222 research outputs found

    Ireland's Fifth Province:The Field Day Project and Cultural Identity in Northern Ireland

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    Consecuencias de las trayectorias de institucionalización en el sistema de cuidado alternativo residencial de niños, niñas y adolescentes en Chile.

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    El presente artículo aborda las consecuencias de las trayectorias de institucionalización en la vida de niños, niñas y adolescentes sujetos de intervención de la política pública de protección especializada en Chile, específicamente en lo respectivo al Sistema de Cuidado Alternativo Residencial del Servicio Mejor Niñez. Desde un Enfoque de Derechos, se elabora un análisis a partir de una revisión bibliográfica que permite profundizar en las características e impacto que produce la institucionalización en la niñez y adolescencia. El análisis se presenta desde las problemáticas estructurales de la institucionalidad pública, vulneraciones de derechos, dinámicas de violencia y conductas criminógenas; así como también se observa el tránsito de intervención desde la protección de derechos a justicia juvenil, y el rol garante del Estado de Chile

    Ring chromosome 20

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    Ring Chromosome 20 syndrome is a rare chromosomal disorder characterized by refractory epilepsy, with seizures in wakefulness and sleep, behavioral problems and mild to severe cognitive impairment. Facial dysmorphism or other congenital malformations are rarely reported making it difficult to diagnose the syndrome based on clinical findings alone. Therefore, diagnosis requires cytogenetic testing. More than 100 cases have been published since the initial report in 1972. In some patients, the ring (20) is found in all cells analyzed and in these cases, the ring is almost always accompanied by deletions of 20pter and/or 20qter. However, in the majority of cases the ring is present in only a proportion of cells, with two normal 20's in the remaining cells (mosaicism), and in these cases, no deletions of chromosome 20 have been observed. Patients with supernumerary r(20) chromosomes have also been identified, but these individuals do not generally have seizures and are not discussed in this review. Characterization by fluorescence in situ hybridization and array-based analysis has shed insight into the molecular composition and possible mechanisms of ring formation, in both the mosaic and non-mosaic patients. The age of onset of seizures correlates with the percentage of cells with the ring in mosaic patients. While the underlying etiology of the phenotype is still not understood, evidence is accumulating which suggests the deletion of candidate genes on chromosome 20 is not responsible. Cytogenetic analysis, rather than chromosomal microarray analysis is recommended for diagnosis of this syndrome, as the mosaic cases do not have copy number alterations and are therefore not identified by array-based analysis

    FRET studies of a landscape of Lac repressor-mediated DNA loops

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    DNA looping mediated by the Lac repressor is an archetypal test case for modeling protein and DNA flexibility. Understanding looping is fundamental to quantitative descriptions of gene expression. Systematic analysis of LacI•DNA looping was carried out using a landscape of DNA constructs with lac operators bracketing an A-tract bend, produced by varying helical phasings between operators and the bend. Fluorophores positioned on either side of both operators allowed direct Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) detection of parallel (P1) and antiparallel (A1, A2) DNA looping topologies anchored by V-shaped LacI. Combining fluorophore position variant landscapes allows calculation of the P1, A1 and A2 populations from FRET efficiencies and also reveals extended low-FRET loops proposed to form via LacI opening. The addition of isopropyl-β-d-thio-galactoside (IPTG) destabilizes but does not eliminate the loops, and IPTG does not redistribute loops among high-FRET topologies. In some cases, subsequent addition of excess LacI does not reduce FRET further, suggesting that IPTG stabilizes extended or other low-FRET loops. The data align well with rod mechanics models for the energetics of DNA looping topologies. At the peaks of the predicted energy landscape for V-shaped loops, the proposed extended loops are more stable and are observed instead, showing that future models must consider protein flexibility

    A modified integrated genetic model for risk prediction in younger patients with acute myeloid leukemia

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    Background: Although cytogenetics-based prognostication systems are well described in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), overall survival (OS) remains highly variable within risk groups. An integrated genetic prognostic (IGP) model using cytogenetics plus mutations in nine genes was recently proposed for patients ≤60 years to improve classification. This model has not been validated in clinical practice. Methods and Findings: We retrospectively studied 197 patients with newly diagnosed de novo AML. We compared OS curves among the mutational profiles defined by the IGP model. The IGP model assigned patients with intermediate cytogenetics as having favorable, intermediate or unfavorable mutational profiles. The IGP model reassigned 50 of 137 patients with intermediate cytogenetics to favorable or unfavorable mutational profiles. Median OS was 2.8 years among 14 patients with intermediate cytogenetics and favorable mutational profiles (mutant NPM1 and mutant IDH1 or IDH2) and 1.3 years among patients with intermediate mutational profiles. Among patients with intermediate cytogenetics labeled as having unfavorable mutational profiles, median OS was 0.8 years among 24 patients with FLT3-ITD positive AML and high-risk genetic changes (trisomy 8, TET2 and/or DNMT3A) and 1.7 years among 12 patients with FLT3-ITD negative AML and high-risk mutations (TET2, ASXL1 and/or PHF6). OS for patients with intermediate cytogenetics and favorable mutational profiles was similar to OS for patients with favorable cytogenetics (p = 0.697) and different from patients with intermediate cytogenetics and intermediate mutational profiles (p = 0.028). OS among patients with FLT3-ITD positive AML and high-risk genetic changes was similar to patients with unfavorable cytogenetics (p = 0.793) and different from patients with intermediate IGP profile (p = 0.022). Patients with FLT3-ITD negative AML and high-risk mutations, defined as 'unfavorable' in the IGP model, had OS similar to patients with intermediate IGP profile (p = 0.919). Conclusions: The IGP model was not completely validated in our cohort. However, mutations in six out of the nine genes can be used to characterize survival (NPMI, IDH1, IDH2, FLT3-ITD, TET2, DNMT3A) and allow for more robust prognostication in the patients who are re-categorized by the IGP model. These mutations should be incorporated into clinical testing for younger patients outside of clinical trials, in order to guide therapy

    A nucleoside kinase as a dual selector for genetic switches and circuits

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    The development of genetic switches and their integrated forms (genetic circuits) with desired specifications/functions is key for success in synthetic biology. Due to the difficulty in rational design, genetic switches and circuits with desirable specifications are mostly obtained by directed evolution. Based on a virus-derived nucleotide kinase as a single-gene dual selector, we constructed a robust, efficient and stringent selection system for genetic switches. This method exhibited unprecedented enrichment efficacy (>30 000-fold) of functional switches from non-functional ones in a single selection cycle. In addition, negative (OFF) selection was exceptionally stringent, allowing the rapid and efficient selection of non-leaky from leaky circuits