11 research outputs found

    Pol铆ticas p煤blicas, transformaci贸n digital en una municipalidad de la regi贸n de Amazonas

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    The general objective of this research entitled public policies and digital transformation in a municipality in the Amazonas region was to determine the relationship between public policy and digital transformation in a municipality in the Amazonas region. The study is a quantitative study of non-experimental and correlational cross-sectional design, the sample consisted of 70 municipal management officials of the municipality. For this study the survey technique was used and the instrument was the questionnaire, reaching a reliability of 0.802 for public policies and 0.816 in digital transformation, the surveys were validated by three expert judges in the field. For the general hypothesis test, Sperman's Rho was used, obtaining the following result: An index of 0.825** which indicates a high positive correlation, also the observed significance value p = 0.000 is less than 0.05, consequently, the relationship is significant and the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, assuming that public policies are significantly related to digital transformation in a municipality in the Amazonas region. Conclusion: It is determined that there is a high positive correlation between public policies and digital transformation in a municipality in the Amazonas region.La presente investigaci贸n titulado pol铆ticas p煤blicas y transformaci贸n digital en una municipalidad de la regi贸n de Amazonas, tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relaci贸n entre pol铆tica p煤blica y la transformaci贸n digital en una municipalidad de la regi贸n de Amazonas. El estudio es cuantitativo de dise帽o no experimental y correlacional de corte transversal, la muestra tuvo conformado por 70 funcionarios gerencia municipal de la municipalidad. Para este estudio se utiliz贸 la t茅cnica de la encuesta y el instrumento el cuestionario, alcanzando una confiabilidad 0,802 para pol铆ticas p煤blicas y 0,816 en transformaci贸n digital, las encuestas fueron validadas por tres jueces expertos en la materia. Para la prueba de hip贸tesis general, se utiliz贸 Rho de Sperman obteniendo el siguiente resultado: Un 铆ndice de 0,825** lo que indica una correlaci贸n positiva alta, adem谩s el valor de significaci贸n observada p = 0.000 es menor a 0.05, en consecuencia, la relaci贸n es significativa y se rechaza la hip贸tesis nula (H0), asumiendo que las pol铆ticas p煤blicas se relacionan significativamente con la transformaci贸n digital en una municipalidad de la regi贸n de Amazonas. Llegando a la conclusi贸n: Se logra determina que existe una correlaci贸n positiva alta entre pol铆ticas p煤blicas y la transformaci贸n digital en una municipalidad de la regi贸n de Amazonas

    Impacto de la plataforma google classroom en las competencias matem谩ticas

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    The present research entitled, Google Classroom platform and mathematics competencies in a public educational institution, aims to: Determine the relationship between the Google Classroom platform and mathematics competencies in a public educational institution. Methodology is quantitative, the applied method is the hypothetical deductive method of basic type, the design corresponds to the non-experimental, cross-sectional and correlational. The sample consisted of 60 teachers in a public educational institution. The Google Classroom platform instruments and the Mathematics competencies were validated by experts and the reliability by Cronbach's Alpha for both instruments. For the inferential results, Sperman's Rho was used, reaching the conclusion: the correlation coefficient is r = 0.405** which indicates a moderate positive correlation, in addition, the observed significance value p = 0.001 is less than 0.05, consequently, the relationship is significant and the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, assuming that the Google Classroom platform is significantly related to mathematics competencies in a public institution.La presente investigaci贸n titulado, plataforma Google Classroom   y las   competencias de Matem谩ticas en una instituci贸n educativa p煤blica, tiene por objetivo: Determinar la relaci贸n entre la plataforma Google Classroom y las competencias de matem谩tica en una instituci贸n educativa p煤blica. Metodolog铆a es cuantitativo el m茅todo aplicado es el hipot茅tico deductivo de tipo b谩sica, el dise帽o corresponde al no experimental de corte transversal y correlacional. La muestra estuvo conformada por 60 docentes en una instituci贸n educativa p煤blica. Los instrumentos de plataforma Google Classroom   y las   competencias de Matem谩ticas fueron validados por expertos y la confiabilidad por Alpha de Cronbach para ambos instrumentos. Para los resultados inferenciales se utiliz贸 el Rho de Sperman llegando a la conclusi贸n: el coeficiente de correlaci贸n es r = 0.405** lo que indica una correlaci贸n positiva moderada, adem谩s el valor de significaci贸n observada p = 0.001 es menor a 0.05, en consecuencia, la relaci贸n es significativa y se rechaza la hip贸tesis nula (H0) asumiendo que la plataforma Google Clasroom se relaciona significativamente con las competencias de matem谩ticas en una instituci贸n p煤blica

