360 research outputs found

    Role of lateral mantle flow in the evolution of subduction systems: insights from laboratory experiments

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    We present 3-D laboratory experiments constructed to investigate the pattern of mantle flow around a subducting slab under different boundary conditions. In particular we present a set of experiments, characterized by different conditions imposed at the trailing edge of the subducting plate (that is, plate fixed in the far field, plate detached in the far field, imposed plate motion). Experiments have been performed using a silicone slab floating inside a honey tank to simulate a thin viscous lithosphere subducting in a viscous mantle. For each set, we show differences between models that do or do not include the possibility of out-of-plane lateral flow in the mantle by varying the lateral boundary conditions. Our results illustrate how a subducting slab vertically confined over a 660-km equivalent depth can be influenced in its geometry and in its kinematics by the presence or absence of possible lateral pathways. On the basis of these results we show implications for natural subduction systems and we highlight the importance of suitable simulations of lateral viscosity variations to obtain a realistic simulation of the history of subductio

    Plate motions, Andean orogeny, and volcanism above the South Atlantic convection cell

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    International audienceThe geometric and kinematic evolution of the Andes provides insight onto the nature of the force balance beneath the South American plate. While the Andean load is opposed on its western edge by the force induced by subduction of the Nazca plate, its more elusive eastern counterpart, which we explore herein, requires some contribution from the mantle beneath the South Atlantic. Using a mantle flow model, we show that the Andes owe their existence to basal drag beneath South America caused by a cylindrical convection cell under the South Atlantic. We find that the observed Andean uplift requires both westward push fromactive upwelling beneath Africa andwestward drag toward the downgoing Nazca slab. These mutually-reinforcing downwellings and upwellings amount to 38% and 23% of the total driving force, respectively. Further decomposition reveals that the South Atlantic cell is most vigorous near its center, rendering the net drag force higher where the Andes also reach their highest elevation. Kinematic reconstructions suggest that the South Atlantic cell could have grown owing to the migration of the Nazca slab until ~50 Ma. We propose that from 50 Ma onwards, the cell may have ceased growing westward because (i) it had reached an optimal aspect ratio and (ii) the Nazca slab became anchored into the lower mantle. Continued westward motion of the plates, however, moved the surface expressions of spreading and convergence away from the upwelling and downwelling arms of this cell. Evidence for this scenario comes from the coeval tectonic, morphologic, and magmatic events in Africa and South America during the Tertiary

    Wide Versus Narrow Back-Arc Rifting: Control of Subduction Velocity and Convective Back-Arc Thinning

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    Back-arc basins such as the ones behind the island-arcs of the Western Pacific Ocean or the ones in the Mediterranean Sea are ubiquitous structures of the Earth. They are extensional basins forming in the overriding plate behind subduction zones and similarly to continental rifts, they can exhibit different structural styles from narrow, localized rifting to wide-rift extension. While these different structural styles have been long recognized, the factors controlling the style of extension in these basins have not been explored properly. We use thermo-mechanical models to investigate how the relative rates of progressive build-up of slab-pull force and of convective thinning and thermal weakening of the overriding plate control the style of back-arc rifting. Following subduction-initiation, a high subducting plate velocity results in rapid build-up of the slab-pull force. The relatively low rate of convectively thinning and associated moderate weakening of the overriding plate require slab-pull to build up to close to its maximum value to overcome the high back-arc integrated strength resulting in a narrow back-arc rift. In turn a low subducting plate velocity in comparison with the timescale of convective thinning of the overriding plate allows for significant back-arc weakening before the slab-pull force becomes large enough to drive back-arc extension. In this case, the back-arc exhibits a wide rifting style as extension occurs at significantly reduced overriding plate integrated strength. Our model results provide an explanation why some subduction zones exhibit wide, distributed extension in the overriding plate such as for instance observed in the Pannonian basin.publishedVersio

    An Update on Tectonics

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/109300/1/eost2014EO420009.pd

    Geomorphic signal of active faulting at the northern edge of Lut Block. Insights on the kinematic scenario of Central Iran

