14 research outputs found

    Effets de proliférateurs des peroxysomes hépatiques sur la transformation morphologique et la communication intercellulaire des cellules SHE et sur la coopération métabolique des cellules V79

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    We evluated the capabilities of two in vitro assays to detect non-genotoxic carcinogens such as hepatic peroxisome proliferators (HPPs). The results showed that morphological transformation of the primary Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells is a valuable criterion. We studied the influence of the experimental conditions and the pH of the culture medium used on the transforming potencies of four HPPs (clofibrate, MCP, DEPH, MEHP). From this study, we concluded that : the sensitivity increased when the exposure to the tested HPP was renewed one or two times during the assay and when the medium used was at pH 7.0, the procedure based on sequential exposures of the cells to the tested HPP and either a model initiator or a model promoter can be advised since it enables to detect interactions between non-genotoxic carcinogens. The study of GJIC is also an interesting criterion for the in vitro detection of carcinogens. Indeed, the four HPPs we tested all had an inhibiting effect on GJIC both measured by dye transfer in SHE and V79 cells and by the evaluation of metabolic cooperation between V79 cells. Ours study also showed that exposure of the cells to HPPs does not affect the phosphorylation status of connexin 43 (Cx43), expressed in the cell systems. Except for MEHP, which lead to the disappearence of the immunofluorescent signal produced by Cx43 in SHE and V79 cells, the HPPs did not affect the cellular localization of Cx43. The effect of MEHP could be explained by epitopa masking due to conformational changes of Cx43 induced by the exposure of the cells to the HPP. We evaluated the effects of TPA on the same parameters and found thzt TPA strongly inhibited GJIC in the two systems. TPA modified the phosphorylation status of Cx43 in V79 cells but not in SHE cells and induced the disappearance of the immunofluorescent signal of connexin 43 in both systems. The absence of correlation between GJIC and the post-translationnal regulation of Cx43 could mean that other connexins than Cx43 may be involved in the GJIC of the cells we used. Our results show that both the transformation assay and the evaluation of intercellular communication are valuable tools to detect carcinogensNous avons étudié la capacité de deux essais in vitro à détecter des cancérogènes non-génotoxiques tels que les proliférateurs de peroxysomes hépatiques (HPPs: clofibrate, MCP, DEHP et MEHP). L'étude de l'influence des conditions experimentales et du pH du milieu, sur le pouvoir transformant des HPPs sur les cellules SHE (issues d'embryon de hamster syrien), nous a permis de déduire que: une meilleure sensibilité est atteinte en utilisant du milieu de pH 7,0 renouvelé en cours d'essai, le protocole d'initiation/promotion, base sur le traitement séquentiel des cellules par la substance testée et un cancérogène modèle, est recommandé car il permet la détection d'interaction entre composés et une approche mécanistique de l'action spécifique des substances étudiées, la transformation morphologique des cellules SHE constitue un bon critère pour la mise en évidence in vitro du potentiel transformant des HPPs. L'étude des communications intercellulaires via les jonctions gap (GJIC) constitue également un critère intéressant. En effet, les quatre HPPs ont inhibe les GJIC évaluées à la fois par transfert de colorant dans les cellules SHE et V79 et par l'essai d'inhibition de la coopération métabolique dans les cellules V79. Nos travaux ont aussi montre que: le clofibrate, le MCP et le DEHP n'agissent pas sur le profil de phosphorylation ni sur la localisation cellulaire de la connexine 43 (Cx43) présente dans les deux systèmes, le MEHP ne modifie pas le profil de phosphorylation mais provoque la disparition totale du signal immunofluorescent de la Cx43, probablement en induisant un changement conformationnel de la molécule de Cx43 pouvant conduire au masquage des épitopes reconnus par les anticorps utilises, le tpa inhibe fortement les GJIC dans les cellules she et V79, ne modifie le profil de phosphorylation de la Cx43 que dans les cellules V79 et provoque la disparition du signal immunofluorescent de la Cx43 dans les deux systèmes. Cette disparité entre les GJIC et la régulation post-traductionnelle de la Cx43 nous a amenés à la conclusion que d'autres connexines pourraient être impliquées dans les GJIC des cellules étudiée

    Effets de proliférateurs des peroxysomes hépatiques sur la transformation morphologique et la communication intercellulaire des cellules SHE et sur la coopération métabolique des cellules V79

