278 research outputs found


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    O presente artigo constitui um relato de experiência a respeito do Curso de Extensão Academia Preta Decolonial – Epistemologias e Metodologias Antirracistas. O Curso nasce em 2020, no auge da pandemia de Covid 19, como caminho de resistência e formação política-crítica, sustentada na “cidadania científica” (MALDONADO, 2011) e alicerçada no “Aprender-sendo” (SOUSA, 2021). O curso ocorre virtualmente e já está na sua terceira edição. Nas duas últimas, contou com o apoio institucional da Unesco através da Cátedra Educação Superior e Povos Indígenas e Afrodescendentes na América Latina, por meio da Iniciativa para a Erradicação do Racismo na Educação Superior.

    Statistical Analysis of the Droplet Size Distribution of Tire Pyrolysis Oil-Diesel Oil Sprays

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    The liquid product obtained from tire pyrolysis process, called tire pyrolysis oil (TPO), has a great attraction as an alternative fuel, as it has a viscosity of 5.43 cSt (Sharma et al., 2016), density of 921 kg/m³ (Gamboa et al., 2020), surface tension of 0.028 N/m (Chumpitaz et al., 2019), and higher heating value of 46.32 MJ/kg (Das et al., 2017), which are similar to diesel oil. These physical and chemical properties have motivated research into its application in furnaces, boilers and compression ignition engines. Generally, TPO is blended with diesel or biodiesel in order to decrease the percentage of sulfur and improve the cetane number of the fuel blend (Sharma et al., 2016). However, the evaluation of the quality and applicability of TPO has been focused mainly on combustion emissions and the performance of thermal equipment fueled with this fuel (and diesel/biodiesel blends), where the atomization process has been ignored, which is closely linked with the efficiency of liquid fuel evaporation and combustion. Thus, in this work, an evaluation of the atomization quality of blends of tire pyrolysis oil and diesel oil was carried out based on the comparison of the uniformity parameters of the drop size distribution of fuel sprays. The distribution function used was the Log-Normal function, as it allowed reconstructing the droplet size distribution of the sprays with only the mass median diameter and Sauter mean diameter. These values were measured using the Malvern Spraytec laser diffraction system model STP5936 (Chumpitaz et al., 2019). The fuel sprays were generated with a twin-fluid atomizer (type Y-jet) operating at air-to-fuel mass ratio (RAL) in the range of 0.05 to 0.35. The results showed that the higher the percentage by mass of TPO in the fuel blend, the lower the uniformity of the spray. Furthermore, a uniform TPO-DO spray with smaller mean diameters (0.15) are applied and percentages of TPO in the blend less than 5% are used

    Estudio de los casos notificados como incidentes en un hospital público de 2011 a 2014

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    OBJETIVO Analisar os incidentes notificados em um hospital público do Distrito Federal, segundo as características e os desfechos quando envolveram pacientes. MÉTODO Estudo descritivo e retrospectivo dos incidentes notificados entre janeiro de 2011 e setembro de 2014. RESULTADOS Notificados 209 incidentes categorizados em ocorrência comunicável (n = 22, 10,5%), quase evento (n = 16, 7,7%), incidente sem dano (n = 4, 1,9%) e incidente com dano (eventos adversos) (n = 167, 79,9%). A idade média dos pacientes foi de 44 anos e o tempo da internação até o momento do incidente teve média de 38,5 dias. Os enfermeiros foram os que mais notificaram (n = 55, 67%). Nenhum desfecho resultou em morte. CONCLUSÃO Os incidentes relacionados a sangue/hemoderivados, dispositivos/equipamento médico, acidentes do doente e medicação/fluidos endovenosos foram os mais frequentes. Recomenda-se padronizar os processos de notificação e potencializar a participação dos profissionais no manejo dos incidentes.OBJECTIVE Analyzing incidents reported in a public hospital in the Federal District, Brasilia, according to the characteristics and outcomes involving patients. METHOD A descriptive and retrospective study of incidents reported between January 2011 and September 2014. RESULTS 209 reported incidents were categorized as reportable occurrences (n = 22, 10.5%), near misses (n = 16, 7.7%); incident without injury (n = 4, 1.9%) and incident with injury (adverse events) (n = 167, 79.9%). The average age of patients was 44 years and the hospitalization time until the moment of the incident was on average 38.5 days. Nurses were the healthcare professionals who most reported the incidents (n = 55, 67%). No outcomes resulted in death. CONCLUSION Incidents related to blood/hemoderivatives, medical devices/equipment, patient injuries and intravenous medication/fluids were the most frequent. Standardizing the reporting processes and enhancing participation by professionals in managing incidents is recommended.OBJETIVO Analizar los incidentes notificados en un hospital público del Distrito Federal, según las características y los resultados cuando involucraron a pacientes. MÉTODO Estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo de los incidentes notificados entre enero de 2011 y septiembre de 2014. RESULTADOS Notificados 209 incidentes categorizados en consecuencia comunicable (n = 22, 10,5%), casi evento (n = 16, 7,7%), incidente sin daño (n = 4, 1,9%) e incidente con daño (eventos adversos) (n = 167, 79,9%). La edad media de los pacientes fue de 44 años y el tiempo de la estancia hospitalaria hasta el momento del incidente tuvo promedio de 38,5 días. Los enfermeros fueron los que más notificaron (n = 55, 67%). Ningún resultado causó muerte. CONCLUSIÓN Los incidentes relacionados con sangre/hemoderivados, dispositivos/equipo médico, accidentes del enfermo y medicación/fluidos endovenosos fueron los más frecuentes. Se recomienda estandarizar los procesos de notificación y potenciar la participación de los profesionales en el manejo de los incidentes

