3,373 research outputs found

    Cosmic Lensing -- A new paradigm for Universe expansion interpretation

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    The Einstein's General Relativity theory and the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metrics define the main equations that rule the history and future of the Universe. The Standard Model for cosmology collects this knowledge along with some other elements as cosmological distances. Thus, the link between the theory and observations is performed through some basic cosmological distances as luminosity distance DLD_L and angular diameter distance DAD_A. In this paper, Cosmic Lensing (CL) is presented. CL is a novel paradigm that demonstrates the inverse square law invariance within the FLRW geometry. In this way, CL reveals a new relationship between DLD_L and DAD_A in an expanding universe given by DL=DA(1+z)D_L=D_A(1+z), opposed to the relation DL=DA(1+z)2D_L=D_A(1+z)^2 established about a century ago and assumed by the Standard Model. In the same sense, a compatible surface brightness vs luminosity relation -- different from the one proposed by Tolman -- is derived from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) equations. As a consequence, previous cosmology methods and results entrusting on luminosity as observational data must be reviewed. The expansion rate and the relative densities of the dark components of the Universe, as dark matter and dark energy, should be revised within the new paradigm

    Locally C -Nash groups

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Revista Matemática Complutense. The final authenticated version is available online at : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13163-018-0278-1We introduce the category of locally C-Nash groups, basic examples of such groups are complex algebraic groups. We prove that the latter form a full subcategory. We also show that both, abelian locally Nash and abelian locally C-Nash groups, can be characterised via meromorphic maps admitting an algebraic addition theorem; we give an invariant of such groups associated to the groups of periods of a chart at the identity. Finally, we prove that the category of simply connected abelian locally C-Nash groups coincides with that of universal coverings of the abelian complex irreducible algebraic groups (a complex version of a result of Hrushovski and Pillay in Isr J Math 85(1–3):203–262, 1994; Conflu Math 3(4):577–585, 2011)Elías Baro and Margarita Otero are partially supported by Spanish MTM2014-55565-P and Grupos UCM 910444. Juan de Vicente also supported by a grant of the International Program of Excellence in Mathematics at Universidad Autónoma de Madri

    Cosmic Lensing -- Empirical evidences

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    The foundations of the Universe Expansion theory were formulated close to a century ago. Since early thirties, the Tolman surface brightness test was proposed to differentiate between static and expanding universes. According to this test, the surface brightness of astronomical sources should decrease with redshift as (1+z)^{-4}. Recently, Cosmic Lensing (CL) paradigm was presented. CL unveiled the flux focusing, an unnoticed feature of cosmological images that increase the received flux by (1+z)^2 with respect to what is expected since the test was proposed a century ago. Based on this property, Cosmic Lensing predicts a different behaviour for the surface brightness on an expanding universe decreasing as (1+z)^{-2}. In this paper, galaxy samples of two different surveys, SDSS and VIPERS, were submitted to the Tolman surface brightness test. The surface brightness μ\mu was derived from the spectroscopic measurements in both cases. By averaging the surface brightness in redshift bins an estimation of μ(z)\mu(z) was obtained. μ(z)\mu(z) behaves close to CL predictions in a large redshift range about 0.47<z<0.8 for a uniform sample of bulge-shape galaxies, with small fluctuations mainly due to passive evolution. On the contrary, surface brightness transits far from the Stardard Model prediction in the same redshift range, being this behaviour inexplicable neither by galaxy spectral evolution nor by galaxy merging, and pointing to a fault of the model

    Locally Nash Groups

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    Tesis Doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Matemáticas. Fecha de lectura: 06-07-201

    Five Decades of Structure: A Retrospective View

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    Measurement of Social Capital and Growth: an Economic Methodology

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    This paper develops a measure of social capital based on economic relationships and analyzes its effects on growth. Investment in social capital is modeled by using the conceptual framework for measuring physical capital services. The measure of social capital depends on expectations of income, its investment cost, inequality in society, the density of trust networks, the size of the social network and the rate of depreciation of social capital. With this methodology a database is constructed for 23 OECD countries covering the period 1970-2001 and the positive effect of social capital on economic growth is tested.Social capital, Investment, Social networks, Economic Growth

    La legítima defensa en la teología tardomedieval

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    Unconscious Learning. Conditioning to Subliminal Visual Stimuli.

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    Se analizó el papel de la consciencia en el condicionamiento pavloviano mediante dos experimentos en los que se utilizaron, como estímulos condicionados (ECs), palabras neutras visualmente enmascaradas y, como estímulo incondicionado (EI), un shock eléctrico. El intervalo inter-estímulo se estableció individualmente. Se utilizó un umbral de detección en el Experimento 1 y un umbral de identificación en el Experimento 2. La principal variable dependiente fue la respuesta de conductancia de la piel. Los resultados mostraron que la respuesta condicionada (RC) fue adquirida por el 58% de los sujetos que percibieron los estímulos por encima del umbral de identificación, por el 50% de los sujetos que percibieron los estímulos por debajo del umbral de detección y por el 11% de los sujetos que percibieron los estímulos por debajo del umbral de identificación, pero por encima del umbral de detección. Estos resultados sugieren que la conciencia de la contingencia EC-EI no es condición necesaria para adquirir una RC del sistema nervioso autónomo

    Mundos fenoménicos y léxicos científicos: el relativismo lingüístico de Thomas Kuhn

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    Thomas Kuhn’s relativistic position is usually expounded in terms of its subjectivist and irrationalist consequences and, accordingly, as a contribution to anti-scientificism. This paper explains his pluralism in semantics and ontology and shows in it a kind of relativism from which those consequences do not follow. It is also argued that, despite that, this version does not converge to empiricism or scientific realism.El relativismo de Thomas Kuhn se suele exponer en términos de sus consecuencias subjetivistas e irracionalistas y, por tanto, como una contribución más a una postura anti-científica. En este artículo se presenta su postura pluralista en sus aspectos ontológico y semántico y se defiende que su relativismo no tiene esas consecuencias. También se muestra que, pese a ello, la versión no es cercana al realismo científico ni converge al empirismo

    Recursos de información ambiental en Internet

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    Resources of environmental information in Internet. The shortage in Spain of libraries and specialized centers of documentation in environmental subjects could partly be replaced by the consultation the services available in Internet. Within this context it is essential to consider network Internet, since, due to the growth that has experimented, it supposes excellent informative means. It offers new forms of access to the information that cannot be ignored, because they constitute at the present time the way fastest and economic to have a great volume of international information with diverse formats derived from the type on watch in which they are integrated