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    Recent works documented Neogene to Quaternary dextral strike-slip tectonics along the Kuh-e-Sarhangi and Kuh-e-Faghan intraplate strike-slip faults at the northern edge of the Lut Block of Central Iran, previously thought to be dominated by sinistral strike-slip deformation. This work focuses on the evidence of Quaternary activity of one of these fault systems, in order to provide new spatio-temporal constraints on their role in the active regional kinematic scenario. Through geomorphological and structural investigation, integrated with Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of three generations of alluvial fans and fluvial terraces (at ~53, ~25 and ~6 ka), this study documents (i) the topographic inheritance of the long-term (Myr) punctuated history of fault nucleation, propagation, and exhumation along the northern edge of Lut Block; (ii) the tectonic control on drainage network evolution, pediment formation, fluvial terraces, and alluvial-fan architecture; (iii) the minimum Holocene age of Quaternary dextral strike-slip faulting; and (iv) the evidence of Late Quaternary fault-related uplift localized along the different fault strands. The documented spatial and temporal constraints on the active dextral strike-slip tectonics at the northern edge of Lut Block provided new insights on the kinematic model for active faulting in Central Iran, which has been reinterpreted in an escape tectonic scenario

    Unraveling topography around subduction zones from laboratory models

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    International audienceThe relief around subduction zones results from the interplay of dynamic processes that may locally exceed the (iso)static contributions. The viscous dissipation of the energy in and around subduction zones is capable of generating kilometer scale vertical ground movements. In order to evaluate dynamic topography in a selfconsistent subduction system, we carried out a set of laboratory experiments, wherein the lithosphere and mantle are simulated by means of Newtonian viscous materials, namely silicone putty and glucose syrup. Models are kept in their most simple form and are made of negative buoyancy plates, of variable width and thickness, freely plunging into the syrup. The surface of the model and the top of the slab are scanned in three dimensions. A forebulge systematically emerges from the bending of the viscous plate, adjacent to the trench. With a large wavelength, dynamic pressure offsets the foreside and backside of the slab by ~500 m on average. The suction, that accompanies the vertical descent of the slab depresses the surface on both sides. At a distance equal to the half-width of the slab, the topographic depression amounts to ~500 m on average and becomes negligible at a distance that equals the width of the slab. In order to explore the impact of slab rollback on the topography, the trailing edge of the plates is alternatively fixed to (fixed mode) and freed from (free mode) the end wall of the tank. Both the pressure and suction components of the topography are ~30% lower in the free mode, indicating that slab rollback fosters the dynamic subsidence of upper plates. Our models are compatible with first order observations of the topography around the East Scotia, Tonga, Kermadec and Banda subduction zones, which exhibit anomalous depths of nearly 1 km as compared to adjacent sea floor of comparable age

    Analogue Experiments of Subduction vs. Collision Processes: Insights for the Iranian Tectonics

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    We investigate, using laboratory experiments, the behavior of subduction-collision transition. These experiments help understanding of the tectonics at the transition between the Zagros collision ranges and the Makran emerged accretionary prism in south-eastern Iran. Lithospheric plates are modeled by sand-silicone plates floating on glucose syrup, and the density contrast between oceanic and continental lithospheric plates and asthenosphere is reproduced. Analogue experiments model the convergence between two lithospheric plates, a small continent indenting a large continental plate. These experiments provide evidence for surface deformation in front of the indenter and above the oceanic subduction zone that depend on the behavior of the slab below the collision zone. Slab break-off following the subduction of the small continent favors the indentation process, because it results in an increasing compression in front of the indenter, and extension above the neighbouring oceanic subduction, both of them being responsible for the appearance of the indenter-like geometry of the plate boundary. When the slab does not deform significantly at depth, in contrast, the closure of the oceanic domain in front of the indenter is followed by a longer period of continental subduction, during which the tectonic regime within the large continent remains quite homogeneous. In south-east Iran, the transition between Zagros and Makran is accommodated over a large area, from the Hormoz strait to the East-Iranian ranges; it suggests that the slab is continuous at depth. On the contrary, the Chaman fault zone between Makran and Himalayas is a narrow zone and is clearly related to a tear away of the underlying slab