    Towards equity in the Brazilian health system: the case of sickle cell disease

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    A equidade é um princípio de justiça e igualdade social. Seu conceito tem sido empregado pela saúde pública brasileira visando atender indivíduos diferentes, conforme suas necessidades. Sua implantação é difícil e complexa; envolve o comprometimento dos profissionais e da organização do sistema de saúde. A investigação da doença falciforme na população é resultado da luta social em prol de um tratamento igualitário e justo, firmado em 2001, por meio do Programa Nacional de Triagem Neonatal (PNTN). O estudo pretende reconhecer o PNTN para a doença falciforme como uma ação que respeita o princípio de equidade no sistema de saúde brasileiro. Constatou-se que a meta do programa é identificar, tratar e prevenir as complicações da patologia precocemente, acompanhando e orientando o indivíduo portador, família e sociedade, independente de suas características físicas e condição social. Uma representação da força social em prol de uma saúde pública justa, que conserve a justiça como um pilar do sistema.Equity is a principle of justice and social equality. The concept has been employed within the Brazilian public health system to care for different individuals according to their needs. Implementation is difficult and complex, involving the commitment of professionals and the organization of the health system. The investigation of sickle cell disease in the population is the result of social struggle in favor of fair and equal treatment, signed in 2001 by the National Newborn Screening Program (NNSP). The study aims to recognize the NNSP for sickle cell disease as an action that respects the principle of equity in the Brazilian health system. The goal of NNSP is to identify, treat and prevent complications of the disease early, watching and guiding the individual patient, family and society regardless of their physical characteristics and social status. It is the representation of the social forces in favor of a public health which preserves fairness as a pillar of the system

    Processo de competência informacional em jogo

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    This paper presents a proposal that seeks to integrate the areas of librarianship, information technology and innovation to bring forth a reflection on the great potential for innovation existing in universities. It envisions an approach on the dissemination of information as an educational tool so that the process of academic training can provide a better use of technologies and actions and bring them closer to teaching, research and extension practices, with regard to establishing and creating opportunities for students to build strategic connections between academic practices with the labor market. It is a qualitative study with a hypothetical-deductive approach, based on the general premise of the role and function of a public, university library. Bibliographic and document analyses were used as means of investigation for this work. This research is characterized as descriptive since it is intended to describe and analyze the determining factors for the dissemination of information on innovation and technology in the academic environment. Through a reference service focused on innovation processes and by means of a mobile application, it seeks to build skills for competence in information regarding how patent applications, trademark registrations, copyright applications and software registrations are carried out and demonstrate the relevance of the participation and collaboration of university libraries in institutional development plans. We aim to highlight the importance of developing new educational practices that provide a process of gaining experience, which brings academic research closer to reality even before a student has graduated and helps them to understand the different forms of innovation that may exist in the desired professional field.Este documento presenta una propuesta que busca integrar las áreas de biblioteconomía, tecnología de la información e innovación para presentar una reflexión sobre el gran potencial de innovación existente en las universidades. Se prevé un enfoque sobre la difusión de información como una herramienta educativa para que el proceso de capacitación académica pueda proporcionar un mejor uso de las tecnologías y acciones y acercarlas a las prácticas de enseñanza, investigación y extensión, con respecto al establecimiento y la creación de oportunidades para los estudiantes. para construir conexiones estratégicas entre las prácticas académicas con el mercado laboral. Es un estudio cualitativo con un enfoque hipotético-deductivo, basado en la premisa general del papel y la función de una biblioteca pública universitaria. Se utilizaron análisis bibliográficos y de documentos como medio de investigación para este trabajo. Esta investigación se caracteriza por ser descriptiva, ya que pretende describir y analizar los factores determinantes para la difusión de información sobre innovación y tecnología en el entorno académico. A través de un servicio de referencia centrado en procesos de innovación y mediante una aplicación móvil, busca desarrollar habilidades para la competencia en la información sobre cómo se llevan a cabo las solicitudes de patentes, registros de marcas, solicitudes de derechos de autor y registros de software y demostrar la relevancia de la participación y colaboración. de bibliotecas universitarias en planes de desarrollo institucional. Nuestro objetivo es resaltar la importancia de desarrollar nuevas prácticas educativas que proporcionen un proceso de obtención de experiencia, que acerque la investigación académica a la realidad incluso antes de que un estudiante se haya graduado y les ayude a comprender las diferentes formas de innovación que pueden existir en el campo profesional deseado.O presente trabalho apresenta uma proposta que busca integrar as áreas de Biblioteconomia, Tecnologia e Inovação, no sentido de trazer uma reflexão sobre o grande potencial de inovação existente nas universidades, e vislumbra uma abordagem sobre disseminação da informação como prática pedagógica para que o processo de formação acadêmica possa proporcionar um melhor aproveitamento das tecnologias e ações e aproximá-las das práticas de ensino, pesquisa e extensão, no que se refere a estabelecer e criar oportunidades aos discentes na construção de conexões estratégias das práticas com o mercado de trabalho. Este trabalho é uma pesquisa qualitativa com abordagem hipotético-dedutiva por partirmos da premissa geral do papel e da função de uma biblioteca universitária e pública. Quanto aos meios de investigação para este trabalho, foram utilizadas as análises bibliográficas e documentais; quanto aos fins, esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como descritiva, uma vez que se pretende descrever e analisar os fatores determinantes para a disseminação das informações sobre inovação e tecnologia em ambiente acadêmico. Por meio de um serviço de referência voltado para processos de inovação e com o uso de um aplicativo mobile, busca-se a formação de habilidades para a competência em informação com relação a como devem ser efetuados os depósitos de patentes, os registros de marcas, os depósitos de direitos autorais e os registros de programas de computador, além de demonstrar a relevância da participação/colaboração das Bibliotecas Universitárias nos Planos de Desenvolvimento Institucionais. O presente estudo corrobora com a importância de se pensar e prospectar novas práticas pedagógicas que proporcionem um processo de vivência que aproxime a experiência acadêmica da realidade antes mesmo da formação do aluno e o auxilie na compreensão das diferentes formas de inovação que pode haver no exercício profissional almejado

