2,472 research outputs found

    Evolución y situación actual del enoturismo en España y Castilla y León. Análisis de la Ruta del Vino de la Denominación de Origen Rueda

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    Trata sobre el enoturismo,profundizando un poco en la historia del vino, ya que es el protagonista de este trabajo y realizando un análisis del impacto económico que provoca este tipo de turismo a lo largo de todo el territorio nacional y más concretamente en la comunidad de Castilla y León.Grado en Comerci

    Building from Within: How Two Female Prisoners Survived Incarceration

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    According to the US Commission of Civil Rights, from 1980 to 2016, the percentage of imprisoned women surpassed 730% (4). Severe isolation, lack of sunlight, and sensory deprivation tactics were employed during the 1980s, when Silvia Baraldini and Laura Whitehorn were incarcerated at the federal women’s prison in Lexington, Kentucky. Both women maintained their basic humanity and spirit by creating educational opportunities for fellow inmates, advocating for improved conditions, and sharing their experiences through letter writing. They each wrote hundreds of letters to friends, family, and other social activists concerned with their plight. Using a collection of letters written by Baraldini and Whitehorn, dating from 1987 to 2000, now part of the Kate Black Social Activism Papers at the University of Kentucky Libraries Special Collections Research Center, this research will explore the work, activity, and mental health of these women during their incarceration. While Whitehorn was mainly concerned with health education, especially regarding the burgeoning health crisis of HIV and AIDS, Baraldini’s advocacy focused on reform of current incarceration tactics, like the High Security Unit in the Lexington prison. Because of Baraldini’s efforts, with support from Amnesty International, the High Security Unit at Lexington’s Federal Correctional Institution was shut down in 1988. This research relates Baraldini and Whitehorn’s activism to studies on how prison systems treat women prisoners differently than male prisoners, whether they receive more extreme punishments, and the nature of those punishments. In light of the current prison system, Baraldini and Whitehorn offer examples of how women maintain their humanity while incarcerated

    Implementation of a strategy to produce a broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibody against Zika and dengue viruses

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    Dengue and Zika viruses are Flavivirus transmitted by a mosquito bite that cause dengue and Zika fever, respectively, with symptoms including fever, rash and headache. The association of Zika virus infection of pregnant women with the development of microcefalia in the fetus lead to the declaration of Zika as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the WHO in 2016. The rapid development of methods of detection, quantification and purification of the virus, among others, is necessary for studying the virus at the laboratory and eventually develop a vaccine. Using molecular biology and cell culture techniques, we implemented a strategy to produce a broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibody against dengue and Zika viruses at the lab. Signal peptides were selected for high level expression of antibodies in CHO cells, according to previous reports (Haryadi et al. 2015). The sequence reported for the human anti-dengue/Zika IgG1 EDE1 C8, including the sequences of the optimized signal peptides for each chain, were cloned into the Freedom™ pCHO 1.0 vector and CHO-S cells were transfected with the resulting construction. Transfection efficiency was low (13%), however, transfected cells were submitted to selection using methotrexate (MTX) and puromycin (PUR) as selection reagents. Two pools of transfected cells were selected using two concentrations of MTX and PUR, and after selection, 100% cells showed expression of the protein of interest, as determined by a parallel control EGFP transfection. Concentration of selection reagents had no effect in productivity in 6-days batch cultures; therefore, the pool of transfected cells growing in the lowest concentration of MTX and PUR was assessed for stability and productivity in presence and absence of selection reagents. Cells growing in medium with and without MTX and PUR showed stable production of the antibody in 10-days cultures, however, differences were found in µmax, Xmax, and productivity, with the highest values of µmax and Xmax for the cultures without selection reagents (µmax = 0.04 h-1, Xmax = 2.68x107 cells/mL), in comparison with cultures with selection reagents (µmax = 0.03 h-1, Xmax = 2.19x107 cells/mL). Productivity was higher for cells growing in medium with MTX and PUR (0.159x10-6 ug/cell h) than for cells without selection pressure (0.104 pg/cell h), corroborating the importance of maintaining the selection pressure for optimal expression of the protein of interest in this system. The purified antibody recognized the Zika virus and three serotypes of dengue virus, as observed by dot blot, and according to previous reports that demonstrate that the EDE1 C8 antibody recognizes a quaternary epitope conserved in both viruses (Barba-Spaeth et al. 2016). A more exhaustive evaluation of cell pools is necessary to determine the stability of the expression of the antibody for longer periods of time and to optimize its productivity. This antibody will be used for future research and methods development in our lab. Also, the methodology described here could be used as a start point in the production of other therapeutic antibodies and vaccines. References: Barba-Spaeth G, Dejnirattisai W, Rouvinski A, Vaney MC, Medits I, Sharma A, Simon-Loriere E, Sakuntabhai A, Cao-Lormeau VM, Haouz A, England P, Stiasny K, Mongkolsapaya, J, Heinz FX, Screaton, GR, Rey FA (2016) Structural basis of potent Zika-dengue virus antibody cross-neutralization. Nature 536: 48-53. Haryadi R, Ho S, Kok YJ, Pu HX, Zheng L, Pereira NA, Li B, Bi X, Goh LT, Yang Y, Song Z (2015) Optimization of heavy chain and light chain signal peptides for high level expression of therapeutic antibodies in CHO cells. PLoS ONE 10: e0116878. Financial support by DGAPA PAPIIT UNAM IT-200418

