and the pace of transition from lower to higher levels of process maturity. According to these specifics, the acceptance of the process approach may be differently affected. For the purpose of adequate evaluation and prioritization of the most influential dimensions, a new integrated multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) model that combines classical and fuzzy theory was developed. First, the full consistency method (FUCOM) method was applied, followed by the fuzzy pivot pairwise relative criteria importance assessment (fuzzy PIPRECIA) method to obtain more accurate criteria values. Prioritization of the most influential BPM dimension contributes to highlighting the area of business that needs to be primarily strengthened by appropriate actions for successful establishment of BPM in apparel industry SMEs. Within this research, the prioritized dimension refers to human resource management in accordance with the specific aspects of business within the apparel industry.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel – 202

    Search for top-down and bottom-up drivers of latitudinal trends in insect herbivory in oak trees in Europe

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    International audienceAim: The strength of species interactions is traditionally expected to increase toward the Equator. However, recent studies have reported opposite or inconsistent latitudinal trends in the bottom-up (plant quality) and top-down (natural enemies) forces driving herbivory. In addition, these forces have rarely been studied together thus limiting previous attempts to understand the effect of large-scale climatic gradients on herbivory. Location: Europe. Time period: 2018–2019. Major taxa studied: Quercus robur. Methods: We simultaneously tested for latitudinal variation in plant–herbivore–natural enemy interactions. We further investigated the underlying climatic factors associated with variation in herbivory, leaf chemistry and attack rates in Quercus robur across its complete latitudinal range in Europe. We quantified insect leaf damage and the incidence of specialist herbivores as well as leaf chemistry and bird attack rates on dummy caterpillars on 261 oak trees. Results: Climatic factors rather than latitude per se were the best predictors of the large-scale (geographical) variation in the incidence of gall-inducers and leaf-miners as well as in leaf nutritional content. However, leaf damage, plant chemical defences (leaf phenolics) and bird attack rates were not influenced by climatic factors or latitude. The incidence of leaf-miners increased with increasing concentrations of hydrolysable tannins, whereas the incidence of gall-inducers increased with increasing leaf soluble sugar concentration and decreased with increasing leaf C : N ratios and lignins. However, leaf traits and bird attack rates did not vary with leaf damage. Main conclusions: These findings help to refine our understanding of the bottom-up and top-down mechanisms driving geographical variation in plant–herbivore interactions, and indicate the need for further examination of the drivers of herbivory on trees

    Herbivory on the pedunculate oak along an urbanization gradient in Europe : Effects of impervious surface, local tree cover, and insect feeding guild

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    Urbanization is an important driver of the diversity and abundance of tree-associated insect herbivores, but its consequences for insect herbivory are poorly understood. A likely source of variability among studies is the insufficient consideration of intraurban variability in forest cover. With the help of citizen scientists, we investigated the independent and interactive effects of local canopy cover and percentage of impervious surface on insect herbivory in the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) throughout most of its geographic range in Europe. We found that the damage caused by chewing insect herbivores as well as the incidence of leaf-mining and gall-inducing herbivores consistently decreased with increasing impervious surface around focal oaks. Herbivory by chewing herbivores increased with increasing forest cover, regardless of impervious surface. In contrast, an increase in local canopy cover buffered the negative effect of impervious surface on leaf miners and strengthened its effect on gall inducers. These results show that – just like in non-urban areas – plant-herbivore interactions in cities are structured by a complex set of interacting factors. This highlights that local habitat characteristics within cities have the potential to attenuate or modify the effect of impervious surfaces on biotic interactions.Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Grant/Award Number: ANR-10--LABX-45; Fondation BNP Paribas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Herbivory on the pedunculate oak along an urbanization gradient in Europe: Effects of impervious surface, local tree cover, and insect feeding guild

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    Urbanization is an important driver of the diversity and abundance of tree-associated insect herbivores, but its consequences for insect herbivory are poorly understood. A likely source of variability among studies is the insufficient consideration of intra-urban variability in forest cover. With the help of citizen scientists, we investigated the independent and interactive effects of local canopy cover and percentage of impervious surface on insect herbivory in the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) throughout most of its geographic range in Europe. We found that the damage caused by chewing insect herbivores as well as the incidence of leaf-mining and gall-inducing herbivores consistently decreased with increasing impervious surface around focal oaks. Herbivory by chewing herbivores increased with increasing forest cover, regardless of impervious surface. In contrast, an increase in local canopy cover buffered the negative effect of impervious surface on leaf miners and strengthened its effect on gall inducers. These results show that-just like in non-urban areas-plant-herbivore interactions in cities are structured by a complex set of interacting factors. This highlights that local habitat characteristics within cities have the potential to attenuate or modify the effect of impervious surfaces on biotic interactions

    Search for top-down and bottom-up drivers of latitudinal trends in insect herbivory in oak trees in Europe

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    AimThe strength of species interactions is traditionally expected to increase toward the Equator. However, recent studies have reported opposite or inconsistent latitudinal trends in the bottom‐up (plant quality) and top‐down (natural enemies) forces driving herbivory. In addition, these forces have rarely been studied together thus limiting previous attempts to understand the effect of large‐scale climatic gradients on herbivory.LocationEurope.Time period2018–2019.Major taxa studiedQuercus robur.MethodsWe simultaneously tested for latitudinal variation in plant–herbivore–natural enemy interactions. We further investigated the underlying climatic factors associated with variation in herbivory, leaf chemistry and attack rates in Quercus robur across its complete latitudinal range in Europe. We quantified insect leaf damage and the incidence of specialist herbivores as well as leaf chemistry and bird attack rates on dummy caterpillars on 261 oak trees.ResultsClimatic factors rather than latitude per se were the best predictors of the large‐scale (geographical) variation in the incidence of gall‐inducers and leaf‐miners as well as in leaf nutritional content. However, leaf damage, plant chemical defences (leaf phenolics) and bird attack rates were not influenced by climatic factors or latitude. The incidence of leaf‐miners increased with increasing concentrations of hydrolysable tannins, whereas the incidence of gall‐inducers increased with increasing leaf soluble sugar concentration and decreased with increasing leaf C : N ratios and lignins. However, leaf traits and bird attack rates did not vary with leaf damage.Main conclusionsThese findings help to refine our understanding of the bottom‐up and top‐down mechanisms driving geographical variation in plant–herbivore interactions, and indicate the need for further examination of the drivers of herbivory on trees.</p

