35 research outputs found

    L'innovation technologique face au changement climatique : quelle est la position de la France ?

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    Cet article propose une analyse statistique du positionnement et de la performance de la France en matiĂšre de technologies de lutte contre le rĂ©chauffement climatique. La mĂ©thodologie s'appuie sur une base de donnĂ©es dĂ©crivant l'ensemble des dĂ©pĂŽts de brevets entre 1980 et 2008 dans 17 classes technologiques couvrant un large spectre de technologies liĂ©es au climat. Avec 5,2% des inventions brevetĂ©es en moyenne en 2008 dans les technologies Ă©tudiĂ©es, la France est en moyenne au 5Ăšme rang mondial dans un classement dominĂ© par les Etats-Unis, le Japon, la CorĂ©e du Sud et l'Allemagne. 20% des dĂ©pĂŽts de brevet en France proviennent du secteur public, contre 10% dans les autres pays industrialisĂ©s. Plus de la moitiĂ© des inventions "climat" françaises sont protĂ©gĂ©s dans des pays Ă©trangers, soit 1,5 fois plus que la moyenne mondiale. L'analyse par domaine technologique met en Ă©vidence un positionnement faible de la France dans les Ă©nergies renouvelables, dans lesquelles l'innovation est pourtant la plus dynamique au niveau mondial. En revanche, son positionnement est fort dans des secteurs comme le nuclĂ©aire (mĂȘme si elle n'arrive qu'au troisiĂšme rang derriĂšre le Japon et les Etats-Unis), la capture et sĂ©questration du carbone (CSC), l'isolation, le ciment, le chauffage, l'hydraulique et les vĂ©hicules Ă©lectriques et hybrides, oĂč elle tire parti de la prĂ©sence et du potentiel innovant des grandes firmes françaises d'envergure internationale (Air Liquide, Alstom, Areva, ElectricitĂ© de France, Lafarge, PSA Peugeot CitroĂ«n, Renault, Saint-Gobain, Schlumberger) et des organismes publics de recherche scientifique (CNRS, Commissariat Ă  l'Energie Atomique, Institut Français du PĂ©trole)

    The complete genome sequence of Xanthomonas albilineans provides new insights into the reductive genome evolution of the xylem-limited Xanthomonadaceae

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The <it>Xanthomonadaceae </it>family contains two xylem-limited plant pathogenic bacterial species, <it>Xanthomonas albilineans </it>and <it>Xylella fastidiosa</it>. <it>X. fastidiosa </it>was the first completely sequenced plant pathogen. It is insect-vectored, has a reduced genome and does not possess <it>hrp </it>genes which encode a Type III secretion system found in most plant pathogenic bacteria. <it>X. fastidiosa </it>was excluded from the <it>Xanthomonas </it>group based on phylogenetic analyses with rRNA sequences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The complete genome of <it>X. albilineans </it>was sequenced and annotated. <it>X. albilineans</it>, which is not known to be insect-vectored, also has a reduced genome and does not possess <it>hrp </it>genes. Phylogenetic analysis using <it>X. albilineans </it>genomic sequences showed that <it>X. fastidiosa </it>belongs to the <it>Xanthomonas </it>group. Order of divergence of the <it>Xanthomonadaceae </it>revealed that <it>X. albilineans </it>and <it>X. fastidiosa </it>experienced a convergent reductive genome evolution during their descent from the progenitor of the <it>Xanthomonas </it>genus. Reductive genome evolutions of the two xylem-limited <it>Xanthomonadaceae </it>were compared in light of their genome characteristics and those of obligate animal symbionts and pathogens.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The two xylem-limited <it>Xanthomonadaceae</it>, during their descent from a common ancestral parent, experienced a convergent reductive genome evolution. Adaptation to the nutrient-poor xylem elements and to the cloistered environmental niche of xylem vessels probably favoured this convergent evolution. However, genome characteristics of <it>X. albilineans </it>differ from those of <it>X. fastidiosa </it>and obligate animal symbionts and pathogens, indicating that a distinctive process was responsible for the reductive genome evolution in this pathogen. The possible role in genome reduction of the unique toxin albicidin, produced by <it>X. albilineans</it>, is discussed.</p

