19 research outputs found

    A framework for multidimensional indexes on distributed and highly-available data stores

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    Spatial Big Data is considered an essential trend in future scientific and business applications. Indeed, research instruments, medical devices, and social networks generate hundreds of peta bytes of spatial data per year. However, as many authors have pointed out, the lack of specialized frameworks dealing with such kind of data is limiting possible applications and probably precluding many scientific breakthroughs. In this thesis, we describe three HPC scientific applications, ranging from molecular dynamics, neuroscience analysis, and physics simulations, where we experience first hand the limits of the existing technologies. Thanks to our experience, we define the desirable missing functionalities, and we focus on two features that when combined significantly improve the way scientific data is analyzed. On one side, scientific simulations generate complex datasets where multiple correlated characteristics describe each item. For instance, a particle might have a space position (x,y,z) at a given time (t). If we want to find all elements within the same area and period, we either have to scan the whole dataset, or we must organize the data so that all items in the same space and time are stored together. The second approach is called Multidimensional Indexing (MI), and it uses different techniques to cluster and to organize similar data together. On the other side, approximate analytics has been often indicated as a smart and flexible way to explore large datasets in a short period. Approximate analytics includes a broad family of algorithms which aims to speed up analytical workloads by relaxing the precision of the results within a specific interval of confidence. For instance, if we want to know the average age in a group with 1-year precision, we can consider just a random fraction of all the people, thus reducing the amount of calculation. But if we also want less I/O operations, we need efficient data sampling, which means organizing data in a way that we do not need to scan the whole data set to generate a random sample of it. According to our analysis, combining Multidimensional Indexing with efficient data Sampling (MIS) is a vital missing feature not available in the current distributed data management solutions. This thesis aims to solve such a shortcoming and it provides novel scalable solutions. At first, we describe the existing data management alternatives; then we motivate our preference for NoSQL key-value databases. Secondly, we propose an analytical model to study the influence of data models on the scalability and performance of this kind of distributed database. Thirdly, we use the analytical model to design two novel multidimensional indexes with efficient data sampling: the D8tree and the AOTree. Our first solution, the D8tree, improves state of the art for approximate spatial queries on static and mostly read dataset. Later, we enhanced the data ingestion capability or our approach by introducing the AOTree, an algorithm that enables the query performance of the D8tree even for HPC write-intensive applications. We compared our solution with PostgreSQL and plain storage, and we demonstrate that our proposal has better performance and scalability. Finally, we describe Qbeast, the novel distributed system that implements the D8tree and the AOTree using NoSQL technologies, and we illustrate how Qbeast simplifies the workflow of scientists in various HPC applications providing a scalable and integrated solution for data analysis and management.La gestión de BigData con información espacial está considerada como una tendencia esencial en el futuro de las aplicaciones científicas y de negocio. De hecho, se generan cientos de petabytes de datos espaciales por año mediante instrumentos de investigación, dispositivos médicos y redes sociales. Sin embargo, tal y como muchos autores han señalado, la falta de entornos especializados en manejar este tipo de datos está limitando sus posibles aplicaciones y está impidiendo muchos avances científicos. En esta tesis, describimos 3 aplicaciones científicas HPC, que cubren los ámbitos de dinámica molecular, análisis neurocientífico y simulaciones físicas, donde hemos experimentado en primera mano las limitaciones de las tecnologías existentes. Gracias a nuestras experiencias, hemos podido definir qué funcionalidades serían deseables y no existen, y nos hemos centrado en dos características que, al combinarlas, mejoran significativamente la manera en la que se analizan los datos científicos. Por un lado, las simulaciones científicas generan conjuntos de datos complejos, en los que cada elemento es descrito por múltiples características correlacionadas. Por ejemplo, una partícula puede tener una posición espacial (x, y, z) en un momento dado (t). Si queremos encontrar todos los elementos dentro de la misma área y periodo, o bien recorremos y analizamos todo el conjunto de datos, o bien organizamos los datos de manera que se almacenen juntos todos los elementos que comparten área en un momento dado. Esta segunda opción se conoce como Indexación Multidimensional (IM) y usa diferentes técnicas para agrupar y organizar datos similares. Por otro lado, se suele señalar que las analíticas aproximadas son una manera inteligente y flexible de explorar grandes conjuntos de datos en poco tiempo. Este tipo de analíticas incluyen una amplia familia de algoritmos que acelera el tiempo de procesado, relajando la precisión de los resultados dentro de un determinado intervalo de confianza. Por ejemplo, si queremos saber la edad media de un grupo con precisión de un año, podemos considerar sólo un subconjunto aleatorio de todas las personas, reduciendo así la cantidad de cálculo. Pero si además queremos menos operaciones de entrada/salida, necesitamos un muestreo eficiente de datos, que implica organizar los datos de manera que no necesitemos recorrerlos todos para generar una muestra aleatoria. De acuerdo con nuestros análisis, la combinación de Indexación Multidimensional con Muestreo eficiente de datos (IMM) es una característica vital que no está disponible en las soluciones actuales de gestión distribuida de datos. Esta tesis pretende resolver esta limitación y proporciona unas soluciones novedosas que son escalables. En primer lugar, describimos las alternativas de gestión de datos que existen y motivamos nuestra preferencia por las bases de datos NoSQL basadas en clave-valor. En segundo lugar, proponemos un modelo analítico para estudiar la influencia que tienen los modelos de datos sobre la escalabilidad y el rendimiento de este tipo de bases de datos distribuidas. En tercer lugar, usamos el modelo analítico para diseñar dos novedosos algoritmos IMM: el D8tree y el AOTree. Nuestra primera solución, el D8tree, mejora el estado del arte actual para consultas espaciales aproximadas, cuando el conjunto de datos es estático y mayoritariamente de lectura. Después, mejoramos la capacidad de ingestión introduciendo el AOTree, un algoritmo que conserva el rendimiento del D8tree incluso para aplicaciones HPC intensivas en escritura. Hemos comparado nuestra solución con PostgreSQL y almacenamiento plano demostrando que nuestra propuesta mejora tanto el rendimiento como la escalabilidad. Finalmente, describimos Qbeast, el sistema que implementa los algoritmos D8tree y AOTree, e ilustramos cómo Qbeast simplifica el flujo de trabajo de los científicos ofreciendo una solución escalable e integraPostprint (published version

