1,076 research outputs found

    Caracterización Productiva de los Sistemas Ganaderos y el Manejo del Recurso Pastizal en el Cantón Joya de los Sachas

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    The objective of the present work was to characterize the livestock systems in the Canton of Joya de los Sachas, Orellana Province of the Amazonian Region of Ecuador, an assessment of the technical-productive indicators was made to 50 livestock farms selected at random and located within a radius of 61 km of the headquarters of the Academic Center of the North Amazonian Extension of the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo. The data was obtained by means of a survey applied to the owners of the farms related to the grassland resource, animal population, infrastructure and equipment, feeding management and production destination. The statistical analysis was descriptive. The farms are oriented to the double purpose (65%), with paddocks of variable size, the average being 16 ha, where continuous rotational grazing prevails (95%). The average surface area with introduced pasture is 8 ha. The values of grass utilization, both cow / ha were 5.6 and 0.2, respectively, for the area with introduced pasture. Livestock farms in the Canton of Joya de los Sachas were characterized for being intensive, with small areas of pasture introduced and with little technical-productive investment. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar los sistemas ganaderos en el Cantón Joya de los Sacha, Provincia de Orellana de la Región Amazónica del Ecuador, se realizó una valoración de los indicadores técnicos-productivos a 50 fincas ganaderas seleccionadas al azar y ubicadas en un radio de 61 km de la sede del Centro académico de la Extensión Norte Amazónica de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Los datos fueron obtenidos mediante una encuesta aplicada a los propietarios de las fincas referida al recurso pastizal, población animal, infraestructura y equipo, manejo de la alimentación y destino de la producción. El análisis estadístico fue descriptivo. Las fincas están orientadas al doble propósito (65%), con potreros de tamaño variables, siendo el promedio 16 ha, donde prevalece el pastoreo rotacional continuo (95%). El promedio de la superficie con pastura introducidas es de 8 ha. Los valores de utilización del pasto, tanto vaca/ha fueron 5,6 y 0,2, respectivamente, para la superficie con pasto introducido. Las explotaciones ganaderas en el Cantón Joya de los Sachas se caracterizaron por ser intensivo, con pequeñas áreas de pasto introducido y con poca inversión técnica-productiva

    Characterization of Cattle Farms for Rural Extension Work in Ecuador I. Determination of the main heterogeneities

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    ABSTRACTEighty-two cattle farmers were surveyed to determine the main variables involved in cattle farm heterogeneity for rural extension work in Chunchi canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador. The dimension reduction method suggested by Cabrera  et al.  (2004) was applied. Eight factors derived from the study: PCA (4) was made  to variables invest-ment in pastures and monthly milk income (F1); cattle fattening time (F2); total area (F3), and related farm members (F4). Whereas MCA (4) included variables missing indispensable service and applicability of state of the art techno l-ogy on the farm (D1); personnel in emergency situations (D2); breed or crossbreds (D3), and farm technology (D4)

    Characterization of Cattle Farms for Rural Extension Work in Ecuador II. Classification

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    The aims of this paper were to classify cattle farms by multivariate statistics, and to characterize the groups of cattle farms of two parishes in Chunchi canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador, for rural extension work. The factors achieved in the reduction of dimensions (8) were used to make hierarchical clustering analysis based on the Ward´s method, with an Euclidean distance cut of 15. Four groups were made and named after the appearance frequency. The groups were characterized using the central tendency and frequency distribution. Group 4 was superior in terms of area, though all the farms studied may be regarded as small, according to the classification of the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC). The number of trees was lower in group 2, suggesting interest in intensification based on space. Group 4 had more cows, thus recurring to concentrated feeds more often. Group 1 reported the need for more training. It was concluded that groups 1 and 3 required greater support from the rural extension system; whereas group 4 showed traits of numerical superiority of the variables. Accordingly, an efficiency study of the groups identified is suggested

    Caracterización de fincas ganaderas vacunas para el trabajo de extensión rural en Ecuador. I. Determinación de las principales heterogeneidades.