    Hadron cascades in CORSIKA 8

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    We present characteristics of hadronic cascades from interactions of cosmic rays in the atmosphere, simulated by the novel CORSIKA 8 framework. The simulated spectra of secondaries, such as pions, kaons, baryons and muons, are compared with the cascade equations solvers MCEq in air shower mode, and full 3D air shower Monte Carlo simulations using the legacy CORSIKA 7. A novel capability of CORSIKA 8 is the simulation of cascades in media other than air, widening the scope of potential applications. We demonstrate this by simulating cosmic ray showers in the Mars atmosphere, as well as simulating a shower traversing from air into water. The CORSIKA 8 framework demonstrates good accuracy and robustness in comparison with previous results, in particular in those relevant for the production of muons in air showers. Furthermore, the impact of forward ρ0^{0} production on air showers is studied and illustrated

    HPC code optimization for gamma ray experiments

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    Avec l’explosion des besoins en calcul des projets de recherche en physique et en as-trophysique des hautes Ă©nergies, dans un contexte oĂč la sobriĂ©tĂ© Ă©nergĂ©tique est devenuela norme, l’optimisation des codes scientifiques constitue un enjeu majeur. Dans cetteoptique, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© les possibilitĂ©s d’optimisation du programme de simulationMonte-Carlo CORSIKA 7, utilisĂ© par des nombreuses communautĂ©s scientifiques, dontl’observatoire en astronomie gamma CTA.Dans le cadre de CTA, ces simulations sont dĂ©coupĂ©es en dizaines de millier de tĂąches indĂ©-pendantes et distribuĂ©es sur les centres de la grille de calcul europĂ©enne pour une consom-mation totale d’environ 100 millions d’heures CPU normalisĂ©es (HS06). Une contrainteforte du projet Ă©tait donc de garantir la portabilitĂ© du code sur des centres de calcul Ă©qui-pĂ©s de diffĂ©rents modĂšles et gĂ©nĂ©rations de CPU. De plus, afin que la nouvelle version deCORSIKA soit adoptĂ©e rapidement par le projet CTA, l’objectif Ă©tait Ă©galement de re-produire les rĂ©sultats numĂ©riques de la version d’origine. Compte tenu du cadre applicatifet de la nature du programme, nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  optimiser les performances au niveaudu cƓur CPU, Ă  travers notamment des techniques de vectorisation SIMD, d’optimisationdes accĂšs mĂ©moire, etc.Le rĂ©sultat final de ces travaux est un gain d’un facteur 1.26 en temps de calcul, ce quireprĂ©sente une Ă©conomie d’environ 20 millions d’heures par an pour le projet CTA. Nousavons Ă©galement vĂ©rifiĂ© la validitĂ© des rĂ©sultats numĂ©riques obtenus avec cette nouvelleversion en les comparant avec ceux de la version d’origine.En nous appuyant sur ces travaux, nous avons par la suite contribuĂ© au projet COR-SIKA 8, visant Ă  rĂ©-Ă©crire CORSIKA de façon plus modulaire et flexible en C++17, laversion d’origine Ă©tant Ă©crite en Fortran77 et en C. Notre contribution principale a Ă©tĂ©le dĂ©veloppement d’un module dĂ©diĂ© au processus physique d’émission Cherenkov, l’undes principaux modules utilisĂ© par la collaboration CTA.Tout au long du travail d’optimisation et de dĂ©veloppement nous nous sommes fortementappuyĂ©s sur plusieurs outils de profilage. L’expĂ©rience d’utilisation de ces diffĂ©rents outilsnous a conduit Ă  proposer une nouvelle approche pour l’analyse de code basĂ©e sur lescompteurs de performance et la dĂ©tection de phases. Nous avons implĂ©mentĂ© en partiecette approche dans l’outil PALPATINE, destinĂ© Ă  un public de scientifiques non spĂ©-cialistes en informatique, et dont l’objectif est de permettre de localiser rapidement lesparties du programme Ă  optimiser tout en restant facile d’utilisation et portable sur ungrand nombre de processeurs.With the increase of the computing needs of high energy physics and astrophysicsexperiments, in a context where the energetic efficiency becomes the rule, the optimizationof scientific codes plays a major role. In this context, we have studied the optimizationpossibilities of the Monte-Carlo simulation software CORSIKA 7, widely used by severalscientific communities, like the CTA gamma-ray observatory.Within the CTA collaboration, massive simulations are realized by distributing tens ofthousands of independent computing tasks across the computing centers of the europeangrid, for an overall consumption of about 100 million normalized CPU hours (HS06). Astrong requirement of the project was to guarantee code portability across all these centersequipped with different models and generations of CPU. Moreover, in order to make thenew version of CORSIKA quickly adopted by the CTA collaboration, it was required toreproduce exactly the same numerical results than the original version. Given the currentuse case and the nature of the program, we have tried to optimize single-core performances,using different methods like SIMD vectorization, memory access optimization, etc.The final result of this work is a speed-up of 1.26 in execution time, which represents aneconomy of about 20 million normalized CPU hours per year for the CTA project. Thenumerical results have also been validated against the original version.Benefiting of this work, we have then contributed to the CORSIKA 8 project for there-writing of CORSIKA in a more modular and flexible way in C++17 language, theoriginal version being written in Fortran 77 and C. Our main contribution was thedevelopment of a new module treating the physics process of Cherenkov emission, one ofthe most CPU time consuming in CTA simulations. CTA simulations.All along the above-mentioned optimization and development work, we have been stronglyrelying on several profiling tools. The experience gained with all these tools motivated usto propose a new approach for code analysis, based on performance counters and phasedetection. We have implemented partly this approach in a new tool called PALPATINE,aiming to quickly identify the portions of code to optimize while remaining portable acrossseveral platforms and easy to use

