126 research outputs found

    Vanni Blengino: un pendolare dell'Atlantico

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    Personal life and scientific trajectory of Vanni Blengino (1935-2009) have always travelled on a double track: Italy and Piedmont, where he came from, and America, or rather Argentina, a country that contributed so much to his development as Spanish-American literature's scholar, a discipline that he has been teaching for almost forty years at Roman Universities (first La Sapienza, then Roma Tre). In his works, supported with recurring journeys in Argentina, Blengino has never left out his main intellectual concern: the study of the relationship between Italy (Europe) and America (Argentina) for the construction of an identity crossing two worlds, whose symbol is the migrant figure. This essay investigates Blengino's critical contribution to identity topic through the analysis of his main research fields: the frontier, the Argentinian imaginary on immigration, and the travels of Europeans and Spanish-American intellectuals from one to the other continent

    Cibo e Migrazioni

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    Il presente numero ù dedicato al cibo nel processo migratorio in America Latina, con particolare attenzione ai flussi europei ed extraeuropei del XIX e XX secolo. Il cibo ù un elemento sempre in viaggio e come tale accompagna qualunque fenomeno migratorio determinando cambiamenti negli usi alimentari sia nelle collettività di partenza sia in quelle di arrivo. In un tale processo, il cibo mantiene un legame con la società di appartenenza e allo stesso tempo costruisce nuove identità: ù un prodotto che crea e ‘alimenta’ nuovi spazi della vita culturale quotidiana a tutti i livelli sociali, entrando a far parte anche di quell’immaginario collettivo che definisce una comunità nazionale. Su questa doppia linea (migrazioni e identità) le tematiche preposte sono: il cibo della mescolanza; la cucina migratoria nei giorni festivi (domenica, feste nazionali, feste religiose); ricettari e migrazioni; cibo e integrazione culturale; cibo, linguaggio e socialità; cibo e nostalgia; cibo e imprenditoria migratoria

    Apocalissi teosofiche in Las fuerzas extrañas di Leopoldo Lugones

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    In 1906 the Argentinian author Leopoldo Lugones published Las fuerzas extranas. In this collection of short stories Lugones places his interests in spiritism and science at the service of fiction and modernist prose. Lugones furthermore embraces aesthetically the theosophic doctrine envisaging a quest for absolute perfection through a process of renewal and reincarnation of the individual; it is within this framework that a number of apocalyptic episodes found in Las fuerzas extrañas are to be interpreted, pointing as they do in an intertextual game to specific Biblical passages which illustrate the theosophic stand of the author

    Una guerra corsara: il conflitto ispano-americano visto dall’Italia

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    This article deals with the analysis of the representation of the Spanish-American War (1898) in the Italian illustrated press with particular attention to the magazines L’Illustrazione popolare, L’Illustrazione Italiana and La Tribuna Illustrata della domenica, showing the different editorial attitudes and offering a reading of the iconographic apparatus particularly significant in this type of publications. Keywords: Spanish-American War, illustrated press, iconography, representation, diffusion. Il presente articolo si occupa di analizzare la rappresentazione della Guerra Ispano-Americana del 1898 nella stampa italiana illustrata con particolare attenzione alle riviste L’Illustrazione Popolare, l’Illustrazione Italiana e La Tribuna illustrata della domenica, mostrando le differenti posizioni redazionali e offrendo una lettura dell’apparato iconografico particolarmente significativo in questo tipo di periodici. Parole Chiave: Guerra Ispano-Americana, stampa illustrata, iconografia, rappresentazione, diffusione.This article deals with the analysis of the representation of the Spanish-American War (1898) in the Italian illustrated press with particular attention to the magazines L’Illustrazione popolare, L’Illustrazione Italiana and La Tribuna Illustrata della domenica, showing the different editorial attitudes and offering a reading of the iconographic apparatus particularly significant in this type of publications. Keywords: Spanish-American War, illustrated press, iconography, representation, diffusion. Il presente articolo si occupa di analizzare la rappresentazione della Guerra Ispano-Americana del 1898 nella stampa italiana illustrata con particolare attenzione alle riviste L’Illustrazione Popolare, l’Illustrazione Italiana e La Tribuna illustrata della domenica, mostrando le differenti posizioni redazionali e offrendo una lettura dell’apparato iconografico particolarmente significativo in questo tipo di periodici. Parole Chiave: Guerra Ispano-Americana, stampa illustrata, iconografia, rappresentazione, diffusione

