4,497 research outputs found

    O escritor e a (I Grande) Guerra: testemunho e comemoração

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    De molde a explorar as modalidades de representação e o trabalho de memória (Ricoeur 2000] em torno da I Guerra, debruçar-me-ei sobre duas obras literárias separadas entre si por um século: A malta das trincheiras [1918], um conjunto de crónicas do escritor português, André Brun, e 14 [ 2012), romance do escritor francês, Jean Echenoz. Além da respectiva contextualização no quadro comunicacional em que se integra a literatura, a minha leitura relacional propõe-se destacar as mudanças na representação da Grande Guerra a partir do papel quer do humor na relação com a experiência, quer da ironia na relação com o passado evanescente

    What determines the export performance? : a comparative analysis of China and India in the European Union

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    This paper aims to assess the competitiveness of exports of manufactured goods from China and India to the European Union in the 2000s. The empirical analysis is based on two methodologies: (i) a Constant Market Share analysis which allows to decompose the export growth to the European market into several components including an effect usually related to competitiveness, and (ii) an analysis based on the combination of revealed comparative advantage indexes with a geographic orientation of trade which allows to identify the products of China and India that appear to have export potential

    As Jovens e a Contraceção   de Emergência: Vivências da sexualidade

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    Resumo Ser adolescente…jovem faz parte do percurso do ser humano no seu crescimento e desenvolvimento. É dos períodos da vida mais saudáveis e de conquista que se têm ao longo da vida. No entanto, atendendo aos comportamentos de risco, nomeadamente aos que surgem naturalmente fruto desta fase de desenvolvimento, e às novas realidades com que os jovens se defrontam socialmente no seu quotidiano, torna-se pertinente entender este período de vida e as particularidades que nele assume a sexualidade. Com Portugal a ocupar o lugar cimeiro entre os jovens europeus infetados com o VIH/SIDA (Frade et al., 2006; Matos, 2010) e com gravidezes indesejadas, a sexualidade na adolescência é um tema importante na atualidade portuguesa. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: compreender os significados atribuídos pela jovem à vivência da sua sexualidade; compreender os significados atribuídos pela jovem à experiência de utilização de contraceção de emergência. Participaram no estudo vinte e três (23) jovens do sexo feminino, todas utilizadoras do Gabinete de Apoio à Sexualidade Juvenil, de uma Delegação Regional da Zona Centro do Instituto Português da Juventude. Recorreu-se a uma abordagem fenomenológica, tendo-se para o efeito selecionado a entrevista semiestruturada como instrumento de colheita de dados. Para a análise dos dados optou-se pela proposta de Análise Fenomenológica de Max Van Manen (1997). Dessa análise emergiram cinco grandes temas. Este artigo analisa um desses grandes temas: a Contraceção de Emergência como recurso na gravidez indesejada. São apresentadas diferentes subcategorias e subsubcategorias. As jovens manifestam uma forte preocupação com as gravidezes indesejadas, mas o uso inadequado de métodos contracetivos e o recurso a métodos pouco eficazes levam-nas ao uso da Contraceção de Emergência em situações extremas. Está subjacente a toda esta prática, a falta de preocupação com as Infeções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (IST).Abstract Being an adolescent…a youth, is part of the path in a human being’s growth and development. It is a period of life brimming with health, achievement and promise. Nevertheless, due to risk behaviours, including those which occur as a natural part of this stage of development and the new realities adolescents face in their day-to-day social lives, it is worth understanding this period of life as well as the particular part sexuality plays in it. With Portugal in the top position among young Europeans infected with HIV/AIDS (Frade et al., 2006; Matos, 2010) and unwanted pregnancies, adolescent sex is an important issue in Portugal today. The aim of this study was to understand the meanings attributed by adolescents to experience their sexuality and to understand the meanings attributed by adolescents to experience of use of emergency contraception for some young users of the Youth Sexuality Support Office [Gabinete de Apoio à Sexualidade Juvenil] of a Delegation for the Central Region [Delegação Regional da Zona Centro] of the Portuguese Youth Institute [Instituto Português da Juventude] by a phenomenological approach. A semi-structured interview was used to collect the data and twenty-three (23) young women participated in the study. The Max Van Manen (1997) Phenomenological Analysis was selected to analyse the data. From this analysis, five major themes emerged. This article examines one of these topics: Emergency Contraception as a resource in unwanted pregnancies. We present different subcategories and sub-subcategories. The young females showed a strong preoccupation with unwanted pregnancy by the inadequate use of contraception and ineffective methods leading to requiring emergency contraception in extreme situations. An underlying issue to this entire practice is the lack of concern regarding Sexually Transmitted Diseases

