1,631 research outputs found

    Structure And Composition Of Amorphous Ge1-xsnx Thin Films

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    The composition and bonding configuration of amorphous germanium-tin (a-Ge1-xSnx) thin films are reported (0≤x<0.3). Mössbauer spectroscopy analyses show that under the reported deposition conditions all tin atoms enter the a-Ge network in a perfect substitutional way, i.e., in a covalent tetrahedral configuration. The absence of defect structures in the tin sites is discussed and compared with results on films prepared under different conditions.63115596559

    Induction of a gloverin-like antimicrobial polypeptide in the sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis challenged by septic injury

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    Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is an important pest for Brazilian sugarcane. In the present study, we detected two distinct spots in hemolymph from septic injured larvae (HDs1 and HDs2), which are separated by 2DE gel electrophoresis. Both spots were subjected to in-gel tryptic digestion and MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis, which revealed the sequence VFGTLGSDDSGLFGK present in both HDs1 and HDs2. This sequence had homology and 80% identity with specific Lepidoptera antimicrobial peptides called gloverins. Analyses using the ImageMaster 2D software showed pI 8.94 of the HDs1 spot, which is similar to that described to Hyalophora gloveri gloverin (pI 8.5). Moreover, the 14-kDa molecular mass of the spot HDs1 is compatible to that of gloverins isolated from the hemolymph of Trichoplusia ni, Helicoverpa armigera and H. gloveri. Antimicrobial assays with partially purified fractions containing the HDs1 and HDs2 polypeptides demonstrated activity against Escherichia coli. This is the first report of antimicrobial polypeptides in D. saccharalis, and the identification of these peptides may help in the generation of new strategies to control this pest

    Monitoring Of Bcr-abl Levels In Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients Treated With Imatinib In The Chronic Phase - The Importance Of A Major Molecular Response

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    Background: Real time PCR has become the most common technique to monitor BCR-ABL transcript levels of patients treated with kinase inhibitors. The aim of this study was to evaluate BCR-ABL levels of chronic myeloid leukemia patients treated with imatinib in the chronic phase and correlate the response to therapy and event-free survival. Methods: BCR-ABL levels were measured in peripheral blood cell samples using Real time PCR at diagnosis and then every 3 months after starting therapy with imatinib. Major molecular response was defined as a three-log reduction from the standardized baseline value. Major molecular response values were adjusted to international scale using a conversion factor of 1.19. The results are reported as a BCR-ABL/ABL ratio (%). Results: Hematological, major cytogenetic and complete cytogenetic responses were achieved by 57 (95%), 45 (75%) and 38 (63%) patients, respectively. Twenty-four out of sixty patients achieved a major molecular response (40%) in a median time of 8.5 months. Overall survival and event free survival were higher for patients with (100%) versus patients without (77%) a complete cytogenetic response (p-value = 0.01) at 48 months. Patients with complete cytogenetic response and major molecular response had a higher event free survival compared to patients with complete cytogenetic response but without major molecular response (p-value = 0.007). Conclusion: In conclusion, the prognostic impact of achieving complete cytogenetic response and a major molecular response and also the importance of molecular monitoring in the follow-up of chronic myeloid leukemia patients were demonstrated.333211215Melo, J.V., The molecular biology of chronic myeloid leukaemia (1996) Leukemia, 10 (5), pp. 751-756Wang, L., Pearson, K., Pillitteri, L., Ferguson, J.E., Clark, R.E., Serial monitoring of BCR-ABL by peripheral blood real-time polymerase chain reaction predicts the marrow cytogenetic response to imatinib mesylate in chronic myeloid leukaemia (2002) Br J Haematol, 118 (3), pp. 771-777Muller, M.C., Gattermann, N., Lahaye, T., Deininger, M.W., Berndt, A., Fruehauf, S., Dynamics of BCR-ABL mRNA expression in firstline therapy of chronic myelogenous leukemia patients with imatinib or interferon alpha/ara-C (2003) Leukemia, 17 (12), pp. 2392-2400Branford, S., Hughes, T.P., Rudzki, Z., Monitoring chronic myeloid leukaemia therapy by real-time quantitative PCR in blood is a reliable alternative to bone marrow cytogenetics (1999) Br J Haematol, 107 (3), pp. 587-599Radich, J.P., Gooley, T., Bryant, E., Chauncey, T., Clift, R., Beppu, L., The significance of bcr-abl molecular detection in chronic myeloid leukemia patients late, 18 months or more after transplantation (2001) Blood, 98 (6), pp. 1701-1707Hughes, T.P., Kaeda, J., Branford, S., Rudzki, Z., Hochhaus, A., Hensley, M.L., Frequency of major molecular responses to imatinib or interferon-alpha plus cytarabine in newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia (2003) N Engl J Med, 349 (15), pp. 1423-1432Press, R.D., Love, Z., Tronnes, A.A., Yang, R., Tran, T., Mongoue- tchokote, S., BCR-ABL mRNA levels at and after the time of a complete cytogenetic response predict the duration of CCR in imatinib mesylate-treated patients with CML (2006) Blood, 107 (11), pp. 4250-4256Cortes, J., Talpaz, M., O'Brien, S., Jones, D., Luthra, R., Shan, J., Molecular responses in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia in chronic phase treated with imatinib mesylate (2005) Clin Cancer Res, 11 (9), pp. 3425-3432Iacobucci, I., Saglio, G., Rosti, G., Testoni, N., Pane, F., Amabile, M., Achieving a major molecular response at the time of a complete cytogenetic response (CCgR) predicts a better duration of CCgR in imatinib-treated chronic myeloid leukemia patients (2006) Clin Cancer Res, 12 (10), pp. 3037-3042Baccarani, M., Saglio, G., Goldman, J., Hochhaus, A., Simonsson, B., Appelbaum, F., Evolving concepts in the management of chronic myeloid leukemia: Recommendations from an expert panel on behalf of the European LeukemiaNet (2006) Blood, 108 (6), pp. 1809-1820Hughes, T., Deininger, M., Hochhaus, A., Branford, S., Radich, J., Kaeda, J., Monitoring CML patients responding to treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors: Review and recommendations for harmonizing current methodology for detecting BCR-ABL transcripts and kinase domain mutations and for expressing results (2006) Blood, 108 (1), pp. 28-37Branford, S., Cross, N.C., Hochhaus, A., Radich, J., Saglio, G., Kaeda, J., Rationale for the recommendations for harmonizing current methodology for detecting BCR-ABL transcripts in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia (2006) Leukemia, 20 (11), pp. 1925-1930Cortes, J., Baccarani, M., Fea, G., (2008) A Phase III, Randomized, Openlabel Study of 400 Mg Versus 800 Mg of Imatinib Mesylate (IM) in Patients With Newly Diagnosed, Previously Untreated Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Chronic Phase (CML-CP), Using Molecular Endpoints: One Year Results of TOPS (Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Optimization and Selectivity) Study, , 50th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition Online program and Abstracts. San Francisco, CABranford, S., Fletcher, L., Cross, N.C., Muller, M.C., Hochhaus, A., Kim, D.W., Desirable performance characteristics for BCR-ABL measurement on an international reporting scale to allow consistent interpretation of individual patient response and comparison of response rates between clinical trials (2008) Blood, 112 (8), pp. 3330-3338O'Brien, S.G., Guilhot, F., Larson, R.A., Gathmann, I., Baccarani, M., Cervantes, F., Imatinib compared with interferon and lowdose cytarabine for newly diagnosed chronic-phase chronic myeloid leukemia (2003) N Engl J Med, 348 (11), pp. 994-1004Marin, D., Milojkovic, D., Olavarria, E., Khorashad, J.S., de Lavallade, H., Reid, A.G., European LeukemiaNet criteria for failure or suboptimal response reliably identify patients with CML in early chronic phase treated with imatinib whose eventual outcome is poor (2008) Blood, 112 (12), pp. 4437-444

