171 research outputs found

    Life history traits of parental care in Crenicichla lepidota (Cichliformes, Geophagini) in the upper Paraguay River basin, Brazil

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    During focal observations carried out in the Olho d’Água River, upper Paraguay River basin, Brazil, we registered the defensive behaviour of one pair of Crenicichla lepidota attempting to protect their offspring from conspecific and non-specific predators. Adults exhibited substrate-guarding behaviour and displayed primary and secondary anti-predation mechanisms. The primary mechanisms (e.g., fin flicking and flaring, gill extending) were ineffective against conspecific predators or against other species. Secondary mechanisms included charging would-be predators of the offspring, and this tactic was successful against non-specifics. This record confirms, in the wild, agonistic behaviour as an effective secondary defence mechanism used in parental care in Crenicichla lepidota

    Distribuição temporal, sincronia reprodutiva e padrões de acasalamento do sapo de reprodução explosiva Dermatonotus muelleri (Anura: Microhylidae)

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    The knowledge about natural history of a species is fundamental for the proposition of theories in population, community, and behavioral ecology. Dermatonotus muelleri (Boettger, 1885) is one of the several Neotropical anuran species that still lacks basic information. These frogs are widely distributed in South America and present many peculiar morphological features, such as a reduced head size and a tongue morphology that suggests a specialized diet in ants and termites. However, D. muelleri is rare in anuran surveys, because of the explosive breeding behavior, which restrict its occurrence in aquatic habitats to few days a year, and the semi-fossorial habit, making the individuals inactive during most part of the year. In this study, we describe the reproductive ecology of Dermatonotus muelleri, with special attention to the mechanisms that regulates (i) the reproductive synchrony between males and females and (ii) the operational sex ratio (OSR), and (iii) if size is a good predictor of pairs formation (assortative mating)

    Camadas da Complexidade para análise de Ambientes Acadêmicos Complexos em Rede: Um proposta pela Rede de Saberes Coletivos (ReSa)

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    O ambiente acadêmico para o desenvolvimento de Estágio Supervisionado curricular  no Ensino Superior apresenta-se, muitas vezes, pautado em pressupostos cartesianos departamentalizadores e centralizadores. O presente trabalho refere-se a uma pesquisa de doutorado que propõe um ambiente para aprendizagem colaborativa em Estágios Supervisionados, a partir de conceitos de Redes Sociais e do Pensamento Complexo (Morin, 1999), assim como um instrumento de para análise de evidências dos Camadas da Complexidade (Morin, 2006) em ambientes acadêmicos complexos. É apresentado a contexto geral da pesquisa, definições conceituais, assim como a proposta metodológica e os resultados preliminares da pesquisa

    Medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction to treat recurrent patellar dislocation

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    OBJECTIVE: To present a new technique for reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) in patients with recurrent patellar dislocation and to evaluate the clinical findings from this. METHODS: Between January 2007 and January 2008, 23 patients underwent reconstruction of the MPFL with a free graft from the semitendinosus tendon. After a minimum of 244 months of follow-up, 22 patients were evaluated using the Kujala and Lysholm clinical protocols. RESULTS: The mean follow up was 26.2 months. According to the Lysholm protocol, the patients had a mean score of 53.72 points preoperatively and 93.36 points postoperatively (p = 0.000006). According to the Kujala protocol, the mean score was 59.81 points preoperatively and 83.54 points postoperatively (p = 0.002173). CONCLUSION: Reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament using the proposed technique showed excellent results over the short term, when evaluated by means of clinical protocols.OBJETIVO: Apresentar nova técnica de reconstrução do ligamento patelofemoral medial (LPFM) em pacientes com luxação recidivante da patela e avaliar seus resultados clínicos. MÉTODOS: Entre jan/2007 e jan/2008, 23 pacientes foram submetidos à reconstrução do LPFM com enxerto livre de tendão semitendíneo. Após acompanhamento mínimo de 24 meses, 22 pacientes foram avaliados pelos protocolos clínicos de Kujala e de Lysholm. RESULTADOS: O seguimento médio foi de 26,2 meses. Segundo o protocolo de Lysholm, os pacientes apresentaram pontuação média de 53,72 pontos no pré-operatório e 93,36 pontos no pós-operatório (p = 0,000006). Pelo protocolo de Kujala, a pontuação média foi 59,81 pontos no préoperatório e 83,54 pontos no pós-operatório (p = 0,002173). CONCLUSÃO: A reconstrução do ligamento patelofemoral medial pela técnica proposta mostrou excelentes resultados no curto prazo, quando avaliada por protocolos clínicos.Hospital Madre Teresa Grupo do JoelhoUNIFESPUFMG Faculdade de Medicina Departamento do Aparelho LocomotorHospital Madre TeresaUNIFESPSciEL