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    We evluated the capabilities of two in vitro assays to detect non-genotoxic carcinogens such as hepatic peroxisome proliferators (HPPs). The results showed that morphological transformation of the primary Syrian hamster embryo (SHE) cells is a valuable criterion. We studied the influence of the experimental conditions and the pH of the culture medium used on the transforming potencies of four HPPs (clofibrate, MCP, DEPH, MEHP). From this study, we concluded that : the sensitivity increased when the exposure to the tested HPP was renewed one or two times during the assay and when the medium used was at pH 7.0, the procedure based on sequential exposures of the cells to the tested HPP and either a model initiator or a model promoter can be advised since it enables to detect interactions between non-genotoxic carcinogens. The study of GJIC is also an interesting criterion for the in vitro detection of carcinogens. Indeed, the four HPPs we tested all had an inhibiting effect on GJIC both measured by dye transfer in SHE and V79 cells and by the evaluation of metabolic cooperation between V79 cells. Ours study also showed that exposure of the cells to HPPs does not affect the phosphorylation status of connexin 43 (Cx43), expressed in the cell systems. Except for MEHP, which lead to the disappearence of the immunofluorescent signal produced by Cx43 in SHE and V79 cells, the HPPs did not affect the cellular localization of Cx43. The effect of MEHP could be explained by epitopa masking due to conformational changes of Cx43 induced by the exposure of the cells to the HPP. We evaluated the effects of TPA on the same parameters and found thzt TPA strongly inhibited GJIC in the two systems. TPA modified the phosphorylation status of Cx43 in V79 cells but not in SHE cells and induced the disappearance of the immunofluorescent signal of connexin 43 in both systems. The absence of correlation between GJIC and the post-translationnal regulation of Cx43 could mean that other connexins than Cx43 may be involved in the GJIC of the cells we used. Our results show that both the transformation assay and the evaluation of intercellular communication are valuable tools to detect carcinogensNous avons étudié la capacité de deux essais in vitro à détecter des cancérogènes non-génotoxiques tels que les proliférateurs de peroxysomes hépatiques (HPPs: clofibrate, MCP, DEHP et MEHP). L'étude de l'influence des conditions experimentales et du pH du milieu, sur le pouvoir transformant des HPPs sur les cellules SHE (issues d'embryon de hamster syrien), nous a permis de déduire que: une meilleure sensibilité est atteinte en utilisant du milieu de pH 7,0 renouvelé en cours d'essai, le protocole d'initiation/promotion, base sur le traitement séquentiel des cellules par la substance testée et un cancérogène modèle, est recommandé car il permet la détection d'interaction entre composés et une approche mécanistique de l'action spécifique des substances étudiées, la transformation morphologique des cellules SHE constitue un bon critère pour la mise en évidence in vitro du potentiel transformant des HPPs. L'étude des communications intercellulaires via les jonctions gap (GJIC) constitue également un critère intéressant. En effet, les quatre HPPs ont inhibe les GJIC évaluées à la fois par transfert de colorant dans les cellules SHE et V79 et par l'essai d'inhibition de la coopération métabolique dans les cellules V79. Nos travaux ont aussi montre que: le clofibrate, le MCP et le DEHP n'agissent pas sur le profil de phosphorylation ni sur la localisation cellulaire de la connexine 43 (Cx43) présente dans les deux systèmes, le MEHP ne modifie pas le profil de phosphorylation mais provoque la disparition totale du signal immunofluorescent de la Cx43, probablement en induisant un changement conformationnel de la molécule de Cx43 pouvant conduire au masquage des épitopes reconnus par les anticorps utilises, le tpa inhibe fortement les GJIC dans les cellules she et V79, ne modifie le profil de phosphorylation de la Cx43 que dans les cellules V79 et provoque la disparition du signal immunofluorescent de la Cx43 dans les deux systèmes. Cette disparité entre les GJIC et la régulation post-traductionnelle de la Cx43 nous a amenés à la conclusion que d'autres connexines pourraient être impliquées dans les GJIC des cellules étudiée

    Protease-dependent fractional mass and peptide properties

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    Mass spectrometric analyses of peptides mainly rely on cleavage of proteins with proteases that have a defined specificity. The specificities of the proteases imply that there is not a random distribution of amino acids in the peptides. The physico-chemical effects of this distribution have been partly analyzed for tryptic peptides, but to a lesser degree for other proteases. Using all human proteins in Swiss-Prot, the relationships between peptide fractional mass, pI and hydrophobicity were investigated. The distribution of the fractional masses and the average regression lines for the fractional masses were similar, but not identical, for the peptides generated by the proteases trypsin, chymotrypsin and gluC, with the steepest regression line for gluC. The fractional mass regression lines for individual proteins showed up to ±100 ppm in mass difference from the average regression line and the peptides generated showed protease-dependent properties. We here show that the fractional mass and some other properties of the peptides are dependent on the protease used for generating the peptides. With the increasing accuracy of mass spectrometry instruments it is possible to exploit the information embedded in the fractional mass of unknown peaks in peptide mass fingerprint spectra