    Episodic slab rollback fosters exhumation of HP—UHP rocks

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    The burial—exhumation cycle of crustal material in subduction zones can either be driven by the buoyancy of the material, by the surrounding flow, or by both. High pressure and ultrahigh pressure rocks are chiefly exhumed where subduction zones display transient behaviours, which lead to contrasted flow regimes in the subduction mantle wedge. Subduction zones with stationary trenches (mode I) favour the burial of rock units, whereas slab rollback (mode II) moderately induces an upward flow that contributes to the exhumation, a regime that is reinforced when slab dip decreases (mode III). Episodic regimes of subduction that involve different lithospheric units successively activate all three modes and thus greatly favour the exhumation of rock units from mantle depth to the surface without need for fast and sustained erosio

    Mountain building and mantle dynamics

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    International audienceMountain building at convergent margins requires tectonic forces that can overcome frictional resistance along large-scale thrust faults and support the gravitational potential energy stored within the thickened crust of the orogen. A general, dynamic model for this process is still lacking. Here we propose that mountain belts can be classified between two end-members. First, those of "slab pull" type, where subduction is mainly confined to the upper mantle, and rollback trench motion lead to moderately thick crustal stacks, such as in the Mediterranean. Second, those of "slab suction" type, where whole-mantle convection cells ("conveyor belts") lead to the more extreme expressions of orogeny, such as the largely thickened crust and high plateaus of present-day Tibet and the Altiplano. For the slab suction type, deep mantle convection produces the unique conditions to drag plates toward each other, irrespective of their nature and other boundary conditions. We support this hypothesis by analyzing the orogenic, volcanic, and convective history associated with the Tertiary formation of the Andes after ~40 Ma and Himalayas after collision at ~55 Ma. Based on mantle circulation modeling and tectonic reconstructions, we surmise that the forces necessary to sustain slab-suction mountain building in those orogens derive, after transient slab ponding, from the mantle drag induced upon slab penetration into the lower mantle, and from an associated surge of mantle upwelling beneath Africa. This process started at ~65-55 Ma for Tibet-Himalaya, when the Tethyan slab penetrated into the lower mantle, and ~10 Myr later in the Andes, when the Nazca slab did. This surge of mantle convection drags plates against each other, generating the necessary compressional forces to create and sustain these two orogenic belts. If our model is correct, the available geological records of orogeny can be used to decipher time-dependent mantle convection, with implications for the supercontinental cycle

    The Role of Subduction Interface and Upper Plate Strength on Back-Arc Extension: Application to Mediterranean Back-Arc Basins

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    While there has been a lot of work focusing on improving our understanding of divergent and convergent plate boundaries, the intricate nature of back-arc extension, where subduction and large-scale extension occur and interact in close, is yet to be explored properly. It has long been proposed that the strength of the subduction interface, which depends among others on the amount of subducted sediments, plays a pivotal role in subduction dynamics. Here, we investigate the role of back-arc rheology and subduction interface strength on the deformation style of the overriding plate. Using two-dimensional thermomechanical model experiments, we demonstrate, that the presence of a weak mantle–lithospheric domain in the overriding plate can result in back-arc breakup even during the subduction of narrow, land-locked oceanic basins such as those found in the Mediterranean region. The thinning of the back-arc mantle–lithosphere results in a weaker overriding plate, hence a lower slab-pull force is sufficient to initiate back-arc extension. Convective thinning at the subduction interface also reduces the length of the interface, reducing the portion of slab-pull lost as energy dissipation. A weak plate interface, can also reduce the energy dissipated along the subduction zone, leading to earlier extension. A detailed analysis of the forces shaping the overriding plate stress field shows that transmission of slab-pull force has a predominant role while viscous basal drag has a negligible effect in our experiments. Our results compare favorably with large-scale characteristics of land-locked Mediterranean back-arc basins such as the North Tyrrhenian basin and the Pannonian basin.publishedVersio