    Seed counting system evaluation using arduino microcontroller

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    The development of automated systems has been highlighted in the most diverse productive sectors, among them, the agricultural sector. These systems aim to optimize activities by increasing operational efficiency and quality of work. In this sense, the present work has the objective of evaluating a prototype developed for seed count in laboratory, using Arduino microcontroller. The prototype of the system for seed counting was built using a dosing mechanism commonly used in seeders, electric motor, Arduino Uno, light dependent resistor and light emitting diode. To test the prototype, a completely randomized design (CRD) was used in a two-factorial scheme composed of three groups defined according to the number of seeds (500, 1000 and 1500 seeds tested), three speeds of the dosing disc that allowed the distribution in 17, 21 and 32 seeds per second, with 40 repetitions evaluating the seed counting prototype performance in different speeds. The prototype of the bench counter showed a moderate variability of seed number of counted within the nine tests and a high precision in the seed count on the distribution speeds of 17 and 21 seeds per second (s-1) up to 1500 seeds tested. Therefore, based on the observed results, the developed prototype presents itself as an excellent tool for counting seeds in laboratory

    Use of grass and leguminous species as winter mulching in organic notillage system of lettuce crop

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    ABSTRACT The no-tillage system for vegetables is an environmentally and economically suitable alternative, particularly for organic crops. However, further studies are needed using other plant species and under different growing conditions. This research aimed to evaluate the influence of different winter soil covers on lettuce development and yield under no-tillage system in an organic cultivation area. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with five treatments and six replications. The treatments used were three soil covers in the organic no-tillage system and two systems without cover crops and with soil tillage, one organic and the other conventional. The grass Avena strigosa (L.), the leguminous Lupinus albus (L.), and the intercropping of both species were used. The number of leaves per plant, stem length and diameter, head diameter, fresh and dry weight of plants, fresh weight of leaves and stem and Soil Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) index were evaluated. The use of leguminous straw is recommended for winter cultivation of lettuce in an organic no-tillage system. Black oat straw, single or intercropped, impaired the development and productivity of lettuce in the organic no-tillage system in winter cultivation


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    ABSTRACTTo evaluate whether, by using an arthropump (irrigation equipment with pressure sensor), pneumatic tourniquet use could interfere with the duration of surgery, recovery of movement and joint volume in patients who underwent knee videoarthroscopy for partial meniscectomy. Methods: 103 patients divided randomly into two groups regarding use or nonuse of a pneumatic tourniquet were evaluated in five different centers by seven different surgeons. The variables were evaluated during the surgery and seven days after the operation. Results: No statistically significant differences were found among any of the variables studied. Conclusion: There are no reasons that would either justify or discredit tourniquet use in this specific situation

    Ictiofauna da Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil: composição e diversidade

