45 research outputs found

    Evaluación de un sistema silvopastoril sobre vinalares en Formosa, Argentina

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    El vinal (Prosopis ruscifolia), afecta campos ganaderos y cultivos abandonados. Los métodos tradicionales para eliminarlo son costosos e ineficientes. Se analizó la factibilidad económica del modelo silvopastoril alternativo, el mismo consta de 10 módulos de 3 ha. que se instalan a razón de 1 módulo por año. Se realizan intervenciones forestales de saneamiento y aprovechamiento quinquenales, el componente ganadero se mejora con enriqueciendo del estrato herbáceo y apotreramientos. Estas intervenciones logran mejorar considerablemente la capacidad productiva del campo. Analizando el flujo de caja durante 20 años, se observa que las mejoras representan un incremento del ingreso predial de 9000 dólares/ año. En la actualidad el modelo es implementado por 40 productores con distintas situaciones socioproductivas en la provincia de Formosa (Argentina)

    Evaluación de un sistema silvopastoril sobre vinalares en Formosa, Argentina

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    El vinal (Prosopis ruscifolia), afecta campos ganaderos y cultivos abandonados. Los métodos tradicionales para eliminarlo son costosos e ineficientes. Se analizó la factibilidad económica del modelo silvopastoril alternativo, el mismo consta de 10 módulos de 3 ha. que se instalan a razón de 1 módulo por año. Se realizan intervenciones forestales de saneamiento y aprovechamiento quinquenales, el componente ganadero se mejora con enriqueciendo del estrato herbáceo y apotreramientos. Estas intervenciones logran mejorar considerablemente la capacidad productiva del campo. Analizando el flujo de caja durante 20 años, se observa que las mejoras representan un incremento del ingreso predial de 9000 $/año. En la actualidad el modelo es implementado por 40 productores con distintas situaciones socioproductivas en la provincia de Formosa (Argentina).

    La escuela, un vehículo para la introducción de tecnologías alternativas en un contexto de participación comunitaria

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    En la siguiente presentación, expondremos los principales ejes del proyecto de extensión, "La escuela, un vehículo para la introducción de tecnologías alternativas en un contexto de participación comunitaria". Este consiste en la realización de una experiencia piloto en una escuela del Delta Bonaerense, que permita la recuperación y el perfeccionamiento de las formas tradicionales de producción, mediante la introducción y difusión de tecnologías alternativas, con especial énfasis en el aprovechamiento de la energía solar, favoreciendo de esta manera el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias productivas. Un componente fundamental para la ejecución de dicha experiencia es la elaboración y propuesta a la comunidad de un menú tecnológico que estará sujeto a la constante evaluación y revisión critica por parte de la población receptora. En este sentido, se plantea la puesta en práctica de un concepto innovador de participación social, que este presente en todas las etapas del proyecta (diagnóstico, ejecución y monitorco). De aquí que la presente ponencia enfatize los aspectos metodológicos que dicho concepto de participación social introduce en el proceso de transferencia tecnológica a realizar.Tema: Educación en Energías Renovables.Asociación Argentina de Energía Sola

    La escuela, un vehículo para la introducción de tecnologías alternativas en un contexto de participación comunitaria

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    En la siguiente presentación, expondremos los principales ejes del proyecto de extensión, "La escuela, un vehículo para la introducción de tecnologías alternativas en un contexto de participación comunitaria". Este consiste en la realización de una experiencia piloto en una escuela del Delta Bonaerense, que permita la recuperación y el perfeccionamiento de las formas tradicionales de producción, mediante la introducción y difusión de tecnologías alternativas, con especial énfasis en el aprovechamiento de la energía solar, favoreciendo de esta manera el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias productivas. Un componente fundamental para la ejecución de dicha experiencia es la elaboración y propuesta a la comunidad de un menú tecnológico que estará sujeto a la constante evaluación y revisión critica por parte de la población receptora. En este sentido, se plantea la puesta en práctica de un concepto innovador de participación social, que este presente en todas las etapas del proyecta (diagnóstico, ejecución y monitorco). De aquí que la presente ponencia enfatize los aspectos metodológicos que dicho concepto de participación social introduce en el proceso de transferencia tecnológica a realizar.Tema: Educación en Energías Renovables.Asociación Argentina de Energía Sola

    Mining of self-organizing map gene-expression portraits reveals prognostic stratification of HPV-positive head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

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    Patients (pts) with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) have different epidemiologic, clinical, and outcome behaviors in relation to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection status, with HPV-positive patients having a 70% reduction in their risk of death. Little is known about the molecular heterogeneity in HPV-related cases. In the present study, we aim to disclose the molecular subtypes with potential biological and clinical relevance. Through a literature review, 11 studies were retrieved with a total of 346 gene-expression data points from HPV-positive HNSCC pts. Meta-analysis and self-organizing map (SOM) approaches were used to disclose relevant meta-gene portraits. Unsupervised consensus clustering provided evidence of three biological subtypes in HPV-positive HNSCC: Cl1, immune-related; Cl2, epithelial\u2013mesenchymal transition-related; Cl3, proliferation-related. This stratification has a prognostic relevance, with Cl1 having the best outcome, Cl2 the worst, and Cl3 an intermediate survival rate. Compared to recent literature, which identified immune and keratinocyte subtypes in HPV-related HNSCC, we confirmed the former and we separated the latter into two clusters with different biological and prognostic characteristics. At present, this paper reports the largest meta-analysis of HPV-positive HNSCC studies and offers a promising molecular subtype classification. Upon further validation, this stratification could improve patient selection and pave the way for the development of a precision medicine therapeutic approach

    Gene Expression Clustering and Selected Head and Neck Cancer Gene Signatures Highlight Risk Probability Differences in Oral Premalignant Lesions

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    Background: Oral premalignant lesions (OPLs) represent the most common oral precancerous conditions. One of the major challenges in this field is the identification of OPLs at higher risk for oral squamous cell cancer (OSCC) development, by discovering molecular pathways deregulated in the early steps of malignant transformation. Analysis of deregulated levels of single genes and pathways has been successfully applied to head and neck squamous cell cancers (HNSCC) and OSCC with prognostic/predictive implications. Exploiting the availability of gene expression profile and clinical follow-up information of a well-characterized cohort of OPL patients, we aim to dissect tissue OPL gene expression to identify molecular clusters/signatures associated with oral cancer free survival (OCFS). Materials and methods: The gene expression data of 86 OPL patients were challenged with: an HNSCC specific 6 molecular subtypes model (Immune related: HPV related, Defense Response and Immunoreactive; Mesenchymal, Hypoxia and Classical); one OSCC-specific signature (13 genes); two metabolism-related signatures (3 genes and signatures raised from 6 metabolic pathways associated with prognosis in HNSCC and OSCC, respectively); a hypoxia gene signature. The molecular stratification and high versus low expression of the signatures were correlated with OCFS by Kaplan\u2013Meier analyses. The association of gene expression profiles among the tested biological models and clinical covariates was tested through variance partition analysis. Results: Patients with Mesenchymal, Hypoxia and Classical clusters showed an higher risk of malignant transformation in comparison with immune-related ones (log-rank test, p = 0.0052) and they expressed four enriched hallmarks: \u201cTGF beta signaling\u201d \u201cangiogenesis\u201d, \u201cunfolded protein response\u201d, \u201capical junction\u201d. Overall, 54 cases entered in the immune related clusters, while the remaining 32 cases belonged to the other clusters. No other signatures showed association with OCFS. Our variance partition analysis proved that clinical and molecular features are able to explain only 21% of gene expression data variability, while the remaining 79% refers to residuals independent of known parameters. Conclusions: Applying the existing signatures derived from HNSCC to OPL, we identified only a protective effect for immune-related signatures. Other gene expression profiles derived from overt cancers were not able to identify the risk of malignant transformation, possibly because they are linked to later stages of cancer progression. The availability of a new well-characterized set of OPL patients and further research is needed to improve the identification of adequate prognosticators in OPLs

    A microRNA prognostic signature in patients with diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas through non-invasive liquid biopsy

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    Diffuse midline gliomas (DMGs) originate in the thalamus, brainstem, cerebellum and spine. This entity includes tumors that infiltrate the pons, called diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPGs), with a rapid onset and devastating neurological symptoms. Since surgical removal in DIPGs is not feasible, the purpose of this study was to profile circulating miRNA expression in DIPG patients in an effort to identify a non-invasive prognostic signature with clinical impact. Using a high-throughput platform, miRNA expression was profiled in serum samples collected at the time of MRI diagnosis and prior to radiation and/or systemic therapy from 47 patients enrolled in clinical studies, combining nimotuzumab and vinorelbine with concomitant radiation. With progression-free survival as the primary endpoint, a semi-supervised learning approach was used to identify a signature that was also tested taking overall survival as the clinical endpoint. A signature comprising 13 circulating miRNAs was identified in the training set (n = 23) as being able to stratify patients by risk of disease progression (log-rank p = 0.00014; HR = 7.99, 95% CI 2.38–26.87). When challenged in a separate validation set (n = 24), it confirmed its ability to predict progression (log-rank p = 0.00026; HR = 5.51, 95% CI 2.03–14.9). The value of our signature was also confirmed when overall survival was considered (log-rank p = 0.0021, HR = 4.12, 95% CI 1.57–10.8). We have identified and validated a prognostic marker based on the expression of 13 circulating miRNAs that can shed light on a patient’s risk of progression. This is the first demonstration of the usefulness of nucleic acids circulating in the blood as powerful, easy-to-assay molecular markers of disease status in DIPG. This study provides Class II evidence that a signature based on 13 circulating miRNAs is associated with the risk of disease progression

    Gene Expression Clustering and Selected Head and Neck Cancer Gene Signatures Highlight Risk Probability Differences in Oral Premalignant Lesions

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    BACKGROUND: Oral premalignant lesions (OPLs) represent the most common oral precancerous conditions. One of the major challenges in this field is the identification of OPLs at higher risk for oral squamous cell cancer (OSCC) development, by discovering molecular pathways deregulated in the early steps of malignant transformation. Analysis of deregulated levels of single genes and pathways has been successfully applied to head and neck squamous cell cancers (HNSCC) and OSCC with prognostic/predictive implications. Exploiting the availability of gene expression profile and clinical follow-up information of a well-characterized cohort of OPL patients, we aim to dissect tissue OPL gene expression to identify molecular clusters/signatures associated with oral cancer free survival (OCFS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The gene expression data of 86 OPL patients were challenged with: an HNSCC specific 6 molecular subtypes model (Immune related: HPV related, Defense Response and Immunoreactive; Mesenchymal, Hypoxia and Classical); one OSCC-specific signature (13 genes); two metabolism-related signatures (3 genes and signatures raised from 6 metabolic pathways associated with prognosis in HNSCC and OSCC, respectively); a hypoxia gene signature. The molecular stratification and high versus low expression of the signatures were correlated with OCFS by Kaplan-Meier analyses. The association of gene expression profiles among the tested biological models and clinical covariates was tested through variance partition analysis. RESULTS: Patients with Mesenchymal, Hypoxia and Classical clusters showed an higher risk of malignant transformation in comparison with immune-related ones (log-rank test, p = 0.0052) and they expressed four enriched hallmarks: "TGF beta signaling" "angiogenesis", "unfolded protein response", "apical junction". Overall, 54 cases entered in the immune related clusters, while the remaining 32 cases belonged to the other clusters. No other signatures showed association with OCFS. Our variance partition analysis proved that clinical and molecular features are able to explain only 21% of gene expression data variability, while the remaining 79% refers to residuals independent of known parameters. CONCLUSIONS: Applying the existing signatures derived from HNSCC to OPL, we identified only a protective effect for immune-related signatures. Other gene expression profiles derived from overt cancers were not able to identify the risk of malignant transformation, possibly because they are linked to later stages of cancer progression. The availability of a new well-characterized set of OPL patients and further research is needed to improve