    Gesti贸n educativa y marketing educativo en la instituci贸n t茅cnico productivo de la Victoria-Lima, 2017

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    La investigaci贸n realizada respecto Gesti贸n educativa y marketing educativo en la instituci贸n t茅cnico productivo de la Victoria-Lima, 2017, inicia por dar respuesta la interrogante, 驴si se realiza buena gesti贸n entonces el marketing educativo ser铆a bueno? El estudio determin贸 dicha relaci贸n sustentada en la presente investigaci贸n por argumentos emp铆ricos y te贸ricos. La metodolog铆a utilizada corresponde al enfoque cuantitativo, el m茅todo aplicado fue el hipot茅tico deductivo de tipo b谩sica, con un dise帽o no experimental de corte transversal y correlacional. Se tom贸 una muestra de 130 docentes de la instituci贸n t茅cnico productivo de la Victoria-Lima, 2017, aplic谩ndose dos instrumentos que la gesti贸n educativa y el marketing educativo, que fueron validados por expertos en la tem谩tica y metodolog铆a, la confiabilidad por Alpha de cronbach para ambos instrumentos. Para los resultados inferenciales se utiliz贸 el Rho de sperman, porque la medici贸n corresponde a una escala ordinal llegando a la siguiente conclusi贸n: Existe una relaci贸n positiva alta y significativa entre gesti贸n educativa marketing educativo en la instituci贸n t茅cnico productiva de la Victoria-Lima, 2017. Se infiere que si se realizan buenos procesos de gesti贸n entonces el marketing educativo ser谩 mejor

    Gamification as a resource in education. A bibliometric analysis in times of pandemic

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    The objective of the study is to describe the world scientific production on gamification in the Scopus and Web of Science databases between the months of January 2020 and March 2022. We worked with a universe consisting of 754 documents from the database Web of Science and 1443 from Scopus. The results indicate that, in terms of the number of authors, Scopus has 1,336 and Web of Science, 2,223. The rate of collaboration between authors is slightly higher in Web of Science (3.18) compared to 3.05 in Scopus.Regarding the author with the highest production on the subject, Juho Hamari stood out, while the Lecture notes in computer science magazines in Scopus and the Sustainability magazine in WoS stood out as the media with the highest production of articles on gamification; On the other hand, Spain was the main country producing scientific evidence, and the type of scientific production that stood out was the original articles. The growth of scientific production on gamification is corroborated and further growth is forecast for the coming years.Campus San Juan de Luriganch

    On digital governance, digital policy and education

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    Objetivo. El presente art铆culo tiene por objetivo realizar una revisi贸n acerca de los fundamentos referidos a aspectos claves de la pol铆tica digital y sus mecanismos de gobernanza. Metodolog铆a. Se ha optado por emplear la metodolog铆a hermen茅utica a fin de abordar cualitativamente la tem谩tica con base en el an谩lisis bibliogr谩fico. Resultados. Se describen los mecanismos y procesos inherentes a la gobernanza digital a niveles micro y macro y su influencia en el orbe, as铆 como el desarrollo de las pol铆ticas digitales aplicadas al campo de la educaci贸n. Conclusi贸n. Se discuten las oportunidades y dificultades del desarrollo de los sistemas de gobernanza multinivel con base en la aplicaci贸n de infraestructuras digitales y la consolidaci贸n de ecosistemas tecnol贸gicos urbanos.Objective: The objective of this article is to conduct a review of the fundamentals related to key aspects of digital policy and its governance mechanisms. Methodology: The hermeneutic ethodology has been chosen in order to qualitatively approach the topic, based on bibliographic analysis. Results: The mechanisms and processes inherent to digital governance at micro and macro levels and their influence in the world are described as well as the development of digital policies applied to the field of education. Conclusion: The opportunities and difficulties of developing multilevel governance systems based on the application of digital infrastructures and the consolidation of urban technological ecosystems are discussed