    The flavonoid agathisflavone modulates the microglial neuroinflammatory response and enhances remyelination

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    Myelin loss is the hallmark of the demyelinating disease multiple sclerosis (MS) and plays a significant role in multiple neurodegenerative diseases. A common factor in all neuropathologies is the central role of microglia, the intrinsic immune cells of the central nervous system (CNS). Microglia are activated in pathology and can have both pro- and anti-inflammatory functions. Here, we examined the effects of the flavonoid agathisflavone on microglia and remyelination in the cerebellar slice model following lysolecithin induced demyelination. Notably, agathisflavone enhances remyelination and alters microglial activation state, as determined by their morphology and cytokine profile. Furthermore, these effects of agathisflavone on remyelination and microglial activation were inhibited by blockade of estrogen receptor α. Thus, our results identify agathisflavone as a novel compound that may act via ER to regulate microglial activation and enhance remyelination and repair

    Electrical Isolation Of A Silicon δ-doped Layer In Gaas By Ion Irradiation

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    The electrical isolation of a n-type δ-doped layer embedded into undoped GaAs was studied using proton or helium ion bombardment. The threshold dose for isolation Dth of the δ-doped layer was found to be ≈2 times higher than that predicted for thick doped layers of similar carrier concentration. The thermal stability of the isolation, i.e., the persistence of sheet resistance Rs at values > 109Ω/□ after subsequent thermal annealing, is limited to temperatures below 400°C. This temperature limit for the thermal stability Tsm is markedly lower than those observed in wider doped layers in which Tsm is ≅650°C. A previously isolated δ-doped layer presents p-type conductivity after annealing at temperatures >600°C . © 1999 American Institute of Physics.751319171919Shubert, E.F., (1990) J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A, 8, p. 2980Daniltsev, V.M., Irin, I.V., Murel, A.V., Khrykin, O.I., Shashkin, V.I., (1994) Inorg. Mater. (Transl. of Neorg. Mater.), 30, p. 948Zrenner, A., Koch, F., Ploog, K., (1987) Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser., 91, p. 171Van Der Pauw, L.J., (1958) Philips Res. Rep., 13, p. 1De Souza, J.P., Danilov, I., Boudinov, H., (1997) J. Appl. Phys., 81, p. 650Ziegler, J.F., Biersack, J.P., Littmark, U., (1985) The Stopping and Range of Ions in Solids, 1. , Pergamon, OxfordDe Souza, J.P., Danilov, I., Boudinov, H., (1998) J. Appl. Phys., 84, p. 4757De Souza, J.P., Danilov, I., Boudinov, H., (1996) Appl. Phys. Lett., 68, p. 535De Souza, J.P., Danilov, I., Boudinov, H., (1998) Radiat. Eff. Defects Solids, 147, p. 109Grandidier, B., Stiévenard, D., Nys, J.P., Wallart, X., (1998) Appl. Phys. Lett., 72, p. 245

