2,480 research outputs found

    Certified modular training impacts: contributions to lifelong learning

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    O presente trabalho de investigação enquadra-se na Dissertação do Mestrado em Formação de Adultos e Desenvolvimento Local (ainda não concluída) e centra-se no impacto da Formação Modular Certificada, como um contributo para a Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida, sob diferentes perspetivas, nomeadamente, a dos destinatários (adultos ativos empregados e desempregados, com idade superior a 18 anos, que frequentaram ações no IEFP, IP, no Distrito de Portalegre, entre 2011 e Março de 2012), a das entidades empregadoras e a dos interlocutores-chave especializados. Tendo em conta o tipo e os objetivos definidos para cada um destes sub-universos, utilizou-se um conjunto de métodos e técnicas de investigação social, nomeadamente: o inquérito por questionário (aplicado aos destinatários), a entrevista (dirigida às entidades empregadoras e aos interlocutores-chaves especializados) e a análise documental. Com este trabalho, pretende-se reunir um conjunto de considerações, com recurso a vários focos e contributos teóricos e empíricos, e demonstrar se os dados recolhidos corroboram ou não os pressupostos teóricos considerados, realizando uma análise reflexiva face ao objeto de estudo

    O princípio nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare : a recusa do arguido em prestar autógrafos

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    Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra no âmbito do 2º Ciclo de Estudos em Direito conducente ao grau de Mestre, na área de especialização em Ciências Jurídico-Forense


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    The central question addressed in this paper is how the designer can and should ensure that the solutions are efficient and designed to meet the originally proposed goal, taking into account the user as the centerpiece of the project, after all it is for him that solutions should be designed. To provide the assessment of digital icons, this article is part of a larger research that aims to bring together methods and tools of ergonomics and usability, discuss their interactions with the main methods and tests of informational ergonomics that have been used in order to measure the comprehension of digital icons by their users, its procedures, and assessing the effects of the context of use included in each approach

    WebQuest: reflexões em torno de uma abordagem na aula de Português

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    Desenvolvido no âmbito da disciplina de Educação e Tecnologias Multimédia, do Mestrado em Educação na área de Supervisão Pedagógica em Ens. de Português, o estudo que a seguir se apresenta, visou contribuir para a compreensão e confirmação da importância das webquests, enquanto método de pesquisa e selecção de informação, nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa

    A WebQuest na abordagem do discurso oral formal na aula de Português

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    Neste texto descreve-se de forma muito sucinta a utilização de uma WebQuest intitulada “Poesia do Século XX”, inserida numa planificação sobre “Discurso Oral Formal” sustentada pela metodologia da Sequência Didáctica de Monserrat Vilà i Santasusana, no âmbito do 10º ano de escolaridade da disciplina de Português. Apresentam-se alguns aspectos referentes às perspectivas da professora e à reacção dos alunos quanto à utilização da WebQuest como estratégia didáctica

    An approach to teach Calculus/Mathematical Analysis (for engineering students) using computers and active learning – its conception, development of materials and evaluation

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciências da EducaçãoThis thesis reports a new approach to the teaching of Mathematical Analysis 1/ Calculus (AM1) to students of engineering, applying results of research on the use of computers and active learning with the aim of enhancing understanding. The main goal of the new approach is to reduce the known problem of failure and superficial understanding in introductory college mathematics in Portugal (and other countries). This researcher created the approach named ActivMathComp where: - Students are active and collaborate with colleagues during classes; - Computer is embedded as a communication, interaction and computational tool; - Students use interactive digital learning documents; - Students explore concepts in order to develop a deep understanding of them; - Students contact with mathematical applications; - Students have frequent short quizzes with immediate feedback on a Learning Management System; - The teacher/student relationship is grounded on trust, on mutual understanding and on students’ involvement on their own learning. The interactive digital documents were created assuming principles such as the zone of proximal development and multiple representations. Towards its comparison with the traditional approach, the ActivMathComp was implemented in a group of 16 AM1 students at the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program of the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. The participants freely chose to enrol in the group and were required to bring their own laptop to classes. Took place a quasi-experiment where all the other seven classes following AM1 were taken as a comparison group. The participating students got significantly higher grades than the other students and had a higher success rate. Data gathered from questionnaires and tests were screened to identify possible bias. The participating students evaluated ActivMathComp as highly positive in nearly all aspects

    Genes involved in the development of autism

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    Background: Autism is still considered a very complex disease, since it has diverse etiology, with multiple factors apparently associated with its appearance. However, none of them reveals to be totally responsible for its development. Nowadays, this disorder is considered to have a strong genetic component with the interaction of several genes. Furthermore, other diseases with well-known etiology might also be related with autism. Methods: The aim of this review is to discuss, through bibliographic search, genetic factors involved in autism development. Results: Some of the candidate genes of idiopathic autism (90-95% of all cases) related to brain metabolism are AVPR1a, DISC1, DYX1C1, ITGB3, SLC6A4, RELN, RPL10 and SHANK3. Conclusion: All these genes are responsible for symptoms that can explain the origin of this condition. Autism is a multifactorial disorder in which genetic and environmental factors interact, triggering its development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio