Identification of Malassezia Species in Seborrheic Dermatitis Patients Using Nested-pcr


Seborrheic Dermatitis is a common chronic papulosquamous disease and may affect adults and infants. This study aims to determine the frequency of Malassezia species among Seborrheic dermatitis patients using Nested-PCR; and to evaluate the effect of HIV and non-HIV on the incidence of Malassezia species. The research was conducted at Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo hospital and other hospitals in Makassar from June 2017 to August 2017. This study used analytic and descriptive observational method with cross sectional approach. The samples were Seborrheic dermatitis patients aged over 18 years old who came to dermatovenereology outpatient department of Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital and other hospital in Makassar. A total of 30 samples of seborrheic dermatitis patients, consisting of 5 HIV positive and 25 non-HIV patients, were scraped to collect the Seborrheic specimens, then Nested-PCR was performed to identify the Malassezia species. The results showed a high frequency of Malassezia species in seborrheic dermatitis patients, of which 30 samples obtained 23 samples was positive and 7 samples was negative, with Malassezia restricta as dominant species. Using nested PCR, of the 5 HIV positive patients, 4 samples (80%) were positive for Malassezia, while from 25 samples of non-HIV patients 19 (76%) of them were positive for Malassezia.

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