139 research outputs found
Superoxide Dismutase Levels of Operator Gas Stations in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Air pollutants exposure on the gas station generally comes from motor vehicle emissions, such as toluene, benzene, xylene or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) compounds. These compounds are metabolized by the liver to form free radicals, thus are harmful to health. Gas station operators have a substantial risk of air pollutants exposure released by motor vehicle emissions. The objective of this research is to find out the levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in gas station operator on Semarang, Indonesia. This research was analytic observational cross-sectional study conducted from April to August 2015. The number of samples obtained in this research was 21 gas station operators and 10 volunteers who live in the countryside. Blood SOD levels biochemically determined using Randox kit SOD. The results showed that the average of SOD level in gas station operators was 0.76 u · mL–1 and volunteers was 0.87 u · mL–1. Statistical test results of SOD levels showed the significant value p = 0.860. The SOD levels of gas stations operators are lower than the SOD levels of volunteers who live in the countryside. Gas stations operator does not significantly influence SOD levels
Development of Warehouse Management System to Manage Warehouse Operations
The Warehouse Management System (WMS) is software designed to assist in managing and monitoring warehouse processes. The purpose of this research is to improve warehouse operational management by developing a WMS using the Extreme Programming method and implementing a monitoring system to display real-time temperature and humidity measurements. The research addresses issues observed in the warehouse operations of PT. Shippindo Teknologi Logistik (Shipper), a warehouse rental services company. The problems identified in Shipper's warehouse operations largely stem from human errors. Hence, this research aims to provide a viable solution to reduce human errors by implementing various management processes, including inbound and outbound management and tracking, as well as visualizing product placement within the racks using rack maps. Additionally, the integration of a temperature and humidity monitoring system in the warehouse helps monitor the warehouse's condition in real-time. Testing using the black-box method for WMS in this research was successful, demonstrating that the system can execute all functions and display temperature and humidity data as per the designed specifications (inbound, mapping, storage, temperature and humidity monitoring, outbound). The average error in temperature and humidity measurements is relatively low, with 0.9% for temperature and 1.3% for humidity. However, further development is still required to enhance the system for better performance. This includes creating a more robust model for product detection labeling on the storage page to improve label accuracy and developing control systems for advanced temperature and humidity monitoring
This research aims to determine the influence of tamansiswa tri nga and machiavellian teachings on students' desire to commit tax evasion. The population taken was all students in Indonesia with a sample of 287 respondents. The data collection technique in this research was carried out by distributing questionnaires. The data analysis method used is multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS 25 software. Based on the research results, it shows that understanding tamansiswa tri nga teachings has a negative effect, while machiavellian has a positive effect on students' desire to commit tax evasion
This study aims to examine the impact of capital structure, inflation, and exchange rates on stock returns in banking companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) during the period 2017-2021. It falls under the category of quantitative research, utilizing secondary data for collection. The population consists of banking companies listed on the IDX between 2017 and 2021, with sample selection conducted through purposive sampling, resulting in 17 banking companies and 85 observational data points. The analysis and hypothesis testing employed panel data regression analysis using Eviews-10. The findings from the regression analysis indicate that the capital structure and exchange rates, when considered individually, do not have a significant effect on stock returns. However, inflation, when examined separately, demonstrates a partial impact on stock returns. Moreover, when examining all variables simultaneously, including capital structure, inflation, and exchange rates, there is a significant collective effect on stock return
Perbaikan Kualitas Proses Thermoforming Round Drinking Cups menggunakan FMEA
