455 research outputs found

    RAVEN: a GUI and an Artificial Intelligence Engine in a Dynamic PRA Framework

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    Increases in computational power and pressure for more accurate simulations and estimations of accident scenario consequences are driving the need for Dynamic Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) [1] of very complex models. While more sophisticated algorithms and computational power address the back end of this challenge, the front end is still handled by engineers that need to extract meaningful information from the large amount of data and build these complex models. Compounding this problem is the difficulty in knowledge transfer and retention, and the increasing speed of software development. The above-described issues would have negatively impacted deployment of the new high fidelity plant simulator RELAP-7 (Reactor Excursion and Leak Analysis Program) at Idaho National Laboratory. Therefore, RAVEN that was initially focused to be the plant controller for RELAP-7 will help mitigate future RELAP-7 software engineering risks. In order to accomplish such a task Reactor Analysis and V

    Cryptococcus gattii sero-mating type allelic pattern determined by multiplex PCR

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    AbstractMolecular methods to differentiate serotypes, mating types and molecular types of Cryptococcus neoformans and C. gattii are important tools to understand epidemiology and pathogenesis of these pathogens. In this study, a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approach was applied to sero-mating typing of C. gattii strains. Four pairs of primers were designed to target 4 allele-specific genes located in the mating-type locus. Twenty-three C. gattii strains, presenting different mating types and serotypes, were tested to validate the method. The method was able to identify all sero-mating allelic patterns including hybrid combinations, and therefore, it represents a simple one-step PCR for sero-mating typing of C. gattii strains

    Evaluación de la tendencia de la temperatura mínima en la Cuenca del Plata entre 1980-2015 utilizando datos de reanálisis

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    En algunas regiones las observaciones de temperatura mínima de superficie son escasas y la calidad de medición histórica cuestionable. En el caso particular de la Cuenca del Plata, de gran extensión, la distribución espacial de estaciones meteorológicas es heterogénea, poco densa y de registro ocasionalmente discontinuo en el tiempo, por lo que contar con una cobertura espacialmente continua de una variable agrometeorológica tan sensible como la temperatura mínima y, en particular, de su comportamiento temporal, es de gran apoyo para realizar estudios en el área. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la tendencia temporal en la temperatura mínima absoluta en la Cuenca del Plata para el periodo 1980-2015 a partir de datos de temperatura mínima del reanálisis ERA-Interim del ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) con una resolución espacial de 0.125° utilizando dos técnicas diferentes. El área en estudio está situada en el sudeste de Sudamérica entre 10ºS y 36°S y entre 42°W y 66°W y constituye uno de los sistemas hidrográficos más importantes del mundo, siendo la segunda cuenca más grande de América del Sur, con una superficie de 3.1 millones de km2. Los análisis se realizaron con los mínimos de temperatura mínima registrados para cada mes para cada punto de grilla. La estacionalidad de cada punto se sintetizó mediante tres parámetros anuales: TMin media anual (A0), diferencia entre la TMin máxima y TMin media anual (A1) y posición de la onda estacional (F1). Para cada parámetro se evaluaron las tendencias interanuales a partir del estimador Theil Sen, calculando su significancia con los tests no paramétricos: Mann Kendall (MK) y Mann Kendall Contextual (MKC). Los principales cambios significativos en TMin se registraron en el valor medio (≈58.0% de la cuenca), con una dominancia de las tendencias positivas en todos los parámetros evaluados. La utilización de ambas técnicas no aumentó sustancialmente el porcentaje del área con tendencias significativas (menor a 1.2% en los 3 parámetros de estacionalidad evaluados; p<0.1), sin embargo, el test MKC eliminó la detección de tendencias espúreas o píxeles aislados, presentando resultados geográficamente más coherentes.Eje: Ciencias de la Atmósfera y los Océanos.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    The effects of anthocyanin-rich Myrtaceae fruits peel powder on fibrosis-associated hepatocarcinogenesisin mice.

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    Fruits from Myrtaceae family, as jabuticaba (Myrciaria jaboticaba (Vell) O. Berg), jamelão (Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels) and jambo (Syzygium malaccense), raise interest due to their high levels of anthocyanins, antioxidant compounds, and, thus, potential for chronic disease risk reduction¹. Therefore, the study evaluated whether the ingestion of jabuticaba, jamelão or jambo peel powder attenuates fibrosis-associated hepatocarcinogenesis. Neonatal female C3H/Hej mice were submitted to a diethylnitrosamine (DEN)/carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced fibrosis-associated hepatocarcinogenesis model. Mice also received basal diet or basal diet containing 2% of jabuticaba, jamelão or jambo dehydrated peels for 10 weeks. HPLC analysis of dehydrated fruit peels revealed high levels of anthocyanins in jabuticaba (802.89±22.88 mg/100g), jamelão (575.95±9.42 mg/100g) and jambo (156.05±10.39 mg/100g). These fruits displayed different types of anthocyanins (Figures 1-3). Interestingly, only the ingestion of basal diet containing jamelão peel powder attenuated liver fibrosis compared to DEN/CCl4 (Figure 4). Mechanisms will be evaluated, as well as the effects of these fruits on the development of preneoplasic/neoplastic liver lesions.WTPC. 21 a 26 de abril

    Distinct Signature of Altered Homeostasis in Aging Rod Photoreceptors: Implications for Retinal Diseases

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    Advanced age contributes to clinical manifestations of many retinopathies and represents a major risk factor for age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of visual impairment and blindness in the elderly. Rod photoreceptors are especially vulnerable to genetic defects and changes in microenvironment, and are among the first neurons to die in normal aging and in many retinal degenerative diseases. The molecular mechanisms underlying rod photoreceptor vulnerability and potential biomarkers of the aging process in this highly specialized cell type are unknown.To discover aging-associated adaptations that may influence rod function, we have generated gene expression profiles of purified rod photoreceptors from mouse retina at young adult to early stages of aging (1.5, 5, and 12 month old mice). We identified 375 genes that showed differential expression in rods from 5 and 12 month old mouse retina compared to that of 1.5 month old retina. Quantitative RT-PCR experiments validated expression change for a majority of the 25 genes that were examined. Macroanalysis of differentially expressed genes using gene class testing and protein interaction networks revealed overrepresentation of cellular pathways that are potentially photoreceptor-specific (angiogenesis and lipid/retinoid metabolism), in addition to age-related pathways previously described in several tissue types (oxidative phosphorylation, stress and immune response).Our study suggests a progressive shift in cellular homeostasis that may underlie aging-associated functional decline in rod photoreceptors and contribute to a more permissive state for pathological processes involved in retinal diseases

    Scaf1 promotes respiratory supercomplexes and metabolic efficiency in zebrafish

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    The oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system is a dynamic system in which the respiratory complexes coexist with superassembled quaternary structures called supercomplexes (SCs). The physiological role of SCs is still disputed. Here, we used zebrafish to study the relevance of respiratory SCs. We combined immunodetection analysis and deep data-independent proteomics to characterize these structures and found similar SCs to those described in mice, as well as novel SCs including III2 + IV2, I + IV, and I + III2 + IV2. To study the physiological role of SCs, we generated two null allele zebrafish lines for supercomplex assembly factor 1 (scaf1). scaf1 / fish displayed altered OXPHOS activity due to the disrupted interaction of complexes III and IV. scaf1 / fish were smaller in size and showed abnormal fat deposition and decreased female fertility. These physiological phenotypes were rescued by doubling the food supply, which correlated with improved bioenergetics and alterations in the metabolic gene expression program. These results reveal that SC assembly by Scaf1 modulates OXPHOS efficiency and allows the optimization of metabolic resources.Microscopy Imaging Center of the University of BernSpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, MINECO SAF2015-65633-RSpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, MINECO SAF2015-65633-RHuman Frontier Science Program RGP0016/2018European Research Council (ERC) 337703SNF 31003A-159721Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) 320030_170062MINECO BIO2015-67580-PCarlos III Institute of Health-Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria) PRB3 IPT17/0019Fundacion La Marato TV3La Caixa Foundation HR17-00247Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MEIC)Pro-CNIC FoundationSevero Ochoa Center of Excellence (MEIC award) SEV-2015-050