    Building Coalitions to Support Indigenous Language Speakers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    While the work of language access is ongoing and has been taking place for a long time in various contexts, language access efforts often ignore Indigenous communities. As such, more interventions are needed to recognize how health-related messaging needs to be adapted not only across languages, but across worldviews. In this article, a technical communication scholar and Spanish-English translator and a Chinateco-Spanish translator, interpreter, and activist from the Municipio de San Pedro Yolox discuss their work to foster language access during the COVID-19 pandemic for and with Indigenous language speakers in Oaxaca de Juárez, Mexico, and Gainesville, Florida, USA. Through their reflective examples, the authors argue that in order to work toward language access through a social justice orientation during the COVID-19 pandemic, technical communication researchers and health justice activists should collaborate with and amplify the work of Indigenous language speakers, particularly by learning about, embracing, and centralizing Indigenous frameworks and understandings of language


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    Currently, there is a great acceptance among consumers for olive oil because this product has properties beneficial to health. However, the production in México is almost zero; most are imported mainly from Spain. Nevertheless, in Ensenada, Baja California (México), they are made one of the best olive oils of the region and the world. Therefore, this research is characterized as descriptive non-experimental design, which aims to describe the preferences in the consumption of olive oil by local market (Ensenada). For this purpose, a structured survey comprised seven questions was applied to a non-random sample of 20 people randomly designed. The results found that a large proportion of subjects buy this product (85%) directly from the supermarket (100%), with a frequency of every three months (45%) and almost all of the oils offered on the market are from Spain, lacking a local or regional brand. In conclusion, further study on this subject in which more accurate measurement parameters are established and to measure the correlation between the level of education, age and sex with the consumption of olive oil is suggested

    Using Cluster Analysis to Determine Factors of Success in Local Chicago High Schools

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    There have been many methodologies to rank schools in the past. Many of these are based on graduation rates, but they do not show the reason why some schools have greater success than others. The goal of our study is to look at environmental factors that may lead to school success. These factors are critical in finding out relevant solutions so that equality can be achieved in public schooling. We found, by using cluster analysis, several important factors that correlate with school success. These factors give impactful insights into the harsh reality of the inequality in public schooling. By using these clusters of different types of schools, policymakers can make informed decisions when allocating funds and be able to better provide for the school districts and the students within them that are in need of the most help

    Formación profesional del docente universitario a través de las TIC

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    Producto de investigaciónLa formación profesional del docente universitario respalda el ejercicio pedagógico, didáctico y disciplinario que orienta su labor académica; esta formación se concibe como un proceso que define las cualidades, conocimientos, compromisos, acciones y capacidades, para responder a su vocación al desarrollo social y productivo en el que se desenvuelven los docentes. Las transformaciones que están operando en el mundo del trabajo como resultado de los cambios tecnológicos y de la propia evolución de los campos disciplinarios originarios de cada profesión hacen que las instituciones educativas universitarias estén cada día más comprometidas con el uso y manejo de herramientas y procesos educativos que faciliten el acercamiento a la vida profesional de sus egresados. La formación profesional del docente le permite una mejora de vida social, identificación de sus cualidades, la posibilidad de percibir una retribución económica de acuerdo con el status social que le confiere la comunidad, tener un mayor beneficio colectivo y de ser socialmente valorado por la realización de un servicio para el bien público. Por ello las universidades plantean la necesidad de instrumentar propuestas innovadores que coadyuven a enfrentar las dificultades del campo educativo – social, laboral y profesional a través de procesos permanentes de formación y actualización a través de las TIC

    Mining Patterns for Web-based Emergency Management Systems

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    6 pages, 1 figure.-- Contributed to: 4th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM2007, Delft, the Netherlands, May 13-16, 2007).Design patterns describe problems that occur recurrently, and specify the core of the solution in such a way that we can (re)use it in different contexts and applications. Although, web-based Emergency Management Systems domain is still in its nascent stages, there are design principles, real systems and design patterns from other related areas that can be a valuable source of knowledge to mine design patterns. From these sources we have created a patterns catalogue to assist novice designers on discovering what issues should be addressed to develop useful and successful systems. In this paper, we present the mining process and some patterns as example.This work is supported by the ARCE++ project (TSI2004-03394) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (MEC) and a cooperation agreement between "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid" and "Dirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias" (Ministry of the Interior).Publicad

    Ocurrencia, grado de afectación y controlabilidad de los eventos vitales en el desarrollo de la psicopatología: ¿impacto ambiental o consecuencia de una personalidad vulnerable?

