18,644 research outputs found

    Sowing in the autumn season : exploring benefits of green care farms for dementia patients

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    In the Netherlands an increasing number of farms combine agricultural production with care services for people with care needs. It is generally believed that these green care farms (GCFs) have beneficial effects on the health status of a diversity of target groups. At present, empirical studies testing this hypothesis are scarce. The main objective of the studies described in this thesis was to gain insight into the potential benefits of day care at GCFs for community‐dwelling older dementia patients. Day care at GCFs was therefore compared with day care at regular day care facilities (RDCFs). In view of the differences between both day care types regarding the day care setting and day care program it was hypothesized that they would differ in their effects on the health status of dementia patients. In two cross‐sectional studies it was tested to what extent the day program of dementia patients at GCFs differed from those at RDCFs. It appeared that at GCFs, dementia patients were (physically) more active, participated in more diverse activities, were more outdoors, and had more opportunities to perform activities in smaller groups than those at RDCFs. It was tested whether these differences resulted into different effects for five domains of health: dietary intake, cognition, emotional well‐being, behaviour, and functional performance. In a comparative cross‐sectional study dietary intake of dementia patients attending day care at GCFs or RDCFs was recorded both at home and during their time at the day care facility. The study showed that dementia patients attending day care at GCFs had significantly higher intakes of energy, carbohydrate, and fluid than their counterparts attending day care at RDCFs. In a cohort study, rates of change during 1 year in cognitive functioning, emotional well‐being, behavioural symptoms, and functional performance were compared between dementia patients attending day care at GCFs and RDCFs. Functioning in these domains remained rather stable and no differences were observed between subjects from GCFs and RDCFs. In the cohort study, also caregiver burden of family caregivers of these dementia patients was assessed. Caregivers’ quality of life, emotional distress, and feelings of competence remained rather stable in family caregivers of dementia patients from both day care settings. In conclusion, the present work has shown that GCFs exceeded RDCFs in offering older dementia patients a diverse day program and in stimulating their dietary intake. The latter may result into a better preserved nutritional status in dementia patients attending day care at GCFs than in those attending day care at RDCFs. GCFs and RDCFs were equally effective in preventing significant decrease of cognitive functioning, emotional well‐being, and functional performance and in preventing significant increase of the number of behavioural symptoms. Both day care types further prevented significant increase of caregiver burden. Day care at GCFs is a new and valuable addition to the present care modalities for community‐dwelling older dementia patients and their caregiver

    Word Up! Directed motor action improves word learning [Abstract]

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    Can simple motor actions help people expand their vocabulary? Here we show that word learning depends on where students place their flash cards after studying them. In Experiment 1, participants learned the definitions of ”alien words” with positive or negative emotional valence. After studying each card, they placed it in one of two boxes (top or bottom), according to its valence. Participants who were instructed to place positive cards in the top box, consistent with Good is Up metaphors, scored about 10

    Analysis of Flatness Measurement and Form Stability of a Granite Surface Plate

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    It is rather difficult to compare quantitatively flatness measuring results of one and the same object (e.g. in case of a long-term stability investigation) or the results of a series of products (e.g. from the same machinetool in order to indicate machinetool-influences). An extension of a computerprogram applied to the evaluation of flatness measurement (as described in the CIRP-Annals, vol. 26 (1977), no.1), separates the form deviations of a surface into a geometrical part and a random part.\ud The geometric part consists of a best-fitting non-flat, reference plane, composed of the single curvature of a sphere and the double curvature of a real twisted plane. Three parameters (the dimensionless curvature parameters of sphericity and torsion, together with the direction of the torsionvector) are able to characterize the geometrical part of the surface; a fourth one is a measure for the random part.\ud Advantages of the method are demonstrated with the aid of a long-term investigation into the form stability of a granite surface plate.\ud Another extension of the program makes it now possible to measure surfaces with non-rectangular contours in the same way as it is being done in case of a rectangular surface plate.\u

    An exploration of embeddedness : with special reference to Japan : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Economics at Massey University

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    This thesis utilises the economic sociology concept of embeddedness as the theoretical underpinning to provide an alternative perspective to traditional explanations of economic growth. In general, the advantages of social embeddedness have been the main focus in the literature on the topic. The main purpose of this study is to explore, with special reference to Japan, how embedded relationships could both enable and hinder growth. The study examines the operation of embedded ties in four key areas: inter-firm interaction with an emphasis on the auto-industry; embedded relationships within the financial sector; networks in the internationalisation of firms and embeddedness between government and business, including a case study of the construction industry. It finds that while embedded ties have several advantageous facets, they also have the potential to be an impediment to growth, flexibility and adaptability to change. Network ties can expand and become so rigidly structured, especially in a Confucian society like Japan, as to become obstacles particularly in the face of changing economic circumstances. They can atrophy. This finding led to the development of the concluding notion of "atrophied embeddedness"


