741 research outputs found

    «Y se apagan las luces…»

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    En este artículo se reflexiona sobre el cine para niños como género cinematográfico, la importancia de acercar a los niños al cine y ofrecerles una opción cinematográfica y se comparte la experiencia de La Matatena, Asociación de Cine para Niñas y Niños, A.C., en MéxicoThis article meditates about the cinema guided to children as a cinematographic genre, the importance of closing up the children to films and to offer them a cinematographic option adequate to their age, sharing “La Matalena, Asociación de Cine para Niñas y Niños, A.C.” experiences in Mexico

    Rates of Autoimmune Disease Increasing in Women

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    Abstract Autoimmune disorders (AD) are a group of highly disabling pathological conditions that are growing at an alarming rate affecting approximately 8% of the population. These disorders occur more frequently in women, as 78% of those diagnosed are women. Little conclusive research has been conducted as to determine why there is a tremendous sex disparity when looking at the rates. Due to the overall poor health that results from these disorders, there is an increase in the societal burden in terms of health care costs, loss of work productivity and reduced quality of life. The aim of this integrative literature review was to determine the reason for the sex disparity in autoimmune disorders and to determine the collective disease burden of these disorders on women. From this review, a determination will be made as to what education and preventative measure are being directed towards women in an attempt to decrease autoimmune rates. The literature search for the presented topic was found in the databases of CINAHL, ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Sources and PubMed. The terms searched while researching this topic included: women, autoimmune, prevalence, and sex disparity. Results revealed that the sex disparity in autoimmunes are due to immunity interaction with female hormones, the presence of a double X chromosome, and immune response variation between males and females making their predisposition complex. With alteration of ICD codes to include contributing autoimmune disorders in death, the true burden of mortality that women face was revealed highlighting the need for further emphasis and research on this topic. Due to the limited research and knowledge, nurses need to be advocates for their female patients as they play a vital role in educating women on their risk and reducing their disease progression. Keywords: women, autoimmune, prevalence, sex disparities, ris

    The Pathway to Sustainable Transport

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    In 2015 the 17 United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 195 countries were developed and agreed. The target is to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. Sustainable mobility and transport can be considered one of the main topics within this ambitious plan, considering its transversal influence in many of the 17 goals. In a world driven by global trends like climate change, local emissions, population growth, urbanization, emerging markets, digitalization, etc., a quick proactiveness to shift the mobility and transport to a sustainable way is mandatory. Taking all these drivers into a more practical level directly linked to mobility and transport, we can summarize them into four: congestion, local emissions, climate change, and energy security. There are many technologies and services to work on these areas. We consider three pillars as the umbrella to reach sustainable transport: energy efficiency, alternative fuels, and smart transport. In this chapter we will develop these three main pillars about what we can do already today without waiting some decades (probably will be too late in that case) but also looking into the future to give a neutral and realistic view. Why not begin already with the rolling fleet? If we train the drivers of a transport fleet reducing, for example, a 7% of fuel consumption, the carbon footprint will be reduced with 7% as well. Why wait 20 years until a new technology is developed? There are many opportunities in alternative fuels as well, already with competitive costs. Probably not all of them will be the solution everywhere, but they cannot be rejected. Some other alternatives like biomethane are a global solution for a circular economy with a huge potential to reduce local emissions and climate change and solve problems due to urbanization growth. We will try to explain why biofuels together with electrification are needed and why only electrification is not enough. Smart transport will be also covered speaking about which possibilities are available to make more efficient and safety transport and mobility, like bigger trucks or busses, or the introduction of advance driver assistance system (ADAS) in a new scenario

    Disc wind in the HH 30 binary models

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    Recent interferometric observations of the young stellar object(YSO) HH 30 have revealed a low velocity outflow in the 12^{12}CO J=1-2 molecule line (Pety et al. 2006). We present here two models of the low velocity disc winds with the aim of investigating an origin of this molecular outflow. Following Andlada et al. (2006) we treated HH 30 as a binary system. Two cases have been considered: i) the orbital period PP = 53 yrs and ii) PP \le 1 yr. Calculations showed that in the first case the outflow cone had a spiral-like structure due to summing the velocities of the orbital motion and the disc wind. Such a structure contradicts the observations. In the second case, the outflow cone demonstrates a symmetry relatively to the system axis and agrees well with the observations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. accepted by Mon. Not. R. Astron. So

    Publicidad en español en el metro de Nueva York

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    La elección del tema escogido para el Trabajo de Fin de Grado viene dada por la multiculturalidad que presenta la ciudad de Nueva York. La segunda ciudad con mayor superficie de área urbana del planeta acoge nacionalidades de todo el mundo. El metro de la ciudad de Nueva York es, indudablemente, el transporte público que más se utiliza. Diferentes líneas de metro conectan la ciudad de forma subterránea durante las 24 horas del día, los 365 días del año. Este medio de transporte, utilizado por locales y turistas, se convierte además en un soporte publicitario. Desde paredes con grandes carteles, hasta toneles que giran con mensajes publicitarios al pasar el ticket del metro. La creatividad de formatos publicitarios es ilimitada. Sin embargo, en el interior de los vagones de metro, esta creatividad se limita a carteles rectangulares. Sorprende observar la existencia de anuncios en idiomas que no sean el inglés como en español, chino, hebreo... En un país oficialmente angloparlante, este hecho implica que existe una comunidad lo suficientemente grande que reside en la ciudad cuya lengua nativa es diferente al inglés. Así, empresas e instituciones públicas emplean en sus campañas cartelería y acciones de comunicación traducidas a estos idiomas que son más empleados en la ciudad para llegar más eficazmente a otros grupos de personas.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Properties of the Compact HII Region Complex G-0.02-0.07

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    We present new extinction maps and high-resolution Paschen alpha images of G-0.02-0.07, a complex of compact HII regions located adjacent to the M-0.02-0.07 giant molecular cloud, 6 parsecs in projection from the center of the Galaxy. These HII regions, which lie in projection just outside the boundary of the Sgr A East supernova remnant, represent one of the most recent episodes of star formation in the central parsecs of the Galaxy. The 1.87 micron extinctions of regions A, B and C are almost identical, approximately 1.5 magnitudes. Region D, in contrast, has a peak 1.87 micron extinction of 2.3 magnitudes. Adopting the Nishiyama et al. (2008) extinction law, we find these extinctions correspond to visual extinctions of A_V = 44.5 and A_V = 70, respectively. The similar and uniform extinctions of regions A, B and C are consistent with that expected for foreground extinction in the direction of the Galactic center, suggesting that they lie at the front side of the M-0.02-0.07 molecular cloud. Region D is more compact, has a higher extinction and is thus suspected to be younger and embedded in a dense core in a compressed ridge on the western edge of this cloud.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, submitted to ApJ, comments welcom

    HST/NICMOS Paschen-alpha Survey of the Galactic Center: Overview

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    We have recently carried out the first wide-field hydrogen Paschen-alpha line imaging survey of the Galactic Center (GC), using the NICMOS instrument aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. The survey maps out a region of 2253 pc^2 around the central supermassive black hole (Sgr A*) in the 1.87 and 1.90 Micron narrow bands with a spatial resolution of 0.01 pc at a distance of 8 kpc. Here we present an overview of the observations, data reduction, preliminary results, and potential scientific implications, as well as a description of the rationale and design of the survey. We have produced mosaic maps of the Paschen-alpha line and continuum emission, giving an unprecedentedly high resolution and high sensitivity panoramic view of stars and photo-ionized gas in the nuclear environment of the Galaxy. We detect a significant number of previously undetected stars with Paschen-alpha in emission. They are most likely massive stars with strong winds, as confirmed by our initial follow-up spectroscopic observations. About half of the newly detected massive stars are found outside the known clusters (Arches, Quintuplet, and Central). Many previously known diffuse thermal features are now resolved into arrays of intriguingly fine linear filaments indicating a profound role of magnetic fields in sculpting the gas. The bright spiral-like Paschen-alpha emission around Sgr A* is seen to be well confined within the known dusty torus. In the directions roughly perpendicular to it, we further detect faint, diffuse Paschen-alpha emission features, which, like earlier radio images, suggest an outflow from the structure. In addition, we detect various compact Paschen-alpha nebulae, probably tracing the accretion and/or ejection of stars at various evolutionary stages.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRAS; a version of higher resolution images may be found at http://www.astro.umass.edu/~wqd/papers/hst/paper1.pd

    Report of the VII International Conference on Internet, Law and Politics: Net Neutrality and the Right to Oblivion.

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    Els dies 11 i 12 de juliol del 2011 es va celebrar a Barcelona el VII Congrés Internacional sobre Internet, Dret i Política que es va centrar en els dos temes principals de la neutralitat de la Xarxa i el dret a l'oblit. A més d'aquests continguts, els autors hi van exposar ponències relacionades amb l'última problemàtica jurídica i política l'objecte de la qual és Internet. En aquest article es fa una crònica no exhaustiva del congrés, incloses les conclusions del relator al final de cada jornada.Los días 11 y 12 de julio del 2011 se celebró en Barcelona el VII Congreso Internacional sobre Internet, Derecho y Política que se centró en los dos temas principales de la neutralidad de la red y el derecho al olvido. Además de estos contenidos, se expusieron por parte de sus autores ponencias relacionadas con la última problemática jurídica y política cuyo objeto es Internet. En este artículo se realiza una crónica no exhaustiva del congreso, incluyéndose las conclusiones del relator a la finalización de cada jornada.The 7th International Conference on Internet, Law and Politics was held in Barcelona on 11 and 12 June 2011, focusing on the two main topics of net neutrality and the right to oblivion. Several authors also presented papers on current problems of the Internet from a legal and political standpoint. This article is a non-exhaustive report on the conference and includes the conclusions given by the conference secretary at the end of each day