50 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Culture and Education in an Era of Change

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    The article discusses the issue of the formation of prerequisites for professionalism in technical education by means of culture. Tradition is seen as a way of transmitting spiritual experience from generation to generation. Particular attention is paid to the problem of spiritual and moral education of students by the methods of Russian culture. The focus is on the personality of the future professional.В статье освещается вопрос формирования предпосылок профессионализма в техническом образовании средствами культуры. Традиции рассматриваются как способ передачи духовного опыта от поколения к поколению. Особое внимание уделяется проблеме духовно-нравственного воспитания студентов методами российской культуры. В центре внимания – личность будущего профессионала

    Study of the effectiveness of a combination of laser curettage and injections of hyaluronic acid-based gel (experiment on laboratory animals)

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    Study of the effectiveness of a combination of laser curettage and injections of hyaluronic acid-based gel (experiment on laboratory animals

    Participation of UGMU dental students in the faculty's volunteer movement

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    In 2017, the Happy Smile project was developed at the dental faculty of Ural State Medical University and its active implementation began, during which teachers and students conduct preventive measures in educational institutions shopping centers, and hospitals in the city. Studied the involvement of students in the implementation of this, and identified factors affecting the development of this activit

    Haplotype structure and copy number polymorphism of the beta-defensin 7 genes in diverse chicken breeds

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    Beta-defensins is a family of avian peptides related to the innate immune system. Copy number variation was recently reported for the avian beta-defensin 7 gene (AvBD7) between the highly inbred Leghorn and Fayoumi lines. Here, we examined copy number variants in 35 different chicken breeds and found that 31 of them have at least the same representation of the duplicated AvBD7 allele. We also found haplotypes upstream of the AvBD6 regions that are strongly linked to the AvBD7 duplication. We observed a strong linkage disequilibrium spanning of the upstream region of the AvBD6 gene, with two SNPs being flanking markers to detect duplication of the AvBD7

    On the results of the Second Scientific Forum “Genetic Resources of Russia”

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    The Second Scientific Forum “Genetic Resources of Russia” was held in St. Petersburg, June 26-28, 2023. Thе Forum comprised nine associated scientific conferences and conference schools dedicated to the establishment, formation, conservation, development, studying and utilization of biological (bioresource) collections as well as to the activities of bioresource centers, and a round table entitled “Statutory Legal Regulation and Standards for the Work with Bioresource Collections”. More than 700 researchers representing over a hundred scientific institutions and universities from Russia and other countries participated in the Forum. In total, more than 200 oral presentations were made during those events (including 16 talks at the Forum’s Plenary Session). The participants of the Forum events thoroughly discussed the results of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies for 2019-2030 associated with the establishment and development of bioresource collections for research in the field of genetic technologies, the prospects for the promotion of this sector, and the regulatory legal framework in the sphere of ensuring conservation and development of biological (bioresource) collections, establishment and functioning of bioresource centers, and their sustainable and rational utilization in scientific research and development activities. The outcome of those discussions is presented in this publication in the form of the Forum’s Resolution. Upon reviewing the results of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for the Development of Genetic Technologies for 2019-2030 pertaining to the establishment and development of bioresource collections for research in the field of genetic technologies, the Forum recognized them as successful. The Forum approved the draft of the legal act “On Bioresource Centers and Biological (Bioresource) Collections”, which is currently under consideration in the State Duma of the Russian Federation and emphasized the need for its soonest adoption

    Involvement of students of the dental faculty in the implementation of the project "Happy smile"

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    According to WHO, the prevalence of dental diseases does not tend to decrease. An urgent task today is the development of programs and projects aimed at the health of bearing. Earlier we developed the project "HAPPY SMILE". The aim of this study was to study the involvement of students of the faculty of dentistry in the implementation of this project, and to identify the factors affecting the development of this activity. We have created a questionnaire on the platform "Google Forms". 55 volunteers aged from 18 to 24 years with an equal ratio on a gender basis were interviewed. All respondents are students of dental faculty of 2–5 courses of Ural state medical university. High interest of students of stomatological faculty in carrying out preventive actions is revealed. Participation in the project contributes to the formation of significant professional competencies of students, which improves the quality of training of future dentists.По данным ВОЗ, распространенность стоматологических заболеваний не имеет тенденцию к снижению. Актуальной задачей на сегодняшний день является разработка программ и проектов, направленных на здоровьесбережение несения. Ранее нами был разработан проект «Счастливая улыбка». Целью исследования стало изучение вовлеченности студентов стоматологического факультета в реализацию проекта и выявление факторов, влияющих на развитие данной деятельности. На платформе «Google Forms» нами была создана анкета. Опрошено 55 волонтеров в возрасте от 18 до 24 лет с равным соотношением по половому признаку. Все респонденты являются студентами стоматологического факультета 2–5 курса УГМУ. Выявлена высокая заинтересованность студентов стоматологического факультета в проведении профилактических мероприятий. Участие в проекте способствует формированию значимых профессиональных компетенций студентов, что способствует повышению качества подготовки будущих врачей-стоматологов