    The role of e-marketing as in specific contexts of sports tourism

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    Athletics is a sport that is going through several difficulties in Portugal, essentially at the financial level, since support and sponsorships are less and less, blocking the construction of financial sustainability, which is reflected in a reduction of medals won in international competitions. Thus, the application of sports and e-marketing to athletics becomes essential, as it will allow us to understand what consumers want, create attachment and paying attention to their preferences, habits and interests. The aim is to promote athletics in Portugal, to provide an increase in the number of sports tourists. The methodology based on the observation of competitions, conducting interviews applied to the study. From the results of this research, it is concluded that athletics disciplines do not meet an adequate e-marketing strategy, with low dissemination in the media. With a focus on some athletics clubs of Portugal and in the Athletics Federation of Portugal, this research aims to contribute to perspectives in the connection between e-marketing and sports tourism, applying specifically to a case study: athletics in Portugal.UNIAG, R&D unit funded by the FCT – Portuguese Foundation for the Development of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education. Project no. UIDB/04752/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Electrospun Polycaprolactone/Aloe Vera_Chitosan Nanofibrous Asymmetric Membranes Aimed for Wound Chelinga Applications

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    Today, none of the wound dressings available on the market is fully capable of reproducing all the features of native skin. Herein, an asymmetric electrospun membrane was produced to mimic both layers of skin. It comprises a top dense layer (manufactured with polycaprolactone) that was designed to provide mechanical support to the wound and a bottom porous layer (composed of chitosan and Aloe Vera) aimed to improve the bactericidal activity of the membrane and ultimately the healing process. The results obtained revealed that the produced asymmetric membranes displayed a porosity, wettability, as well as mechanical properties similar to those presented by the native skin. Fibroblast cells were able to adhere, spread, and proliferate on the surface of the membranes and the intrinsic structure of the two layers of the membrane is capable of avoiding the invasion of microorganisms while conferring bioactive properties. Such data reveals the potential of these asymmetric membranes, in the near future, to be applied as wound dressings

    O impacto do feedback dos colegas na produção oral dos alunos

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    The primary purpose of this study was to determine to what extent peer feedback would affect eighth-grade students’ oral production. First, an action research method was implemented following the steps to “identify a problem, collect relevant information about the problem, take action, measure it using various methods, and interpret the results” (Land, 2000, p. 3). Subsequently, to help students express themselves in the target language, a lesson plan was created using a backward-design planning framework where the transfer goal and assessment criteria were chosen first. This research proved that peer feedback could help improve students’ oral production. In addition, the results of this study went beyond previous reports, showing a significant improvement in students’ grammar and vocabulary aspects of their oral production.El objetivo principal de este estudio era determinar en qué medida la retroalimentación entre pares afectaría a la producción oral de los alumnos de octavo curso. En primer lugar, se aplicó un método de investigación-acción siguiendo los siguientes pasos “identificar un problema, recopilar información relevante sobre el problema, tomar medidas, medirlas utilizando diversos métodos e interpretar los resultados” (Land, 2000, p.3). Para ayudar a los alumnos a expresarse en la lengua extranjera, se creó un plan de clase utilizando un marco de planificación de diseño retrospectivo en el que primero se eligieron el objetivo de transferencia y los criterios de evaluación. Esta investigación demostró que la retroalimentación entre pares pudo ayudar a mejorar la producción oral de los estudiantes. Además, los resultados de este estudio fueron más allá de los informes anteriores, ya que mostraron una mejora significativa en los aspectos gramaticales y de vocabulario de la producción oral de los estudiantes.O objetivo principal deste estudo foi determinar em que medida o feedback dos colegas afetaria a produção oral dos alunos da oitava série. Primeiro, um método de pesquisa-ação foi implementado seguindo as etapas para “identificar um problema, coletar informações relevantes sobre o problema, agir, medi-lo usando vários métodos e interpretar os resultados” (Land, 2000, p. 3). Posteriormente, para ajudar os alunos a se expressarem na língua-alvo, um plano de aula foi criado usando uma estrutura de planejamento de design reverso, onde a meta de transferência e os critérios de avaliação foram escolhidos primeiro. Esta pesquisa provou que o feedback dos colegas pode ajudar a melhorar a produção oral dos alunos. Além disso, os resultados deste estudo foram além dos relatórios anteriores, mostrando uma melhora significativa nos aspetos gramaticais e de vocabulário dos alunos em sua produção oral

