610 research outputs found

    Collecting to the Core--La Frontera: The U.S.-Mexican Borderlands

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    A systematic review and meta-analysis of the good-enough level (GEL) literature

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    The “good-enough level” (GEL) model proposes that people respond differentially to psychotherapy, and that the typical curvilinear “dose-response” shape of change may be an artifact of aggregation. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of the GEL literature to examine (a) whether different subgroups of adults accessing psychotherapy respond to therapy at different rates and (b) whether the shape of change is linear or nonlinear. This review was preregistered on PROSPERO. Fifteen studies were synthesized (n = 114,123), with 10 included across two meta-analyses (n = 46,921; n = 41,515). Systematic searches took place using Medline, APA PsycInfo and Scopus databases. A key inclusion criterion was that cases must be stratified by treatment length to examine the GEL. In support of the GEL, there was no overall association between treatment duration and outcomes (r = −0.24, 95% confidence interval [CI: −0.70, 0.36], p = .27). Longer treatments were associated with higher baseline symptom scores (r = 0.15, 95% CI [0.08, 0.22], p < .001) and slower rates of change. Different shapes of change were also evidenced: Curvilinear responses were more often found in shorter treatments, while linear shapes were more often found in longer treatments. However, findings varied depending on methodological criteria used. Although rates of change varied in line with the GEL, most people nonetheless responded within defined boundaries as described in the dose-response literature. We therefore refer to the notion of “boundaried responsive regulation” to describe the relationship between treatment duration and outcomes

    Factores de riesgo asociados a hemorragia post- parto, en las mujeres que fueron atendidas en el servicio de Gineco-Obstetricia, del HECAM, Matagalpa en el período 2010-2013

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    El presente estudio se realizó para poder tomar medidas sobre los principales factores de riesgo asociados a hemorragia postparto por ser una de las principales complicaciones obstétricas a nivel mundial y principal causa de Muerte Materna el 99% se presenta en los países en vías de desarrollo. (Abou & zahr, 2003) La presente investigación Factores asociados a hemorragia post- parto en las mujeres que fueron atendidas en el servicio de Gineco-Obstetricia del HECAM, Matagalpa en el periodo 2010-2013 que tuvo como objetivo describir factores más importantes para la morbimortalidad provocada por esta complicación. El estudio estuvo constituido por 138 mujeres a las que se les atendió parto vía vaginal y cesárea siendo este de tipo descriptivo, retrospectivo, de corte transversal, Con enfoque cuali –cuantitativo, la información se obtuvo de fuente secundaria como el expediente clínico se procesó y analizo en el programa estadístico spss. Encontramos que de 27,998 partos vía vaginal y cesárea atendidos se registró una incidencia La mayoría de las pacientes están en la segunda y tercera década de la vida, son de procedencia rural y no tienen escolaridad. Los factores antes del parto más importantes son: ser Primigesta, tener anemia, ser gran multípara y el SHG; durante el parto los más destacados partos extra hospitalarios, parto precipitado, parto domiciliar, y el trabajo de parto prolongado; al final del parto se presentan en mayor frecuencia: la hipotonía uterina, los desgarros obstétricos, la retención placentaria y de restos placentarios. Tenemos presente que el esfuerzo para disminuir esta complicación tiene que seguir asiéndose a nivel primario con la vigilancia, seguimiento y charlas educativas a las embarazadas: lo que debe ser complementario a nivel secundario con la capacidad de poder manejar los casos con un equipo multidisciplinario y equipamiento adecuad

    Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy application for sea salt quality evaluation

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    Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy in diffuse reflectance mode was explored with the objective of discriminating sea salts according to their quality type (traditional salt vs "flower of salt") and geographical origin (Atlantic vs Mediterranean). Sea salts were also analyzed in terms of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, alkalinity, and sulfate concentrations to support spectroscopic results. High concentrations of Mg2+ and K+ characterized Atlantic samples, while a high Ca2+ content was observed in traditional sea salts. A partial least-squares discriminant analysis model considering the 8500-7500 cm(-1) region permitted the discrimination of salts by quality types. The regions 4650-4350 and 5900-5500 cm(-1) allowed salts classification according to their geographical origin. It was possible to classify correctly 85.3 and 94.8% of the analyzed samples according to the salt type and to the geographical origin, respectively. These results demonstrated that NIR spectroscopy is a suitable and very efficient tool for sea salt quality evaluation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Is there an evidence-based number of sessions in outpatient psychotherapy? – A comparison of naturalistic conditions across countries

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    Deciding on the number of psychotherapy sessions to satisfactorily treat a patient is a vital clinical as well as economic issue in most mental health systems worldwide. The length of outpatient psychotherapy in naturalistic conditions ranges from a single session to hundreds of sessions [1]. In randomized clinical trials, the number of sessions is typically fixed to deliver manualized treatments and to control for dosage effects (e.g., in a 16-session format [2]). Using data from Routine Outcome Monitoring studies [3, 4], we investigated whether the treatments under naturalistic conditions were fixed to a particular number of sessions or not (H1), whether naturalistic conditions tended to include unusually long treatments (e.g., >100 sessions) (H2), and how the observed number of sessions was distributed across countries (H3)

    Updating freeTribe to Support Efficient Synchronous Awareness in the Web Context

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    Abstract: The research field of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work has been reflected fundamentally in theoretical contributions. This contributions have constitute the base to carry out several intents to facilitate the work of the collaborative systems developers, however, current tool-kits, APIs or class libraries only eliminate partially the gap between the technical aspects that impose the information technology and the stressed social character of the process of collaboration in the World Wide Web. In this paper is presented the framework freeTribe, which involve the domain of the distributed groupwares leaning on the Cooperative Model of the methodology AMENITIES, in the middleware platform ICE and in RIA technologies; freeTribe has been designed as a software framework, to maximize its reusability and adaptability with a minimal programming effort. Support for synchronous group tasks in the Web context is increasingly recognized as a desideratum for collaborative systems and several tools have emerged recently that help groups of people with the same goals to work together, but many issues for these collaborative systems remain under studied. We identified synchronous awareness as one of these issues in collaborative systems, and updated freeTribe with four well-accepted kinds of awareness (group awareness, workspace awareness, contextual awareness, and peripheral awareness) by the community focusing our interest in its synchronous mechanism for efficient interaction in Web contexts.Keywords: computer-supported cooperative work, groupware, synchronous awareness.

    Marine Compounds, Mitochondria, and Malignancy: A Therapeutic Nexus

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    The marine environment is important yet generally underexplored. It contains new sources of functional constituents that can affect various pathways in food processing, storage, and fortification. Bioactive secondary metabolites produced by marine microorganisms may have significant potential applications for humans. Various components isolated from disparate marine microorganisms, including fungi, microalgae, bacteria, and myxomycetes, showed considerable biological effects, such as anticancer, antioxidant, antiviral, antibacterial, and neuroprotective activities. Growing studies are revealing that potential anticancer effects of marine agents could be achieved through the modulation of several organelles. Mitochondria are known organelles that influence growth, differentiation, and death of cells via influencing the biosynthetic, bioenergetic, and various signaling pathways related to oxidative stress and cellular metabolism. Consequently, mitochondria play an essential role in tumorigenesis and cancer treatments by adapting to alterations in environmental and cellular conditions. The growing interest in marine-derived anticancer agents, combined with the development and progression of novel technology in the extraction and cultures of marine life, led to revelations of new compounds with meaningful pharmacological applications. This is the first critical review on marine-derived anticancer agents that have the potential for targeting mitochondrial function during tumorigenesis. This study aims to provide promising strategies in cancer prevention and treatment

    Shelf-life extension of watermelon juice preserved by hyperbaric storage at room temperature compared to refrigeration

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    This work reports Hyperbaric Storage (HS) preservation of raw watermelon juice at variable/uncontrolled room temperature (RT,z21 C) for 7 days at 100 MPa and compared it with refrigeration (RF). At the end of storage, there was an increase in microbial counts (total aerobic mesophiles, psychrophiles, and yeasts and moulds) to above 6 log10 CFU/mL for samples stored at atmospheric pressure (RF and RT), while juice stored under HS/RT showed maximum values of about 2 log10 CFU/mL for total aerobic mesophiles/ psychrophiles and below the detection limit for yeasts and moulds. HS/RT juice showed also physicochemical parameters at levels similar to the initial juice. Thus, HS/RT can not only be used to preserve foods with no refrigeration energetic costs (since it does not require temperature control), but additionally, has also a great potential to extend the shelf-life of food products, compared to RF. This is the first case in the literature showing this additional potential/advantage of HS/RT

    Matrix geometries and Matrix Models

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    We study a two parameter single trace 3-matrix model with SO(3) global symmetry. The model has two phases, a fuzzy sphere phase and a matrix phase. Configurations in the matrix phase are consistent with fluctuations around a background of commuting matrices whose eigenvalues are confined to the interior of a ball of radius R=2.0. We study the co-existence curve of the model and find evidence that it has two distinct portions one with a discontinuous internal energy yet critical fluctuations of the specific heat but only on the low temperature side of the transition and the other portion has a continuous internal energy with a discontinuous specific heat of finite jump. We study in detail the eigenvalue distributions of different observables.Comment: 20 page

    Nuevos registros de distribución del gorrión de Worthen Spizella wortheni en San Luis Potosí, México

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    El rango de distribución restringido y el pequeño tamaño poblacional del gorrión de Worthen han ocasionado que esta ave sea considerada una especie amenazada en México y a nivel internacional. Aquí reportamos nuevos registros de esta ave los cuales expanden su rango de distribución conocido en los últimos cuarenta años y abren la posibilidad del uso de hábitats adicionales que no habían sido documentados anteriormente. Por lo tanto es importante realizar esfuerzos para documentar posible actividad reproductiva en estos hábitats