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    This paper provides a technical description of the Ireland Environment, Energy and Economy (I3E) model. The I3E model is an intertemporal computable general equilibrium model with multiple firms, one representative household group, multiple commodities, government, enterprises, and rest of the world accounts. It describes the Irish economy in sectoral detail. This model includes a detailed description of energy inputs and concomitant greenhouse gas emissions and has been developed with the purpose of investigating the economic and environmental impacts of climate policies for Ireland

    Representing uncertainty in continental-scale gridded precipitation fields for agrometeorological modeling

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    This work proposes a relatively simple methodology for creating ensembles of precipitation inputs that are consistent with the spatial and temporal scale necessary for regional crop modeling. A high-quality reference precipitation dataset [the European Land Data Assimilation System (ELDAS)] was used as a basis to define the uncertainty in an operational precipitation database [the Crop Growth Monitoring System (CGMS)]. The distributions of precipitation residuals (CGMS ¿ ELDAS) were determined for classes of CGMS precipitation and transformed to a Gaussian distribution using normal score transformations. In cases of zero CGMS precipitation, the occurrence of rainfall was controlled by an indicator variable. The resulting normal-score-transformed precipitation residuals appeared to be approximately multivariate Gaussian and exhibited strong spatial correlation; however, temporal correlation was very weak. An ensemble of 100 precipitation realizations was created based on back-transformed spatially correlated Gaussian residuals and indicator realizations. Quantile¿quantile plots of 100 realizations against the ELDAS reference data for selected sites revealed similar distributions (except for the 100th percentile, owing to some large residuals in the realizations). The semivariograms of realizations for sampled days showed considerable variability in the overall variance; the range of the spatial correlation was similar to that of the ELDAS reference dataset. The intermittency characteristics of wet and dry periods were reproduced well for most of the selected sites, but the method failed to reproduce the dry period statistics in semiarid areas (e.g., southern Spain). Finally, a case study demonstrates how rainfall ensembles can be used in operational crop modeling and crop yield forecasting


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    This study investigates the economic and environmental impacts of increasing the current carbon tax in Ireland from C20 per tonne of CO2 to C25, C30, C35 and C40. For this purpose, an Energy Social Accounting Matrix (ESAM) is developed for Ireland with 33 activities, 39 commodities, and ten household groups based on disposable income. The ESAM reproduces the structure of the Irish economy including production sectors, households and the government and quantifies the nature of all existing economic transactions among the diverse economic agents. Furthermore, the ESAM includes the flows of energy and emissions, creating a framework that can examine how money as well as energy and emissions flows between production sectors, households and the government. In this way the carbon content of different products and different households’ consumption is estimated. The current carbon tax in Ireland stands at C20 per tonne of carbon and is levied to incentivise households and producers to reduce their use of carbon-intensive goods. The carbon tax is relatively low, however, and constitutes just 1.9 per cent of total taxes levied on commodities in Ireland. Carbon tax accounts for only 7.6 per cent of total excise duties levied on petrol and 14 per cent of all excise duties on diesel. Our results reveal that increases in the carbon tax affect the prices of diesel and petrol the most. A C5 increase will increase the prices of carbon commodities by on average 0.8 per cent, and a doubling of the carbon tax to C40 per tonne of CO2 will increase the prices of carbon commodities by on average 3.4 per cent. The diesel price is expected to increase the most due to an increase in the carbon tax, whereby a C25 tax would result in a 1.7 per cent increase in diesel prices. A C40 tax would result in a 7 per cent increase in diesel prices. Putting this into context, it can be noted that in 2018 alone consumers have faced much greater fluctuations in diesel prices. Consumers are accustomed to relatively large fluctuations in fuel prices and may not react to increases in prices, assuming prices will fall again. This makes it extremely important to communicate a clear commitment to an increasing carbon tax by the government

    The Ingram Conjecture

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    We prove the Ingram Conjecture, i.e., we show that the inverse limit spaces of every two tent maps with different slopes in the interval [1, 2] are non-homeomorphic. Based on the structure obtained from the proof, we also show that every self-homeomorphism of the inverse limit space of the tent map is pseudo-isotopic, on the core, to some power of the shift homeomorphism

    The Role of Proactive Adaptation in International Climate Change Mitigation Agreements

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    This paper investigates the role of proactive adaptation in international mitigation coalition formation. Adaptation is introduced into a three stage cartel game of coalition formation. We analytically derive the optimal level of mitigation and proactive adaptation for the singletons and coalition members. We introduce the AD-STACO model which is constructed based on the STACO model, which is an applied three-stage cartel formation model with 12 heterogenous regions