799 research outputs found

    Social networks, social media and the author's rights law of the EU

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    The research at hand has the purpose to expose how the legislation established by the European Parliament regarding the digital single market introduced changes on EU to facilitate the online use of works created by others in social networks, social media and other internet pages and platforms seen as relevant. We propose to approach some social activities like creating and sharing memes, fan-made art and how the legislation of the EU sees them. For that, it was made an extensive study of legal documents regarding the author’s rights and related rights from EU countries, that has been conducted since 2014. The focus of this study has been mainly on images, videos and texts especially as derivative works. The gathered information is updated each year, being considered a theoretical and a normative study, with a conceptual review of the legal use of works created by others in different social realities. The benefits of these updates will be exposed along with what still needs to be done. It was concluded that the banalization of certain actions by the majority of users can lead to the change of legislation for a more fair and adequate way for creators and users.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Blockchain: a new way of art distribution and its legal implications

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    The blockchain is a technology that has become a big deal between society during the last few years. Bitcoin has been the most well-known format inside this system. However, there is more to the blockchain than the cryptocurrencies. The blockchain has, as one of the main purposes, to create a fair economic future and in the future, its technology could be used for the distribution of heavy files, as films. There are several advantages that this technology could bring, not only in terms of works distribution and promotion but also of gains. This can provide, in countries with smaller cinema industries and which are ruled mainly by government subsidies, like several European cases, an economic, artistic and cultural improvement of their industries. The purpose of this study is centered on analyzing the distribution of films and music using blockchain technology and legal procedures like smart contracts and NFTs – Non-Fungible Tokens, and expose the main differences from the traditional way of distribution, in terms of efficiency and complexity of the processes. In other words, the Author’s Rights and Related Rights of European countries for music and films will be analyzed along with their legal practices and compare its efficacy with the blockchain system use. The purpose is to discover in what way this new technology can contribute to a more adequate form of distribution during a time where people are being so dependent of the digital technologies to communicate and receive information, in a time where the artists are even struggling more to sell and expose their work and when it seems important to discover viable ways for them to develop a career and to make a decent living out of it.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Blockchain: distribuição e promoção de música, imagens fixas e em movimento

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    Distributing and promoting audiovisual works with blockchain

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    The purpose of this paper is to update information about research, with its first publication in 2018, named “Blockchain: A new way of distribution, promotion and improvement of the artistic, economic and cultural situation of a film in the EU”. The article covers the first phase of a study about blockchain technology used in audiovisual distribution platforms which started in 2017. This research included a study case about 14 decentralized blockchain platforms. Only eight are still workings: White Rabbit, JBOX, Ethereum Movie Venture, DECENT (Nahmii), Flixxo, Hubii Network, Singular DTV (Breaker), LBRY. This new paper updates information about the pros and cons of using decentralized blockchain platforms in audiovisual distribution by reporting the analysis made about the existing literature within Computer Science together with the observational study case of the mentioned platforms. It will also bring new information about smart contracts and NFTs, and highlight the main legal differences from the traditional way of distribution, in terms of efficiency and complexity of the processes. The latest was made through the examination of legal practices, codes, acts, directives and conventions of EU countries, since its need of being updated regarding digital exploitation of works and other questions seen as inadequate for this age. This study discusses the ways this new technology can contribute to a more adequate form of the legal approach to works protection and exploitation during the present digital era.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Oriental ceramics and Chinese porcelain from a Portuguese Indiaman, the presumable Nossa Senhora dos Mártires (Tagus River, Portugal)

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    UID/HIS/04666/2013This work, developed under the Master thesis project of the authoress, had as main objective the study of the ceramic assemblage found at the archaeological site of São Julião da Barra, located between Oeiras and Cascais (Lisbon, Portugal), at the mouth of the Tagus River (Fig. 1). This ceramics assemblage and other remains, among which stands out some pepper grains, has frequently been associated to the cargo brought aboard the Nossa Senhora dos Mártires Portuguese Indiaman, that sailed from Cochin, on January 1606, and sank near to the São Julião da Barra Fortress on 14 September 1606 (Castro, 2001).publishersversionpublishe

    A Multi-Period Stochastic Location-Inventory Problem

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    Tese de mestrado, Estatística e Investigação Operacional (Investigação Operacional), 2023, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasA two-stage stochastic linear programming model is proposed to formulate the Multi-Period Stochastic Location-Inventory Problem, where both location, allocation and inventory management related decisions are considered. A variant, which adds the concept of lead times between suppliers and DCs, is also formulated as a two-stage stochastic linear programming model. In order to solve it, the concept of demand scenarios is introduced as a means to capture the uncertainty of the customers’ demand. This way, the Multi-Period Stochastic Location-Inventory Problem can be formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming model. This is the model that needs to be solved, which can be done, for example, through the use of a commercial solver. A set of instances is computationally generated for the purpose of performing computational tests. Afterwards, two batches of computational tests are run. The first batch uses the generated instances as they are, while in the second batch those instances have their fixed costs for locating a DC at some site modified (the original values are multiplied by one hundred). Some characteristics and metrics are chosen in an effort to evaluate the quality of the solving approach. Most instances are solved in a considered suitable time (the majority take less than a minute). Only a few (the largest ones in both number of decision variables and constraints) are not solved due to hardware constraints

