159 research outputs found

    Two-plane wave tomography and lithospheric structure beneath eastern Tibet

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    This dissertation focuses on two specific research topics: First, I study the lithospheric structure beneath E. Tibetan Plateau, using new data from INDEPTH-IV (INternational Deep Profiling of Tibet and the Himalayas) seismic experiment. I show new shear wave tomographic maps, in order to better constrain the existing geodynamic models regarding the growth and dynamics of the region. In the second part, I investigate seismic resolution capabilities of the two-plane wave method using synthetic seismograms. Further, I modify and apply this approach to Love waves. My shear wave tomography results indicate that subhorizontal underthrusting of the Indian plate beneath E. Tibet does not extend much further north of Bangong-Nijuang Suture. Moreover, my tomographic images clearly show that the Indian lithosphere is laterally torn into at least two fragments. The westernmost fragment is detached from the rest of the Indian plate, and vertically sinking into the astenosphere. Azimuthal fast directions are consistent at depth beneath the central part of the study region, suggesting vertically coherent deformation of crust and uppermost mantle. Further, I observe low velocity zones along the northern and southern branches of the Kunlun fault, and I attribute these zones to strain heating due to ductile deformation. Moreover, these low velocity zones below the Kunlun Shan are continuous at depth, providing evidence against a present southward continental subduction or underthrusting. One of the most important limitations of seismic tomography studies is spatial resolution of applied methods. To determine the resolution of my tomographic models, I calculate synthetic seismograms for ideally isotropic checkerboard earth models, and apply two-plane wave tomography. My results prove that SV anomalies smaller than the dominant wavelength of surface waves can be recovered down to ?200 km, wheretraditional approaches break down. For Love waves, a modified version of the approach is required, incorporating two perpendicular components for two plane wave solutions along x and y directions of the local coordinate system. Moreover, the method exhibits adequate resolution for SH waves down to ?100 km. Smearing is more evident in SH results due to shallower depth sensitivity and longer wavelengths of Love waves than Rayleigh waves.Includes bibliographical references

    Surface Waves and Crustal Structure on Mars

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    First Focal Mechanisms of Marsquakes

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    Since February 2019, NASA's InSight lander is recording seismic signals on the planet Mars, which, for the first time, allows to observe ongoing tectonic processes with geophysical methods. A number of Marsquakes have been located in the Cerberus Fossae graben system in Elysium Planitia and further west, in the Orcus Patera depression. We present a first study of the focal mechanisms of three well-recorded events (S0173a, S0183a, S0235b) to determine the processes dominating in the source region. We infer for all three events a predominantly extensional setting. Our method is adapted to the case of a single, multicomponent receiver and based on fitting waveforms of P and S waves against synthetic seismograms computed for the initial crustal velocity model derived by the InSight team. We explore the uncertainty due to the single-station limitation and find that even data recorded by one station constrains the mechanisms (reasonably) well. For the events in the Cerberus Fossae region (S0173a, S0235b) normal faulting with a relatively steep dipping fault plane is inferred, suggesting an extensional regime mainly oriented E-W to NE-SW. The fault regime in the Orcus Patera region is not determined uniquely because only the P wave can be used for the source inversion. However, we find that the P and weak S waves of the S0183a event show similar polarities to the event S0173, which indicates similar fault regimes

    The Polarization of Ambient Noise on Mars

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    Seismic noise recorded at the surface of Mars has been monitored since February 2019, using the InSight seismometers. This noise can reach −200 dB. It is 500 times lower than on Earth at night and it increases of 30 dB during the day. We analyze its polarization as a function of time and frequency in the band 0.03–1 Hz. We use the degree of polarization to extract signals with stable polarization independent of their amplitude and type of polarization. We detect polarized signals at all frequencies and all times. Glitches correspond to linear polarized signals which are more abundant during the night. For signals with elliptical polarization, the ellipse is in the horizontal plane below 0.3 Hz. In the 0.3-1Hz high frequency band (HF) and except in the evening, the ellipse is in the vertical plane and the major axis is tilted. While polarization azimuths are different in the two frequency bands, they both vary as a function of local hour and season. They are also correlated with wind direction, particularly during the daytime. We investigate possible aseismic and seismic origins of the polarized signals. Lander or tether noise can be discarded. Pressure fluctuations transported by wind may explain part of the HF polarization but not the tilt of the ellipse. This tilt can be obtained if the source is an acoustic emission coming from high altitude at critical angle. Finally, in the evening when the wind is low, the measured polarized signals may correspond to the seismic wavefield of the Mars background noise

    Seismic constraints from a Mars impact experiment using InSight and Perseverance

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    NASA’s InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) mission has operated a sophisticated suite of seismology and geophysics instruments on the surface of Mars since its arrival in 2018. On 18 February 2021, we attempted to detect the seismic and acoustic waves produced by the entry, descent and landing of the Perseverance rover using the sensors onboard the InSight lander. Similar observations have been made on Earth using data from both crewed1,2 and uncrewed3,4 spacecraft, and on the Moon during the Apollo era5, but never before on Mars or another planet. This was the only seismic event to occur on Mars since InSight began operations that had an a priori known and independently constrained timing and location. It therefore had the potential to be used as a calibration for other marsquakes recorded by InSight. Here we report that no signal from Perseverance’s entry, descent and landing is identifiable in the InSight data. Nonetheless, measurements made during the landing window enable us to place constraints on the distance–amplitude relationships used to predict the amplitude of seismic waves produced by planetary impacts and place in situ constraints on Martian impact seismic efficiency (the fraction of the impactor kinetic energy converted into seismic energy)

    Seismic detection of the martian core by InSight

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    A plethora of geophysical, geo- chemical, and geodynamical observations indicate that the terrestrial planets have differentiated into silicate crusts and mantles that surround a dense core. The latter consists primarily of Fe and some lighter alloying elements (e.g., S, Si, C, O, and H) [1]Âż. The Martian meteorites show evidence of chalcophile element depletion, suggesting that the otherwise Fe-Ni- rich core likely contains a sulfide component, which influences physical state

    The Marsquake Service: Securing Daily Analysis of SEIS Data and Building the Martian Seismicity Catalogue for InSight

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    Abstract The InSight mission expects to operate a geophysical observatory on Mars for at least two Earth years from late 2018. InSight includes a seismometer package, SEIS. The Marsquake Service (MQS) is created to provide a first manual review of the seismic data returned from Mars. The MQS will detect, locate, quantify and classify seismic events, whether tectonic or impact in origin. A suite of new and adapted methodologies have been developed to allow location and quantification of seismic events at the global scale using a single station, and a software framework has been developed that supports these methods. This paper describes the expected signals that will be recorded by SEIS, the methods used for their identification and interpretation, and reviews the planned MQS operational procedures. For each seismic event, the MQS will locate events using all available body and surface phases, using the best estimates of the Martian structure, which will become more accurate as more Martian marsquakes are identified and located. The MQS will curate the Mars seismicity catalogue, with all events being relocated to use revised suites of structure models as they are introduced
