44 research outputs found

    Analyses pluridisciplinaires sur la crise sanitaire COVID-19 en Turquie

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    L’objet de ce dossier vise Ă  croiser les regards et les approches disciplinaires pour proposer des analyses plurielles de la crise sanitaire COVID-19 en Turquie. Les diffĂ©rentes approches font Ă©merger des questionnements transversaux. Un premier questionnement tient Ă  la pertinence des diffĂ©rents pouvoirs (locaux, Ă©tatiques, internationaux) face Ă  des Ă©pidĂ©mies qui prĂ©sentent toutes des spĂ©cificitĂ©s, tant du point de vue de la diffusion et de la prĂ©vention, que des savoirs ou de la prise en charge. Une deuxiĂšme interrogation transversale porte sur la compĂ©nĂ©tration des pratiques et rituels sociaux et des dispositifs techniques. Les Ă©pidĂ©mies transforment le quotidien en validant ou rĂ©pudiant certaines pratiques, et en induisant des rĂ©ponses techniques qui sont Ă  leur tour ritualisĂ©es. Comment interprĂ©ter cette transformation des pratiques ? Un troisiĂšme questionnement porte sur la frontiĂšre entre experts et profanes et Ă  son Ă©volution dans la temporalitĂ© de la pandĂ©mie. L’idĂ©e qu’un Ă©vĂ©nement de l’ampleur d’une Ă©pidĂ©mie nĂ©cessitait une rĂ©ponse organisĂ©e, et par consĂ©quent un pilotage politico-sanitaire surplombant s’est heurtĂ©e Ă  la durĂ©e de la pandĂ©mie, Ă  l’évolution des connaissances Ă  son sujet et Ă  la compĂ©tition des objectifs stratĂ©giques des politiques publiques, mĂȘme lorsque ceux-ci, la santĂ© et l’économie notamment, ne pouvaient aller l’un sans l’autre

    Innovation et développement dans les systÚmes agricoles et alimentaires

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    L’innovation est souvent prĂ©sentĂ©e comme l’un des principaux leviers pour promouvoir un dĂ©veloppement plus durable et plus inclusif. Dans les domaines de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation, l’innovation est marquĂ©e par des spĂ©cificitĂ©s liĂ©es Ă  sa relation Ă  la nature, mais aussi Ă  la grande diversitĂ© d’acteurs concernĂ©s, depuis les agriculteurs jusqu’aux consommateurs, en passant par les services de recherche et de dĂ©veloppement. L’innovation Ă©merge des interactions entre ces acteurs, qui mobilisent des ressources et produisent des connaissances dans des dispositifs collaboratifs, afin de gĂ©nĂ©rer des changements. Elle recouvre des domaines aussi variĂ©s que les pratiques de production, l’organisation des marchĂ©s, ou les pratiques alimentaires. L’innovation est reliĂ©e aux grands enjeux de dĂ©veloppement : innovation agro-Ă©cologique, innovation sociale, innovation territoriale, etc. Cet ouvrage porte un regard sur l’innovation dans les systĂšmes agricoles et alimentaires. Il met un accent particulier sur l’accompagnement de l’innovation, en interrogeant les mĂ©thodes et les organisations, et sur l’évaluation de l’innovation au regard de diffĂ©rents critĂšres. Il s’appuie sur des rĂ©flexions portĂ©es par diffĂ©rentes disciplines scientifiques, sur des travaux de terrain conduits tant en France que dans de nombreux pays du Sud, et enfin sur les expĂ©riences acquises en accompagnant des acteurs qui innovent. Il combine des synthĂšses sur l’innovation et des Ă©tudes de cas emblĂ©matiques pour illustrer les propos. L’ouvrage est destinĂ© aux enseignants, professionnels, Ă©tudiants et chercheurs

    Public Health Impact of Using Biosimilars, Is Automated Follow up Relevant?

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    International audienceBiologic reference drugs and their copies, biosimilars, have a complex structure. Biosimilars need to demonstrate their biosimilarity during development but unpredictable variations can remain, such as micro-heterogeneity. The healthcare community may raise questions regarding the clinical outcomes induced by this micro-heterogeneity. Indeed, unwanted immune reactions may be induced for numerous reasons, including product variations. However, it is challenging to assess these unwanted immune reactions because of the multiplicity of causes and potential delays before any reaction. Moreover, safety assessments as part of preclinical studies and clinical trials may be of limited value with respect to immunogenicity assessments because they are performed on a standardised population during a limited period. Real-life data could therefore supplement the assessments of clinical trials by including data on the real-life use of biosimilars, such as switches. Furthermore, real-life data also include any economic incentives to prescribe or use biosimilars. This article raises the question of relevance of automating real life data processing regarding Biosimilars. The objective is to initiate a discussion about different approaches involving Machine Learning. So, the discussion is established regarding implementation of Neural Network model to ensure safety of biosimilars subject to economic incentives. Nevertheless, the application of Machine Learning in the healthcare field raises ethical, legal and technical issues that require further discussion

    Co-construction d'un programme de sélection participative pour la création et la gestion de variétés adaptées à une agriculture biologique territorialisée : cas du blé dur en région méditerranéenne

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    L'agriculture biologique prĂ©sente de nombreuses similitudes avec les environnements dits «marginaux» des Pays du Sud: forte hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© environnementale, importante diversitĂ© des demandes et prĂ©fĂ©rences variĂ©tales des agriculteurs, absence de variĂ©tĂ©s adaptĂ©es, dĂ©sintĂ©rĂȘt du secteur semencier formel. Ces contextes sont propices Ă  l'Ă©mergence de programmes de sĂ©lection participative dans lesquels agriculteurs et autres acteurs de la filiĂšre sont fortement impliquĂ©s. Dans le projet de crĂ©ation de variĂ©tĂ©s de blĂ© dur pour l'agriculture biologique, le contexte Ă©conomique incite Ă  l'implication forte des acteurs de la filiĂšre aval et notamment des industriels pastiers. Toutes les Ă©tapes du programme de sĂ©lection sont menĂ©es conjointement, depuis l'Ă©laboration du cahier des charges, jusqu'Ă  la diffusion en passant par les Ă©tapes de crĂ©ation de variabilitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique, de sĂ©lection et d'Ă©valuation du matĂ©riel. Ce projet, Ă  l'initiative des agriculteurs, est gĂ©rĂ© par la recherche avec l'appui technologique des industriels. Une attention particuliĂšre est portĂ©e non seulement Ă  la dimension Ă©cologique de l'interaction (gĂ©notype x environnement) mais aussi Ă  la dimension sociologique (points de vue, rĂ©seaux). Ces deux dimensions concourent Ă  la conception d'un paradigme de la sĂ©lection participative dans une perspective Ă©thique, oĂč nous cherchons ensemble, Ă  partir de la valorisation des savoir-faire et des pratiques paysannes Ă  maximiser la durabilitĂ© socio-Ă©conomique, accroĂźtre la diversitĂ© vĂ©gĂ©tale, rechercher une adaptation spĂ©cifique, reconnaĂźtre un rĂŽle actif aux agriculteurs, dĂ©velopper des innovations, encourager une participation critique, dĂ©centraliser les dĂ©cisions, favoriser des partenariats Ă©quitables. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    Nickel and vanadium contamination of benthic invertebrates following the "Erika" wreck

