9 research outputs found

    Vision and locomotion shape the interactions between neuron types in mouse visual cortex

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    Cortical computation arises from the interaction of multiple neuronal types, including pyramidal (Pyr) cells and interneurons expressing Sst, Vip, or Pvalb. To study the circuit underlying such interactions, we imaged these four types of cells in mouse primary visual cortex (V1). Our recordings in darkness were consistent with a ‘‘disinhibitory’’ model in which locomotion activates Vip cells, thus inhibiting Sst cells and disinhibiting Pyr cells. However, the disinhibitory model failed when visual stimuli were present: locomotion increased Sst cell responses to large stimuli and Vip cell responses to small stimuli. A recurrent network model successfully predicted each cell type’s activity from the measured activity of other types. Capturing the effects of locomotion, however, required allowing it to increase feedforward synaptic weights and modulate recurrent weights. This network model summarizes interneuron interactions and suggests that locomotion may alter cortical computation by changing effective synaptic connectivity

    A transcriptomic axis predicts state modulation of cortical interneurons

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    Transcriptomics has revealed that cortical inhibitory neurons exhibit a great diversity of fine molecular subtypes1-6, but it is not known whether these subtypes have correspondingly diverse patterns of activity in the living brain. Here we show that inhibitory subtypes in primary visual cortex (V1) have diverse correlates with brain state, which are organized by a single factor: position along the main axis of transcriptomic variation. We combined in vivo two-photon calcium imaging of mouse V1 with a transcriptomic method to identify mRNA for 72 selected genes in ex vivo slices. We classified inhibitory neurons imaged in layers 1-3 into a three-level hierarchy of 5 subclasses, 11 types and 35 subtypes using previously defined transcriptomic clusters3. Responses to visual stimuli differed significantly only between subclasses, with cells in the Sncg subclass uniformly suppressed, and cells in the other subclasses predominantly excited. Modulation by brain state differed at all hierarchical levels but could be largely predicted from the first transcriptomic principal component, which also predicted correlations with simultaneously recorded cells. Inhibitory subtypes that fired more in resting, oscillatory brain states had a smaller fraction of their axonal projections in layer 1, narrower spikes, lower input resistance and weaker adaptation as determined in vitro7, and expressed more inhibitory cholinergic receptors. Subtypes that fired more during arousal had the opposite properties. Thus, a simple principle may largely explain how diverse inhibitory V1 subtypes shape state-dependent cortical processing

    Correlations in background activity control persistent state stability and allow execution of working memory tasks

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    International audienceWorking memory (WM) requires selective information gating, active information maintenance, and rapid active updating. Hence performing a WM task needs rapid and controlled transitions between neural persistent activity and the resting state. We propose that changes in correlations in neural activity provides a mechanism for the required WM operations. As a proof of principle, we implement sustained activity and WM in recurrently coupled spiking networks with neurons receiving excitatory random background activity where background correlations are induced by a common noise source. We first characterize how the level of background correlations controls the stability of the persistent state. With sufficiently high correlations, the sustained state becomes practically unstable, so it cannot be initiated by a transient stimulus. We exploit this in WM models implementing the delay match to sample task by modulating flexibly in time the correlation level at different phases of the task. The modulation sets the network in different working regimes: more prompt to gate in a signal or clear the memory. We examine how the correlations affect the ability of the network to perform the task when distractors are present. We show that in a winner-take-all version of the model, where two populations cross-inhibit, correlations make the distractor blocking robust. In a version of the mode where no cross inhibition is present, we show that appropriate modulation of correlation levels is sufficient to also block the distractor access while leaving the relevant memory trace in tact. The findings presented in this manuscript can form the basis for a new paradigm about how correlations are flexibly controlled by the cortical circuits to execute WM operations

    Controlling working memory operations by selective gating : the roles of oscillations and synchrony

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    Working memory (WM) is a primary cognitive function that corresponds to the ability to update, stably maintain, and manipulate short-term memory (ST M) rapidly to perform ongoing cognitive tasks. A prevalent neural substrate of WM coding is persistent neural activity, the property of neurons to remain active after having been activated by a transient sensory stimulus. This persistent activity allows for online maintenance of memory as well as its active manipulation necessary for task performance. WM is tightly capacity limited. Therefore, selective gating of sensory and internally generated information is crucial for WM function. While the exact neural substrate of selective gating remains unclear, increasing evidence suggests that it might be controlled by modulating ongoing oscillatory brain activity. Here, we review experiments and models that linked selective gating, persistent activity, and brain oscillations, putting them in the more general mechanistic context of WM. We do so by defining several operations necessary for successful WM function and then discussing how such operations may be carried out by mechanisms suggested by computational models. We specifically show how oscillatory mechanisms may provide a rapid and flexible active gating mechanism for WM operations

    A Disinhibitory Circuit for Contextual Modulation in Primary Visual Cortex

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    Context guides perception by influencing stimulus saliency. Accordingly, in visual cortex, responses to a stimulus are modulated by context, the visual scene surrounding the stimulus. Responses are suppressed when stimulus and surround are similar but not when they differ. The underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we use optical recordings, manipulations, and computational modeling to show that disinhibitory circuits consisting of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-expressing and somatostatin (SOM)-expressing inhibitory neurons modulate responses in mouse visual cortex depending on similarity between stimulus and surround, primarily by modulating recurrent excitation. When stimulus and surround are similar, VIP neurons are inactive, and activity of SOM neurons leads to suppression of excitatory neurons. However, when stimulus and surround differ, VIP neurons are active, inhibiting SOM neurons, which leads to relief of excitatory neurons from suppression. We have identified a canonical cortical disinhibitory circuit that contributes to contextual modulation and may regulate perceptual saliency

    Vision and Locomotion Shape the Interactions between Neuron Types in Mouse Visual Cortex

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    Cortical computation arises from the interaction of multiple neuronal types, including pyramidal (Pyr) cells and interneurons expressing Sst, Vip, or Pvalb. To study the circuit underlying such interactions, we imaged these four types of cells in mouse primary visual cortex (V1). Our recordings in darkness were consistent with a ‘‘disinhibitory’’ model in which locomotion activates Vip cells, thus inhibiting Sst cells and disinhibiting Pyr cells. However, the disinhibitory model failed when visual stimuli were present: locomotion increased Sst cell responses to large stimuli and Vip cell responses to small stimuli. A recurrent network model successfully predicted each cell type’s activity from the measured activity of other types. Capturing the effects of locomotion, however, required allowing it to increase feedforward synaptic weights and modulate recurrent weights. This network model summarizes interneuron interactions and suggests that locomotion may alter cortical computation by changing effective synaptic connectivity