    A framework for multidimensional indexes on distributed and highly-available data stores

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    No-relational databases are nowadays a common solution when dealing with a huge data set and massive query workload. These systems have been redesigned from scratch in order to achieve scalability and availability at the cost of providing only a reduce set of low-level functionality, thus forcing the client application to implement complex logic. As a solution, our research group developed Hecuba, a set of tools and interfaces, which aims to facilitate developers with an efficient and painless interaction with non-relational technologies. This paper presents a part of Hecuba related to a particular missing feature: multidimensional indexing. Our work focuses on the design of architectures and the algorithms for providing multidimensional indexing on a distributed database without compromising scalability and availability

    A framework for multidimensional indexes on distributed and highly-available data stores

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    Spatial Big Data is considered an essential trend in future scientific and business applications. Indeed, research instruments, medical devices, and social networks generate hundreds of peta bytes of spatial data per year. However, as many authors have pointed out, the lack of specialized frameworks dealing with such kind of data is limiting possible applications and probably precluding many scientific breakthroughs. In this thesis, we describe three HPC scientific applications, ranging from molecular dynamics, neuroscience analysis, and physics simulations, where we experience first hand the limits of the existing technologies. Thanks to our experience, we define the desirable missing functionalities, and we focus on two features that when combined significantly improve the way scientific data is analyzed. On one side, scientific simulations generate complex datasets where multiple correlated characteristics describe each item. For instance, a particle might have a space position (x,y,z) at a given time (t). If we want to find all elements within the same area and period, we either have to scan the whole dataset, or we must organize the data so that all items in the same space and time are stored together. The second approach is called Multidimensional Indexing (MI), and it uses different techniques to cluster and to organize similar data together. On the other side, approximate analytics has been often indicated as a smart and flexible way to explore large datasets in a short period. Approximate analytics includes a broad family of algorithms which aims to speed up analytical workloads by relaxing the precision of the results within a specific interval of confidence. For instance, if we want to know the average age in a group with 1-year precision, we can consider just a random fraction of all the people, thus reducing the amount of calculation. But if we also want less I/O operations, we need efficient data sampling, which means organizing data in a way that we do not need to scan the whole data set to generate a random sample of it. According to our analysis, combining Multidimensional Indexing with efficient data Sampling (MIS) is a vital missing feature not available in the current distributed data management solutions. This thesis aims to solve such a shortcoming and it provides novel scalable solutions. At first, we describe the existing data management alternatives; then we motivate our preference for NoSQL key-value databases. Secondly, we propose an analytical model to study the influence of data models on the scalability and performance of this kind of distributed database. Thirdly, we use the analytical model to design two novel multidimensional indexes with efficient data sampling: the D8tree and the AOTree. Our first solution, the D8tree, improves state of the art for approximate spatial queries on static and mostly read dataset. Later, we enhanced the data ingestion capability or our approach by introducing the AOTree, an algorithm that enables the query performance of the D8tree even for HPC write-intensive applications. We compared our solution with PostgreSQL and plain storage, and we