63 research outputs found

    Resistance to Meloidogyne enterolobii in sweet potatoes

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    The present work was designed to select for sweet potatoes clones (Ipomoea batatas) resistant to Meloidogyne enterolobii (Syn. M. mayaguensis) as well as evaluate the efficiency of the selection methods used by estimating their genetic (VCg) and environmental (VCe) variation coefficients as well as broad sense heritability. A total of 142 sweet potato genotypes were tested, including four commercial varieties (Brazlândia Rosada, Brazlândia Roxa, Brazlândia Branca, and Palmas) as well as the Santa Clara tomato cultivar (utilized as a susceptibility standard). The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, in two repetitions of six plants each. Resistance levels were classified according to the numbers of eggs per gram of roots, the reproduction factor (RF), and the reproduction index (RI) relative to the Santa Clara tomato cultivar. The b= VCg/VCe ratio and broad sense heritability were high in terms of the numbers of eggs per gram of roots, as well as in terms of the reproduction factor and reproduction index, demonstrating the efficiency of the methodology used in the selection of resistant genotypes. Thirty-one sweet potato genotypes resistant to M. enterolobii were identified as having significant potential for continuing the breeding program.The present work was designed to select for sweet potatoes clones (Ipomoea batatas) resistant to Meloidogyne enterolobii (Syn. M. mayaguensis) as well as evaluate the efficiency of the selection methods used by estimating their genetic (VCg) and environmental (VCe) variation coefficients as well as broad sense heritability. A total of 142 sweet potato genotypes were tested, including four commercial varieties (Brazlândia Rosada, Brazlândia Roxa, Brazlândia Branca, and Palmas) as well as the Santa Clara tomato cultivar (utilized as a susceptibility standard). The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, in two repetitions of six plants each. Resistance levels were classified according to the numbers of eggs per gram of roots, the reproduction factor (RF), and the reproduction index (RI) relative to the Santa Clara tomato cultivar. The b= VCg/VCe ratio and broad sense heritability were high in terms of the numbers of eggs per gram of roots, as well as in terms of the reproduction factor and reproduction index, demonstrating the efficiency of the methodology used in the selection of resistant genotypes. Thirty-one sweet potato genotypes resistant to M. enterolobii were identified as having significant potential for continuing the breeding program

    what is the evidence?

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    Background: This study's aims are to assess the current evidence presented in the literature regarding the potential risks of COVID-19 infection among pregnant women and consequent fetal transmission. Methods: a systematic literature review assessing papers published in the most comprehensive databases in the field of health intended to answer the question, "What are the effects of COVID-19 infection during pregnancy, and what is the neonatal prognosis?" Results: 49 papers published in 2020 were eligible, presenting low levels of evidence. A total of 755 pregnant women and 598 infants were assessed; more than half of pregnant women had C-sections (379/65%). Only 493 (82%) infants were tested for SARS-CoV-2, nine (2%) of whom tested positive. There is, however, no evidence of vertical transmission based on what has been assessed so far, considering there are knowledge gaps concerning the care provided during and after delivery, as well as a lack of suitable biological samples for testing SARS-CoV-2. Conclusions: We cannot rule out potential worsening of the clinical conditions of pregnant women infected with SARS-CoV-2, whether the infection is associated with comorbidities or not, due to the occurrence of respiratory disorders, cardiac rhythm disturbances, and acid-base imbalance, among others. We recommend relentless monitoring of all pregnant women in addition to testing them before delivery or the first contact with newborns.publishersversionpublishe

    Calcium and magnesium released from residues in an integrated crop-livestock system under different grazing intensities

