29 research outputs found

    Pustulose Exantemática Generalizada Aguda Resistente a Esteroides que Mimetiza Psoríase Pustulosa Generalizada Tratada com Sucesso por Metotrexato

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    Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis is a rare drug-induced eruption that is characterized by sterile non-follicular pustules arising on an often edematous diffuse erythematous background. Generalized pustular psoriasis is an acute and severe clinical form of psoriasis presenting as pustular eruption with erythematous base. Differentiating both diseases is often challenging because of their clinical and histopathological similarities. A 62-year-old woman presented with pustular eruption and fever three days after taking propyphenazone. Laboratory findings revealed leukocytosis and neutrophilia. Histopathological findings revealed a subcorneal spongiform pustule filled with neutrophils and perivascular inflammatory cell infiltration with neutrophils in the dermis. She was initially treated with systemic steroids, however, the lesions showed insignificant improvement. Treatment was then shifted to methotrexate which resulted in a dramatic clinical improvement.A pustulose exantemática aguda generalizada é uma reacção adversa a fármacos rara caracterizada por pústulas estéreis não foliculares que surgem frequentemente em pele eritematosa. A psoríase pustulose generalizada é uma forma aguda e grave de psoríase que se manifesta por erupção pustulosa em base eritematosa e que pode ser difícil de distinguir da pustulose exantemática aguda generalizada tanto do ponto de vista clínico como histopatológico. Apresentamos o caso de mulher de 62 anos com erupção pustular e febre três dias depois de tomar propifenazona, com leucocitose e neutrofilia. O estudo histopatológico mostrou uma pústula espongiforme subcórnea com neutrófilos e um filtrado inflamatório dérmico perivascular com neutrófilos e alguns eosinófilos. Dada a fraca resposta aos corticoides foi tratada com metotrexato com boa resposta


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    Neuralgia Pasca Herpetik (NPH) merupakan komplikasi yang paling sering muncul dari Herpes Zoster. NPH dapat didiagnosa dimana nyeri yang persisten pada dermatom setelah timbulnya erupsi vesikel pada kulit. NPH bermanifestasi dengan gejala nyeri yang berbeda-beda, dapat berupa nyeri yang konstan, intermiten, atau nyeri yang terstimulasi. Insidennya meningkat sesuai dengan peningkatan usia. Penatalaksanaannya adalah dengan pemberian analgesik kombinasi untuk pengobatan simptomatik nyeri. Dilaporkan satu kasus neuralgia pasca herpetik pada seorang laki - laki berusia 51 tahun, yang mendapat terapi oral amitriptilin, asam mefenamat dan vitamin B kompleks dan memberikan perbaikan terhadap nyeri

    Closure of a large nasal dorsum defect using a bilateral crescent advancement flap from the malar region to the nose

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    The closure of large defects on the nasal dorsum is a challenge for dermatologic surgeons. The alternatives to repair the defect are a skin graft and some forms of skin flaps. One particular defect closure technique is the crescentic advancement flap, which uses crescent incisions at the nasolabial fold to accommodate the excess tissue. This flap is best used if the defect is in the lateral nose, alar, and nasolabial fold. We report a large defect of the nasal dorsum in a 65-year-old woman that was successfully reconstructed using bilateral cheek-to-nose crescentic advancement flap. The patient showed excellent cosmetic and outcome

    Psoriasis Pustular Generalisata yang Diterapi dengan Kortikosteroid Sistemik

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    Psoriasis pustular generalisata atau yang sering juga disebut Von Zumbusch merupakan bentuk psoriasis inflamatori yang jarang terjadi dan secara klinis berkarakteristik demam yang diikuti dengan erupsi generalisata pus steril dengan diameter 2-3mm pada kulit yang eritem. Pengobatan yang umumnya digunakan adalah etretinate, methotrexate (MTX), cyclosporine, infliximab, atau kortikosteroid sistemik. Kami memaparkan seorang wanita berusia 39 tahun dengan psoriasis pustular generalisata yang diterapi dengan kortikosteroid sistemik.Kata kunci : psoriasis pustular generalisata, Von Zumbusch, terapi, kortikostresoid sistemi

    Lymphedema resulting from filariasis successfully treated by surgery

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    Filariasis is an infectious disease caused by a filarial worm infection transmitted by mosquito bites. The disease can result in reduced work productivity, disability and social stigma. This disease transmission process begins when a mosquito bite and suck the blood containing the microfilaria. Filarial infections have been grouped into three categories based on their location diseases of the disease: (1) lymphatics, (2) skin, and (3) body cavities. Morbidity is almost entirely due to the species that cause lymphatic diseases, and skin diseases to a lesser degree. A 28-year-old male came with a chief complaint of swollen right leg since four years ago which worsened in the last three months. Upon physical examination, edema, fibrosis, and hyper-pigmented plaques were present on the right lower extremity. The blood microfilariae examination was positive for Wuchereria bancrofti. The lymphedema did not resolve despite of antifilarial treatment and surgery was eventually performed to resect the fibrous tissue and subcutaneous edema. The patient responded well to the treatment with a significant reduction in the edema. No complication was present until two years after surgery