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    Con el objetivo de  determinar las principales variables que influyen en la heterogeneidad de las fincas ganaderas vacunas para el trabajo de extensión rural en el Cantón Chunchi de la provincia Chimborazo en Ecuador, se encuestaron 82 productores de ganado vacuno.  Se procedió en base a la metodología de Cabrera et al.  (2004), reducción dimensional. De este procedimiento se obtuvieron ocho factores:  en el ACP (4) destacan las variables como inversión en pastos e ingreso mensual por leche (F1), tiempo que  toma engordar un vacuno (F2), área total del predio (F3) y los miembros familiares en finca (F4). Para el ACM (4) resaltan variables como servicio prioritario faltante y aplicabilidad de tecnologías de punta en la finca (D1), a quién acude en situaciones emergentes (D2), raza o cruce (D3) y tecnologías en la finca (D4).Characterization of Cattle Farms for Rural Extension Work in Chunchi Canton, Chimborazo Province, Ecuador I. Determination of Main Heterogeneities.ABSTRACTEighty-two cattle farmers were surveyed to determine the main variables involved in cattle farm heterogeneity for rural extension work in Chunchi canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador. The dimension reduction method suggested by Cabrera  et al. (2004) was applied. Eight factors derived  from the study:  PCA  (4), especially  to  variables investment in pastures and monthly milk income (F1); cattle fattening time (F2); total area (F3), and related farm members (F4). Concerning MCA (4), variables missing indispensable service and applicability of state of the art technology on the farm (D1); personnel in emergency situations (D2); breed or crossin gs (D3), and farm technology (D4)

    Caracterización de fincas ganaderas vacunas para el trabajo de extensión rural en Ecuador. II. Clasificación.

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     El trabajo tuvo como objetivos clasificar mediante estadística multivariada las fincas ganaderas vacunas de dos parroquias del Cantón Chunchi de la provincia Chimborazo en Ecuador, y caracterizar los grupos de fincas ganaderas vacunas para el trabajo de extensión rural. Con los factores (8) obtenidos de la reducción de dimensiones,  se realizó un análisis cluster jerárquico usando el método de Ward con corte a una distancia euclidiana de 15, se obtuvieron cuatro grupos nombrados por la frecuencia de aparición, se caracterizó  a los grupos (1, 2, 3, 4)  mediante medidas de tendencia central y distribución de frecuencias. El grupo 4 tiene superioridad en superficie,  pero todas  las fincas estudiadas pueden ser encasilladas como pequeñas en la clasificación del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos (INEC); el número de árboles es menor en el grupo 2, deduciéndose un interés de intensificación del sistema en base al espacio; el grupo 4 presenta mayor número de vacas y recurre en mayor proporción al alimento concentrado. En el grupo 1 se reporta necesidad de capacitación alta. Se concluye que  el grupo 1 y  el grupo 3 requieren de un apoyo mayor del sistema de extensión rural y el grupo 4 muestra rasgos de superioridad numérica en las variables, por lo que se sugiere un estudio de eficiencia en los grupos encontrados.Characterization of Cattle Farms for Rural Extension Work in Chunchi Canton, Chimborazo Province, Ecuador.ABSTRACTThe aims of this paper were to classify cattle farms by Multivariate statistics, and to characterize the groups of cattle farms of two parishes in Chunchi canton, Chimborazo province, Ecuador, for rural   extension work.  The factors achieved in the reduction of dimensions (8) were used to make hierarchical clustering analysis  based on the Ward´s method, with an Euclidean distance cut of 15. Four groups were made and named after the appearance frequency. The groups were characterized by means of central tendency and frequency distribution. Group 4 was superior in terms of surface area, but all the farms studied may be regarded as small, according to the classification of the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC).  Number of trees was lower in group 2, suggesting interest in intensification based on space. Group 4 had more cows, thus recurring to concentrated feeds  more often. Group 1 reported the need for more training. It was concluded that groups 1 and 3 required greater support from the rural extension system; group 4 showed traits of numerical superiority of the variables. Accordingly, an efficiency study o f the groups identified is suggested.

