2,151 research outputs found

    Microtensile bond strength of several adhesive systems to different dentin depths

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    Hyperoside Supplementation in Preservation Media Surpasses Vitamin C Protection Against Oxidative Stress-Induced Damages in Human Spermatozoa

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    Background/Aims: Oxidative Stress (OS) is reported as one of the main causes of male infertility. Infertile couples often resort to assisted reproductive technology (ART) to achieve parenthood. However, preparation for ART protocols increases the exposer of gametes to OS. Thus, it is crucial to find suitable preservation media that can counteract the OS-induced damages in spermatozoa. In this work, we tested and compared the efficiency of vitamin C (VC) and hyperoside (HYP) as potential antioxidant supplements for sperm preservation media. Methods: We evaluated the cytotoxicity of HYP (0, 5, 50, 100, and 500 µM) in spermatozoa. After incubation of sperm cells with VC (600 µM) and HYP (100 and 500 µM), in the presence and absence of H2O2 (300 µM), the following parameters were assessed: total sperm motility and vitality, OS biomarkers expression, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of the media, percentage of DNA fragmentation, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), and metabolite quantification of the media by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR). Results: The supplementation with VC (600 µM) and HYP (100 and 500 µM) did not induce any deleterious effects to the physiology and metabolism of the spermatozoa, after 1-hour of treatment. In the presence of H2O2 (300 µM), both VC and HYP were able to prevent some of the deleterious effects of H2O2 in sperm, which were represented by an increase in sperm motility, a decrease in DNA fragmentation, and a decreasing trend in lipid peroxidation levels. However, these antioxidants were not able to prevent the decrease of MMP associated with H2O2 treatment, nor were able to prevent the conversion of pyruvate into acetate (a reaction promoted by H2O2). Conclusion: The supplementation of sperm preservation media with VC and HYP could be beneficial for the preservation of sperm physiology. From the antioxidant conditions tested, the supplementation of media with HYP (100 µM) demonstrated the best results regarding sperm preservation, evidencing the higher antioxidant capacity of HYP compared to VC. Nevertheless, none of the antioxidants used was able to prevent the metabolic alterations promoted by H2O2 in spermatozoa.This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - FCT to Sara C. Pereira (2021.05487.BD); David F. Carrageta (SFRH/BD/136779/2018); Marco G. Alves (IFCT2015 and PTDC/MEC-AND/28691/2017); LAQV-REQUIMTE (UIDB/50006/2020); UMIB (UIDB/00215/2020, and UIDP/00215/2020); ITR - Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health (LA/P/0064/2020). Pedro F. Oliveira was funded by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the Scientific Employment Stimulus - Institutional Call - reference CEECINST/00026/2018

    Cooling interventions for athletes: An overview of effectiveness, physiological mechanisms, and practical considerations.

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    Exercise-induced increases in core body temperature could negative impact performance and may lead to development of heat-related illnesses. The use of cooling techniques prior (pre-cooling), during (per-cooling) or directly after (post-cooling) exercise may limit the increase in core body temperature and therefore improve exercise performance. The aim of the present review is to provide a comprehensive overview of current scientific knowledge in the field of pre-cooling, per-cooling and post-cooling. Based on existing studies, we will discuss 1) the effectiveness of cooling interventions, 2) the underlying physiological mechanisms and 3) practical considerations regarding the use of different cooling techniques. Furthermore, we tried to identify the optimal cooling technique and compared whether cooling-induced performance benefits are different between cool, moderate and hot ambient conditions. This article provides researchers, physicians, athletes and coaches with important information regarding the implementation of cooling techniques to maintain exercise performance and to successfully compete in thermally stressful conditions

