3,333 research outputs found

    Plant Metabolites. Structure and In Vitro Antiviral Activity of Quinovic Acid Glycosides from Uncaria tomentosa and Guettarda platyipoda

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    Abstract: A reinvestigation of the bark of Uncaria tommtosa afforded, in addition to the major quinovic acid glycosides 1-3, three further glycosides 4-6. The structures were elucidated by spectral and chemical studies. Furthermore, a series of antiviral tests were performed on all these glycosides and on the related glycosides 7-9, previously isolated from Guettarda platypoda

    Unbalance of intestinal microbiota in atopic children

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    BACKGROUND: Playing a strategic role in the host immune function, the intestinal microbiota has been recently hypothesized to be involved in the etiology of atopy. In order to investigate the gastrointestinal microbial ecology of atopic disease, here we performed a pilot comparative molecular analysis of the faecal microbiota in atopic children and healthy controls. RESULTS: Nineteen atopic children and 12 healthy controls aged 4–14 years were enrolled. Stools were collected and the faecal microbiota was characterized by means of the already developed phylogenetic microarray platform, HTF-Microbi.Array, and quantitative PCR. The intestinal microbiota of atopic children showed a significant depletion in members of the Clostridium cluster IV, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Akkermansia muciniphila and a corresponding increase of the relative abundance of Enterobacteriaceae. CONCLUSION: Depleted in key immunomodulatory symbionts, the atopy-associated microbiota can represent an inflammogenic microbial consortium which can contribute to the severity of the disease. Our data open the way to the therapeutic manipulation of the intestinal microbiota in the treatment of atopy by means of pharmaceutical probiotics

    Acute alcohol intoxication: a clinical overview

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    Alcohol is a legal and yet detrimental psychoactive substance, capable of establishing addiction and impacting the physical, mental, social, and economic health of people. Alcohol intake causes a large variety of tissue damages severely impacting the nervous system, digestive and cardiovascular systems and causing oral cavity, oropharyngeal, hypopharyngeal, esophageal, colon-rectal, laryngeal, liver and intrahepatic bile duct, and breast cancers. Alcohol can also play a role in the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, cardiomyopathy and hemorrhagic strokes. When drunk during pregnancy it is proved to be responsible for serious damage to fetuses causing a wide range of pathological conditions from miscarriage to Fetal Alcoholic Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Acute ethanol intoxication happens when the amount of alcohol consumed is greater than the disposal capacity of the liver, causing an accumulation of its metabolites displayed by initial dysphoria and disinhibition. Nausea, vomiting, memory loss could happen. Although, it can lead to more serious conditions like impaired speaking, impaired coordination, unstable gait, nystagmus, stupor, or coma. Respiratory depression and death could also happen in such cases. Unfortunately, diagnosis of acute alcohol intoxication is difficult because most of the drinkers deny or minimize their assumption. It is dramatically important to assess when the last intake happened to avoid withdrawal syndrome. Alcohol acute intoxication can be considered a serious harm to health and a relevant issue for healthcare provid-ers working in emergency rooms. Differential diagnosis is crucial to avoid serious outcomes. There is no consensus about therapies for acute intoxication, but supportive and symptomatic treatments were proved effective. The repercussions of alcohol misuse over drinkers' social, familiar, economical and working life enhance the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in such cases

    Exosomes from Plasma of Neuroblastoma Patients Contain Doublestranded DNA Reflecting the Mutational Status of Parental Tumor Cells

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    Neuroblastoma (NB) is an aggressive infancy tumor, leading cause of death among preschool age diseases. Here we focused on characterization of exosomal DNA (exo-DNA) isolated from plasma cell-derived exosomes of neuroblastoma patients, and its potential use for detection of somatic mutations present in the parental tumor cells. Exosomes are small extracellular membrane vesicles secreted by most cells, playing an important role in intercellular communications. Using an enzymatic method, we provided evidence for the presence of double-stranded DNA in the NB exosomes. Moreover, by whole exome sequencing, we demonstrated that NB exo-DNA represents the entire exome and that it carries tumor-specific genetic mutations, including those occurring on known oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in neuroblastoma (ALK, CHD5, SHANK2, PHOX2B, TERT, FGFR1, and BRAF). NB exo-DNA can be useful to identify variants responsible for acquired resistance, such as mutations of ALK, TP53, and RAS/MAPK genes that appear in relapsed patients. The possibility to isolate and to enrich NB derived exosomes from plasma using surface markers, and the quick and easy extraction of exo-DNA, gives this methodology a translational potential in the clinic. Exo-DNA can be an attractive non-invasive biomarker for NB molecular diagnostic, especially when tissue biopsy cannot be easily available