    Caracterización de los Sistemas Ganaderos de Aptitud Lechera en el Valle del Quijos, Provincia del Napo, Ecuador

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    This paper focuses on identifying and characterizing the structure, function, as well as the use of technology of the livestock systems on the spatial, socioeconomic, and environmental dynamics in which livestock is developed in the Quijos Valley (Ecuador). The methodology was based on bibliographic exploration and fieldwork through observation and surveys applied in 70 farms in the region. As a result of the statistical analysis, the existence of four livestock typologies was characterized; G1 without the use of technology, G2 little use of technology, G3 semi-technified, G4 technified. In the first three (93.17% of the total), the forest component covers a very high percentage in relation to the size of the farms. In these groups, it shows silvopastoral systems (SSP) in high densities of trees per hectare under spatial arrangementssuch as live fences and scattered paddocks. We also have several bovine biotypes. For the first livestock typologies G1, G2 and G3, mestizo breed animals (Brown Swiss, Holstein, Norman) predominate with dual purpose productive orientation (meat and milk). The composition of the herd shows an atypical distribution in the first two typologies. This is because there is no balance according to each bovine category, thus having a significant effect on productivity. Meanwhile in the group of high use of technology, there are bovine animals of pure milk production or crosses (Jersey, Holstein). It is concluded that there is a wide divergence between the livestock systems identified and characterized in the Quijos Valley. Thus, the measure gained in intensification has been lost in conservation.Este trabajo permitió identificar y caracterizar la estructura, función, así como el uso de tecnología de los sistemas ganaderos, sobre las dinámicas espaciales, socioeconómicas y ambientales en las cuales se desarrolla la ganadería en el Valle del Quijos (Ecuador). La metodología se basó en la exploración bibliográfica y el trabajo de campo por medio de observación y encuestas aplicadas en 70 fincas de la región. Como resultado del análisis estadístico, se caracterizó la existencia de cuatro tipologías ganaderas; G1 sin uso de tecnología, G2 poco uso de tecnología, G3 semitecnificadas, G4 tecnificadas. En las tres primeras (93.17 % del total), el componente boscoso cubre un porcentaje muy alto en relación con el tamaño de las fincas, encontrando en estos grupossistemassilvopastoriles(SSP) en altas densidades de árboles por hectárea bajo arreglos espaciales como cercas vivas y dispersos en potreros. Igualmente tenemos varios biotipos bovinos, en donde para las primeras tipologías ganaderas G1, G2 y G3, predominan animales mestizos de razas (Brown Swiss, Holstein, Normando) con orientación productiva doble propósito (carne y leche); la composición del hato muestra una distribución atípica en las dos primeras tipologías, al no existir equilibrio de acuerdo con cada categoría bovina, afectando así la productividad. Mientras tanto en el grupo de alto uso de tecnología, se tienen bovinos de razas de producción de leche puras o en cruces (Jersey, Holstein). Se concluye que existe una amplia divergencia entre los sistemas ganaderos identificados y caracterizados en el Valle del Quijos y que, a medida que se ha ganado en intensificación, se ha perdido en conservación