    Whole-genome amplified DNA from stored dried blood spots is reliable in high resolution melting curve and sequencing analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of dried blood spots (DBS) samples in genomic workup has been limited by the relative low amounts of genomic DNA (gDNA) they contain. It remains to be proven that whole genome amplified DNA (wgaDNA) from stored DBS samples, constitutes a reliable alternative to gDNA.</p> <p>We wanted to compare melting curves and sequencing results from wgaDNA derived from DBS samples with gDNA derived from whole blood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>gDNA was extracted from whole blood obtained from 10 patients with lone atrial fibrillation (mean age 22.3 years). From their newborn DBS samples, stored at -24°C, genomic DNA was extracted and whole-genome amplified in triplicates. Using high resolution melting curve analysis and direct sequencing in both wgaDNA and gDNA samples, all coding regions and adjacent intron regions of the genes <it>SCN5A </it>and <it>KCNA5 </it>were investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Altered melting curves was present in 85 of wgaDNA samples and 81 of gDNA samples. Sequence analysis identified a total of 31 variants in the 10 wgaDNA samples. The same 31 variants were found in the exact same pattern of samples in the gDNA group. There was no false positive or negative sequence variation in the wgaDNA group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The use of DNA amplified in triplicates from DBS samples is reliable and can be used both for high resolution curve melting analysis as well as direct sequence analysis. DBS samples therefore can serve as an alternative to whole blood in sequence analysis.</p


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    Theoretical-reflexive research, whose aim is to analyze the clarity of concept stimulus in the Roy Model, for best comprehension in nursing practice. It was developed in three phases: 1- Search of studies that utilized the Roy Model; 2- Conducted reading for comprehension of the concept stimulus and 3- Analysis of clarity of the concept. The three studies were conducted at master level. The analysis of the studies shows deficiency in the clarity of the concept stimulus, being predominant the ambiguity in the classification and differentiation of the focal and contextual stimuli, without the existence of consistency and uniformity. The need arises to deepen the theories of nursing for adequate application in the areas of research: nursing education and practice, optimizing and improving its use, as well as, enabling the comprehension of determined concepts that are not sufficiently clear. The worries that arise among the nurses will provide a more profound approach to the study, enabling the advance of theories, as well as new findings, leading to necessary changes.  Investigación teórico-reflexiva cuyo objetivo fue analizar la claridad del concepto estímulo según el  modelo de Roy, para mayor comprensión en la práctica de enfermería. Desarrollada en tres etapas: 1ª- Levantamiento de estudios que utilizaron el Modelo de Roy; 2ª - Lectura dirigida hacia la comprensión del concepto estímulo y 3ª - Análisis de la claridad del concepto. Fueron utilizados tres estudios, a  nivel de maestrado. El análisis de los estudios demuestra deficiencia en la claridad del concepto estímulo, predominando ambigüedad en la clasificación y diferenciación de los estímulos focales y contextuales, sin consistencia y uniformidad. Se evidencia la necesidad de profundizar en las teorías de enfermería, para su aplicación adecuada en las áreas de investigación, enseñanza y práctica, optimizando y mejorando su uso, además de posibilitar la comprensión de determinados conceptos no suficientemente claros. Las inquietudes surgidas entre los enfermeros podrán motivar un abordaje más profundo de los estudios, posibilitando el avance de las teorías, así  como nuevos descubrimientos, dirigiendo los cambios necesariosPesquisa teórico-reflexiva, objetivando analisar a clareza do conceito estímulo no modelo de Roy, para maior compreensão na prática de enfermagem. Desenvolvido em três etapas: 1ª- Levantamento de estudos que utilizaram o Modelo de Roy; 2ª - Leitura dirigida para a compreensão do conceito estímulo e 3ª - Análise da clareza do conceito. Foram utilizados três estudos, em nível de mestrado. A análise dos estudos demonstra deficiência na clareza do conceito estímulo, predominando ambigüidade na classificação e diferenciação dos estímulos focais e contextuais, não existindo consistência e uniformidade. Evidencia-se a necessidade do aprofundamento nas teorias de enfermagem, para a aplicação adequada nas áreas de pesquisa, ensino e prática, otimizando e aprimorando seu uso, além de possibilitar a compreensão de determinados conceitos, não suficientemente claros. As inquietações surgidas entre os enfermeiros poderão proporcionar o aprofundamento nos estudos, possibilitando o avanço das teorias, assim como novos achados, direcionando as mudanças necessárias

    Age at onset of mental disorders worldwide: large-scale meta-analysis of 192 epidemiological studies

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    Promotion of good mental health, prevention, and early intervention before/at the onset of mental disorders improve outcomes. However, the range and peak ages at onset for mental disorders are not fully established. To provide robust, global epidemiological estimates of age at onset for mental disorders, we conducted a PRISMA/MOOSE-compliant systematic review with meta-analysis of birth cohort/cross-sectional/cohort studies, representative of the general population, reporting age at onset for any ICD/DSM-mental disorders, identified in PubMed/Web of Science (up to 16/05/2020) (PROSPERO:CRD42019143015). Co-primary outcomes were the proportion of individuals with onset of mental disorders before age 14, 18, 25, and peak age at onset, for any mental disorder and across International Classification of Diseases 11 diagnostic blocks. Median age at onset of specific disorders was additionally investigated. Across 192 studies (n = 708,561) included, the proportion of individuals with onset of any mental disorders before the ages of 14, 18, 25 were 34.6%, 48.4%, 62.5%, and peak age was 14.5 years (k = 14, median = 18, interquartile range (IQR) = 11–34). For diagnostic blocks, the proportion of individuals with onset of disorder before the age of 14, 18, 25 and peak age were as follows: neurodevelopmental disorders: 61.5%, 83.2%, 95.8%, 5.5 years (k = 21, median=12, IQR = 7–16), anxiety/fear-related disorders: 38.1%, 51.8%, 73.3%, 5.5 years (k = 73, median = 17, IQR = 9–25), obsessive-compulsive/related disorders: 24.6%, 45.1%, 64.0%, 14.5 years (k = 20, median = 19, IQR = 14–29), feeding/eating disorders/problems: 15.8%, 48.1%, 82.4%, 15.5 years (k = 11, median = 18, IQR = 15–23), conditions specifically associated with stress disorders: 16.9%, 27.6%, 43.1%, 15.5 years (k = 16, median = 30, IQR = 17–48), substance use disorders/addictive behaviours: 2.9%, 15.2%, 48.8%, 19.5 years (k = 58, median = 25, IQR = 20–41), schizophrenia-spectrum disorders/primary psychotic states: 3%, 12.3%, 47.8%, 20.5 years (k = 36, median = 25, IQR = 20–34), personality disorders/related traits: 1.9%, 9.6%, 47.7%, 20.5 years (k = 6, median = 25, IQR = 20–33), and mood disorders: 2.5%, 11.5%, 34.5%, 20.5 years (k = 79, median = 31, IQR = 21–46). No significant difference emerged by sex, or definition of age of onset. Median age at onset for specific mental disorders mapped on a time continuum, from phobias/separation anxiety/autism spectrum disorder/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/social anxiety (8-13 years) to anorexia nervosa/bulimia nervosa/obsessive-compulsive/binge eating/cannabis use disorders (17-22 years), followed by schizophrenia, personality, panic and alcohol use disorders (25-27 years), and finally post-traumatic/depressive/generalized anxiety/bipolar/acute and transient psychotic disorders (30-35 years), with overlap among groups and no significant clustering. These results inform the timing of good mental health promotion/preventive/early intervention, updating the current mental health system structured around a child/adult service schism at age 18

    Genetic susceptibility to aspergillosis in allogeneic stem-cell transplantation

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    Invasive aspergillosis (IA) is a major threat to positive outcomes for allogeneic stem-cell transplantation (allo-SCT) patients. Despite presenting similar degrees of immunosuppression, not all individuals at-risk ultimately develop infection. Therefore, the traditional view of neutropenia as a key risk factor for aspergillosis needs to be accommodated within new conceptual advances on host immunity and its relationship to infection. Polymorphisms in innate immune genes, such as those encoding TLRs, cytokines and cytokine receptors, have recently been associated with susceptibility to IA in allo-SCT recipients. This suggests that understanding host-pathogen interactions at the level of host genetic susceptibility will allow the formulation of new targeted and patient-tailored antifungal therapeutics, including improved donor screening.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BD/65962/2009, SFRH/BPD/46292/2008Specific Targeted Research Projects MANASP (LSHE-CT-2006), contract number 037899 (FP6), Italian Project PRIN2007KLCKP8_004