    Optimisation de code HPC pour les expériences en rayons gamma

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    With the increase of the computing needs of high energy physics and astrophysicsexperiments, in a context where the energetic efficiency becomes the rule, the optimizationof scientific codes plays a major role. In this context, we have studied the optimizationpossibilities of the Monte-Carlo simulation software CORSIKA 7, widely used by severalscientific communities, like the CTA gamma-ray observatory.Within the CTA collaboration, massive simulations are realized by distributing tens ofthousands of independent computing tasks across the computing centers of the europeangrid, for an overall consumption of about 100 million normalized CPU hours (HS06). Astrong requirement of the project was to guarantee code portability across all these centersequipped with different models and generations of CPU. Moreover, in order to make thenew version of CORSIKA quickly adopted by the CTA collaboration, it was required toreproduce exactly the same numerical results than the original version. Given the currentuse case and the nature of the program, we have tried to optimize single-core performances,using different methods like SIMD vectorization, memory access optimization, etc.The final result of this work is a speed-up of 1.26 in execution time, which represents aneconomy of about 20 million normalized CPU hours per year for the CTA project. Thenumerical results have also been validated against the original version.Benefiting of this work, we have then contributed to the CORSIKA 8 project for there-writing of CORSIKA in a more modular and flexible way in C++17 language, theoriginal version being written in Fortran 77 and C. Our main contribution was thedevelopment of a new module treating the physics process of Cherenkov emission, one ofthe most CPU time consuming in CTA simulations. CTA simulations.All along the above-mentioned optimization and development work, we have been stronglyrelying on several profiling tools. The experience gained with all these tools motivated usto propose a new approach for code analysis, based on performance counters and phasedetection. We have implemented partly this approach in a new tool called PALPATINE,aiming to quickly identify the portions of code to optimize while remaining portable acrossseveral platforms and easy to use.Avec l’explosion des besoins en calcul des projets de recherche en physique et en as-trophysique des hautes Ă©nergies, dans un contexte oĂč la sobriĂ©tĂ© Ă©nergĂ©tique est devenuela norme, l’optimisation des codes scientifiques constitue un enjeu majeur. Dans cetteoptique, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© les possibilitĂ©s d’optimisation du programme de simulationMonte-Carlo CORSIKA 7, utilisĂ© par des nombreuses communautĂ©s scientifiques, dontl’observatoire en astronomie gamma CTA.Dans le cadre de CTA, ces simulations sont dĂ©coupĂ©es en dizaines de millier de tĂąches indĂ©-pendantes et distribuĂ©es sur les centres de la grille de calcul europĂ©enne pour une consom-mation totale d’environ 100 millions d’heures CPU normalisĂ©es (HS06). Une contrainteforte du projet Ă©tait donc de garantir la portabilitĂ© du code sur des centres de calcul Ă©qui-pĂ©s de diffĂ©rents modĂšles et gĂ©nĂ©rations de CPU. De plus, afin que la nouvelle version deCORSIKA soit adoptĂ©e rapidement par le projet CTA, l’objectif Ă©tait Ă©galement de re-produire les rĂ©sultats numĂ©riques de la version d’origine. Compte tenu du cadre applicatifet de la nature du programme, nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  optimiser les performances au niveaudu cƓur CPU, Ă  travers notamment des techniques de vectorisation SIMD, d’optimisationdes accĂšs mĂ©moire, etc.Le rĂ©sultat final de ces travaux est un gain d’un facteur 1.26 en temps de calcul, ce quireprĂ©sente une Ă©conomie d’environ 20 millions d’heures par an pour le projet CTA. Nousavons Ă©galement vĂ©rifiĂ© la validitĂ© des rĂ©sultats numĂ©riques obtenus avec cette nouvelleversion en les comparant avec ceux de la version d’origine.En nous appuyant sur ces travaux, nous avons par la suite contribuĂ© au projet COR-SIKA 8, visant Ă  rĂ©-Ă©crire CORSIKA de façon plus modulaire et flexible en C++17, laversion d’origine Ă©tant Ă©crite en Fortran77 et en C. Notre contribution principale a Ă©tĂ©le dĂ©veloppement d’un module dĂ©diĂ© au processus physique d’émission Cherenkov, l’undes principaux modules utilisĂ© par la collaboration CTA.Tout au long du travail d’optimisation et de dĂ©veloppement nous nous sommes fortementappuyĂ©s sur plusieurs outils de profilage. L’expĂ©rience d’utilisation de ces diffĂ©rents outilsnous a conduit Ă  proposer une nouvelle approche pour l’analyse de code basĂ©e sur lescompteurs de performance et la dĂ©tection de phases. Nous avons implĂ©mentĂ© en partiecette approche dans l’outil PALPATINE, destinĂ© Ă  un public de scientifiques non spĂ©-cialistes en informatique, et dont l’objectif est de permettre de localiser rapidement lesparties du programme Ă  optimiser tout en restant facile d’utilisation et portable sur ungrand nombre de processeurs