demonstrate that our proposal has better performance and scalability. Finally, we describe Qbeast, the novel distributed system that implements the D8tree and the AOTree using NoSQL technologies, and we illustrate how Qbeast simplifies the workflow of scientists in various HPC applications providing a scalable and integrated solution for data analysis and management.La gestión de BigData con información espacial está considerada como una tendencia esencial en el futuro de las aplicaciones científicas y de negocio. De hecho, se generan cientos de petabytes de datos espaciales por año mediante instrumentos de investigación, dispositivos médicos y redes sociales. Sin embargo, tal y como muchos autores han señalado, la falta de entornos especializados en manejar este tipo de datos está limitando sus posibles aplicaciones y está impidiendo muchos avances científicos. En esta tesis, describimos 3 aplicaciones científicas HPC, que cubren los ámbitos de dinámica molecular, análisis neurocientífico y simulaciones físicas, donde hemos experimentado en primera mano las limitaciones de las tecnologías existentes. Gracias a nuestras experiencias, hemos podido definir qué funcionalidades serían deseables y no existen, y nos hemos centrado en dos características que, al combinarlas, mejoran significativamente la manera en la que se analizan los datos científicos. Por un lado, las simulaciones científicas generan conjuntos de datos complejos, en los que cada elemento es descrito por múltiples características correlacionadas. Por ejemplo, una partícula puede tener una posición espacial (x, y, z) en un momento dado (t). Si queremos encontrar todos los elementos dentro de la misma área y periodo, o bien recorremos y analizamos todo el conjunto de datos, o bien organizamos los datos de manera que se almacenen juntos todos los elementos que comparten área en un momento dado. Esta segunda opción se conoce como Indexación Multidimensional (IM) y usa diferentes técnicas para agrupar y organizar datos similares. Por otro lado, se suele señalar que las analíticas aproximadas son una manera inteligente y flexible de explorar grandes conjuntos de datos en poco tiempo. Este tipo de analíticas incluyen una amplia familia de algoritmos que acelera el tiempo de procesado, relajando la precisión de los resultados dentro de un determinado intervalo de confianza. Por ejemplo, si queremos saber la edad media de un grupo con precisión de un año, podemos considerar sólo un subconjunto aleatorio de todas las personas, reduciendo así la cantidad de cálculo. Pero si además queremos menos operaciones de entrada/salida, necesitamos un muestreo eficiente de datos, que implica organizar los datos de manera que no necesitemos recorrerlos todos para generar una muestra aleatoria. De acuerdo con nuestros análisis, la combinación de Indexación Multidimensional con Muestreo eficiente de datos (IMM) es una característica vital que no está disponible en las soluciones actuales de gestión distribuida de datos. Esta tesis pretende resolver esta limitación y proporciona unas soluciones novedosas que son escalables. En primer lugar, describimos las alternativas de gestión de datos que existen y motivamos nuestra preferencia por las bases de datos NoSQL basadas en clave-valor. En segundo lugar, proponemos un modelo analítico para estudiar la influencia que tienen los modelos de datos sobre la escalabilidad y el rendimiento de este tipo de bases de datos distribuidas. En tercer lugar, usamos el modelo analítico para diseñar dos novedosos algoritmos IMM: el D8tree y el AOTree. Nuestra primera solución, el D8tree, mejora el estado del arte actual para consultas espaciales aproximadas, cuando el conjunto de datos es estático y mayoritariamente de lectura. Después, mejoramos la capacidad de ingestión introduciendo el AOTree, un algoritmo que conserva el rendimiento del D8tree incluso para aplicaciones HPC intensivas en escritura. Hemos comparado nuestra solución con PostgreSQL y almacenamiento plano demostrando que nuestra propuesta mejora tanto el rendimiento como la escalabilidad. Finalmente, describimos Qbeast, el sistema que implementa los algoritmos D8tree y AOTree, e ilustramos cómo Qbeast simplifica el flujo de trabajo de los científicos ofreciendo una solución escalable e integr