    Morphometric aspects of the thymus in domestic cats (Felis domesticus)

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    O timo é um órgão linfático primário que desenvolve sua atividade em organismos jovens. Apesar de sua função ser responsável por mecanismos fundamentais na aquisição das defesas e conseqüentes respostas orgânicas, ela ainda não está totalmente esclarecida, nem tampouco as bases morfológicas que respondem por tais funções, como o processo de desenvolvimento e involução do órgão. Objetivou-se analisar e caracterizar os aspectos morfológicos do timo, tais como seu tamanho e volume, e aspectos histológicos do timo em gatos, correlacionando o sexo e o desenvolvimento etário. Doze timos provenientes de fetos de gatos domésticos (Felis domesticus) sem raça definida (SRD), machos e fêmeas, separados em três grupos etários. O timo apresentou-se com uma coloração rosa-pálida e com duas porções, a torácica e a cervical, sendo que cada uma delas possuía um lobo direito e um lobo esquerdo em sua maioria. A porção torácica localizava-se em região de mediastino cranial, entre os pulmões e à base do coração. E a porção cervical estendia-se além das costelas em sentido cranial, estando localizada ventralmente à traqueia. A estrutura celular do timo demonstrou-se organizada com a presença de agregados concêntricos, os chamados corpúsculos tímicos, formados por células epiteliais, sustentada por uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo de onde partiam septos que ao penetrar no órgão dividia-o em lóbulos. Ocorreram variações significativas quanto à lobação e as dimensões do timo entre indivíduos da mesma faixa etária, e entre sexos diferentes. Os valores relativos ao comprimento, espessura e largura, de maneira geral, apresentaram aumento, em conformidade ao desenvolvimento dos animais, mas com diferenças entre os sexos

    Dynamics of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and reflectance to detect stress-induced variations in canopy photosynthesis

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    Passive measurement of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (F) represents the most promising tool to quantify changes in photosynthetic functioning on a large scale. However, the complex relationship between this signal and other photosynthesis-related processes restricts its interpretation under stress conditions. To address this issue, we conducted a field campaign by combining daily airborne and ground-based measurements of F (normalized to photosynthetically active radiation), reflectance and surface temperature and related the observed changes to stress-induced variations in photosynthesis. A lawn carpet was sprayed with different doses of the herbicide Dicuran. Canopy-level measurements of gross primary productivity indicated dosage-dependent inhibition of photosynthesis by the herbicide. Dosage-dependent changes in normalized F were also detected. After spraying, we first observed a rapid increase in normalized F and in the Photochemical Reflectance Index, possibly due to the blockage of electron transport by Dicuran and the resultant impairment of xanthophyll-mediated non-photochemical quenching. This initial increase was followed by a gradual decrease in both signals, which coincided with a decline in pigment-related reflectance indices. In parallel, we also detected a canopy temperature increase after the treatment. These results demonstrate the potential of using F coupled with relevant reflectance indices to estimate stress-induced changes in canopy photosynthesis

    Gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with sars-cov-2 infection managed by interventional radiology

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    Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the technical and clinical success of trans-arterial embolization (TAE) as a treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding (GIB) in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients and to describe its safety; moreover, we describe the characteristics of these patients. Methods: Thirty-four COVID-19 hospitalized patients presented with GIB. Risk factors, drugs administered for COVID-19 infection, and clinical and biological parameters were evaluated. Furthermore, intraprocedural data and outcomes of embolization were analyzed. Results: GIB was more frequent in male. Overweight, hypertension, diabetes, previous cardiac disease, and anticoagulation preadmission (48.5%) were frequently found in our population. Previous or actual COVID Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and a high level of D-dimer were encountered in most cases. Upper GIB was more frequent than lower GIB. Technical and clinical success rates of embolization were 88.2% and 94.1%, respectively. The complication rate was 5.9%. Conclusions: Our study highlights the most frequent characteristics of COVID-19 patients with GIB. Embolization is feasible, effective, and safe