    Optimisation de code HPC pour les expériences en rayons gamma

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    With the increase of the computing needs of high energy physics and astrophysicsexperiments, in a context where the energetic efficiency becomes the rule, the optimizationof scientific codes plays a major role. In this context, we have studied the optimizationpossibilities of the Monte-Carlo simulation software CORSIKA 7, widely used by severalscientific communities, like the CTA gamma-ray observatory.Within the CTA collaboration, massive simulations are realized by distributing tens ofthousands of independent computing tasks across the computing centers of the europeangrid, for an overall consumption of about 100 million normalized CPU hours (HS06). Astrong requirement of the project was to guarantee code portability across all these centersequipped with different models and generations of CPU. Moreover, in order to make thenew version of CORSIKA quickly adopted by the CTA collaboration, it was required toreproduce exactly the same numerical results than the original version. Given the currentuse case and the nature of the program, we have tried to optimize single-core performances,using different methods like SIMD vectorization, memory access optimization, etc.The final result of this work is a speed-up of 1.26 in execution time, which represents aneconomy of about 20 million normalized CPU hours per year for the CTA project. Thenumerical results have also been validated against the original version.Benefiting of this work, we have then contributed to the CORSIKA 8 project for there-writing of CORSIKA in a more modular and flexible way in C++17 language, theoriginal version being written in Fortran 77 and C. Our main contribution was thedevelopment of a new module treating the physics process of Cherenkov emission, one ofthe most CPU time consuming in CTA simulations. CTA simulations.All along the above-mentioned optimization and development work, we have been stronglyrelying on several profiling tools. The experience gained with all these tools motivated usto propose a new approach for code analysis, based on performance counters and phasedetection. We have implemented partly this approach in a new tool called PALPATINE,aiming to quickly identify the portions of code to optimize while remaining portable acrossseveral platforms and easy to use.Avec l’explosion des besoins en calcul des projets de recherche en physique et en as-trophysique des hautes Ă©nergies, dans un contexte oĂč la sobriĂ©tĂ© Ă©nergĂ©tique est devenuela norme, l’optimisation des codes scientifiques constitue un enjeu majeur. Dans cetteoptique, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© les possibilitĂ©s d’optimisation du programme de simulationMonte-Carlo CORSIKA 7, utilisĂ© par des nombreuses communautĂ©s scientifiques, dontl’observatoire en astronomie gamma CTA.Dans le cadre de CTA, ces simulations sont dĂ©coupĂ©es en dizaines de millier de tĂąches indĂ©-pendantes et distribuĂ©es sur les centres de la grille de calcul europĂ©enne pour une consom-mation totale d’environ 100 millions d’heures CPU normalisĂ©es (HS06). Une contrainteforte du projet Ă©tait donc de garantir la portabilitĂ© du code sur des centres de calcul Ă©qui-pĂ©s de diffĂ©rents modĂšles et gĂ©nĂ©rations de CPU. De plus, afin que la nouvelle version deCORSIKA soit adoptĂ©e rapidement par le projet CTA, l’objectif Ă©tait Ă©galement de re-produire les rĂ©sultats numĂ©riques de la version d’origine. Compte tenu du cadre applicatifet de la nature du programme, nous avons cherchĂ© Ă  optimiser les performances au niveaudu cƓur CPU, Ă  travers notamment des techniques de vectorisation SIMD, d’optimisationdes accĂšs mĂ©moire, etc.Le rĂ©sultat final de ces travaux est un gain d’un facteur 1.26 en temps de calcul, ce quireprĂ©sente une Ă©conomie d’environ 20 millions d’heures par an pour le projet CTA. Nousavons Ă©galement vĂ©rifiĂ© la validitĂ© des rĂ©sultats numĂ©riques obtenus avec cette nouvelleversion en les comparant avec ceux de la version d’origine.En nous appuyant sur ces travaux, nous avons par la suite contribuĂ© au projet COR-SIKA 8, visant Ă  rĂ©-Ă©crire CORSIKA de façon plus modulaire et flexible en C++17, laversion d’origine Ă©tant Ă©crite en Fortran77 et en C. Notre contribution principale a Ă©tĂ©le dĂ©veloppement d’un module dĂ©diĂ© au processus physique d’émission Cherenkov, l’undes principaux modules utilisĂ© par la collaboration CTA.Tout au long du travail d’optimisation et de dĂ©veloppement nous nous sommes fortementappuyĂ©s sur plusieurs outils de profilage. L’expĂ©rience d’utilisation de ces diffĂ©rents outilsnous a conduit Ă  proposer une nouvelle approche pour l’analyse de code basĂ©e sur lescompteurs de performance et la dĂ©tection de phases. Nous avons implĂ©mentĂ© en partiecette approche dans l’outil PALPATINE, destinĂ© Ă  un public de scientifiques non spĂ©-cialistes en informatique, et dont l’objectif est de permettre de localiser rapidement lesparties du programme Ă  optimiser tout en restant facile d’utilisation et portable sur ungrand nombre de processeurs

    Genome Sequence of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris Strain Xca5.

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    International audienceAn annotated high-quality draft genome sequence for Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris race 1 strain Xca5 (originally described as X. campestris pv. armoraciae), the causal agent of black rot on Brassicaceae plants, has been determined. This genome sequence is a valuable resource for comparative genomics within the campestris pathovar

    Cluster analysis of acoustic emission data to investigate the damage evolution in modified scarf joint under bi-axial loading

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    International audienceNon-destructive monitoring of damage evolution within material or bonding assembly becomes an essential tool to better understand its mechanical behavior, and therefore to prevent failure risks of engineering structures that involve adhesive bonding matters. This paper presents the experimental results of monotonic tests that were conducted firstly to investigate the effects of bi-axial loadings (with different shear/peel ratios) on the mechanical damage evolution of metal/metal bonded joint, and secondly to both detect and identify the acoustic emission (AE) signatures of the different failure mechanisms involved in the bonded joint damage. Results from specimens with modified scarf joint show that the loading configuration (shear/peel ratio) strongly influences the normal stiffness of the adhesively-bonded joint. For each loading configuration, repetitive tests were performed, and loading rate effects on the mechanical behavior of adhesively-bonded joint were analyzed. In addition to these results, a k-means++ algorithm was used to achieve a cluster analysis of AE data, and to allow AE events that were generated by damage evolution of the bonded joint to be identified. A particular AE signature is highlighted since it allows monitoring damage evolution of the adhesively-bonded joint. Test results also show that the highest value of acoustic energy is detected when the slope of the mechanical behavior curve (macroscopic scale) drastically changes. This finding is used to perform a real-time detection of the adhesive yield strength