    Aeneas: A tool to enable applications to effectively use non-relational databases

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    Non-relational databases arise as a solution to solve the scalability problems of relational databases when dealing with big data applications. However, they are highly configurable prone to user decisions that can heavily affect their performance. In order to maximize the performance, different data models and queries should be analyzed to choose the best fit. This may involve a wide range of tests and may result in productivity issues. We present Aeneas, a tool to support the design of data management code for applications using non-relational databases. Aeneas provides an easy and fast methodology to support the decision about how to organize and retrieve data in order to improve the performance.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    The OTree: multidimensional indexing with efficient data sampling for HPC

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    Spatial big data is considered an essential trend in future scientific and business applications. Indeed, research instruments, medical devices, and social networks generate hundreds of petabytes of spatial data per year. However, many authors have pointed out that the lack of specialized frameworks for multidimensional Big Data is limiting possible applications and precluding many scientific breakthroughs. Paramount in achieving High-Performance Data Analytics is to optimize and reduce the I/O operations required to analyze large data sets. To do so, we need to organize and index the data according to its multidimensional attributes. At the same time, to enable fast and interactive exploratory analysis, it is vital to generate approximate representations of large datasets efficiently. In this paper, we propose the Outlook Tree (or OTree), a novel Multidimensional Indexing with efficient data Sampling (MIS) algorithm. The OTree enables exploratory analysis of large multidimensional datasets with arbitrary precision, a vital missing feature in current distributed data management solutions. Our algorithm reduces the indexing overhead and achieves high performance even for write-intensive HPC applications. Indeed, we use the OTree to store the scientific results of a study on the efficiency of drug inhalers. Then we compare the OTree implementation on Apache Cassandra, named Qbeast, with PostgreSQL and plain storage. Lastly, we demonstrate that our proposal delivers better performance and scalability.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Exploiting key-value data stores scalability for HPC

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    BigData revolutionised the IT industry. It first interested the OLTP systems. Distributed Hash Tables replaced Traditional SQL databases as they guaranteed low response time on simple read/write requests. The second wave recast the data warehousing: map-reduce systems spread as they proved to scale linearly long-running computational workloads on commodity servers. The focus now is on real-time analytics. Being able to analyse massive quantities of data in a short time enables multiple HPC applications and interactive analysis and visualization. In this paper, we study the performance of a system that employs the DHT architecture to achieve fast in local analysis on indexed data. We observed that the number of keys, nodes, and the hardware characteristics strongly influence the actual scalability of the system. Therefore, we developed a mathematical model that allows finding the right system configuration to meet desired performance for each kind of query type. We also show how our model can be used to find the right architecture for each distributed application.This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 720270 (HBP SGA1). It is also partially supported by grant SEV-2011-00067 of the Severo Ochoa Program awarded by the Spanish Government, the TIN2015-65316-P project, with funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, the European Union FEDER funds, and the SGR 2014-SGR-1051.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    ParaView + Alya + D8tree: Integrating high performance computing and high performance data analytics

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    Large scale time-dependent particle simulations can generate massive amounts of data, making it so that storing the results is often the slowest phase and the primary time bottleneck of the simulation. Furthermore, analysing this amount of data with traditional tools has become increasingly challenging, and it is often virtually impossible to have a visual representation of the full set. We propose a novel architecture that integrates an HPC-based multi-physics simulation code, a NoSQL database, and a data analysis and visualisation application. The goals are two: On the one hand, we aim to speed up the simulations taking advantage of the scalability of key-value data stores, while at the same time enabling real-time approximated data visualisation and interactive exploration. On the other hand, we want to make it efficient to explore and analyse the large data base of results produced. Therefore, this work represents a clear example of integrating High Performance Computing with High Performance Data Analytics. Our prototype proves the validity of our approach and shows great performance improvements. Indeed, we reduced by 67.5% the time to store the simulation while we made real-time queries run 52 times faster than alternative solutions.This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 720270 (HBP SGA1). It is also partially supported by the grant SEV-2011-00067 of Severo Ochoa Program, the TIN2015-65316-P project, with funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, the European Union FEDER funds, and the SGR 2014-SGR-1051.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    BIGNASim: A NoSQL database structure and analysis portal for nucleic acids simulation data