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    Under integrated crop-livestock production systems (ICLS), plant and animal residues are important nutrient stocks for plant growth. Grazing management, by affecting the numbers of both plants and animals and the quality of residues, will influence nutrient release rates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of grazing intensity on Ca and Mg release from pasture, dung, and soybean residues in a long-term no-till integrated soybean-cattle system. The experiment was established in May 2001 in a Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico (Rhodic Hapludox). Treatments were a gradient of grazing intensity, determined by managing a black oat + Italian ryegrass pasture at 10, 20, 30, and 40 cm grazing height and no-grazing (NG), followed by soybean cropping. Ca and Mg release rates were determined in two entire cycles (2009/11). Moderate grazing (20 and 30 cm sward height) led to greater Ca and Mg release rates from pasture and dung residues, with low average half-life values (13 and 3 days for Ca and 16 and 6 days for Mg for pasture and dung, respectively). Grazing compared with NG resulted in greater Ca and Mg release from pasture and dung residues. Grazing intensity did not affect Ca and Mg release rates or amounts from soybean residues, but Ca and Mg release rates were greater from soybean leaves than from stems. Although moderate grazing intensities produce higher quality residues and higher calcium and magnesium release rates, a higher total nutrient amount is released by light grazing intensity and no-grazing, determined by higher residue production. Grazing intensity is, then, important for nutrient dynamics in the soil-plant-animal continuum

    Combining ability of determinate-growth-habit tomato hybrids resistant to Begomovirus and Tospovirus

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a capacidade combinatória de linhagens de tomateiro com hábito de crescimento determinado, com resistência múltipla a espécies dos gêneros Begomovirus e Tospovirus, e identificar combinações híbridas superiores. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, com 14 híbridos obtidos do cruzamento de sete linhagens femininas (grupo I) com duas linhagens masculinas (grupo II), em um dialelo parcial. As seguintes características agronômicas foram avaliadas: produção total, produção precoce, massa média de frutos, formato, firmeza inicial e firmeza na meia-vida. As linhagens genitoras TOM-680 e TOM-682, do grupo I, se destacaram por exibir as maiores estimativas de capacidade geral de combinação (CGC) quanto às características produção total, produção precoce e massa média de frutos, enquanto a linhagem TOM-585 se destacou quanto aos maiores valores de produção total e massa média de frutos. No grupo II, a linhagem TOM-698 apresentou estimativas superiores de CGC para as características de produção total, produção precoce, massa média dos frutos e firmeza inicial dos frutos. O híbrido TOM-682xTOM-698 apresenta as maiores estimativas de capacidade geral e específica de combinação para produção total, produção precoce e meia-vida da firmeza, e é o genótipo mais promissor entre os materiais testados.The objective of this work was to evaluate the combining ability of determinate-growth-habit tomato inbred lines with multiple resistance to Tospovirus and Begomovirus species, ant to identify superior hybrid combinations. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse, with 14 hybrids obtained from crosses of seven lines of the group I (female parents) with two lines of the group II (male parent), in a partial diallel. The following agronomical traits were assessed: total production, early production, mean fruit mass, shape, initial firmness and half life firmness. The parental lines TOM-680 and TOM-682, from group I, stand out with the largest general combining ability (GCA) concerning total production, early production and average fruit mass, while line TOM-585 stood out as to higher values of total production and average fruit mass. In group II, TOM-698 showed higher estimates of GCA as to total production, early production, average fruit mass and initial consistence of the fruits. The hybrid TOM-682xTOM-698 had the highest estimate of general and specific combining ability to total production, early production and average fruit mass, and it is the most promising genotype among the materials tested


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    In the Tapajós National Forest, it is common practice to extract latex from rubber trees, and there are two large abandoned rubber plantations named Terra Rica and Seringal do Ponte, located in this conservation area. The objective of this research was to evaluate the dendrometric and silvicultural characteristics of the rubber trees as a way of providing subsidies for their reactivation. The data used were obtained from two 100% forest inventories, carried out in 2013 and 2018, and from a sampling to investigate the relationship of dendrometric, morphometric, and competition indices for tree diameters at 1.30 m above the soil, using the Pearson correlation index. 2,965 rubber trees were inventoried in 2013 and 2,927 in 2018, presenting a density of 97.9 trees.ha-1 and 96.6 trees.ha-1, respectively. There was a difference between the total height and stem height of the rubber trees between the inventories; in diameter, the rubber trees remained the same and, in general, there were no problems of plant health in the plantations. To maintain productivity in the current settlement conditions, it is necessary to not surpass a maximum amount of 130 trees.ha-1. Degree of insolation is one of the factors that affects latex production and rubber trees in abandoned plantations are predominantly shaded, suffer losses in panel quality and show high variability of the trees' diameters and heights. This suggests the need for thinning in the plantations in order to eliminate both trees that are thinner and that grow less, thus to favor the growth of the remaining rubber trees and elevate the production.KEYWORDS: Amazon, Conservation unit, Forest management.En el Bosque Nacional Tapajós, la práctica de extraer látex de caucho es común y existen dos grandes plantaciones abandonadas, llamadas Terra Rica y Seringal do Ponte, ubicadas en esta unidad de conservación. El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar las características dendrométricas y silvícolas de los árboles de caucho como una forma de otorgar subsidios para su reactivación. Los datos utilizados se obtuvieron de dos inventarios 100% forestales, realizados en 2013 y 2018, y en una muestra para investigar la relación de índices dendrométricos, morfométricos y de competencia para diámetros de árboles a 1,30 m sobre el suelo, utilizando el índice Correlación de Pearson. Se inventariaron 2.965 árboles de caucho en 2013 y 2.927 en 2018, con una densidad de 97,9 árboles.ha-1 y 96,6 árboles.ha-1, respectivamente. Hubo una diferencia entre la altura total y la altura del tallo de los árboles de caucho entre los inventarios; de diámetro, las plantaciones de caucho permanecen iguales y, en general, no hubo problemas fitosanitarios en las plantaciones. Para mantener la productividad en las condiciones poblacionales actuales, es necesario no superar una cantidad máxima de 130 árboles.ha-1. El grado de insolación es uno de los factores que incide en la producción de látex y los árboles de caucho en las plantaciones abandonadas son predominantemente sombreadas, sufren pérdidas en la calidad del panel y muestran alta variabilidad en los diámetros y alturas de los árboles. Esto sugiere la necesidad de raleo en las plantaciones, con el fin de eliminar tanto los árboles más delgados como los que crecen menos, favoreciendo el crecimiento de los árboles de caucho remanentes y aumentando la producción.PALABRAS CLAVES: Amazonia, Unidad de conservación, Manejo forestal.Na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós é comum a prática da extração de látex de seringueira e existem dois grandes plantios abandonados,   denominados   Terra   Rica   e  Seringal   do   Ponte,localizados nessa unidade de conservação. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar  as características dendrométricas e silviculturais das seringueiras como forma de fornecer subsídios para sua reativação. Os dados utilizados foram obtidos em dois inventários florestais 100%, realizados em 2013 e 2018, e em uma amostragem para investigar a relação dos índices dendrométricos, morfométricos e de competição para diâmetros de árvores a 1,30 m acima do solo, utilizando o índice de correlação de Pearson. Foram inventariadas 2.965 seringueiras em 2013 e 2.927 em 2018, apresentando uma densidade de 97,9 árvores.ha-1 e 96,6 árvores.ha-1, respectivamente. Houve diferença entre a altura total e a altura do fuste das seringueiras entre os inventários; em diâmetro, os seringais permanecem iguais e, em geral, não houve problemas de fitossanidade nos plantios. Para manter a produtividade nas atuais condições do povoamento, é necessário não ultrapassar uma quantidade máxima de 130 árvores.ha-1. O grau de insolação é um dos fatores que afeta a produção de látex e as seringueiras em plantios abandonados são predominantemente sombreadas, sofrem perdas na qualidade do painel e mostram alta variabilidade dos diâmetros e alturas das árvores. Isso sugere a necessidade de desbaste nas plantações, a fim de eliminar tanto as árvores mais finas quanto as que crescem menos, favorecendo o crescimento das seringueiras restantes e elevando a produção. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Amazônia, Unidade de conservação, Manejo florestal


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    The specialty coffee market is still little known and underexplored in Brazil, motivating an analysis of the competitive pressures and structure of the artisan coffee roaster segment in the state of Minas Gerais, in order to better understand it and encourage the adoption of specific policies for its expansion, besides comparing it to the commodity coffee roasting segment. A multi-case study was performed with three companies in this segment through in-depth interviews with their owners. There were significant changes in the competitive forces that shape the coffee industry, when comparing the specialty and commodity coffee segments, both in intensity and in motivations. Among the suggested policies to support the specialty coffee segment are its promotion and dissemination through “consumer education” and awareness raising on the differentiated properties of these products, besides providing subsidized courses and specializations for those who wish to be involved in this marketplace

    Influence of additives in the transesterification of crude coconut oil catalyzed by Burkholderia cepacia lipase immobilized onto agro-industrial waste fibers / Influência de aditivos na transesterificação de óleo de coco bruto catalisado por lipase de Burkholderia cepacia imobilizada em fibras de resíduo agroindustrial

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    In this study was verified the influence of different additives in the transesterification reaction of the crude coconut oil catalyzed with lipase from Burkholderia cepacia  immobilized by physical adsorption onto palm fiber originated from agroindustrial wastes. Reactions was performed under the conditions: molar ratio 1:7 (oil:alcohol), 10 % biocatalyst immobilized for 96 h at 40 °C in the presence in different concentrations of additives (water, tert-butanol, molecular sieve and protic ionic liquids). The results showed that the use of all the additives in this study did not increase conversion to ethyl esters. The maximum conversion in the absence of the additives was 72 %, in the presence of water 45 ± 2 %, molecular sieve 53 ± 2 % and tert -butanol 59 ± 2 %, respectively, all in the lowest concentrations. For ionic liquids, those with higher alkyl chains had the highest conversions, but lower than in their absence

    Portugal Saúde Mental em Números, 2015

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    Como aconteceu nas edições anteriores, começamos por passar em revista os pontos relevantes desenvolvidos durante 2015 pelo Programa Nacional para a Saúde Mental (PNSM) da DGS, nem todos traduzíveis em quadros e figuras, o principal conteúdo deste relatório

    Enxaqueca hemiplégica familiar - um relato de caso / Familial hemiplegic migraine - a case report

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    A enxaqueca hemiplégica familiar (EHF) é um subtipo de enxaqueca com aura, caracterizado por fraqueza motora, em que ao menos um familiar de primeiro ou segundo grau também possua o mesmo diagnóstico. A sua sintomatologia está relacionada aos sintomas clássicos da aura, descritos acima, e à cefaleia, logo, o paciente pode apresentar perturbações na consciência, hemianopsia, afasia, letargia, hemiparesia, disfagia, febre, confusão mental, sendo, muitas vezes, confundida e tratada como epilepsia (2–6)

    Desfecho atípico de colesteatoma de orelha média: relato de caso

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    O presente estudo objetivou descrever um caso de colesteatoma de orelha média com recidiva após remoção cirúrgica, seguido por desfecho atípico. Paciente do sexo masculino, 40 anos, procurou atendimento médico com queixa de otalgia e plenitude auricular em ouvido esquerdo. Foi realizada ressonância magnética que evidenciou conteúdo líquido e células mastoideas ocupando a cavidade timpânica esquerda, com focos de restrição à difusão na caixa timpânica e antro medindo cerca de 1,4 cm, sendo compatível com colesteatoma de orelha média esquerda. O paciente foi, então, submetido a dois procedimentos cirúrgicos (uma timpanoplastia endoscópica e uma mastoidectomia fechada), num intervalo de quatro meses, para remoção total do tumor. Após 3 anos e 6 meses, o paciente apresentou recidiva para o colesteatoma. No dia anterior à cirurgia marcada para remoção do tumor recidivado, foi constatado, por ressonância magnética, a ausência do colesteatoma, o que sugere uma cura espontânea. A cura ou desaparecimento natural do tumor abre novas perspectivas de investigação para as ciências médicas