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    The ichthyofauna of the Estação Experimental Agronômica of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul was inventoried. We sampled three localities in the arroio Calombos and nine small dams. Overall 10,786 specimens were collected, belonging to seven orders, 18 families, 34 genera, and 51 species. Additional samples were taken in swampy and temporary areas, besides the analysis of fish collection records, resulting in a total of 61 species in 42 genera of fishes in the EEA/UFRGS. Orders Characiformes and Siluriformes predominated in richness and abundance. Most abundant species were Hyphessobrycon igneus, H. meridionalis, H. luetkenii, Cheirodon interruptus, Geophagus brasiliensis, and Crenicichla lepidota, respectively. The sites of the stream presented higher species richness (39 spp.) than small dams (25 spp.), being 13 species common to both environments. The record of Micropterus salmoides (black bass) in three of the small dams is associated with the lowest richness, demonstrating the impact of the presence of a predatory exotic species over native species. The seine net presented the best results to capture a larger number of species and a wider range of size of specimens. As an area of university education, the EEA/UFRGS serves as an important source for fish diversity studies. The conservation of the physical-chemical and biological integrity of the water environments is recommended to conserve this biodiversity. A key to identification of fish species is presented here.A ictiofauna da Estação Experimental Agronômica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul foi inventariada. Foram amostrados três pontos no arroio Calombos e nove açudes. No total foram coligidos 10.786 exemplares, distribuídos em sete ordens, 18 famílias, 34 gêneros e 51 espécies. Analisando amostragens adicionais em áreas de brejos e de inundação temporária, além do exame de material depositado em coleção, encontramos 61 espécies e 42 gêneros de peixes na EEA/UFRGS. As ordens Characiformes e Siluriformes dominaram em riqueza e abundância. As espécies mais abundantes foram Hyphessobrycon igneus, H. meridionalis, H. luetkenii, Cheirodon interruptus, Geophagus brasiliensis e Crenicichla lepidota, respectivamente. Os pontos do arroio apresentaram maior riqueza (39 spp.) que os açudes (25 spp.), sendo 13 espécies em comum aos dois ambientes. O registro de Micropterus salmoides (black blass) em três açudes, associado aos menores valores de riqueza, evidenciou a ação predatória dessa espécie sobre as espécies nativas locais. Entre as artes de pesca empregadas, o picaré apresentou melhor resultado em termos de riqueza de espécies e amplitudes maiores de tamanho dos exemplares. Como área de formação universitária, a EEA/UFRGS serve como importante fonte para estudos de diversidade ictiofaunística. A conservação da integridade físico-química e biológica dos corpos d’água é recomendada como mantenedores dessa biodiversidade. Uma chave para identificação dos peixes da EEA/UFRGS é apresentada

    Reuso de embalagens cartonadas para descarte adequado de pilhas e baterias

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    Introdução: Pensando em achar soluções simples e práticas para minimizar os impactos que os resíduos sólidos causam a saúde e ao meio-ambiente, elaborou-se um recipiente para coleta de pilhas e baterias a partir de embalagens cartonadas. Objetivo: Descrever o uso de embalagens cartonadas como coletoras para descarte adequado de pilhas e baterias após seu esgotamento. Método: Em laboratório multidisciplinar da FMABC, as embalagens cartonadas (Tetra Pak) foram submetidas a testes de resistência, tempo de utilização, quantidade de armazenamento e aspectos químicos. Para verificar o período de utilização das embalagens e observar sua integridade em relação à quantidade de pilhas e baterias, foram realizadas oito inspeções visuais. Para verificar a resistência das caixas em relação a elementos químicos, foram efetuados testes em que as embalagens foram submetidas a soluções eletrolíticas presentes nas pilhas e baterias. Resultados: Durante o acompanhamento por meio das inspeções visuais, foram observadas que as embalagens cartonadas são resistentes quanto aos testes realizados com soluções eletrolíticas. Em termos de resistência e quantidade de armazenamento de pilhas, constatou-se que o período de um ano é válido para uso das caixas como coletoras. Conclusão: as embalagens cartonadas são resistentes e não sofreram alterações químicas, possibilitando seu uso como coletoras para descarte adequado de pilhas e baterias