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    Molecular dynamics simulation (MD) is, just behind genomics, the bioinformatics tool that generates the largest amounts of data, and that is using the largest amount of CPU time in supercomputing centres. MD trajectories are obtained after months of calculations, analysed in situ, and in practice forgotten. Several projects to generate stable trajectory databases have been developed for proteins, but no equivalence exists in the nucleic acids world. We present here a novel database system to store MD trajectories and analyses of nucleic acids. The initial data set available consists mainly of the benchmark of the new molecular dynamics force-field, parmBSC1. It contains 156 simulations, with over 120s of total simulation time. A deposition protocol is available to accept the submission of new trajectory data. The database is based on the combination of two NoSQL engines, Cassandra for storing trajectories and MongoDB to store analysis results and simulation metadata. The analyses available include backbone geometries, helical analysis, NMR observables and a variety of mechanical analyses. Individual trajectories and combined metatrajectories can be downloaded from the portal. The system is accessible through http://mmb.irbbarcelona.org/BIGNASim/. Supplementary Material is also available on-line at http://mmb.irbbarcelona.org/BIGNASim/SuppMaterial/

    BIGNASim: a NoSQL database structure and analysis portal for nucleic acids simulation data.

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    Molecular dynamics simulation (MD) is, just behind genomics, the bioinformatics tool that generates the largest amounts of data, and that is using the largest amount of CPU time in supercomputing centres. MD trajectories are obtained after months of calculations, analysed in situ, and in practice forgotten. Several projects to generate stable trajectory databases have been developed for proteins, but no equivalence exists in the nucleic acids world. We present here a novel database system to store MD trajectories and analyses of nucleic acids. The initial data set available consists mainly of the benchmark of the new molecular dynamics force-field, parmBSC1. It contains 156 simulations, with over 120 of total simulation time. A deposition protocol is available to accept the submission of new trajectory data. The database is based on the combination of two NoSQL engines, Cassandra for storing trajectories and MongoDB to store analysis results and simulation metadata. The analyses available include backbone geometries, helical analysis, NMR observables and a variety of mechanical analyses. Individual trajectories and combined meta-trajectories can be downloaded from the portal. The system is accessible through http: //mmb.irbbarcelona.org/BIGNASim/. Supplementary Material is also available on-line at http://mmb. irbbarcelona.org/BIGNASim/SuppMaterial/.Spanish Ministry of Science [BIO2012-32868, SEV-2011-00067, TIN2012-34557]; Catalan Government [2014-SGR-134, 2014-SGR-1051]; Institut Català de Recerca I Estudis Avanc¸ats, ICREA Academia [to M.O.], Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Instituto Nacional de Bioinformática [PT13/0001/0019, PT13/0001/0028]; European Research Council [ERC SimDNA]; European Union, H2020 programme [Elixir-Excellerate: 676559; BioExcel: 674728, MuG: 676566]; PEDECIBA and SNI (ANII, Uruguay) [to P.D.D.]. Funding for open access charge: European Union [MuG: 676566].Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Towards specification of a software architecture for cross-sectoral big data applications

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    The proliferation of Big Data applications puts pressure on improving and optimizing the handling of diverse datasets across different domains. Among several challenges, major difficulties arise in data-sensitive domains like banking, telecommunications, etc., where strict regulations make very difficult to upload and experiment with real data on external cloud resources. In addition, most Big Data research and development efforts aim to address the needs of IT experts, while Big Data analytics tools remain unavailable to non-expert users to a large extent. In this paper, we report on the work-in-progress carried out in the context of the H2020 project I-BiDaaS (Industrial-Driven Big Data as a Self-service Solution) which aims to address the above challenges. The project will design and develop a novel architecture stack that can be easily configured and adjusted to address cross-sectoral needs, helping to resolve data privacy barriers in sensitive domains, and at the same time being usable by non-experts. This paper discusses and motivates the need for Big Data as a self-service, reviews the relevant literature, and identifies gaps with respect to the challenges described above. We then present the I-BiDaaS paradigm for Big Data as a self-service, position it in the context of existing references, and report on initial work towards the conceptual specification of the I-BiDaaS software architecture.This work is supported by the IBiDaaS project, funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement No. 780787.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft