2,588 research outputs found

    Wave Height Attenuation and Flow Resistance Due to Emergent or Near-Emergent Vegetation.

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    Vegetation plays a pivotal role in fluvial and coastal flows, affecting their structure and turbulence, thus having a strong impact on the processes of transport and diffusion of nutrients and sediments, as well as on ecosystems and habitats. In the present experimental study, the attenuation of regular waves propagating in a channel through flexible vegetation is investigated. Specifically, artificial plants mimicking Spartina maritima are considered. Different plant densities and arrangements are tested, as well as different submergence ratios. Measurements of wave characteristics by six wave gauges, distributed all along the vegetated stretch, allow us to estimate the wave energy dissipation. The flow resistance opposed by vegetation is inferred by considering that drag and dissipation coefficients are strictly related. The submergence ratio and the stem density, rather than the wave characteristics, affect the drag coefficient the most. A comparison with the results obtained in the case when the same vegetation is placed in a uniform flow is also shown. It confirms that the drag coefficient for the canopy is lower than for an isolated cylinder, even if the reduction is not affected by the stem density, underlining that flow unsteadiness might be crucial in the process of dissipation

    Development of a Mass Flowmeter based on the Coriolis Acceleration for Liquid, Supercritical and Superfluid Helium

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    Beginning in the 1980's, Coriolis meters have gained generalised acceptance in liquid applications with a worldwide installed base of over 300,000 units. To meet the demands of cryogenic applications below 20 K, off-the-shelf Coriolis meters have been used, with minor design modifications and operational changes. The meters were originally calibrated on water and tested on liquid helium at 4.5 K, supercritical helium around 5 K and superfluid helium below 2 K. The meters maintain their intrinsic robustness and accuracy of better than 1% of measured value; accuracy is independent of density and temperature

    Stability of the Duality Gap in Linear Optimization

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    In this paper we consider the duality gap function g that measures the difference between the optimal values of the primal problem and of the dual problem in linear programming and in linear semi-infinite programming. We analyze its behavior when the data defining these problems may be perturbed, considering seven different scenarios. In particular we find some stability results by proving that, under mild conditions, either the duality gap of the perturbed problems is zero or + ∞ around the given data, or g has an infinite jump at it. We also give conditions guaranteeing that those data providing a finite duality gap are limits of sequences of data providing zero duality gap for sufficiently small perturbations, which is a generic result.This research was partially supported by MINECO of Spain and FEDER of EU, Grant MTM2014-59179-C2-01 and SECTyP-UNCuyo Res. 4540/13-R

    Selected Applications of Linear Semi-Infinite Systems Theory

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    In this paper we, firstly, review the main known results on systems of an arbitrary (possibly infinite) number of weak linear inequalities posed in the Euclidean space Rn (i.e., with n unknowns), and, secondly, show the potential power of this theoretical tool by developing in detail two significant applications, one to computational geometry: the Voronoi cells, and the other to mathematical analysis: approximate subdifferentials, recovering known results in both fields and proving new ones. In particular, this paper completes the existing theory of farthest Voronoi cells of infinite sets of sites by appealing to well-known results on linear semi-infinite systems.This research was partially supported by PGC2018-097960-B-C22 of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCIU), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI), and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); by CONICET, Argentina, Res D No 4198/17; and by Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Secretaría de Investigación, Internacionales y Posgrado (SIIP), Res. 3922/19-R, Cod.06/D227, Argentina

    The water safety plan approach: Application to small drinking-water systems—case studies in salento (south italy)

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    none6noBackground: The quality of water for human consumption is an objective of fundamental importance for the defense of public health. Since the management of networks involves many problems of control and efficiency of distribution, the Water Safety Plan (WSP) was introduced to address these growing problems. Methods: WSP was applied to three companies in which the water resource assumes central importance: five water kiosks, a third-range vegetable processing company, and a residence and care institution. In drafting the plan, the terms and procedures designed and tested for the management of urban distribution systems were applied to safeguard the resource over time. Results: The case studies demonstrated the reliability of the application of the model even to small drinking-water systems, even though it involved a greater effort in analyzing the incoming water, the local intended use, and the possibilities for managing the containment of the dangers to which it is exposed. This approach demonstrates concrete effectiveness in identifying and mitigating the dangers of altering the quality of water. Conclusions: Thanks to the WSP applied to small drinking-water systems, we can move from management that is focused mainly on verifying the conformity of the finished product to the creation of a global risk assessment and management system that covers the entire water supply chain.openSerio F.; Martella L.; Imbriani G.; Idolo A.; Bagordo F.; De Donno A.Serio, F.; Martella, L.; Imbriani, G.; Idolo, A.; Bagordo, F.; De Donno, A