    Effects of Dietary Fibers on Short-Chain Fatty Acids and Gut Microbiota Composition in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review

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    Abstract There is an increasing interest in investigating dietary strategies able to modulate the gut microbial ecosystem which, in turn, may play a key role in human health. Dietary fibers (DFs) are widely recognized as molecules with prebiotic effects. The main objective of this systematic review was to: (i) analyze the results available on the impact of DF intervention on short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) production; (ii) evaluate the interplay between the type of DF intervention, the gut microbiota composition and its metabolic activities, and any other health associated outcome evaluated in the host. To this aim, initially, a comprehensive database of literature on human intervention studies assessing the effect of confirmed and candidate prebiotics on the microbial ecosystem was developed. Subsequently, studies performed on DFs and analyzing at least the impact on SCFA levels were extracted from the database. A total of 44 studies from 42 manuscripts were selected for the analysis. Among the different types of fiber, inulin was the DF investigated the most (n = 11). Regarding the results obtained on the ability of fiber to modulate total SCFAs, seven studies reported a significant increase, while no significant changes were reported in five studies, depending on the analytical methodology used. A total of 26 studies did not show significant differences in individual SCFAs, while the others reported significant differences for one or more SCFAs. The effect of DF interventions on the SCFA profile seemed to be strictly dependent on the dose and the type and structure of DFs. Overall, these results underline that, although affecting microbiota composition and derived metabolites, DFs do not produce univocal significant increase in SCFA levels in apparently healthy adults. In this regard, several factors (i.e., related to the study protocols and analytical methods) have been identified that could have affected the results obtained in the studies evaluated. Future studies are needed to better elucidate the relationship between DFs and gut microbiota in terms of SCFA production and impact on health-related marker

    Routes of dispersion of antibiotic resistance genes from the poultry farm system

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    Poultry farms are hotspots for the development and spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), due to high stocking densities and extensive use of antibiotics, posing a threat of spread and contagion to workers and the external environment. Here, we applied shotgun metagenome sequencing to characterize the gut microbiome and resistome of poultry, workers and their households - also including microbiomes from the internal and external farm environment – in three different farms in Italy during a complete rearing cycle. Our results highlighted a relevant overlap among the microbiomes of poultry, workers, and their families (gut and skin), with clinically relevant ARGs and associated mobile elements shared in both poultry and human samples. On a finer scale, the reconstruction of species-level genome bins (SGBs) allowed us to delineate the dynamics of microorganism and ARGs dispersion from farm systems. We found the associations with worker microbiomes representing the main route of ARGs dispersion from poultry to human populations. Collectively, our findings clearly demonstrate the urgent need to implement more effective procedures to counteract ARGs dispersion from poultry food systems and the relevance of metagenomics-based metacommunity approaches to monitor the ARGs dispersion process for the safety of the working environment on farms

    Occurrence and neuroendocrine role of D-aspartic acid and N-methyl-D-aspartic acid in Ciona intestinalis

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    AbstractProbes for the occurrence of endogenous D-aspartic acid (D-Asp) and N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) in the neural complex and gonads of a protochordate, the ascidian Ciona intestinalis, have confirmed the presence of these two excitatory amino acids and their involvement in hormonal activity. A hormonal pathway similar to that which occurs in vertebrates has been discovered. In the cerebral ganglion D-Asp is synthesized from L-Asp by an aspartate racemase. Then, D-Asp is transferred through the blood stream into the neural gland where it gives rise to NMDA by means of an NMDA synthase. NMDA, in turn, passes from the neuronal gland into the gonads where it induces the synthesis and release of a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). The GnRH in turn modulates the release and synthesis of testosterone and progesterone in the gonads, which are implicated in reproduction