392 research outputs found


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    The addition of citrate into biostimulatory amendment solutions for the in-situ bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons is a relatively new concept. Research has shown that addition of citrate in combination with phosphate can potentially decrease P sorption and thus increase P mobility and bioavailability. In this thesis, soil cores from a hydrocarbon-contaminated site were first characterized to determine soil characteristics. The soil cores had a high clay content with heterogeneous soil layers, leading to the hypothesis that preferential flow paths are likely dominant in transport onsite. As a manipulative experiment, soil Ca levels were modified via three treatments, Ca Saturated, Ca Depleted, and the control soil to ascertain the effect of Ca upon citrate and P retention. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) confirmed the change in total Ca levels as well as differences in mineralogy of the treated soils. In chapter three, phosphate adsorption isotherms and citrate desorption isotherm experiments were designed to quantify the relationships among soil Ca, P adsorption, and the concentration of citrate (0-50mM) at equilibrium conditions. The results demonstrated that high citrate levels (above 5mM) would allow less P to be adsorbed onto the soil surface. Phosphorus K-edge XANES were measured on soil samples treated with citrate and Ca to determine the relationship between chemical speciation and citrate interactions. The research led to the discovery that higher than expected (>5mM) levels of citrate were required to get a significant desorption in P; higher levels of soil Ca were correlated with more adsorbed P. In chapter four, kinetics experiments combined with a spectroscopic approach yielded a better understanding of the citrate-phosphate-calcium reaction dynamics. By using the Pseudo Second order model, all parameters from the kinetics experiments were highly correlated to model experimental values. The major finding of the kinetic study was that soil Ca level strongly influenced citrate desorption effectiveness. Overall this thesis showed that the connection between Ca, citrate, and P was important in determining rates and mechanisms of chemical interaction and to be able to build and apply a model to the system

    Human visceral nociception: findings from translational studies in human tissue.

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    Peripheral sensitization of nociceptors during disease has long been recognized as a leading cause of inflammatory pain. However, a growing body of data generated over the last decade has led to the increased understanding that peripheral sensitization is also an important mechanism driving abdominal pain in highly prevalent functional bowel disorders, in particular, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). As such, the development of drugs that target pain-sensing nerves innervating the bowel has the potential to be a successful analgesic strategy for the treatment of abdominal pain in both organic and functional gastrointestinal diseases. Despite the success of recent peripherally restricted approaches for the treatment of IBS, not all drugs that have shown efficacy in animal models of visceral pain have reduced pain end points in clinical trials of IBS patients, suggesting innate differences in the mechanisms of pain processing between rodents and humans and, in particular, how we model disease states. To address this gap in our understanding of peripheral nociception from the viscera and the body in general, several groups have developed experimental systems to study nociception in isolated human tissue and neurons, the findings of which we discuss in this review. Studies of human tissue identify a repertoire of human primary afferent subtypes comparable to rodent models including a nociceptor population, the targeting of which will shape future analgesic development efforts. Detailed mechanistic studies in human sensory neurons combined with unbiased RNA-sequencing approaches have revealed fundamental differences in not only receptor/channel expression but also peripheral pain pathways.Non

    Seasonal persistence of faecal indicator organisms in soil following dairy slurry application to land by surface broadcasting and shallow injection

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    Dairy farming generates large volumes of liquid manure (slurry), which is ultimately recycled to agricultural land as a valuable source of plant nutrients. Different methods of slurry application to land exist; some spread the slurry to the sward surface whereas others deliver the slurry under the sward and into the soil, thus helping to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agriculture. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of two slurry application methods (surface broadcast versus shallow injection) on the survival of faecal indicator organisms (FIOs) delivered via dairy slurry to replicated grassland plots across contrasting seasons. A significant increase in FIO persistence (measured by the half-life ofE.coliand intestinal enterococci) was observed when slurry was applied to grassland via shallow injection, and FIO decay rates were significantly higher for FIOs applied to grassland in spring relative to summer and autumn. Significant differences in the behaviour ofE.coliand intestinal enterococci over time were also observed, withE.colihalf-lives influenced more strongly by season of application relative to the intestinal enterococci population. While shallow injection of slurry can reduce agricultural GHG emissions to air it can also prolong the persistence of FIOs in soil, potentially increasing the risk of their subsequent transfer to water. Awareness of (and evidence for) the potential for ‘pollution-swapping’ is critical in order to guard against unintended environmental impacts of agricultural management decisions

