34 research outputs found

    Szkoła wspierająca twórczość jako wyzwanie i zadanie współczesności

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    The article outlines in a synthetic way the idea of the creative school. Its understanding is presented in the context of some of the pedagogical concepts from the 1930s as well as contemporary approaches in Polish and world pedagogy. The features of a school supporting the creativity of students and teachers are highlighted. The concept of building a culture of creativity in school is presented, included in a discussion of the philosophy of change and development of the school as a learn-ing organization. The dialogical nature of activities undertaken in the educational environment by ethically engaged partici-pants of educational processes is emphasized as well as the role of the teacher as an authorized creator of the culture of creativ-ity, who reflects on his/her professional activity, perceives the school as a place for students’ development and realization of their own potential, and appreciates the thinking and creative actions of students and colleagues. The article also indicates the specific features of a culture conducive to creativity in school, enabling the learning of creativity and creative learning, as well as shaping creative life orientations of students and teachers.W artykule zarysowano w sposób syntetyczny ideę szkoły twórczej. Przedstawiono jej rozumienie w koncepcjach pedagogicznych z lat 30. XX wieku, a także współczesne jej ujęcia w pedagogice polskiej i światowej. Wyeksponowano cechy szkoły wspierającej kreatywność uczniów i nauczycieli. Zaprezentowano koncepcję budowania kultury twórczości w szkole, którą wpisano w filozofię zmiany i rozwoju szkoły jako organizacji uczącej się. Zaakcentowano dialogiczny charakter działań podejmowanych w środowisku edukacyjnym przez etycznie zaangażowanych uczestników procesów edukacyjnych. Podkreś-lono rolę nauczyciela jako upełnomocnionego kreatora kultury twórczości, który podejmuje refleksję nad swoją aktywnością zawodową, postrzega szkołę jako miejsce rozwoju uczniów i realizacji własnego potencjału, ceni myślenie i działania twórcze uczniów i współpracowników. Wskazano na specyficzne cechy kultury sprzyjającej twórczości w szkole, umożliwiającej uczenie się twórczości i twórcze uczenie się oraz kształtowanie twórczych orientacji życiowych uczniów i nauczycieli

    Creative life orientations of students. Comparative study

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    In the following article the author presents the main assumptions of the concept of creative life orientations. This category is described as a specific, personal and committed way of fulfilling everyday duties in life. The characteristics of people who prefer creative life orientations were defined. The philosophical, psychological and pedagogical theoretical sources of the concept and the previous studies on creative life orientations among high school students, students and teachers were presented. The methodological assumptions of recent research, carried out in a sample of Polish and Belorussian academic youth, were described. The results of these studies are presented in the scope of sociodemographic specifics of both groups, the diagnosis of the preferences of creative life orientations and dependencies between the analyzed variables. It was found that preferences for creative life orientations prevail among the surveyed students, but at a fairly low level of acceptance of the theorems Scale CLO. Significant statistical differences between the national groups in terms of the age of the respondents, the study year and the environment of origin were observed. The existence of a correlation between mothers’ education and preferences of creative life orientations of Polish students was confirmed.W artykule przedstawiono główne założenia koncepcji twórczych orientacji życiowych. Opisano tę kategorię jako specyficzny, osobisty i zaangażowany sposób pełnienia codziennych obowiązków w życiu. Scharakteryzowano cechy osób preferujących twórcze orientacje życiowe. Zaprezentowano filozoficzne, psychologiczne i pedagogiczne źródła teoretyczne koncepcji oraz dotychczasowe badania twórczych orientacji życiowych wśród uczniów szkół średnich, studentów i nauczycieli. Opisano założenia metodologiczne ostatnich badań, zrealizowanych w próbie polskiej i białoruskiej młodzieży akademickiej. Przedstawiono wyniki tych badań w zakresie specyfiki socjodemograficznej obu grup, diagnozy preferencji twórczych orientacji życiowych i zależności między analizowanymi zmiennymi. Stwierdzono, że wśród badanych studentów dominują preferencje dla twórczych orientacji życiowych, ale na dość niskim poziomie akceptacji twierdzeń Skali TOŻ. Zaobserwowano istotne różnice statystyczne między grupami narodowymi pod względem wieku badanych, rocznika studiów i środowiska pochodzenia. Potwierdzono istnienie korelacji między wykształceniem matek i preferencjami twórczych orientacji życiowych polskich studentów

    School in the Cultural Discourse of Real Virtuality

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    Objectives of the research: The purpose of the theoretical research is to understand the importance of school in the culture of real virtuality and to point out the challenges that this phenomenon poses to pedagogy, especially school pedagogy. The research question is as follows: Does understanding the nature of the relationship between contemporary media and the partners of school dialogue help us better understand the changing educational reality which relies heavily on modern technologies and enable more accurate planning of pedagogical interactions? Research methods: The study used the desk research method, which involves compiling, analyzing and processing data from existing sources, and then formulating conclusions based on them regarding the problem under study. A meta-analysis of the concepts and categories comprising the title research problem was performed using interdisciplinary sources and selected international reports. Brief description of the context of the issue: The article presents a discourse analysis of the place of school in the culture of virtual reality (VR). The basic features of this culture are described within the paradigm of informationism, in which modern digital technology enables the integration of all modes of communication. Attention is paid to the interactive nature of hypermedia and its specific logic of flow beyond time and historical context. The role of the recipient of the message in the communication chain is highlighted as the one who ultimately gives it meaning in accordance with their own perception and experience of reality. The dialogical nature of communication in virtual space and polyphony leading to the creation of hypertexts that combine multiple narratives is emphasized. Research findings: The results show the importance of the links between the school’s implementation of basic educational and teaching functions and the tools offered by modern digital technologies. The special role of the teacher in the process of preparing students to discuss media messages and discover their polemical nature is revealed. Conclusions and/or recommendations: The analysis made it possible to formulate the tasks facing contemporary schools in terms of preparing young people to consciously and actively engage in the multimedia system of communication according to its logic, language and methods of encoding meanings. The importance of a dialogical, open and creative attitude of the teacher in the process of forming empowered participants of communication in the culture of real virtuality is emphasized


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    Twórcza orientacja życiowa w sytuacjach kryzysowych

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    The narrative of the article revolves around the belief that creative life orientations are very important in coping with crisis situations. The concept of crisis, its etymology and ways of presenting it in social sciences were shown. Psychological approaches to this category were highlighted as particularly important in counseling and social work. Basic styles of coping with stress, which is an inseparable element of crisis events, were characterized. The essence of the author’s concept of creative life orientation and the features of people preferring this type of orientation, which resulted from theoretical assumptions, and the results of twenty years of research on this category, were presented. The importance of creative preferences in overcoming stress, coping with crisis and achieving well-being were demonstrated.The narrative of the article revolves around the belief that creative life orientations are very important in coping with crisis situations. The concept of crisis, its etymology and ways of presenting it in social sciences were shown. Psychological approaches to this category were highlighted as particularly important in counseling and social work. Basic styles of coping with stress, which is an inseparable element of crisis events, were characterized. The essence of the author’s concept of creative life orientation and the features of people preferring this type of orientation, which resulted from theoretical assumptions, and the results of twenty years of research on this category, were presented. The importance of creative preferences in overcoming stress, coping with crisis and achieving well-being were demonstrated

    Media i edukacja – wzajemne relacje

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    Twórcze rozumienie w dialogu edukacyjnym w perspektywie etyki niewspółobecności M. Bachtina

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    Zdigitalizowano i udostępniono w ramach projektu pn. Rozbudowa otwartych zasobów naukowych Repozytorium Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku – kontynuacja, dofinansowanego z programu „Społeczna odpowiedzialność nauki” Ministra Edukacji i Nauki na podstawie umowy BIBL/SP/0040/2023/01.Uniwersytet w Białymstoku17019