464 research outputs found

    A Modular and Flexible Architecture for an Integrated Corpus Query System

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    The paper describes the architecture of an integrated and extensible corpus query system developed at the University of Stuttgart and gives examples of some of the modules realized within this architecture. The modules form the core of a corpus workbench. Within the proposed architecture, information required for the evaluation of queries may be derived from different knowledge sources (the corpus text, databases, on-line thesauri) and by different means: either through direct lookup in a database or by calling external tools which may infer the necessary information at the time of query evaluation. The information available and the method of information access can be stated declaratively and individually for each corpus, leading to a flexible, extensible and modular corpus workbench.Comment: 10 pages, uuencoded gzip'ped PostScript; presented at COMPLEX'9


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    The main analysis of alienated labor was developed by Karl Marx in his early work Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts from 1844. Marx differentiates between four dimensions of alienated labor in capitalist modes of production: The alienation of individuals (workers) from the product, from economic activity, from their species-being, and the alienation of individuals from one another. Together with the description of four forms of alienation, Marx provides approaches for an anthropological definition of humans, who can be summarized in the conception of humans as ‘representational species-beings’. According to Marx, the individual is a creature who acts in relationship to his own species and to human society. Under the conditions of private ownership and exchange, the individual alienates himself from his species-being and his fellows, whom he views solely as a means of achieving personal objectives. Following the analysis of alienated labor, Karl Marx provides in his early works initial indications of his ideas on a superseded alienation. In the case of human modes of production, where private ownership is positively superseded, Marx lists four different forms of affirmation, which are conceived of in the sense of recognition relationships and also relate to the anthropological definition of humans as ‘representational species-beings’


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    The main analysis of alienated labor was developed by Karl Marx in his early work Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts from 1844. Marx differentiates between four dimensions of alienated labor in capitalist modes of production: The alienation of individuals (workers) from the product, from economic activity, from their species-being, and the alienation of individuals from one another. Together with the description of four forms of alienation, Marx provides approaches for an anthropological definition of humans, who can be summarized in the conception of humans as ‘representational species-beings’. According to Marx, the individual is a creature who acts in relationship to his own species and to human society. Under the conditions of private ownership and exchange, the individual alienates himself from his species-being and his fellows, whom he views solely as a means of achieving personal objectives. Following the analysis of alienated labor, Karl Marx provides in his early works initial indications of his ideas on a superseded alienation. In the case of human modes of production, where private ownership is positively superseded, Marx lists four different forms of affirmation, which are conceived of in the sense of recognition relationships and also relate to the anthropological definition of humans as ‘representational species-beings’


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    The development of modern technology, in particular information and communication technology has caused the relationship between mankind and reality to fundamentally change. Ubiquitous computing designates a vision of an informationalized world, in which everyday objects are modified through computer technology such as RFID, sensors and sensor systems, tracking systems, or small computer units, giving them additional information or functions and integrating them with their environment. This paper explores the phenomenon of ubiquitous computing by applying some of the key concepts found in the philosophical works of Martin Heidegger and conducts a critical analysis using Martin Heidegger’s reflections on “world” and “technology” from Sein und Zeit (Being and Time) of 1957, and from the paper “Die Frage nach der Technik” (“The Question Concerning Technology”). The concept of “Ge-stell” introduced by Martin Heidegger to the philosophy of technology describes the situation of mankind and technology in a world shaped by modern technology. Both, mankind and technology, are tied together within the same world. The world has been shaped and redesigned by technology, and the individual is completely tied into the technologized world


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    The development of modern technology, in particular information and communication technology has caused the relationship between mankind and reality to fundamentally change. Ubiquitous computing designates a vision of an informationalized world, in which everyday objects are modified through computer technology such as RFID, sensors and sensor systems, tracking systems, or small computer units, giving them additional information or functions and integrating them with their environment. This paper explores the phenomenon of ubiquitous computing by applying some of the key concepts found in the philosophical works of Martin Heidegger and conducts a critical analysis using Martin Heidegger’s reflections on “world” and “technology” from Sein und Zeit (Being and Time) of 1957, and from the paper “Die Frage nach der Technik” (“The Question Concerning Technology”). The concept of “Ge-stell” introduced by Martin Heidegger to the philosophy of technology describes the situation of mankind and technology in a world shaped by modern technology. Both, mankind and technology, are tied together within the same world. The world has been shaped and redesigned by technology, and the individual is completely tied into the technologized world

    A Hybrid Framework for Automated and Adaptive E-Business Platforms

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    The automation of business transactions between corporations has been dominated by proprietary and inflexible EDI solutions for a long time. During the last years, novel XML-based standards emerged which have a wider scope than EDI but strongly differ with regard to granularity and industry-focus. Due to the abundance of many complex standards with limited diffusion among users and industries, especially small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have not yet managed to automate the execution of business transactions and to seamlessly interconnect their respective IT applications. In this work, we propose a novel approach which builds on a composite of existing standards and combines them towards a hybrid architecture facilitating electronic business transactions. The Web Service stack represents the technical foundation of this approach, while parts of the ebXML standard are leveraged to ensure a common understanding of business information and processes between trading partners. A central server acts as repository of formal agreements, common data and process modeling artifacts and allows for intermittent connectivity of the users. Decentral adapter components enable connecting heterogeneous legacy applications of the users to the central server. The resulting approach can thus be considered as hybrid regarding the degree of centralism involved and with respect to the combination of the Web services stack and the ebXML standard as an infrastructural foundation

    Die Übertrittsempfehlung – zufĂ€llig oder zuverlĂ€ssig? Analyse der Determinanten und Konstanz von Lehrerempfehlungen bei SchulĂŒbertritten wĂ€hrend sieben Jahren