    Caracterización de sistemas apícolas en la zona centro del Ecuador

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    Con la finalidad de caracterizar sistemas apícolas en las provincias de Tungurahua y Chimborazo de la República del Ecuador para el trabajo de extensión rural, se recolectó información cuantitativa y cualitativa de 131 productores encuestados en ambas provincias que fueron caracterizados mediante seis variables cuantitativas y veinte y cuatro cualitativas. Esta información fue analizada mediante técnicas de estadística multivariada exploratoria (análisis de correspondencias múltiples y de conglomerados), para generar tres sistemas apícolas: SA 1 (33 %), SA 2 (22 %) y SA 3 (45 %). La caracterización de cada uno de los grupos se realizó utilizando estadística de tendencia central. En el primer sistema apícola posee mayor experiencia, practica la trashumancia, realiza mayor número de cosechas en el año y presenta deficiencias en asesoramiento sanitario, capital para invertir y conocimientos para alimentar sus colmenas. Las explotaciones en el segundo sistema apícola se caracterizan por el mayor grado de escolaridad de sus propietarios, ingresos económicos y capacitación, en contraposición con la falta de capital para invertir. Con estos y otros resultados se concluye que SA 3 es el grupo con mayores necesidades de apoyo en cuanto a la extensión rural; finalmente se recomienda replicar la investigación con un alcance regional y realizar análisis de eficiencia productiva para los grupos más significativos.  ABSTRACT Six quantitative and twenty-four qualitative variables were used to characterize agricultural systems for rural extension actions in the provinces of Tungurahua and Chimborazo, Republic of Ecuador, for which information was collected from 131 farmers in both provinces. The information was analyzed through exploratory multivariate statistics (multiple correspondence and cluster analyses), and three beekeeping systems were generated: SA 1 (33 %), SA 2 (22 %) and SA 3 (45 %). Group characterization was made using central trend statistics. The first farm system determined after the analysis is more experienced, with transhumance practices, and the largest number of annual harvests, though it is deficient in sanitary advice, lacks investment capital and know-how to feed the hives. The second farm system was characterized by having a more instructed staff, higher income and training, but lacks investment capital. The previous results led to the conclusion that SA 3 was the group with the greatest needs of support concerning rural extension. Accordingly, it was recommended to replicate this research at a regional scale, and carry out analysis of production efficiency for the most significant groups

    Resolution and Kinematics of Molecular Gas Surrounding the Cloverleaf Quasar at z=2.6 Using the Gravitational Lens

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    Gravitational lenses have long been advertised as primitive telescopes, capable of magnifying cosmologically distant sources (Zwicky 1937). In this Letter, we present new 0''.9 resolution CO (7-6) observations of the z=2.56 Cloverleaf quasar (H 1413+117) and spatially resolved images. By modeling the gravitational lens, we infer a size scale of 0''.3 (~1 kpc) for the molecular gas structure surrounding the quasar, and the gas has a kinematic structure roughly consistent with a rotating disk. The observed properties of the CO emitting gas are similar to the nuclear starburst complexes found in the infrared luminous galaxies in the local universe, and metal enrichment by vigorous star formation within this massive nuclear gas complex can explain the abundance of carbon and oxygen in the interstellar medium of this system observed when the universe was only a few billion years old. Obtaining corresponding details in an unlensed object at similar distances would be well beyond the reach of current instruments, and this study highlights the less exploited yet powerful use of a gravitational lens as a natural telescope.Comment: To appear in Astrophysical Journal. 10 pages, 2 postscript figures, uses aaspp4.st

    The validity and reliability of a novel mobile app to measure agility performance in the physically active youth population

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    Agility is a key component of physical fitness in adolescents. However, the measurement of this variable is usually complex, requiring high cost instruments and complex software. To test the validity and reliabilityof a novel iPhone app (Lap Tracker Auto-timer) to measure agility performance among adolescents.Twenty-four physically active adolescents (15.7 ± 2.3 years old) participated in two testing sessions (separated by 7 days). They performed three 4 x 10 m agility test trials measured by Photocell or the iPhone app.The correlation analysis revealed high validity (r = .92; 95% confidence interval [CI] = .88 –.95), with a standard error of the estimate of 0.56 s (p < 0.001). The coefficient of variation (CV; 0.09) and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC; .93; 95% CI = .85 –.97) showed an acceptable reliability.This study demonstrated that the iPhone App Lap Tracker Auto-timer could be a valid, reliable and low-cost tool to evaluate agility performance in adolescents. However, more studies are required to guarantee the utility of this app