    Il patrimonio culturale del mate nella storia, nella letteratura e nelle arti rioplatensi / The Cultural Heritage of the Mate in History, Literature and the Arts of the River Plate Countries

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    Il mate Ăš un infuso che si ricava dalle foglie essiccate e triturate dell’arbusto Ilex paraguensis (o paraguayensis) secondo la classificazione scientifica assegnagli nel 1822 dal botanico francese Auguste de Sainte Hilaire. Conosciuta giĂ  in epoca pre-colombina, la bevanda era inizialmente diffusa presso gli indios guaranĂ­, popolazione dell’attuale Paraguay, ma poi si Ăš propagata in altri territori della America Latina: Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, PerĂč e alcune zone del sud del Brasile e del Cile. Il mate ha proprietĂ  nutritive, toniche, diuretiche ed energetiche e per tali ragioni, secondo i suoi miti d’origine, sarebbe stato donato agli indios dagli dei. In ambito rioplatense, il mate Ăš ancora oggi molto diffuso, ed Ăš diventato una bevanda carica di significati che rinviano all’identitĂ , alla meditazione, all’integrazione, oppure ad aspetti della vita quotidiana. Il saggio, utilizzando prevalentemente fonti letterarie o delle arti visuali, traccia una storia del mate da “rito del demonio” a patrimonio culturale. Mate is an infusion derived from the dried and ground leaves of a shrub classified in 1822 by French botanist Auguste de Sainte Hilaire as  Ilex paraguensis (o paraguayensis). The drink was known already in pre-Colombian times, originally among the Guarani Indios in what is today Paraguay, but its use subsequently spread to other regions of Latin America: Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru and some areas of Southern Brasil and Chile. Mate has nutritional, tonic, diuretic and stimulant properties, and for this reason, according to its origin myths, it was given to the Indios by the gods. In the Rio de la Plata region it is widely used to this day and has acquired a wide range of connotations associated with identity, meditation and integration, as well as a number of aspects of every-day life. This study outlines the history of mate from “diabolic ritual” to cultural heritage, focusing on the evidence provided by literary sources and the visual arts

    Apocalissi teosofiche in Las fuerzas extrañas di Leopoldo Lugones

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    In 1906 the Argentinian author Leopoldo Lugones published Las fuerzas extranas. In this collection of short stories Lugones places his interests in spiritism and science at the service of fiction and modernist prose. Lugones furthermore embraces aesthetically the theosophic doctrine envisaging a quest for absolute perfection through a process of renewal and reincarnation of the individual; it is within this framework that a number of apocalyptic episodes found in Las fuerzas extrañas are to be interpreted, pointing as they do in an intertextual game to specific Biblical passages which illustrate the theosophic stand of the author

    Una guerra corsara: il conflitto ispano-americano visto dall’Italia

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    This article deals with the analysis of the representation of the Spanish-American War (1898) in the Italian illustrated press with particular attention to the magazines L’Illustrazione popolare, L’Illustrazione Italiana and La Tribuna Illustrata della domenica, showing the different editorial attitudes and offering a reading of the iconographic apparatus particularly significant in this type of publications. Keywords: Spanish-American War, illustrated press, iconography, representation, diffusion. Il presente articolo si occupa di analizzare la rappresentazione della Guerra Ispano-Americana del 1898 nella stampa italiana illustrata con particolare attenzione alle riviste L’Illustrazione Popolare, l’Illustrazione Italiana e La Tribuna illustrata della domenica, mostrando le differenti posizioni redazionali e offrendo una lettura dell’apparato iconografico particolarmente significativo in questo tipo di periodici. Parole Chiave: Guerra Ispano-Americana, stampa illustrata, iconografia, rappresentazione, diffusione.This article deals with the analysis of the representation of the Spanish-American War (1898) in the Italian illustrated press with particular attention to the magazines L’Illustrazione popolare, L’Illustrazione Italiana and La Tribuna Illustrata della domenica, showing the different editorial attitudes and offering a reading of the iconographic apparatus particularly significant in this type of publications. Keywords: Spanish-American War, illustrated press, iconography, representation, diffusion. Il presente articolo si occupa di analizzare la rappresentazione della Guerra Ispano-Americana del 1898 nella stampa italiana illustrata con particolare attenzione alle riviste L’Illustrazione Popolare, l’Illustrazione Italiana e La Tribuna illustrata della domenica, mostrando le differenti posizioni redazionali e offrendo una lettura dell’apparato iconografico particolarmente significativo in questo tipo di periodici. Parole Chiave: Guerra Ispano-Americana, stampa illustrata, iconografia, rappresentazione, diffusione