    Application of an EGR system in a direct injection diesel engine to reduce NOx emissions

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    This work presents the application of an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system in a direct injection diesel engine operating with diesel oil containing 7% biodiesel (B7). EGR rates of up to 10% were applied with the primary aim to reduce oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions. The experiments were conducted in a 44 kW diesel power generator to evaluate engine performance and emissions for different load settings. The use of EGR caused a peak pressure reduction during the combustion process and a decrease in thermal efficiency, mainly at high engine loads. A reduction of NOx emissions of up to 26% was achieved, though penalizing carbon monoxide (CO) and total hydrocarbons (THC) emissions

    The Voronoi inverse mapping

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    Given an arbitrary set T in the Euclidean space whose elements are called sites, and a particular site s, the Voronoi cell of s , denoted by VT(s)VT(s), consists of all points closer to s than to any other site. The Voronoi mapping of s , denoted by ψsψs, associates to each set T∋sT∋s the Voronoi cell VT(s)VT(s) of s w.r.t. T . These Voronoi cells are solution sets of linear inequality systems, so they are closed convex sets. In this paper we study the Voronoi inverse problem consisting in computing, for a given closed convex set F∋sF∋s, the family of sets T∋sT∋s such that ψs(T)=Fψs(T)=F. More in detail, the paper analyzes relationships between the elements of this family, ψs−1(F), and the linear representations of F , provides explicit formulas for maximal and minimal elements of ψs−1(F), and studies the closure operator that assigns, to each closed set T containing s , the largest element of ψs−1(F), where F=VT(s)F=VT(s).This work has been supported by MINECO of Spain and ERDF from EC, Grants MTM2011-29064-C03-01, MTM2011-29064-C03-02, Australian Research Council’s Discovery Projects funding scheme (project number DP140103213), Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (SEV-2015-0563), and SECTyP-UNCuyo, Argentina, Grant Res. 4540/13-R. The second author is affiliated to MOVE (Markets, Organizations and Votes in Economics)

    Technical note: Functional sliced inverse regression to infer temperature, water vapour and ozone from IASI data.

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    A retrieval algorithm that uses a statistical strategy based on dimension reduction is proposed. The methodology and details of the implementation of the new algorithm are presented and discussed. The algorithm has been applied to high resolution spectra measured by the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer instrument to retrieve atmospheric profiles of temperature, water vapour and ozone. The performance of the inversion strategy has been assessed by comparing the retrieved profiles to the ones obtained by co-locating in space and time profiles from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts analysi

    Experimental Setup and Measuring System to Study SolitaryWave Interaction with Rigid Emergent Vegetation

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    The aim of this study is to present a peculiar experimental setup, designed to investigate the interaction between solitary waves and rigid emergent vegetation. Flow rate changes due to the opening and closing of a software-controlled electro-valve generate a solitary wave. The complexity of the problem required the combined use of different measurement systems of water level and velocity. Preliminary results of the experimental investigation, which allow us to point out the effect of the vegetation on the propagation of a solitary wave and the effectiveness of the measuring system, are also presented. In particular, water level and velocity field changes due to the interaction of the wave with rigid vegetation are investigated in detail

    Genomic changes of chromosomes 8p23.1 and 1q21: Novel mutations in malignant mesothelioma

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    Introduction: Malignant mesothelioma is an aggressive malignancy of the thoracic cavity caused by prior asbestos exposure. In the peritoneum the mesothelioma is an extremely rare condition. In the present preliminary study, high-resolution array-comparative genomic hybridization (a-CGH) was performed to identify genetic imbalances in a series of malignant peritoneal mesothelioma cases. Materials and methods: Between 1990 and 2008, among the cases recorded in the Apulia Mesothelioma Register, we found 22 peritoneal mesothelioma cases. CGH-array was performed on samples from all patients. Results: The CGH-array analysis revealed multiple chromosomal imbalances. Interestingly, deletion at 8p23.1 was observed in 12 cases. Furthermore, another novel deletion at 1q21 was present in 11. Often, 1q21 and 8p23.1 losses were present in the same patient (7 cases). Losses of BAP1 and CDKN2A loci were not detected. Discussion: The region at 8p23.1 contains the beta-defensin gene cluster (DEF) and 1q21 contains ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 (UBE2Q1). We hypotesized that the loss of function of ubiquitination, as well as of the defensins, could play an important role in the initial development and subsequent progression of mesothelioma
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