    Machine Learning Algorithms for High Performance Modelling in Health Monitoring System Based on 5G Networks

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    The development of Internet of Things (IoT) applications for creating behavioural and physiological monitoring methods, such as an IoT-based student healthcare monitoring system, has been accelerated by advances in sensor technology. Today, there are an increasing number of students living alone who are dispersed across large geographic areas, therefore it is important to monitor their health and function. This research propose novel technique in high performance modelling for health monitoring system by 5G network based machine learning analysis. Here the input is collected as EEG brain waves which are monitored and collected through 5G networks. This input EEG waves has been processed and obtained as fragments and noise removal is carried out. The processed EEG wave fragments has been extracted using K-adaptive reinforcement learning. this extracted features has been classified using na茂ve bayes gradient feed forward neural network. The performance analysis shows comparative analysis between proposed and existing technique in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, F-1 score, RMSE and MAP. Proposed technique attained accuracy of 95%, precision of 85%, recall of 79%, F-1 measure of 68%, RMSE of 52% and MAP of 66%

    Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: 5G Network Design and Simulation Based on Mimetic Technique Control System

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    The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) exhibits promising advancement with underwater acoustic wireless network communication (UWSN). Conventionally, IoUT has been utilized for the offshore monitoring and exploration of the environment within the underwater region. The data exchange between the IoUT has been performed with the 5G enabled-communication to establish the connection with the futuristic underwater monitoring. However, the acoustic waves in underwater communication are subjected to longer propagation delay and higher transmission energy. To overcome those issues autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is implemented for the data collection and routing based on cluster formation. This paper developed a memetic algorithm-based AUV monitoring system for the underwater environment. The proposed Autonomous 5G Memetic (A5GMEMETIC) model performs the data collection and transmission to increase the USAN performance. The A5GMEMETIC model data collection through the dynamic unaware clustering model minimizes energy consumption. The A5GMemetic optimizes the location of the nodes in the underwater environment for the optimal data path estimation for the data transmission in the network. Simulation analysis is performed comparatively with the proposed A5Gmemetic with the conventional AEDG, DGS, and HAMA models. The comparative analysis expressed that the proposed A5GMeMEMETIC model exhibits the ~12% increased packet delivery ratio (PDR), ~9% reduced delay and ~8% improved network lifetime

    Gesti贸n educativa y marketing educativo en la instituci贸n t茅cnico productivo de la Victoria-Lima, 2017

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    La investigaci贸n realizada respecto Gesti贸n educativa y marketing educativo en la instituci贸n t茅cnico productivo de la Victoria-Lima, 2017, inicia por dar respuesta la interrogante, 驴si se realiza buena gesti贸n entonces el marketing educativo ser铆a bueno? El estudio determin贸 dicha relaci贸n sustentada en la presente investigaci贸n por argumentos emp铆ricos y te贸ricos. La metodolog铆a utilizada corresponde al enfoque cuantitativo, el m茅todo aplicado fue el hipot茅tico deductivo de tipo b谩sica, con un dise帽o no experimental de corte transversal y correlacional. Se tom贸 una muestra de 130 docentes de la instituci贸n t茅cnico productivo de la Victoria-Lima, 2017, aplic谩ndose dos instrumentos que la gesti贸n educativa y el marketing educativo, que fueron validados por expertos en la tem谩tica y metodolog铆a, la confiabilidad por Alpha de cronbach para ambos instrumentos. Para los resultados inferenciales se utiliz贸 el Rho de sperman, porque la medici贸n corresponde a una escala ordinal llegando a la siguiente conclusi贸n: Existe una relaci贸n positiva alta y significativa entre gesti贸n educativa marketing educativo en la instituci贸n t茅cnico productiva de la Victoria-Lima, 2017. Se infiere que si se realizan buenos procesos de gesti贸n entonces el marketing educativo ser谩 mejor