48 research outputs found

    Xarxes neuronals VLSI d'alta velocitat/capacitat

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzad

    Analysis and design of a subtitling system for ambient intelligence environments

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    The development of ubiquitous applications for ambient intelligence environments needs to also take into account some usability and accessibility issues in order to ensure a proper user experience and to overcome the existing content access barriers. A proper access to video subtitles, for instance, is not always available due to the technical limitations of traditional video packaging, transmission and presentation. New Web standards enable more featured applications with better multi-platform definition, so they are suitable for building ubiquitous applications for ambient intelligence environments. This work presents a video subtitling system that enables the customization and adaptation of subtitles. The benefits of Web applications compared with device-specific native applications for building the solution as well as its current platform support are analyzed. Finally, three different application use cases are presented

    Evaluation of emerging audio description systems for broadcast TV

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    Following EU directives on Media Access and Ambient Assisted Living, the broadcasting industry needs to introduce new services in order to guarantee access to all citizens. The article and its conclusions are part of the EU project DTV4ALL, which focuses on some possible broadcasting scenarios for achieving barrier - free television for those with visual impairments. Five enhanced Audiodescription (AD) scenarios were proposed and evaluated: 1) Live streaming Internet TV with AD, 2) AD reception in a group situation, 3) Video on demand over aset - top - box , 4) Video on PC and 5) Podcasts. User evaluation concerning usefulness, quality and usability of the services was assessed using questionnaires. Results of the user evaluation show that not only are AD emerging services technically viable but they are also positively rated by users. Implementation of these services will provide improved access to content, making TV accessible for all

    Desenvolupament d'una plataforma de simulació de rutes ciclistes (Simulbike)

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    L'aplicació que es pretén realitzar en aquest projecte consisteix en desenvolupar un sistema de simulació de rutes de muntanya en bicicleta

    Performance analysis techniques for multi-soft-core and many-soft-core systems

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    Multi-soft-core systems are a viable and interesting solution for embedded systems that need a particular tradeoff between performance, flexibility and development speed. As the growing capacity allows it, many-soft-cores are also expected to have relevance to future embedded systems. As a consequence, parallel programming methods and tools will be necessarily embraced as a part of the full system development process. Performance analysis is an important part of the development process for parallel applications. It is usually mandatory when you want to get a desired performance or to verify that the system is meeting some real-time constraints. One of the usual techniques used by the HPC community is the postmortem analysis of application traces. However, this is not easily transported to the embedded systems based on FPGA due to the resource limitations of the platforms. We propose several techniques and some hardware architectural support to be able to generate traces on multiprocessor systems based on FPGAs and use them to optimize the performance of the running applications

    Flujo de diseño asíncrono con la biblioteca DCVSL_LIB para ES2 ECPD10

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    En el presente trabajo se pretende abordar la metodología a seguir durante el flujo de diseño de un circuito asíncrono orientado a prestaciones, utilizando la biblioteca DCVSL_LIB para aplicaciones asíncronas que hemos desarrollado. Este proceso se aplicará desde un nivel semicustom. La concepción de los algoritmos del sistema se desarrollaran desde una metodología top-down, dadas las restricciones que por construcción debe contener un control asíncrono. Mientras que aspectos tales como el procesado del flujo de datos y control sobre el datapath se aplicaran con una jerarquía botton-up, facilitando la concepción de circuitos asíncronos sencillos y de elevadas prestaciones a partir de soluciones arquitecturales conocidas.Postprint (published version

    Low-power pedestrian detection system on FPGA

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    Pedestrian detection is one of the key problems in the emerging self-driving car industry. In addition, the Histogram of Gradients (HOG) algorithm proved to provide good accuracy for pedestrian detection. Many research works focused on accelerating HOG algorithm on FPGA(Field-Programmable Gate Array) due to its low-power and high-throughput characteristics. In this paper, we present an energy-efficient HOG-based implementation for pedestrian detection system on a low-cost FPGA system-on-chip platform. The hardware accelerator implements the HOG computation and the Support Vector Machine classifier, the rest of the algorithm is mapped to software in the embedded processor. The hardware runs at 50 Mhz (lower frequency than previous works), thus achieving the best pixels processed per clock and the lower power design

    AVT-LP (Audiovisual Translation Learning Platform) : innovación docente al servicio de la formació autónoma en traducción audiovisual

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    En este artículo se presenta el proyecto de mejora de la calidad docente "Multimedia Mining System for AVT" (2008MQD000014), financiado por el Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya, y desarrollado en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona en el bienio 2008-2010. Se trata de una estación de trabajo ideada para favorecer el aprendizaje autónomo de la traducción audiovisual (TAV) en el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES).This article aims to present the project "Multimedia Mining System for AVT" (2008MQD000014), financed by "Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa de la Generalitat de Catalunya" and developed at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona from 2008 till 2010. The result of the project is a platform which fosters autonomous learning in the field of audiovisual translation (AVT) within the new European High Education Area (EHEA)

    Disseny de cel·les digitals paramètriques per a electrònica impresa

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    Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia.L'objectiu d'aquest treball és el disseny i la implementació d'un conjunt de cel·les definides de forma paramètrica, i orientades a l'àmbit tecnològic emergent de l'electrònica impresa. L'ús de cel·les paramètriques en aquest entorn tecnològic poc madur, ha de permetre que els dissenys s'adaptin als canvis de regles de disseny de les tecnologies en aquest cas per estils de disseny PMOS.El objetivo de este Trabajo es el diseño y la implementación de un conjunto de celdas definidas de manera paramétrica, y orientadas al ámbito tecnológico emergente de la electrónica impresa. El uso de celdas paramétricas en este entorno tecnológico poco maduro, tiene que permitir que los diseños sean capaces de adaptarse a los cambios de reglas de diseño de les tecnologías en este caso para estilos de diseño PMOS.The goal of this project is to design and implement a set of parametric Standard cells, aimed to the emerging technologic area of printed electronics. The use of parametric defined Standard cells in the context of a Technology with a low level of maturity has to allow future changes of design rules for PMOS design style

    Open source framework for trucks fleet control (client)

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    Aquest projecte desenvolupa la part client d'una aplicació per controlar una flota de camions. Està implementada per funcionar sobre un dispositiu mòbil que funcioni amb el sistema operatiu Android.Este proyecto desarrolla la parte cliente de una aplicación para controlar una flota de camiones. Está implementada para funcionar sobre un dispositivo móvil que funcione con el sistema operativo Android.This project develops the client system of an application that is used for control a truck fleet. It is implemented in order to work on a mobile device that uses the Android operating system