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    International audienceLevels of nickel and vanadium, trace metals found in high concentration in the oil spilled from the "Erika" tanker off Brittany (France) in December 1999 (41 ± 1 and 87 ± 3 mg kg −1 respectively), have been monitored over a one-year period following this accidental event in several benthic invertebrates. Ni and V in mussels (Mytilus edulis) and oysters (Crassostrea gigas) soft tissues were analysed twice a month by graphite furnace atomic absorption spec-trometry and a scallop (Pecten maximus) shell daily growth bands were sampled every three bands by laser ablation and analysed by ICP-MS for these two contaminants. Survey data for mollusc tissues were compared with reference data arising from the national monitoring database. Ni concentrations in dried tissues, comparable with reference data (1.8 ± 0.9 ”g g −1 in mussels and 1.2 ± 0.5 ”g g −1 in oysters) do not show any additional input during the whole period. Conversely, a sharp increase in vanadium concentrations (up to 4.6 and 3.2 ”g g −1 for mussels and oysters respectively) is observed around May 2000, i.e. 5 months after the wreck, compared with the monitoring data (1.4 ± 0.6 ”g g −1 in mussels and 1.3 ± 0.6 ”g g −1 in oysters). Furthermore, no Ni peak is detectable in the time profiles of scallop shell growth bands where a V peak is observed also in May 2000. This study shows that although a "mussel-watch-type" network, based on the monitoring of vanadium concentration in mollusc tissues, is able to identify contamination due to oil spills, similar information might be obtained a posteriori by analysing daily growth bands of scallop shells. Key words: Oil spill / Nickel / Vanadium / Mussel / Oyster / Scallop shell / Monitoring RĂ©sumĂ©-RĂ©sumĂ©. Contamination des invertĂ©brĂ©s benthiques par le nickel et le vanadium suite au naufrage de l'« Erika ». Les concentrations en nickel et en vanadium, mĂ©taux traces prĂ©sents en quantitĂ© importante dans le fioul Ă©chappĂ© du pĂ©trolier « Erika » au large de la Bretagne (France) en dĂ©cembre 1999 (41 ± 1 et 87 ± 3 mg kg −1 respectivement) ont fait l'objet d'un suivi d'un an aprĂšs le naufrage chez quelques invertĂ©brĂ©s benthiques. Ni et V ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s deux fois par mois dans les tissus mous de moules (Mytilus edulis) et d'huĂźtres (Crassostrea gigas) par absorption atomique Ă  four graphite et tous les trois jours dans les stries journaliĂšres de croissance des valves d'une coquille Saint-Jacques (Pecten maximus) par ICP-MS aprĂšs ablation laser. Les donnĂ©es obtenues pour les tissus de mollusques ont Ă©tĂ© comparĂ©es avec les valeurs de rĂ©fĂ©rences fournies par le programme national de surveillance. Durant toute la pĂ©riode d'Ă©tude, on n'observe pas d'apport occasionnel en nickel, dont les concentrations dans la chair sĂ©chĂ©e sont comparables aux valeurs de rĂ©fĂ©rence (1,8 ± 0,9 ”g g −1 chez les moules et 1,2 ± 0,5 ”g g −1 chez les huĂźtres). En revanche, une Ă©lĂ©vation importante des concentrations en vanadium (jusqu'Ă  4,6 et 3,2 ”g g −1 chez les moules et les huĂźtres respectivement) comparĂ©es aux donnĂ©s de la surveillance (1,4 ± 0,6 ”g g −1 chez les moules et 1,3 ± 0,6 ”g g −1 chez les huĂźtres), est observĂ©e en mai 2000, soit 5 mois aprĂšs le naufrage. De la mĂȘme maniĂšre, aucun pic de nickel n'a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ© dans les profils temporels de stries journaliĂšres de coquille de pectinidĂ© alors qu'un pic de vanadium est observable en mai 2000. Cette Ă©tude montre qu'un rĂ©seau d'observation de type « mussel-watch » basĂ© sur la surveillance des concentrations en vanadium dans les tissus de mollusques est apte Ă  identifier une contamination due Ă  une marĂ©e noire, et une information du mĂȘme type pourrait ĂȘtre obtenue a posteriori en analysant les stries journaliĂšres des valves de coquilles Saint-Jacques. a Correspondin

    Trace metal speciation? An essential aspect of biomonitoring to avoid wrong conclusions

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    The Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis is widely used as a bioindicator species in active monitoring surveys. As a filter feeder artificially maintained in the water column, it bioaccumulates trace metals from the surrounding water in their dissolved and particulate forms. However, most monitoring surveys don’t take into account that speciation aspect when studying trace metal accumulation kinetics in mussels. In the framework of the STARECAPMED project, we monitored trace metal concentrations in the flesh of mussels together with their “most bioavailable” dissolved and particulate fractions in the water column for almost 5 months (February-June 2011). Mussels were purchased from 2 little contaminated French shellfish farms (SARL Etang de Diane and ferme marine des Aresquiers), placed in several pouches to allow regular sampling, and immerged near the Oceanographic Research Station STARESO in the Calvi bay, northwestern Corsica. Mussels and water samples for suspended matter filtration were collected every week to two weeks, as were deployed DGTs. Seawater samples were filtered through 47 mm hydrophilic PTFE membrane filters with a 0.45 ”m pore size until clogging. In the laboratory, mussel flesh and filters were digested in Teflon vessels with acids (HNO3/H202) in a closed microwave digestion lab station. DGT resins were eluted for 24h in 1.0 M HNO3. Trace metal concentrations (Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ag, Cd, Pb) were measured by DRC-ICP-MS. Analytical accuracy was checked by analyzing CRMs. All the studied metals except Pb and Zn were present in the water column to over 80% in their dissolved form. The contribution of the dissolved pathway was thus likely to be predominant in the oligotrophic Calvi bay. Dissolved trace metals showed little temporal variability of their levels, likely resulting from the integration over time of their levels in the DGT probes and the lack of seasonality of this fraction. In contrast, Zn showed great variability of its particulate fraction during the survey. Such temporal variability was also observed for Cr, more abundant in its particulate form at the end of the survey, and for Mn and Pb that conversely tended to decrease. The dynamic of trace metals in the mussel flesh is regulated by the environmental bioavailability of dissolved and particulate metals, the ecophysiological status of mussels and the trophic conditions of the water body. In the oligotrophic Calvi bay, showing background contamination levels by metals, the trophic conditions played a major role once out of the spring plankton bloom. It led to the increase of metal concentrations measured in the flesh of mussels undergoing starvation. However, some metals such as Cu and Co displayed only little temporal variations of their concentrations, these essential micronutrients being well regulated. The combined study of trace metal bioavailability and mussel ecophysiology in defined environmental conditions allows discriminating against biotic and abiotic factors regulating contaminant uptake in mussels, thus avoiding wrong conclusions about the observed dynamics of the studied contaminants. Mussels are a good proxy of coastal water quality, but their proper use notably requires adjustment of raw contaminant concentrations with trophic status of monitored sites.STARECAPMED projec