    Экзогенные и эндогенные факторы в формировании хронической обструктивной болезни легких

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    To determine the role of exogenic and endogenic factors in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) forming 100 patients (50 patients are control group) were examined by means of clinical and genealogical researches, including family tree composition with analisis of 3—4 generations, genotyping on the most wide-spread α1-proteinase inhibitor (α1-PI) gene alleles (M, S, Z), definition of the α1-PI level in the serum. The role of exogenic factors (smoking, pollutants) have been confirmed in COPD forming, while primery α1-PI deficiency have been revealed only in 6% COPD patients. Therefore, further investigations of other genetic alleles in COPD patients are necessary.Для определения роли эндогенных и экзогенных факторов в формировании хронической обструктивной болезни легких (ХОБЛ) у 100 пациентов (50 — группа сравнения) проведено клинико-генеалогическое обследование, включающее составление родословных с анализом 3—4 поколений, генотипирование на наиболее распространенные аллели гена α1-протеиназного ингибитора (α1-ПИ) (M, S, Z), определение уровня α1-ПИ в сыворотке крови. В формировании ХОБЛ подтверждена роль экзогенных факторов (курение, поллютанты), в то время как первичный дефицит α1-ПИ имел место только у 6% больных ХОБЛ. Таким образом, необходимо дальнейшее изучение других генетических локусов у больных ХОБЛ

    Participation of UGMU dental students in the faculty's volunteer movement

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    In 2017, the Happy Smile project was developed at the dental faculty of Ural State Medical University and its active implementation began, during which teachers and students conduct preventive measures in educational institutions, shopping centers, and hospitals in the city. Studied the involvement of students in the implementation of this, and identified factors affecting the development of this activity.В 2017 году на стоматологическом факультете УГМУ разработан проект «Счастливая улыбка» и началась его активная реализация, в ходе которой преподаватели и студенты проводят профилактические мероприятия в образовательных учреждениях, торгово-развлекательных центрах, больницах города. Изучена вовлеченности студентов в реализацию данного, и выявлены факторы, влияющие на развитие данной деятельности

    Experimental study of the combination of LANAP technique and biorevitalization (on laboratory animals)

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    The article discusses the clinical and morphological results of complex treatment of experimental periodontitis on the author's model of the disease. Animals on the 28th day after the simulation of experimental periodontitis was performed using the LANAP procedure with a SiroLaser diode laser. Then they were divided into two groups: the control group and the experimental group, whose treatment included injections of hyaluronic acid. The positive dynamics of the periodontitis course was revealed in all observation groups, especially in the group with the inclusion of the periodontal tissue biorevitalization course.В статье рассматриваются клинические и морфологические результаты комплексного лечения экспериментального пародонтита на авторской модели заболевания. Животным на 28 сутки после моделирования экспериментального пародонтита проводили процедуру LANAP диодным лазером SiroLaser. Затем их разделили на две группы: группу контроля и исследуемую группу, в курс лечения которой включали инъекции гиалуроновой кислоты. Выявлена положительная динамика течения пародонтита во всех группах наблюдения, особенно в группе с включением курса биоревитализации тканей пародонта

    A Pilot Study of Abnormal Growth in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Childhood Psychiatric Disorders

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    The aims of the current study were to examine whether early growth abnormalities are (a) comparable in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and other childhood psychiatric disorders, and (b) specific to the brain or generalized to the whole body. Head circumference, height, and weight were measured during the first 19 months of life in 129 children with ASD and 59 children with non-ASD psychiatric disorders. Both groups showed comparable abnormal patterns of growth compared to population norms, especially regarding height and head circumference in relation to height. Thus abnormal growth appears to be related to psychiatric disorders in general and is mainly expressed as an accelerated growth of height not matched by an increase in weight or head circumference