    Development of model for evaluation of efficient business process management dimensions influence based on the specific aspects of the apparel industry

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    Пред изазовима савременог пословања организације морају да приступе са високим нивоом флексибилности и спремности за усвајање промена. Усвајање адекватне пословне праксе пружа могућност лакшег остварења намера организација да усвоје принципе савременог пословања и континуирано се прилагођавају променама. Одевна индустрија сматра се посебно специфичном јер има радно-интензиван и креативан карактер. Осим тога, за дизајн и производњу одевних производа потребна су одређена професионална знања и вештине. Сматра се индустријом са претежним уделом женске радне снаге и значајнијим бројем микро, малих и средњих предузећа. Организације одевне индустрије, у складу са специфичностима које одређују природу њиховог пословања, теже да усвоје пословну праксу која би у правој мери обухватила све аспекте пословања узимајући у обзир најутицајније специфичности. У савременом пословању, које разматра примену најбољих пословних пракси у производно - пословним системима, ефикасно управљање пословним процесима постаје важно и јавља се као пракса која доприноси укупном побољшању пословања организације, јер се фокусира на унапређење интерних процеса и процеса које се одвијају између различитих организација унутар ланца снабдевања. Штавише, управљање пословним процесима у организацијама одевне индустрије се може сматрати праксом која доводи до успостављања стабилног и прогресивног пословања. Ефикасно управљање пословним процесима у организацијама одевне индустрије може бити резултат усклађености посебних димензија у складу са природом пословања. Према томе, истраживању се приступа уз претпоставку да је функционисање процеса и управљање њима условљено специфичностима које карактеришу пословање организација одевне индустрије, те да у складу са тиме треба размотрити који сет димензија утиче и директно води ка успостављању праксе ефикасног упраљања пословним процесима. Сходно томе, у оквиру истраживачког дела рада развијен је модел за процену утицаја димензија ефикасног управљања пословним процесима на основу специфичности одевне индустрије. Истраживање је спроведено у три нивоа. Сваки ниво истраживања изнедрио је релевантне закључке о утицајним димензијама које су у финалном ниво моделоване. Први ниво истраживања обухватио је мишљења експерата из текстилне и одевне индустрије, док је други ниво базиран на мишљењима 508 менаџера/власника и запослених у самим организацијама. Трећи ниво истраживања усмерен је на развој модела за процену утицаја димензија формираних на основу закључака изведених из претходних нивоа. Кључни допринос дисертације се огледа у развоју модела који омогућава истицање путање на којој се налазе димензије од утицаја на успостављање праксе ефикасног управљања пословним процесима у организацијама одевне индустрије које послују у окружењу окарактерисаном многим спефифичностима. У оквиру овог истраживања значај улоге људских ресурса и управљања њима као корака од значаја за ублажавање потенцијално негативних утицаја појединих специфичности и успостављање праксе ефикасног управљања пословним процесима јасно је истакнут.In the face of the challenges of modern business, organizations must approach with a high level of flexibility and readiness to adopt change. The adoption of adequate business practice provides an opportunity to more easily realize the intentions of organizations to adopt the principles of modern business and continuously adapt to change. The apparel industry is considered particularly specific because it has a labor-intensive and creative character. Besides, certain professional knowledge and skills are required for the design and production of apparel. It is considered to be an industry with a predominant share of female labor and a significant number of micro, small, and medium enterprises. Apparel industry organizations, under the specifics that determine the nature of their business, strive to adopt business practices that would properly cover all aspects of business, taking into account the most influential ones. In modern business, which considers the application of best business practices in production - business systems, efficient business process management becomes important and appears as a practice that contributes to the overall improvement of the organization's business, because it focuses on improving internal processes and processes between different organizations within the supply chain. Therefore, business process management in the apparel industry organizations can be considered a practice that leads to the establishment of stable and progressive business. Efficient business process management in the apparel industry organizations can be the result of the harmonization of special dimensions by the nature of business. Therefore, the research is approached on the assumption that the functioning of processes and their management is conditioned by the specifics that characterize the business of the apparel industry organizations, and accordingly to consider which set of dimensions affects and leads to the establishment of efficient business process management. Accordingly, within the research part of the paper, a model was developed to assess the impact of the dimensions of efficient business process management based on the specifics of the apparel industry. The research was conducted on three levels. Each level of research yielded relevant conclusions about the influential dimensions that were modeled on the final level. The first level of research included the opinions of experts from the textile and apparel industry, while the second level was based on the opinions of 508 managers/owners and employees in the organizations themselves. The third level of research is focused on the development of a model for assessing the impact of dimensions formed based on conclusions drawn from previous levels. The key contribution of the dissertation is reflected in the development of a model that allows highlighting the path on which the dimensions of influence on the establishment of the practice of efficient business process management in clothing organizations operating in an environment characterized by many specifics. Within this research, the importance of the role of human resources and managing them, as a step of importance for mitigating the potentially negative impacts of certain specifics and establishing the practice of efficient business process management, is clearly emphasized