    Comparison of Total Antioxidant Capacity and Cd-4 in Patients with HIV Stage I and Stage IV

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    Introduction: The role of Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) is the cumulative effect of all the antioxidants found in the blood and body fluids. Objective: to know the total antioxidant status in patients with HIV and CD4 stage I and stage IV. Methods: Thirty-four patients with HIV who are divided into two groups, one was HIV patients with stage I and group 2 was HIV patients with stage IV. Checking of total antioxidant status and CD4 in both groups. Results: There was no significant difference in total antioxidant status in HIV oenderita stage I and stage IV. There are significant differences in the levels of CD4 HIV patients with stage I and stage IV. There is a relationship between total antioxidant status and CD4 in patients with HIV. Conclusion: the higher the CD4 count, the higher the total antioxidant capacity in patients with HIV

    The Impact of the Frequency of 7,12- Dimethylbenz [á] Anthracene (Dmba) Administration on the Formation of Dysplasia and Squamous Cell Carcinoma on the Skin of Albino Mice

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    Introduction: Dosage and frequency of 7,12-dimethylbenz[á] anthracene (DMBA) com- pound exposure suspected to affect the rapid growth of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in albino mice. Objective: find out the impact of DMBA exposure to dysplasia and SCC formation on albino mice. Methods: Twenty-five albino mice were divided into five groups, namely: Group 1 is the control (acetone), group 2 is 5 albino mice given four times DMBA100 µg exposure for eight weeks, group 3 is 5 albino mice were given eight times DMBA100 µg exposure for eight weeks, group 4 is 5 albino mice were given twelve times DMBA100 µg exposure for eight weeks, and group 5 is 5 albino mice were given sixteen times DMBA 100 µg exposure for eight weeks. Histopathological examination were conducted to assess histopathological feature including inflammation, dysplasia, and SCC. Results: There is a significant effect of the frequency of DMBA exposure to the clinical figure and against histopathological feature of the skin albino mice.Conclusions: Dosage and fre- quency of DMBA exposure affect the occurence of dysplasia and SCC, which are in- creasingly being DMBA exposure will accelerate the growth of SCC. The frequency of the most widely pose a SCC in DMBA 100 µg sixteen times exposure group, twice a week for eight weeks

    Identification of Malassezia Species in Seborrheic Dermatitis Patients Using Nested-pcr

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    Seborrheic Dermatitis is a common chronic papulosquamous disease and may affect adults and infants. This study aims to determine the frequency of Malassezia species among Seborrheic dermatitis patients using Nested-PCR; and to evaluate the effect of HIV and non-HIV on the incidence of Malassezia species. The research was conducted at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo hospital and other hospitals in Makassar from June 2017 to August 2017. This study used analytic and descriptive observational method with cross sectional approach. The samples were Seborrheic dermatitis patients aged over 18 years old who came to dermatovenereology outpatient department of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital and other hospital in Makassar. A total of 30 samples of seborrheic dermatitis patients, consisting of 5 HIV positive and 25 non-HIV patients, were scraped to collect the Seborrheic specimens, then Nested-PCR was performed to identify the Malassezia species. The results showed a high frequency of Malassezia species in seborrheic dermatitis patients, of which 30 samples obtained 23 samples was positive and 7 samples was negative, with Malassezia restricta as dominant species. Using nested PCR, of the 5 HIV positive patients, 4 samples (80%) were positive for Malassezia, while from 25 samples of non-HIV patients 19 (76%) of them were positive for Malassezia.


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    ABSTRACT Introduction: The role of Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) is the cumulative effect of all the antioxidants found in the blood and body fluids. Objective: to know the total antioxidant status in patients with HIV and CD4 stage I and stage IV. Methods: Thirty-four patients with HIV who are  divided into two groups, one was HIV patients with stage I and  group  2 was HIV patients with stage IV. Checking of total antioxidant status and CD4 in both groups. Results: There was no significant difference in total antioxidant status in HIV oenderita stage I and stage IV. There are significant differences in the levels of CD4 HIV patients with stage I and stage IV. There  is a relationship between total antioxidant status and CD4 in patients with HIV. Conclusion: the higher the CD4 count,  the higher the total antioxidant capacity in patients with HIV. Keywords : CD4, Patients HIV, Total Antioxidant Capacit