    Le Leggi Razziali (1938) e gli ebrei italiani emigrati in Argentina: discriminazioni e nuove opportunitĂ 

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    As a result of the “Racial Acts” of 1938, many Italian Jews chose to leave Italy between 1939 and 1942. Most of them were academics, managers, entrepreneurs, diplomats, merchants and career officers, emigrating towards Switzerland, England, Australia, United States, India, Palestine or in Latin American countries. The new political situation led Argentina of the late ‘30s to promote new and more restrictive laws on immigration. This article is an account on how Italian Jews were able to overcome Argentinian legislation on immigration, providing follow-ups on their successful careers and activities in their respective professions and jobs

    Politica, diritti umani e narrativa dei figli di desaparecidos in Argentina: nuove identitĂ  in Los topos e Las chanchas di FĂ©lix Bruzzone

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    After tracing the main points shaping the debate on human rights, history, memory, testimony and politics which took place in Argentina starting from the end of the last military dictatorship (1976-1983), this article will deal with the writings of the children of the desaparecidos, focussing in particular on FĂ©lix Bruzzone’s novels Los topos (2008) and Las chanchas (2014). I will propose a reading of these texts which highlights the tension between a fate seemingly decided by the actual collective memory and the capacity to modify it, thus taking distance from the canonical literature of testimony and pointing towards new kinds of identities.Dopo aver tracciato i principali punti del dibattito su diritti umani, storia, memoria, testimonianza e politica in atto in Argentina a partire dalla fine dell’ultima dittatura militare (1976-1983), il saggio si occupa della narrativa dei figli di desaparecidos. Infine, si concentra sui romanzi di FĂ©lix Bruzzone Los topos (2008) e Las chanchas (2014) presentandone una lettura che evidenzia all’interno dei due testi la tensione tra un destino, che sembra predeterminato dalla memoria collettiva vigente, e la capacitĂ  di modificarlo allontanandosi dalla letteratura testimoniale canonica a favore della creazione di nuove identitĂ 

    Epidemie a bordo: le migrazioni di massa e il valore testimoniale della letteratura di viaggio italiana in America Latina alla fine del xix secolo

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    From the last decades of the 19th century until the outbreak of the First World War, Italian intellectuals (politicians, tourists, religious, doctors, explorers, officers, journalists, writers) published the report of one of their trips to Latin America. It was a set of works that responded to the post-unification interest in the practice of odeporics in which the needs for information, scientific acculturation and acquisition of experience typical of the mentality of the time converged. But the number of travels increased also thanks to the presence of the Italian migratory flood towards Latin American countries, a phenomenon with which the travelling intellectual was confronted from the moment of embarkation. Thus, within the debate that opened up in Italy between those against and those in favour of the migratory flow, an important role was played by the travelling intellectuals, whose reports were the result of concrete experience, an aspect that gave them the prestige of validity so much so as to influence not only the political debate, but also public opinion. Public opinion was appealed to on the grounds of civilisation and ethnocultural superiority, and the observation of the American reality – a very “exotic” and therefore attractive subject - was used as a stimulus for reading. Here we analyse the transoceanic journey described by the ship’s doctor Luigi Buscalioni in La disastrosa traversata del Carlo R. and by the emigrant Cesare Malavasi in L’Odissea del piroscafo Remo ovvero il disastroso viaggio di 1500 emigranti respinti dal Brasile (both published in 1893), with the aim of giving these texts the value of testimonial literature, in particular as regards the denunciation of the terrible conditions to which the migrants were forced on ships bound for Latin American ports, conditions that could also give rise to the spread of infectious diseases such as cholera, measles and diphtheria, as happened in the two voyages in question
