218 research outputs found

    The young male driving problem: Relationship between Safe Driving Climate among Friends, Peer Pressure and Driving Styles

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    Young people are almost twice as likely to die in traffic crashes than are middle aged people (ages 40 to 60). It remains crucial to assess what factors catalyse young people’s non-adaptive driving behaviours. In this study, we adapted the SDCaF (Safe Driving Climate among Friends) and RPI (Resistance to Peer Influence) scales to the driving context in Spain, and measured their relationship with the Driving Styles (DS) of young Spanish drivers (using the Spanish version of the Multidimensional Driving Styles Inventory, MDSI). A sample of young Spanish drivers (n = 459; age 18–25) completed an online questionnaire comprised of the Spanish versions of the SDCaF, RPI and MDSI scales, sociodemographic variables, driving habits and history. Evidence of the factorial structure of the Spanish version of the SDCaF scale coincides with those of the original version: the tetra-factorial model of the SDCaF scale obtained adequate values for the adjustment indices of the 4 factors; 2 are maladaptive (Peer pressure and Cost of driving with others) and 2 adaptive (Communication on traffic issues and Commitment to safe driving). The estimated reliability of the SDCaF scale reached acceptable values above (α ordinal greater than 0.80) except for the Communication factor (α = 0.76). Furthermore, evidence of the structure of the Spanish version of the RPI scale coincides with that of the original version, unifactorial model. The estimated reliability of the RPI scale reached acceptable values (α ordinal = 0.81). Most of the SDCaF’s relationships with RPI and MDSI measures were as theoretically expected. The MDSI’s maladaptive DS (Reckless, Aggressive and Distracted) correlated positively with the SDCaF’s factors of Peer Pressure and Cost for driving with friends. The opposite occurred for the MDSI’s adaptive DS (Careful and Stress Reduction). SDCaF Pressure and Cost factors correlated negatively with Resistance to Peer Pressure, whereas SDCaF Communication and Commitment factors correlated positively. We found clear differences by sex: Scores were higher on the Pressure factor when the driver was a man, when the passengers were men and when driving to a party. On the other hand, the scores were higher in the Communication and Commitment factors when the driver was a woman, the passengers were women and when driving somewhere other than a party. In conclusion, we obtained quality translated instruments and provided support for their connection with maladaptive driving to evaluate the reckless driving of young people.Grant MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033, State Research Agency (SRA) (MCIN/AEI/) (PID2020-113978RB-I00PDC2021-12944-I00)Spain and European Regional Fund “ERDF” A way of making EuropeEuropean UnionEuropean Union NextGenerationEU/PRTRJunta de Andalucía I + D + I Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía (P20_00338, A-SEJ-114-UGR20PYC20 RE 022 UGR), SpainPlan Nacional de Drogas (Ministerio de Sanidad)PND-020-01

    Experiences and perceptions of final-year nursing students of using a chatbot in a simulated emergency situation: A qualitative study

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    Aim The aim of this study is to explore the experiences and perceptions of final-year nursing students on the acceptability and feasibility of using a chatbot for clinical decision-making and patient safety. Background The effective and inclusive use of new technologies such as conversational agents or chatbots could support nurses in increasing evidence-based care and decreasing low-quality services. Methods A descriptive qualitative study was used through focus group interviews. The data analysis was conducted using a thematic analysis. Results This study included 114 participants. After our data analysis, two main themes emerged: (i) experiences in the use of a chatbot service for clinical decision-making and and (ii) integrating conversational agents into the organizational safety culture. Conclusions The findings of our study provide preliminary support for the acceptability and feasibility of adopting SafeBot, a chatbot for clinical decision-making and patient safety. Our results revealed substantial recommendations for refining navigation, layout and content, as well as useful insights to support its acceptance in real nursing practice. Implications for Nursing Management Leaders and managers may well see artificial intelligence-based conversational agents like SafeBot as a potential solution in modern nursing practice for effective problem-solving resolution, innovative staffing and nursing care delivery models at the bedside and criteria for measuring and ensure quality and patient safety.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    What Is Left for Real-Life Lactate Monitoring? Current Advances in Electrochemical Lactate (Bio)Sensors for Agrifood and Biomedical Applications

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    Monitoring of lactate is spreading from the evident clinical environment, where its role as a biomarker is notorious, to the agrifood ambit as well. In the former, lactate concentration can serve as a useful indicator of several diseases (e.g., tumour development and lactic acidosis) and a relevant value in sports performance for athletes, among others. In the latter, the spotlight is placed on the food control, bringing to the table meaningful information such as decaying product detection and stress monitoring of species. No matter what purpose is involved, electrochemical (bio)sensors stand as a solid and suitable choice. However, for the time being, this statement seems to be true only for discrete measurements. The reality exposes that real and continuous lactate monitoring is still a troublesome goal. In this review, a critical overview of electrochemical lactate (bio)sensors for clinical and agrifood situations is performed. Additionally, the transduction possibilities and different sensor designs approaches are also discussed. The main aim is to reflect the current state of the art and to indicate relevant advances (and bottlenecks) to keep in mind for further development and the final achievement of this highly worthy objective

    A behavioral test battery only reveals Sex-Specific Differences in Spatial Reference Memory Acquisition in C57BL/6JRj Mice

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    Sex disparities in declarative and spatial memory exist in humans, favoring either gender depending on the task. This trend is observed in rats but less so in mice. In our study with C57BL/6JRj mice, we conducted various tests and found no gender differences in locomotion, emotions, or object recognition. However, in the water maze task, males learned faster but both genders reached similar long-term memory levels. Hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression showed no significant gender variability in free-cycling female mice. This emphasizes the need to consider sex-based differences in animal models and include female mice in behavioral research.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Biogeochemistry of surface sediments in mud volcanoes of the Gulf of Cádiz

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    The shallowest sediment of three mud volcanoes (MVs) located in the middle slope of the Gulf of Cádiz, Anastasya, Pipoca and St. Petersburg, have been seasonally studied during June and December 2016. These structures are locally important contributors of many biogeochemical active substances to the water column, with a special attention in the emission of methane (CH4). Along this study, the role of organic matter diagenesis and its contribution to the difusive fuxes estimated in the sediment–water interface from the three MVs have been investigated mainly. For this, the frst combined analyses of sediment properties (granulometry, porosity, density, organic carbon) and pore water chemistry (major elements, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), nutrients, CH4 and nitrous oxide) have been carried out. Anastasya and St. Petersburg MVs presented similar behaviours, with a slight concentration variation for the chemical variables in the top layers of the sedimentary record followed by a more intense vertical variation in deeper layers. Anastasya MV showed some typical processes of these structures, such as the clay dehydration, the dissolution of halite and the precipitation of authigenic carbonates, which was also observed in St. Petersburg MV. Organic matter diagenesis clearly altered the biogeochemical profles, except for Pipoca MV. Moreover, mud breccia with a mousse-like texture has been identifed in the deepest levels of Anastasya and St. Petersburg MVs. Here, anaerobic oxidation of methane is linked to the decrease of SO2−4 and the increases of CH4 and DIC with the core depth. Changes across the sediment–water interface presented low difusive fuxes in the three MVs due to the presence of other processes as the irrigation by benthic macrofauna, the action of bottom currents and/or the upward fuid migration. From the obtained results, we can conclude that Anastasya MV presents a certain venting activity at present

    Effects of probiotics on cognitive and emotional functions in healthy older adults: Protocol for a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled crossover trial

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    Aging is a process that includes changes in cognitive and emotional functions,as well as changes in the diversity and integrity of gut microbiota. Probiotictreatments have recently been studied as a potential new therapeutic approachto alleviate a wide range of problems in other populations; however, clinicalstudies in older adults remain insufficient and limited. Thus, the aim of thisproject is to evaluate the efficacy of a multispecies probiotic formulation as atherapeutic strategy for attenuating the emotional and cognitive decline asso-ciated with aging in adults over the age of 55. This is a double‐blind randomizedplacebo‐controlled crossover trial involving at least 32 older adults andcomparing two conditions: (a) probiotic, providing a multispecies probiotic for10 weeks (Lactobacillus rhamnosusandBifidobacterium lactis); and (b) placebo,receiving a harmless substance (potato starch). Despite the increasing use ofprobiotics for the treatment of cognitive and emotional problems, no study hasyet focused on this group, to the best of our knowledge. Therapeutic strategiesof the kind outlined in this protocol will help to shed light on the current state ofknowledge about this topic, as well as promote health programs tailored to thispopulation, which would encourage active aging and healthy lifestyles. Not onlydo we expect improvements in the emotional dimension in terms of anxiety,stress, depression, and sleep quality, we also expect improvements in the cog-nitive dimension in terms of attention,memory, and decreased impulsivity

    Anthropometric study and evaluation of the nutritional status of a population school children in Granada: comparison of national and international reference standards

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    Estudios recientes muestran un incremento alarmante en las tasas de sobrepeso y obesidad entre la población infantil y juvenil. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron realizar una valoración del estado nutricional y composición corporal mediante antropometría en una población de escolares de Granada capital y provincia, así como comparar el estado nutricional de la población escolar estudiada con los estándares nacionales e internacionales de referencia. La prevalencia general de sobrepeso encontrado en ambos sexos fue del 22,03% y la tasa de obesidad del 9,12%. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la variable peso para la edad y el sexo (p < 0,05) y la variable estatura para la edad y sexo (p < 0,05). Respecto del índice de masa corporal, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas para la variable sexo (p = 0,182) pero sí respecto de la variable edad (p < 0,05). Por último, cabe resaltar como los valores de antropometría estimados, se sitúan muy por encima de los estándares de referencia tanto nacionales como internacionales.Recent studies show an alarming increase in levels of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents. The main objectives of this research were the following: (i) to carry out an anthropometric evaluation of the nutritional status and body composition of school children in the city and province of Granada; (ii) to compare the nutritional status of this population sample with national and international reference standards. The results obtained in this study showed that the general prevalence of overweight in both sexes was 22.03% and that 9.12% of the children were obese. Statistically significant differences were found between the variable, weight for age and sex (p < 0.05) and the variable, height for age and sex (p < 0.05). Regarding the body mass index, no statistically significant differences were found for the variable, sex (p = 0.182). This contrasted with the variable, age, which did show statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). As a conclusion, the results of our study highlighted the fact that these anthropometric values were much higher than national and international reference standards

    Evaluación alumno-profesor y su relación con los conocimientos adquiridos sobre proyecto de investigación en la carrera de Biología

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    Se reportan los resultados del estudio sobre la correlación de la aplicación de un instrumento diagnóstico y la percepción de los estudiantes sobre el conocimiento adquirido y el proporcionado por sus profesores, para siete bloques de conocimiento sobre el tema de proyecto de investigación experimental, que se desarrolla en el módulo de Metodología Científica II del segundo semestre de la carrera de biología de la FES – Iztacala. El trabajo se realizó con 397 estudiantes, distribuidos en 12 grupos, a quienes se les aplicó un instrumento diagnóstico de 28 ítems y un cuestionario de opinión sobre los conocimientos recibidos por sus profesores y los adquiridos por los alumnos. Con base en el coeficiente de correlación los resultados señalan que existe una asociación entre lo aprendido por los alumnos y lo enseñado por los docentes.On the next article, we report the results about the correlation of the application of a diagnose instrument and the students perception about the knowledge, both acquired by them and provided by their teachers, for seven knowledge blocks whose subject is Experimental Research Project, developed at the module of Scientific Methodology II, imparted in the Biology Degree at the FES Iztacala, UNAM. For the study, we selected a sample of 397 students, distributed in 12 groups, to which we applied a diagnose instrument constituted of 28 items and an opinion questionnaire, with the purpose of inquire about the knowledge provided by the teachers and acquired by the students. Based on the correlation coefficient, the results indicate that there is a correlation between the themes learned by the students and the contents taught by the teachers

    Aprovechamiento académico a través de una prueba objetiva estandarizada en contraste con la autoevaluación de los docentes en un módulo teórico-práctico

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    Las instituciones de educación superior buscan indicadores de eficiencia educativa, generalmente realizan pruebas objetivas, encuestas de opinión a los estudiantes y el ejercicio de autoevaluación docente es escaso. Se evaluó el aprovechamiento académico a través de la aplicación de una prueba objetiva a los estudiantes para relacionarla con la autoevaluación de los profesores sobre su desempeño académico. La prueba objetiva integró los 10 bloques temáticos del programa de Metodología Científica II. Se recabó la opinión de los profesores para conocer la utilidad que para ellos tiene este instrumento. Los resultados de estos instrumentos se analizaron por medio de correlaciones canónicas e índices de consistencia. Sólo un bloque presentó consistencia entre la prueba objetiva y la autoevaluación docente. La enseñanza en el módulo se enfoca principalmente en cuestiones técnicas, se requiere dirigir esfuerzos hacia la enseñanza del planteamiento del problema biológico y los objetivos. Para el 82% de los profesores es útil conocer los resultados la prueba objetiva.Higher education institutions propose indicators of educational efficiency, generally they realize objective tests, polls to the students and the exercise of autoevaluation of teacher´s it is poor. Was evaluated the academic progress by means objective test application to students, to relate it with the teachers autoevaluation. Objective test approaches 10 blocks thematic of Scientific Methodology the IInd program. The teacher’s opinion about if was obtained to know the usefulness of this instrument. Results of these instruments were analyzed by means of canonical correlations and indexes of consistency. Only a block presented consistency between the objective test and autoevaluation. The education in the module focuses principally in technical questions is needed to direct efforts to teaching of establish of the biological problem and the aims. For 82 % of teachers to know the results the objective test is useful