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    ÜbergĂ€nge sind ein zentrales Merkmal des mitteleuropĂ€ischen Schulsystems und sind wichtige Phasen fĂŒr das Kind. Bei gegliederten Schulsystemen wird der Eintritt in die Sekundarstufe I besonders bedeutsam, weil mit der Zuweisung zu einem der Schultypen implizit auch die Zuteilung von Bildungschancen verbunden ist. FĂŒr die Zuweisung ist die Lehrerempfehlung ein weitverbreitetes Kriterium. Dieser Beitrag untersucht, ob sich die Determinanten der Lehrerempfehlung in sieben aufeinanderfolgenden JahrgĂ€ngen unterscheiden und sich ein stabiles Modell der Lehrerempfehlung erstellen lĂ€sst. Die Daten stammen von 5332 SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒlern des Übertrittsverfahrens von der Grundschule in die Sekundarschule I der deutschsprachigen Schulen des Kantons Freiburg (Schweiz). Unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der Schachtelung der Daten auf Klassenebene wurde fĂŒr sieben verschiedenen Jahre das gleiche Modell spezifiziert. Die Modellierung der Lehrerempfehlung erwies sich ĂŒber die verschiedenen JahrgĂ€nge hinweg als statistisch nicht signifikant unterschiedlich, jedoch existieren teilweise unterschiedliche Tendenzen der Gewichtung von Variablen. Lehrpersonen achten stĂ€rker auf Leistungsstand- als auf Leistungsprozessbeurteilungen, wobei EinschĂ€tzungen des Leistungsstandes in Mathematik und Deutsch und der kognitiven FĂ€higkeiten die am stĂ€rksten gewichteten PrĂ€diktoren sind. (DIPF/Orig.)Transitions are a central feature of the Central European school system and are important stages for a child. For school systems with different achievement based secondary school tracks, the entry into the secondary school is particularly important, because the assignment to one of the tracks is implicitly also connected to the allocation of educational opportunities. For the tracking, the teacher recommendation is a widespread criterion. This paper investigates whether the determinants of teachers recommendations from seven consecutive years differ and if a stable model of the teacher recommendation can be found. The data stem from 5,332 pupils in the transition process from primary to secondary school of the German-speaking schools in the canton of Freiburg (Switzerland). Taking into account the nested data on the class level the same model is specified for seven consecutive years. The model of the teachers’ recommendations does not differ statistically significant. Teachers consider the performance evaluation more than the process evaluations. The strongest predictors are the Mathematics and German grades, as well as the estimated cognitive skills. (DIPF/Orig.

    Die ÜberprĂŒfung der transaktionalen Stresstheorie im Lehramtsreferendariat

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    Ziel der Arbeit ist die ÜberprĂŒfung der transaktionalen Stresstheorie von Richard S. Lazarus (1966; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). Die Theorie definiert Stress als eine Transaktion zwischen einer Person und der Umwelt. Zentral fĂŒr die Theorie ist, dass sowohl Annahmen ĂŒber die strukturellen Beziehungen der Modellvariablen formuliert wie auch VerĂ€nderungen ĂŒber die Zeit angenommen werden. Bislang wurden bei empirischen ÜberprĂŒfungen Struktur und Prozess nicht gleichzeitig berĂŒcksichtigt. Die ÜberprĂŒfung der transaktionalen Stresstheorie erfolgt in der vorliegenden Arbeit im Kontext des Lehramtsreferendariats, es wurden eine Quer- (Studie 1, N = 645) und eine LĂ€ngsschnittbefragung (Studie 2, N = 398) realisiert. Mittels eines standardisierten Fragebogens wurden in beiden Studien alle zentralen Modellkomponenten erfasst. Zur Auswertung von Studie 1 wurde auf Strukturgleichungsanalysen zurĂŒckgegriffen. Die Daten aus Studie 2 wurden mit dem autoregressiven latenten Wachstumskurvenmodell von Bollen und Curran (2004) ausgewertet, welches ermöglicht, sowohl die strukturellen ZusammenhĂ€nge der Modellvariablen wie auch die intraindividuellen VerĂ€nderungen ĂŒber die Zeit gleichzeitig zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse beider Studien zeigen nur eine geringe BestĂ€tigung der Annahmen der transaktionalen Stresstheorie. Kognitive Bewertungsprozesse und das BewĂ€ltigungsverhalten haben nur auf das psychische Wohlbefinden einen Einfluss. Die zentralen Prozessvariablen der Stresstheorie, die Ereignis- und RessourceneinschĂ€tzung und das BewĂ€ltigungsverhalten, verĂ€ndern sich nicht ĂŒber die Zeit, sondern spiegeln stabile, interindividuelle Unterschiede wieder. Möglicherweise lassen sich dynamische Prozesse nur fĂŒr kleinere Zeitfenster finden. ZukĂŒnftige Untersuchungen sollten kĂŒrzere und lĂ€ngere Zeitabschnitte verknĂŒpfen, um dynamische und stabile Muster im Umgang mit stressigen Situationen trennen zu können. Das in Studie 2 gewĂ€hlte Analyseverfahren kann dabei helfen, solche komplexen Beziehungsmuster zu finden

    Authoring design patterns for user & device dependant adaptive data presentation

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    In 2000 the iSign project started as a virtual web-based laboratory for students of study program electrical engineering. Continuous development in the last years led to a heterogeneous learning environment offering learning material, adaptive user settings and access to a simulation tool. Access is available via web and wireless devices such as PCs, Laptops, PDAs, smartphones and mobile phones. Our attempt to adapt the content to the user's needs and the currently used device led us to a XML based data structure. This report shows our research results about content adaptation based on XML data. The two main aspects for that process are: the device capabilities and the adaptation methods using XML data.University of Applied Sciences Offenburg, Germany Mobile Communications and Waves La