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    II Jornades d’Investigació per a l’estudiantat de la Facultat de Ciències de la SalutIntroducción: La personalidad y los eventos vitales influyen en el desarrollo de psicopa- tología. No obstante, es posible que la afectación y ocurrencia de los eventos vitales no sea casual, sino que esté influenciada por la personalidad. Por ejemplo, el neuroticismo se ha asociado con la psicopatología internalizante y con informar de un mayor número y afectación de los eventos vitales. La impulsividad se ha asociado con los síntomas ex- ternalizantes y con sufrir más eventos controlables. El presente estudio evalúa en qué medida los eventos vitales influyen en el desarrollo de la psicopatología, una vez se con- trola el efecto de la personalidad. Método: En el 2004, 336 jóvenes (edad media = 21,68, dt = 3,85; 61,3 % mujeres) completaron el cuestionario de personalidad neo-ffi. Cinco años más tarde rellenaron la escala de eventos vitales isv y varios cuestionarios sobre síntomas internalizantes y externalizantes. Para alcanzar el objetivo, se realizaron análi- sis de regresión por pasos. Resultados: El neuroticismo, la responsabilidad, el número de eventos negativos y la afectación predijeron la sintomatología internalizante; mientras que la baja amabilidad, el neuroticismo, los eventos negativos y controlables y la afecta- ción predijeron la sintomatología externalizante. Todos los efectos se mantuvieron signi- ficativos cuando se controló la personalidad, a excepción de los eventos controlables. Discusión: Los resultados indican que, por lo general, el efecto de los eventos vitales en la psicopatología no se produce únicamente por la influencia de la personalidad, sino que estos tendrían un impacto directo en el desarrollo de la psicopatología.Introduction: Personality and life events influence the development of psychopathol- ogy. However, the involvement and occurrence of life events may not be accidental, but influenced by personality. For example, neuroticism has been associated with both in- ternalising psychopathology (e.g., depression) and reporting more involvement of life events. Impulsivity has been associated with externalising symptoms (e.g., drug con- sumption) and with experiencing more controllable events (e.g., imprisonment). This study assesses to what extent life events influence the development of psychopathol- ogy once the effect of personality is controlled for. Method: In 2004, 336 young people (mean age = 21.68, SD = 3.85; women 61.3%) completed the neo ffi personality ques- tionnaire. Five years later, they filled in the scale of life events ISV and various ques- tionnaires about internalising and externalising symptoms. To achieve the objective, stepwise regression analyses were performed. Results: Neuroticism, contentiousness, number of negative events and involvement predicted the internalising symptoms, while low agreeableness, neuroticism, negative and controllable life events and involvement predicted the externalising symptoms. All the effects of life events on psychopathology remained significant when personality was controlled for, except for controllable life events. Discussion: The results indicate that the effect of life events on psychopathol- ogy is not produced only by the influence of personality, but these have a direct impact on the development of psychopathology


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    La operación cesárea es la cirugía que se realiza con mayor frecuencia, con un incremento a nivel mundial hasta de un 60%. La hipotensión inducida por la anestesia espinal en pacientes embarazadas que van a ser sometidas a cesárea es el efecto secundario más frecuente de esta técnica anestésica y está relacionada con efectos adversos maternos y fetales. Objetivo: Comparar la eficacia de administrar efedrina en infusión continua vs la administración de solución Hartman para prevenir la hipotensión materna en operación cesárea bajo bloqueo subaracnoideo. Metodología: 80 pacientes divididas en 2 grupos grupo A: efedrina en infusión continua de 20 mg de efedrina en 1000 ml de solución de Hartman a razón de 50ml/min, 5 minutos previos a la anestesia espinal y hasta el pinzamiento del cordón umbilical y grupo B: solución Hartmann a 20 ml/kg. Se registró presión arterial a intervalos de tiempo establecidos, así como efectos adversos. Resultados: La incidencia de hipotensión fue significativamente menor en el grupo A que en el grupo B. La incidencia de bradicardia mostró una diferencia significativa entre el grupo A y el grupo B. Las náuseas, los vómitos no mostraron diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos. Conclusiones: Una infusión de efedrina en dosis bajas fue superior a la precarga de cristaloides para la prevención de la hipotensión durante la anestesia espinal para la cesárea.UAEM, la autora