    Coercivity behavior in Gd(Co1−xCux)5 system as function of the microstructureevolution

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    AbstractMagnetic measurements, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) experiments were carried out in the as-cast Gd(Co1−xCux)5 samples with different Co/Cu content. Already in the as cast state, this system shows high coercive field for x=0.3 and a magnetization driven by nucleation of reversal domain. SEM micrograph and microanalysis show possible spinodal decomposition in the as-cast state, hence regions with different Co/Cu-content are observed, while the Gd-content almost does not change. High resolution X-ray diffraction patterns show a main CaCu5-type structure with traces of a secondary phase and distorted peak profiles as function of the Cu content. The evolution of the microstructure is discussed in relation with the Cu incorporation into the CaCu5-type structure. The Cu addition avoids the formation of the 2:7 phase within the 1:5 matrix, favoring the formation of a more homogeneous Gd(Co,Cu)5 phase. The relation between the observed microstructure and the magnetic behavior is also discussed

    Phytoestrogen agathisflavone ameliorates neuroinflammation-induced by LPS and IL-1β and protects neurons in cocultures of glia/neurons

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    Inflammation and oxidative stress are common aspects of most neurodegenerative diseases in the central nervous system. In this context, microglia and astrocytes are central to mediating the balance between neuroprotective and neurodestructive mechanisms. Flavonoids have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Here, we have examined the anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective potential of the flavonoid agathisflavone (FAB), which is derived from the Brazilian plant Poincianella pyramidalis, in in vitro models of neuroinflammation. Cocultures of neurons/glial cells were exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 1 µg/mL) or interleukin (IL)-1β (10 ng/mL) for 24 h and treated with FAB (0.1 and 1 µM, 24 h). FAB displayed a significant neuroprotective effect, as measured by nitric oxide (NO) production, Fluoro-Jade B (FJ-B) staining, and immunocytochemistry (ICC) for the neuronal marker β-tubulin and the cell death marker caspase-3, preserving neuronal soma and increasing neurite outgrowth. FAB significantly decreased the LPS-induced microglial proliferation, identified by ICC for Iba-1/bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and CD68 (microglia M1 profile marker). In contrast, FAB had no apparent effect on astrocytes, as determined by ICC for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Furthermore, FAB protected against the cytodestructive and proinflammatory effects of IL-1β, a key cytokine that is released by activated microglia and astrocytes, and ICC showed that combined treatment of FAB with α and β estrogen receptor antagonists did not affect NF-κB expression. In addition, qPCR analysis demonstrated that FAB decreased the expression of proinflammatory molecules TNF-α, IL-1β, and connexins CCL5 and CCL2, as well as increased the expression of the regulatory molecule IL-10. Together, these findings indicate that FAB has a significant neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effect in vitro, which may be considered as an adjuvant for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases

    Oocyst wall formation and composition in coccidian parasites

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    The oocyst wall of coccidian parasites is a robust structure that is resistant to a variety of environmental and chemical insults. This resilience allows oocysts to survive for long periods, facilitating transmission from host to host. The wall is bilayered and is formed by the sequential release of the contents of two specialized organelles - wall forming body 1 and wall forming body 2 - found in the macrogametocyte stage of Coccidia. The oocyst wall is over 90% protein but few of these proteins have been studied. One group is cysteine-rich and may be presumed to crosslink via disulphide bridges, though this is yet to be investigated. Another group of wall proteins is rich in tyrosine. These proteins, which range in size from 8-31 kDa, are derived from larger precursors of 56 and 82 kDa found in the wall forming bodies. Proteases may catalyze processing of the precursors into tyrosine-rich peptides, which are then oxidatively crosslinked in a reaction catalyzed by peroxidases. In support of this hypothesis, the oocyst wall has high levels of dityrosine bonds. These dityrosine crosslinked proteins may provide a structural matrix for assembly of the oocyst wall and contribute to its resilience

    Fragment Isospin as a Probe of Heavy-Ion Collisions

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    Isotope ratios of fragments produced at mid-rapidity in peripheral and central collisions of 114Cd ions with 92Mo and 98Mo target nuclei at E/A = 50 MeV are compared. Neutron-rich isotopes are preferentially produced in central collisions as compared to peripheral collisions. The influence of the size (A), density, N/Z, E*/A, and Eflow/A of the emitting source on the measured isotope ratios was explored by comparison with a statistical model (SMM). The mid-rapidity region associated with peripheral collisions does not appear to be neutron-enriched relative to central collisions.Comment: 12 pages including figure