    The human gut microbe <i>Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron</i> encodes the founding member of a novel glycosaminoglycan-degrading polysaccharide lyase family PL29

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    Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and GAG-degrading enzymes have wide-ranging applications in the medical and biotechnological industries. The former are also an important nutrient source for select species of the human gut microbiota (HGM), a key player in host-microbial interactions. How GAGs are metabolized by the HGM is therefore of interest and has been extensively investigated in the model human gut microbe Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron. The presence of yet uncharacterized GAG-inducible genes in its genome and that of related species however, is testament to our incomplete understanding of this process. Nevertheless, it presents a potential opportunity for the discovery of additional GAG-degrading enzymes. Here, we investigated a gene of unknown function (BT_3328) from the chondroitin sulfate (CS) utilization locus of B. thetaiotaomicron. NMR and UV spectroscopic assays revealed that it encodes a novel polysaccharide lyase (PL), hereafter referred to as BtCDH, reflecting its source (B. thetaiotaomicron or Bt) and ability to degrade the GAGs CS, dermatan sulfate (DS) and hyaluronic acid (HA). When incubated with HA, BtCDH generated a series of unsaturated HA sugars including Δ4,5UA-GlcNAc, Δ4,5UA-GlcNAc-GlcA-GlcNac, Δ4,5UA-[GlcNAc-GlcA]2-GlcNac and Δ4,5UA-[GlcNAc-GlcA]3-GlcNac) as end products and hence was classed as endo-acting. A combination of genetic and biochemical assays revealed that BtCDH localizes to the cell surface of B. thetaiotaomicron where it enables extracellular GAG degradation. BtCDH homologues were also detected in several other HGM species and we therefore propose that it represents the founding member of a new polysaccharide lyase family (PL29). The current discovery also contributes new insights into CS metabolism by the HGM

    Pain Severity Correlates With Biopsy-Mediated Colonic Afferent Activation But Not Psychological Scores in Patients With IBS-D.

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite heterogeneity, an increased prevalence of psychological comorbidity and an altered pronociceptive gut microenvironment have repeatedly emerged as causative pathophysiology in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Our aim was to study these phenomena by comparing gut-related symptoms, psychological scores, and biopsy samples generated from a detailed diarrhea-predominant IBS patient (IBS-D) cohort before their entry into a previously reported clinical trial. METHODS: Data were generated from 42 patients with IBS-D who completed a daily 2-week bowel symptom diary, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression score, and the Patient Health Questionnaire-12 Somatic Symptom score and underwent unprepared flexible sigmoidoscopy. Sigmoid mucosal biopsies were separately evaluated using immunohistochemistry and culture supernatants to determine cellularity, mediator levels, and ability to stimulate colonic afferent activity. RESULTS: Pain severity scores significantly correlated with the daily duration of pain (r = 0.67, P < 0.00001), urgency (r = 0.57, P < 0.0005), and bloating (r = 0.39, P < 0.05), but not with psychological symptom scores for anxiety, depression, or somatization. Furthermore, pain severity scores from individual patients with IBS-D were significantly correlated (r = 0.40, P < 0.008) with stimulation of colonic afferent activation mediated by their biopsy supernatant, but not with biopsy cell counts nor measured mediator levels. DISCUSSION: Peripheral pronociceptive changes in the bowel seem more important than psychological factors in determining pain severity within a tightly phenotyped cohort of patients with IBS-D. No individual mediator was identified as the cause of this pronociceptive change, suggesting that nerve targeting therapeutic approaches may be more successful than mediator-driven approaches for the treatment of pain in IBS-D

    Adverse birth outcomes in United Republic of Tanzania--impact and prevention of maternal risk factors.