    Trace metals in sediments of the Var Canyon turbidite system at the DYFAMED station in the Ligurian Sea

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    The magnitude and the chronology of anthropogenic impregnation by Hg and other trace metals of environmental concern (V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ag, Cd and Pb, including its stable isotopes) in the sediments are determined at the DYFAMED station, a site in the Ligurian Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean) chosen for its supposed open-sea characteristics. The DYFAMED site (VD) is located on the right levee of the Var Canyon turbidite system, at the end of the Middle Valley. In order to trace the influence of the gravity current coming from the canyon on trace metal distribution in the sediment, we studied an additional sediment core (VA) from a terrace of the Var Canyon, and material collected in sediment traps at the both sites at 20 m above sea bottom. The patterns of Hg and other trace element distribution profiles are interpreted using stable Pb isotope ratios as proxies for its sources, taking into account the sedimentary context (turbidites, redox conditions, and sedimentation rates). Major element distributions, coupled with the stratigraphic examination of the sediment cores point out the high heterogeneity of the deposits at VA, and major turbiditic events at both sites. At the DYFAMED site, we observed direct anthropogenic influence in the upper sediment layer (<2 cm), while on the Var Canyon site (VA), the anthropization concerns the whole sedimentary column sampled (19 cm). Turbiditic events superimpose their specific signature on trace metal distributions. According to the 210Pbxs-derived sedimentation rate at the DYFAMED site (0.4 mm yr-1), the Hg-enriched layer of the top core corresponds to the sediment accumulation of the last 50 years, which is the period of the highest increase in Hg deposition on a global scale. With the hypothesis of the absence of significant post-depositional redistribution of Hg, the Hg/C-org ratio changes between the surface and below are used to estimate the anthropogenic contribution to the Hg flux accumulated in the sediment. The Hg enrichment, from pre-industrial to the present time is calculated to be around 60%, consistent with estimations of global Hg models. However, based on the chemical composition of the trapped material collected in sediment traps, we calculated that epibenthic mobilization of Hg would reach 73%. Conversely, the Cd/C-org ratio decreases in the upper 5 cm, which may reflect the recent decrease of atmospheric Cd inputs or losses due to diagenetic processes

    Natural and anthropogenic trace metals in sediments of the Ligurian Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean)

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    The magnitude and the chronology of anthropogenic impregnation by Hg and other trace metals of environmental concern (V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ag, Cd and Pb, including its stable isotopes) in the sediments are determined at the DYFAMED station, a site in the Ligurian Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean) chosen for its supposed open-sea characteristics. The DYFAMED site (VD) is located on the right levee of the Var Canyon turbidite system, at the end of the Middle Valley. In order to trace the influence of the gravity current coming from the canyon on trace metal distribution in the sediment, we studied an additional sediment core (VA) from a terrace of the Var Canyon, and material collected in sediment traps at the both sites at 20. m above sea bottom. The patterns of Hg and other trace element distribution profiles are interpreted using stable Pb isotope ratios as proxies for its sources, taking into account the sedimentary context (turbidites, redox conditions, and sedimentation rates). Major element distributions, coupled with the stratigraphic examination of the sediment cores point out the high heterogeneity of the deposits at VA, and major turbiditic events at both sites. At the DYFAMED site, we observed direct anthropogenic influence in the upper sediment layer (< 2. cm), while on the Var Canyon site (VA), the anthropization concerns the whole sedimentary column sampled (19. cm). Turbiditic events superimpose their specific signature on trace metal distributions. According to the 210Pb xs-derived sedimentation rate at the DYFAMED site (0.4mmyr -1), the Hg-enriched layer of the top core corresponds to the sediment accumulation of the last 50years, which is the period of the highest increase in Hg deposition on a global scale. With the hypothesis of the absence of significant post-depositional redistribution of Hg, the Hg/C org ratio changes between the surface and below are used to estimate the anthropogenic contribution to the Hg flux accumulated in the sediment. The Hg enrichment, from pre-industrial to the present time is calculated to be around 60%, consistent with estimations of global Hg models. However, based on the chemical composition of the trapped material collected in sediment traps, we calculated that epibenthic mobilization of Hg would reach 73%. Conversely, the Cd/C org ratio decreases in the upper 5cm, which may reflect the recent decrease of atmospheric Cd inputs or losses due to diagenetic processes. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex