1,274 research outputs found

    The netrin receptor DCC is required in the pubertal organization of mesocortical dopamine circuitry

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    Netrins are guidance cues involvedinneural connectivity.Wehave shownthat the netrin-1 receptor DCC (deletedin colorectal cancer) is involvedinthefunctionalorganizationofthemesocorticolimbic dopamine(DA)system.Adult micewithaheterozygousloss-of-function mutation in dcc exhibit changes in indexes of DA function, including DA-related behaviors. These phenotypes are only observed after puberty,acritical periodinthe maturationofthe mesocortical DAprojection. Here, weexamined whether dcc heterozygous mice exhibit structural changes in medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) DA synaptic connectivity, before and after puberty. Stereological counts of tyrosine-hydroxylase (TH)-positive varicosities were increased in the cingulate 1 and prelimbic regions of the pregenual mPFC. dcc heterozygous mice also exhibited alterations in the size, complexity, and dendritic spine density of mPFC layer V pyramidal neuron basilar dendritic arbors. Remarkably, these presynaptic and postsynaptic partner phenotypes were not observed in juvenile mice, suggesting that DCC selectively influences the extensive branching and synaptic differentiation that occurs in the maturing mPFC DA circuitatpuberty.Immunolabelingexperimentsinwild-typemice demonstratedthat DCCissegregatedtoTH-positivefibersinnervating the nucleus accumbens, with only scarce DCC labeling in mPFC TH-positive fibers. Netrin had an inverted target expression pattern. Thus, DCC-mediated netrin-1 signaling may influence the formation/maintenance of mesocorticolimbic DA topography. In support of this, we report that dcc heterozygous mice exhibit a twofold increase in the density of mPFC DCC/TH-positive varicosities. Our results implicate DCC-mediated netrin-1 signaling in the establishment of mPFC DA circuitry during puberty

    Collage Concert

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    Kennesaw State University School of Music presents the 3rd annual Collage Concert.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1592/thumbnail.jp

    Optimism and pasture access in dairy cows

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    Allowing dairy cattle to access pasture can promote natural behaviour and improve their health. However, the psychological benefits are poorly understood. We compared a cognitive indicator of emotion in cattle either with or without pasture access. In a crossover experiment, 29 Holstein–Friesian dairy cows had 18 days of overnight pasture access and 18 days of full-time indoor housing. To assess emotional wellbeing, we tested cows on a spatial judgement bias task. Subjects learnt to approach a rewarded bucket location, but not approach another, unrewarded bucket location. We then presented cows with three “probe” buckets intermediate between the trained locations. Approaching the probes reflected an expectation of reward under ambiguity—an “optimistic” judgement bias, suggesting positive emotional states. We analysed the data using linear mixed-effects models. There were no treatment differences in latency to approach the probe buckets, but cows approached the known rewarded bucket slower when they had pasture access than when they were indoors full-time. Our results indicate that, compared to cattle housed indoors, cattle with pasture access display less anticipatory behaviour towards a known reward. This reduced reward anticipation suggests that pasture is a more rewarding environment, which may induce more positive emotional states than full-time housing

    Connective tissue presentation in two families expands the phenotypic spectrum of PYROXD1 disorders

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    Recessive variants in the oxidoreductase PYROXD1 are reported to cause a myopathy in 22 affected individuals from 15 families. Here, we describe two female probands from unrelated families presenting with features of a congenital connective tissue disorder including osteopenia, blue sclera, soft skin, joint hypermobility and neuromuscular junction dysfunction in addition to known features of PYROXD1 myopathy including respiratory difficulties, weakness, hypotonia and oromotor dysfunction. Proband AII:1 is compound heterozygous for the recurrent PYROXD1 variant Chr12(GRCh38):g.21452130A\u3eG;NM_024854.5:c.464A\u3eG;p.(N155S) and Chr12(GRCh38):g.21462019_21462022del;NM_024854.5:c.892_895del;p.(V298Mfs*4) and proband BII:1 is compound heterozygous for Chr12(GRCh38):g.21468739-21468741del;NM_024854.5:c.1488_1490del;p.(E496del) and Chr12(GRCh38):g.21467619del;NM_024854.5:c.1254+1del. RNA studies demonstrate c.892_895del;p.(V298Mfs*4) is targeted by nonsense mediated decay and c.1254+1delG elicits in-frame skipping of exon-11. Western blot from cultured fibroblasts shows reduced PYROXD1 protein levels in both probands. Testing urine from BII:1 and six individuals with PYROXD1 myopathy showed elevated levels of deoxypyridinoline, a mature collagen crosslink, correlating with PYROXD1-disorder severity. Urine and serum amino acid testing of the same individuals revealed no reportable changes. In contrast to PYROXD1 knock-out, we find no evidence for disrupted tRNA ligase activity, as measured via XBP1 splicing, in fibroblasts expressing PYROXD1 variants. In summary, we expand the clinical spectrum of PYROXD1-related disorders to include an overlapping connective tissue and myopathy presentation, identify three novel, pathogenic PYROXD1 variants, and provide preliminary evidence that elevated urine DPD crosslinks may provide a clinical biomarker for PYROXD1 disorders. Our results advocate consideration of PYROXD1 variants in the differential diagnosis for undiagnosed individuals presenting with a connective tissue disorder and myopathy

    Social-ecological connections across land, water, and sea demand a reprioritization of environmental management

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    Despite many sectors of society striving for sustainability in environmental management, humans often fail to identify and act on the connections and processes responsible for social-ecological tipping points. Part of the problem is the fracturing of environmental management and social-ecological research into ecosystem domains (land, freshwater, and sea), each with different scales and resolution of data acquisition and distinct management approaches. We present a perspective on the social-ecological connections across ecosystem domains that emphasize the need for management reprioritization to effectively connect these domains. We identify critical nexus points related to the drivers of tipping points, scales of governance, and the spatial and temporal dimensions of social-ecological processes. We combine real-world examples and a simple dynamic model to illustrate the implications of slow management responses to environmental impacts that traverse ecosystem domains. We end with guidance on management and research opportunities that arise from this cross-domain lens to foster greater opportunity to achieve environmental and sustainability goals.Peer reviewe

    Genome-wide association study identifies a variant in HDAC9 associated with large vessel ischemic stroke

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    Genetic factors have been implicated in stroke risk but few replicated associations have been reported. We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in ischemic stroke and its subtypes in 3,548 cases and 5,972 controls, all of European ancestry. Replication of potential signals was performed in 5,859 cases and 6,281 controls. We replicated reported associations between variants close to PITX2 and ZFHX3 with cardioembolic stroke, and a 9p21 locus with large vessel stroke. We identified a novel association for a SNP within the histone deacetylase 9(HDAC9) gene on chromosome 7p21.1 which was associated with large vessel stroke including additional replication in a further 735 cases and 28583 controls (rs11984041, combined P = 1.87×10−11, OR=1.42 (95% CI) 1.28-1.57). All four loci exhibit evidence for heterogeneity of effect across the stroke subtypes, with some, and possibly all, affecting risk for only one subtype. This suggests differing genetic architectures for different stroke subtypes