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine risk factors for poor birth outcome and their population attributable fractions. METHODS: 1688 women who attended for antenatal care were recruited into a prospective study of the effectiveness of syphilis screening and treatment. All women were screened and treated for syphilis and other reproductive tract infections (RTIs) during pregnancy and followed to delivery to measure the incidence of stillbirth, intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), low birth weight (LBW) and preterm live birth. FINDINGS: At delivery, 2.7% of 1536 women experienced a stillbirth, 12% of live births were preterm and 8% were LBW. Stillbirth was independently associated with a past history of stillbirth, short maternal stature and anaemia. LBW was associated with short maternal stature, ethnicity, occupation, gravidity and maternal malaria whereas preterm birth was associated with occupation, age of sexual debut, untreated bacterial vaginosis and maternal malaria. IUGR was associated with gravidity, maternal malaria, short stature, and delivering a female infant. In the women who had been screened and treated for syphilis, in between 20 and 34% of women with each outcome was estimated to be attributable to malaria, and 63% of stillbirths were estimated as being attributable to maternal anaemia. Screening and treatment of RTIs was effective and no association was seen between treated RTIs and adverse pregnancy outcomes. CONCLUSION: Maternal malaria and anaemia continue to be significant causes of adverse pregnancy outcome in sub-Saharan Africa. Providing reproductive health services that include treatment of RTIs and prevention of malaria and maternal anaemia to reduce adverse birth outcomes remains a priority

    The impact of classroom design on collaborative learning

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    This paper discusses a trial of a recently opened Collaborative Learning Centre at the University of Queensland. The aim of the trial was to see how the space could be used with science students in a first-year introductory statistics course, and what kinds of collaborations the space might encourage. The Centre has a number of spaces designed for collaborative learning, but only one of these was completed at the time of the trial. This space was the largest, accommodating around 100 students in five ‘pods’, each with a main computer and data projector as well as six to eight other computers. It is clear that the space is not just a computer laboratory, with computers to support collaboration rather than being the focus. The trial attempted to use a learning task that would meet such characteristics of the space

    Single-cell RNAseq reveals seven classes of colonic sensory neuron.

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    OBJECTIVE: Integration of nutritional, microbial and inflammatory events along the gut-brain axis can alter bowel physiology and organism behaviour. Colonic sensory neurons activate reflex pathways and give rise to conscious sensation, but the diversity and division of function within these neurons is poorly understood. The identification of signalling pathways contributing to visceral sensation is constrained by a paucity of molecular markers. Here we address this by comprehensive transcriptomic profiling and unsupervised clustering of individual mouse colonic sensory neurons. DESIGN: Unbiased single-cell RNA-sequencing was performed on retrogradely traced mouse colonic sensory neurons isolated from both thoracolumbar (TL) and lumbosacral (LS) dorsal root ganglia associated with lumbar splanchnic and pelvic spinal pathways, respectively. Identified neuronal subtypes were validated by single-cell qRT-PCR, immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Ca2+-imaging. RESULTS: Transcriptomic profiling and unsupervised clustering of 314 colonic sensory neurons revealed seven neuronal subtypes. Of these, five neuronal subtypes accounted for 99% of TL neurons, with LS neurons almost exclusively populating the remaining two subtypes. We identify and classify neurons based on novel subtype-specific marker genes using single-cell qRT-PCR and IHC to validate subtypes derived from RNA-sequencing. Lastly, functional Ca2+-imaging was conducted on colonic sensory neurons to demonstrate subtype-selective differential agonist activation. CONCLUSIONS: We identify seven subtypes of colonic sensory neurons using unbiased single-cell RNA-sequencing and confirm translation of patterning to protein expression, describing sensory diversity encompassing all modalities of colonic neuronal sensitivity. These results provide a pathway to molecular interrogation of colonic sensory innervation in health and disease, together with identifying novel targets for drug development
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