    Quando a autoria a solo não é suficiente

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    Com a evolução dos vários campos artísticos audiovisuais, foi surgindo uma problemática à qual ainda não se conseguiu responder assertivamente. Quem é o autor de uma obra fílmica? E de uma série? Estas são as questões que se levantam. A aquisição a solo da autoria é uma noção proveniente das artes ancestrais, como literatura e pintura. Ideia essa que continua entranhada e a ser promulgada entre a sociedade e os jovens académicos das diversas áreas audiovisuais. No cinema, a autoria é normalmente atribuída ao realizador, uma conjetura que continua a ser alimentada pelo conceito de cinema d’auteur que surgiu nos anos 50 em França. Enquanto na televisão se centra na figura do showrunner, um produtor que, tal como o realizador/auteur cinematográfico, alia frequentemente as suas funções à escrita de argumento. A falta de consideração de todos os criadores intelectuais de um produto artístico concebido em grupo pode estar a causar uma estagnação da exploração económica e da evolução artística e cultural das diversas obras. Algo que atinge principalmente países cujas indústrias audiovisuais estão pouco desenvolvidas e se gerem maioritariamente à base de subsídios. Irá ser feita uma contextualização da situação legal atual, tendo Portugal como país de referência para estes acontecimentos. A partir de um estudo bibliográfico será estudado o lado artístico, social e legal da autoria no cinema e na televisão. O objetivo deste estudo é dar a conhecer algumas das problemáticas ligadas à autoria, ao CDADC e como se podem utilizar obras televisivas e cinematográficas com o propósito de ensino, sem infringir a legislação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The impact of human resources´ practices, employees´ digital skills and leadership on digital maturity

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    Digital Transformation is the new buzzword. To assess the sucess of a company’s Digital Transformation and its readiness to continue transforming, Digital Maturity Models have been developed. However, human-related variables are not often considered in those models. Focusing on the banking industry, these study examines the impact of Human Resources’ Practices, Employees’ Digital Skills and Leadership on Digital Maturity. Through the collection of primary data through surveys and its analysis through regression models, results suggest that these variables have a positive impact in Digital Maturity, through direct and/or indirect effects

    Combining metric and vector space data mining methods for screening CFTR rescuers in cystic fibrosis

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    Tese de mestrado, Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional (Bioinformática) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2017O objetivo principal desta dissertação é desenvolver modelos para propor moléculas de interesse que podem se tornar em princípios ativos no tratamento da fibrose quística. Neste projeto apresenta-se uma abordagem in silico para a seleção de moléculas que possivelmente têm capacidades terapêuticas em relação à fibrose quística. Este processo é efetuado computacionalmente com a utilização de ferramentas de prospeção de dados e os objetivos primordiais deste processo são a identificação e seleção de moléculas que podem ajudar no combate à doença para posterior teste em laboratório. Para este efeito foram desenvolvidos previsões para a capacidade terapêutica das moléculas em dois espaços: i) espaço vetorial; ii) espaço métrico. No espaço vetorial as previsões foram realizadas tendo em conta os descritores moleculares das moléculas, com recurso ao método estatístico e computacional random forest. As moléculas foram também representadas num espaço métrico construído com a dissemelhança molecular entre as mesmas, onde ocorreu uma redução de dimensões tornando possível a representação das instâncias num plano bidimensional – este espaço métrico foi subsequentemente analisado por uma ferramenta estatística denominada kriging. Para comprovar os métodos escolhidos, usaram-se dois conjuntos de dados; potenciadores e ativadores de anoctaminas (moléculas de possível interesse para o tratamento da fibrose quística) e corretores da proteína causadora da fibrose quística (CFTR - Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator ). No âmbito desta dissertação, foram identificadas 10 moléculas provenientes do estudo com potenciadores de anoctaminas e 18 moléculas provenientes do estudo com corretores da CFTR, para serem testadas em laboratório. Adicionalmente, foram recolhidos dados de repositórios de informação biológica para validar os métodos utilizados. Este passo adicional permite concluir que algumas das moléculas escolhidas têm ligações diretas e indiretas à fibrose quística, dando credibilidade ao método desenvolvido. É importante referir que a forma como este projeto foi desenvolvido permite a utilização de diferentes conjuntos de dados de ligandos para proteínas alvo, o que torna este método flexível e adaptável à doença que seja objeto de estudo.The main goal of this dissertation is to develop models in order to identify and propose lead chemical molecules that can possibly become principal actives against the cystic fibrosis disease. In this project it is presented an in silico approach to perform a molecular screening on possible therapeutic candidates for the cystic fibrosis disease. This process is done computationally with data mining tools and the main objectives are the identification and selection of molecules to further testing in the laboratory. To achieve this goal the data mining exercise was developed on two spaces: i) vectorial space, ii) metric space. On the vectorial space, molecular descriptors were selected to implement a random forest algorithm (a supervised machine learning method) in order to realize forecasts on the molecule ability to treat the disease. The studied molecules were also represented in a metric space that was developed using molecular dissimilarity between all molecules. This dissimilarity values were modelled to fit in a 2 dimensional representation - In this metric space the statistical tool chosen was kriging. To prove the chosen methodology, two main datasets were used: A dataset with Anoctamin activators or potentiators (molecules of interest to treat the cystic fibrosis disease) and a dataset with correctors of the protein which causes cystic fibrosis (CFTR - Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator). Based on these datasets, 10 and 18 molecules were selected respectively to be further tested in a lab environment. To conclude the work and validate the workflow results, an additional analysis was performed using selected information repositories. This additional step has confirmed that some of the chosen molecules are directly and indirectly related to cystic fibrosis, giving some credibility to the proposed method. Finally, the way this project was developed enables the use of different datasets with ligands of the target proteins as input, making the method flexible and adaptable to any disease in study