PT PPA merupakan perusahaan yang memproduksi plastik kemasan thermoformed. Salah satu produk yang dihasilkan dan menjadi objek pada penelitian ini yaitu round drinking cups. Pada proses produksi round drinking cups terdapat banyak produk defect yang dihasilkan. Proses yang menghasilkan defect paling banyak yaitu proses thermoforming. Defect yang sering terjadi pada proses thermoforming yaitu defect diameter tidak standar dan meleyot. Adanya defect akan menimbulkan kerugian bagi perusahaan karena produk defect memerlukan rework dan sebagian harus dibuang. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengurangi defect diameter tidak standar dan meleyot. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). Dari data defect yang telah dikumpulkan, kemudian dilakukan penentuan defect yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan menggunakan pareto chart, selanjutnya dilakukan identifikasi penyebab-penyebab defect menggunakan cause and effect diagram dan dilakukan analisis lebih lanjut menggunakan 5 whys untuk mengidentifikasi akar penyebab defect. Hasil analisis akar penyebab defect menunjukkan terdapat 6 akar penyebab defect diameter tidak standar dan 23 akar penyebab defect meleyot. Kemudian dari akar penyebab yang telah diidentifikasi dilakukan penilaian risiko menggunakan FMEA dengan mempertimbangkan efisiensi dan downtime yang terjadi pada mesin thermoforming. Rekomendasi perbaikan diberikan berdasarkan analisis FMEA dengan nilai RPN tertinggi. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan hasil RPN tertinggi pada defect diameter tidak standar dan meleyot disebabkan permasalahan pada valve forming. Rekomendasi yang diberikan untuk mengurangi permasalahan tersebut yaitu melakukan pengecekkan valve forming, melakukan pengecekkan komponen dan pencatatan kondisi mesin secara periodik, serta meningkatkan kinerja karyawan melalui pelatihan maupun pemberian motivasi. Apabila ketiga rekomendasi tersebut diterapkan, maka diperkirakan terjadi penurunan defect diameter tidak standar sebesar 20%, dan penurunan defect meleyot sebesar 15%
Uji Stabilitas Fisik dan Kadar Flavonoid Total Sediaan Gel Ekstrak Mesokarp Buah Semangka (Citrullus lanatus)
The content of flavonoids in the white skin or mesocarp of watermelon has antioxidant power so that the active substance can be used in the manufacture of cosmetics, one of which is a gel dosage form. This type of research is observational with a descriptive research design. The purpose of this study was to obtain data on the stability of the watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) mesocarp extract gel preparation using the cycling test method. Physical stability evaluations were carried out, including organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, adhesion, spreadability, and viscosity. The results showed that the organoleptic observation of the preparation was in the form of a semi-solid, had a characteristic aromatic odor of the extract, and had a brownish-yellow color. As for the test results for the entire homogeneous cycle, the average pH range is 4.75 - 5, adhesion is 2.45 - 3.96 seconds, dispersion is 5.59 - 6.67 cm, and viscosity is 5426 - 6830 cps, and total flavonoid content of the gel preparation was 5.27%. This study concluded that the gel preparation was physically stable before and after 12 days of storage and contained 5.27% flavonoids.Kandungan flavonoid pada kulit putih atau mesokarp buah semangka memiliki daya antioksidan sehingga zat aktif tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan kosmetik, salah satunya bentuk sediaan gel. Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional dengan rancangan penelitian deskriptif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan data stabilitas sediaan gel ekstrak mesokarp buah semangka (Citrullus lanatus) dengan metode cycling test. Evaluasi stabilitas fisik yang dilakukan meliputi organoleptis, homogenitas, pH, daya lekat, daya sebar dan viskositas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengamatan organoleptis sediaan berbentuk semi solid, memiliki bau khas aromatis ekstrak, dan bewarna kuning kecoklatan. Sedangkan untuk hasil uji sediaan pada seluruh siklus homogen, rentang rata-rata pH 4,75 - 5, daya lekat 2,45 – 3,96 detik, daya sebar 5,59 – 6,67 cm dan viskositas 5426 – 6830 cps, dan kadar flavonoid total sediaan gel sebesar 5,27%. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah sediaan gel stabil secara fisik sebelum dan sesudah penyimpanan 12 hari dan mengandung flavonoid sebesar 5,27%
Pengaruh Faktor Internal dan Faktor Eksternal terhadap Manajemen Pajak
This research aims to analyze the impact of profitability,capital structure,fixed asset intensity,and economic growth towards tax management using effective tax rates as a indicator in Real Estate and Property companies in the period 2011-2014. We used the secondary data from IDX and BPS of Product Domestic Bruto. Multiple regression analysis is was the method of analysis used. The sampling technique used in this research was purposive sampling method and obttained 96 samples of data for 24 companies. The regression test results showed that profitability has a significant positive effect to tax management, capital structure has a significant negative to tax management. While, for the fixed asset and economic growth does not effect on the tax management
Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri (SADARI) merupakan merupakan salah satu langkah deteksi dini yang efisien untuk mencegah terjadinya kanker payudara. Survey pendahuluan di SMK PGRI 03 Kota Kediri dapatkan 8 remaja putri (80%) dari 10 remaja putri tidak mengetahui apa itu SADARI. Sedangkan 2 (20%) lainnya mengetahui namun tidak pernah mencoba mengaplikasikan. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis Hubungan Sumber Informasi terhadap Pengetahuan Sadari Pada Remaja Putri Kelas X di SMK PGRI 03 Kota Kediri Tahun 2020. Desain penelitian ini merupakan penelitian korelasi dengan pendekatan studi cross sectional dengan sampel sebanyak 60 responden menggunakan tekhnik total sampling dan data dikumpulkan melalui kuisioner dalam bentuk google form. Hasil menunjukkan hampir seluruhnya sebanyak 54 siswi (90,0%) mendapatkan sumber informasi kurang dan sebagian besar sebanyak 43 siswi (71,7%) mempunyai pengetahuan kurang. Berdasarkan uji spearman rank nilai significancy (p) adalah 0,000 dan nilai correlation coefisien adalah 0,477. Karena nilai p <0,05 maka H0 ditolak sehingga ada Hubungan antara sumber informasi dengan pengetahaun sadari pada remaja putri kelas x di SMK PGRI 03 Kota Kediri. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah sumber informasi responden kurang, pengetahuan responden kurang, serta terdapat hubungan antara sumber informasi dengan pengetahaun sadari pada remaja putri kelas x di SMK PGRI 03 Kota Kediri Tahun 2020. Kata Kunci : Pengetahuan remaja putri, Sumber Informasi, SADARI
Perbaikan Kualitas Proses Thermoforming Round Drinking Cups menggunakan FMEA
PT PPA merupakan perusahaan yang memproduksi plastik kemasan thermoformed. Salah satu produk yang dihasilkan dan menjadi objek pada penelitian ini yaitu round drinking cups. Pada proses produksi round drinking cups terdapat banyak produk defect yang dihasilkan. Proses yang menghasilkan defect paling banyak yaitu proses thermoforming. Defect yang sering terjadi pada proses thermoforming yaitu defect diameter tidak standar dan meleyot. Adanya defect akan menimbulkan kerugian bagi perusahaan karena produk defect memerlukan rework dan sebagian harus dibuang. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengurangi defect diameter tidak standar dan meleyot. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). Dari data defect yang telah dikumpulkan, kemudian dilakukan penentuan defect yang menjadi prioritas perbaikan menggunakan pareto chart, selanjutnya dilakukan identifikasi penyebab-penyebab defect menggunakan cause and effect diagram dan dilakukan analisis lebih lanjut menggunakan 5 whys untuk mengidentifikasi akar penyebab defect. Hasil analisis akar penyebab defect menunjukkan terdapat 6 akar penyebab defect diameter tidak standar dan 23 akar penyebab defect meleyot. Kemudian dari akar penyebab yang telah diidentifikasi dilakukan penilaian risiko menggunakan FMEA dengan mempertimbangkan efisiensi dan downtime yang terjadi pada mesin thermoforming. Rekomendasi perbaikan diberikan berdasarkan analisis FMEA dengan nilai RPN tertinggi. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan hasil RPN tertinggi pada defect diameter tidak standar dan meleyot disebabkan permasalahan pada valve forming. Rekomendasi yang diberikan untuk mengurangi permasalahan tersebut yaitu melakukan pengecekkan valve forming, melakukan pengecekkan komponen dan pencatatan kondisi mesin secara periodik, serta meningkatkan kinerja karyawan melalui pelatihan maupun pemberian motivasi.
PT PPA is a company that manufactures thermoformed plastic packaging. The object of this research is round drinking cups, one of the most produced products. In the production process of round drinking cups, there were many defect products produced. The process that produced the most defective products was thermoforming. The problems of quality that often occured were nonstandard diameter and dented cup defects. The defects would cause losses for the company because some of defect products required reworking and some must be discarded. This research was conducted to reduce nonstandard diameter and dented cup defects. The approach used in this research was failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). From defects data that had been collected, priority defects were determined using pareto chart, then the potential causes of defects were identified using cause and effect diagram and further analysis was done using 5 whys to identify the root causes of the defects. The results of the root causes analysis of defects showed that there were 6 root causes of nonstandard diameter defects and 23 root causes of dented cup defects. Risk assessment was done using FMEA from the root causes that had been identified by considering the efficiency and downtime that occured on thermoforming machine. Improvement recommendations were given based on FMEA analysis with the highest RPN score. In this research the highest RPN of nonstandard diameter and dented cup defects were caused by problems in the valve forming. Recommendations that were given to reduce these problems are checking valve forming, checking machine components, documenting machine conditions periodically, and improving employee performance through training and motivation
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