    Spontaneous cytokine production in children according to biological characteristics and environmental exposures.

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    BACKGROUND: Environmental factors are likely to have profound effects on the development of host immune responses, with serious implications for infectious diseases and inflammatory disorders such as asthma. OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to investigate the effects of environmental exposures on the cytokine profile of children. METHODS: The study involved measurement of T helper (Th) 1 (interferon-gamma), 2 [interleukin (IL)-5 and IL-13], and the regulatory cytokine IL-10 in unstimulated peripheral blood leukocytes from 1,376 children 4-11 years of age living in a poor urban area of the tropics. We also assessed the impact of environmental exposures in addition to biological characteristics recorded at the time of blood collection and earlier in childhood (0-3 years before blood collection). RESULTS: The proportion of children producing IL-10 was greater among those without access to drinking water [p < 0.05, chi-square test, odds ratio (OR) = 1.67]. The proportion of children producing IL-5 and IL-10 (OR = 10.76) was significantly greater in households that had never had a sewage system (p < 0.05, trend test). CONCLUSIONS: These data provide evidence for the profound effects of environmental exposures in early life as well as immune homeostasis in later childhood. Decreased hygiene (lack of access to clean drinking water and sanitation) in the first 3 years of life is associated with higher spontaneous IL-10 production up to 8 years later in life


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    A produção de etanol, a partir da cana-de-açúcar, visando um progresso sustentável, tem levado ao desenvolvimento de novas políticas nacionais. Com esse propósito, viabiliza-se a bioconversão de parte do bagaço de cana via cadeias produtivas. O intuito de otimizar o processo para a produção do etanol de segunda geração(E2G) revela a importância crucial de cada etapa, como a de pré-tratamento, em razão da mesma interferir nas etapas posteriores. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a eficiência das técnicas de caracterização do bagaço in natura e pré-tratado com ácido sulfúrico 1,45% (v/v), através da Espectroscopia na Região do Infravermelho (FTIR) e da Termogravimetria(TG)


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    The success of interventional strategies aimed at promoting physical activity passes by the understanding of the determinant factors of this behavior. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate possible associations between social support and the practice of leisure-time physical activity among adults. This is a cross-sectional study conducted with 227 adults (152 men) aged between 18 and 65 years, selected from a company located in the city of Londrina/PR. Information on leisure-time physical activity were obtained using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (long version). Subjects who reported a minimum amount of 150 minutes per week on walks (WAL) or moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPA) were considered active. Social support was determined using the Social Support Scale for Physical Activities. Crude and adjusted Poisson regression analyses (gender, age, marital status and educational level) were used to test associations between social support received from family or friends and WAL and MVPA. Most subjects reported never having received social support from family and friends to practice WAL and MVPA. Crude and adjusted analyses revealed that social support was significantly and positively associated with MVPA (P < 0.01). The probability of being active in leisure-time was 75% higher in subjects who received social support from friends (PR = 1.75, CI 95% = 1.09 - 2.81) and 124 % higher among those who received social support in combination (family and friends) (PR = 2.24, CI 95% = 1.55 - 3.25). Social support was not associated with the practice of WAL (P = 0.75). In conclusion, social support seems to be correlated with the practice of MVPA. The support from family and friends can be an important tool for promoting physical activity in adults