    Nutritional value of the cryptophyte rhodomonas lens for artemia sp

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    Juvenile or adult Artemia sp. are often used as live prey for the rearing of early life stages of some crustacean, fish and cephalopod species. The improvements of both Artemia growth and its biochemical composition are key issues for the suitable use of Artemia biomass in these rearing processes. In this study we evaluated the growth and survival rates of Artemia fed with the cryptophyte Rhodomonas lens in comparison with different microalgal species commonly used in aquaculture: the prasinophyte Tetraselmis suecica, the prymnesiophyte Isochrysis galbana Parke, and the eustigmatophyte Nannochloropsis gaditana. Microalgae were cultured semicontinuously in nutrient saturated conditions and with a daily renewal rate of 30% of the volume of cultures, to obtain biomass of controlled and optimized composition. Considerable differences in Artemia growth were observed, as well as in the survival rate. At day 8 of rearing, Artemia fed R. lens had the highest length (4.9± 0.6 mm, P< 0.001), followed by individuals fed T. suecica (4.2± 0.7 mm), I. galbana (3.6± 0.7 mm) and finally those fed N. gaditana (1.5± 0.2 mm). The survival rate of Artemia fed N. gaditana (18± 3%) was much lower (P< 0.001) than values found for the remaining groups (69 to 88%). The growth rate of Artemia obtained with R. lens was in general much higher than with other microalgal diets previously reported in the literature. The higher protein content of R. lens could explain the higher growth obtained with this species, but differences of Artemia growth with the different diets could not be explained solely on the basis of the gross composition of microalgae. Factors such as cell size and digestibility all seem to contribute to the results observed. Another trial was carried out to investigate differences in Artemia growth and on its biochemical composition when fed the best two diets: R. lens or T. suecica. The fatty acid (FA) and total amino acid (AA) composition of both microalgal species and the composition of Artemia were assessed as well. As found in the first experiment individuals fed R. lens (group ARHO) grew faster than those fed T. suecica (group ATET), attaining 3.6± 0.3 mm and 3.2± 0.4 mm (P< 0.001), respectively, after 5 days of rearing. The much higher AA content obtained in R. lens may be on the basis of the higher growth obtainedwith this species. Protein and carbohydrate levels in Artemia juveniles were very similar in both groups (64– 68% of dry weight, and 8–10%, respectively). Lipid was slightly lower in ARHO (12%) than in ATET (15%, P< 0.01). Regarding the FA composition, juveniles from group ARHO contained higher levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 6.2%) than juveniles from ATET (4.1%, P< 0.01), whereas docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was only found in juveniles from ARHO (1.1%). Taking into account that the daily productivity of R. lens culture was higher than, or at least equal, the remaining microalgal species this cryptophyte is confirmed as an excellent diet to optimize the growth of Artemia, as well as to improve its biochemical composition

    Enciclopédia da União Europeia

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    Simbolicamente publicada no sexagésimo aniversário da assinatura dos Tratados de Roma que criaram a Comunidade Económica Europeia e a Comunidade Europeia da Energia Atómica, esta obra pretende tornar acessível a um público diversificado, conceitos, teorias, instituições, políticas, acontecimentos e personalidades fundamentais para compreender a natureza e o funcionamento da União Europeia