11 research outputs found

    Functional role of extracellular matrix proteins and their receptors in apoptosis and cell survival

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    Macrophages require presence of M-CSF to survive and proliferate. Incubation of bone marrow macrophages with soluble factors (LPS or IFN-gamma) or insoluble factors such as extracellular matrix proteins (Decorin, FN) macrophage proliferation was blocked. Moreover, pretreatment of macrophages with IFN-gamma protects from apoptosis induced by several stimuli. Inhibition of p21Waf with antisense oligonucleotides or using null mice showed that the induction of p21Waf by IFN-gamma mediate this protection. Thus, IFN-gamma makes macrophages unresponsive to apoptotic stimuli by inducing p21Waf and arresting the cell cycle at the G1/S boundary. The insoluble factors, decorin and fibronectin, inhibit macrophage proliferation through p27kip1 expression and the modification of ERK activity. Decorin treated macrophages but not fibronectin protect from apoptosis mechanism that require p21Waf expression. Decorin enhances the IFNgamma-induced expression of IA-alpha and IAß MHC class II genes. Moreover, it increases the IFN-gamma or LPS-induced expression of inducible NO synthase, TNF-alpha, IL-1ß, and IL-6 genes and the secretion of these cytokines. Using a number of extracellular matrix proteins, we found a negative correlation between adhesion and proliferation. However, the effect of decorin on macrophage activation is explained by its ability to block the binding of autocrine-produced TGFß on the surface of macrophages.These soluble and insoluble factors modulate the cell response through the interaction with surface receptors. Cell surface receptors of the integrin family are important regulators of the cell behavior. ß5 cytoplasmic domain has been reported to control cell migration and proliferation. Certain postadhesion are regulated through a pathway that requires both avß5 and PKC activity.Extensive data have been reported on the use of phage libraries to identify ligands. The large molecular diversity represented in phage peptide libraries facilitates the identification of motifs that map to protein interaction sites. Here we introduced an approach based on phage display technology to identify molecules that specifically interact with the cytoplasmic of the ß5 integrin subunit. We showed that a peptide that mimics annexin V binds to the cytoplasmic domain and triggers apoptosis. Annexin V is a cytosolic signaling protein known to inhibit PKC activity, and we demonstrated that annexin-V only binds to active form of PKC. Induction of apoptosis by this peptide is modulated by growth factors and by PKC antagonist. Caspase activity and the expression of ß5 integrin are also required.Caspases play an important role on apoptosis. XIAP functions as a caspase inhibitor and is a member of the inhibitors of apoptosis (IAP) family of proteins. All of the members of the IAP have been shown to inhibit programmed cell death. The human IAP family members bind to caspase 3 and caspase 7 with inhibitory constant values. We have selected peptides from a phage display library by using recombinant full-length human XIAP. A consensus motif was recovered from two independent screenings by using different libraries. Phage displaying variations of the consensus sequence bound specifically to the BIR2 domain of XIAP but not to other IAPs. Protein-protein interaction assays revealed that caspase-3 and -7 blocked the binding of the XIAP-binding phage to XIAP, indicating that this peptide targets a domain within XIAP that is related to the caspase-binding site. We also demonstrated that an internalizing version of the XIAP-binding peptide identified in our screenings could induce apoptosis in leukemia cells.Using a new approach for the screening by phage display technology we also characterize cells surface receptors in endothelial cell activation and proliferation. The molecular diversity in human blood vessels remains largely unexplored. We developed a selection method in which peptides that home to specific vascular beds are identified after administration of a peptide library. These data represents a step toward the construction of a molecular map of human vasculature and may have broad implications for development of targeted therapies

    A Ligand Peptide Motif Selected from a Cancer Patient Is a Receptor-Interacting Site within Human Interleukin-11

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    Interleukin-11 (IL-11) is a pleiotropic cytokine approved by the FDA against chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia. From a combinatorial selection in a cancer patient, we isolated an IL-11-like peptide mapping to domain I of the IL-11 (sequence CGRRAGGSC). Although this motif has ligand attributes, it is not within the previously characterized interacting sites. Here we design and validate in-tandem binding assays, site-directed mutagenesis and NMR spectroscopy to show (i) the peptide mimics a receptor-binding site within IL-11, (ii) the binding of CGRRAGGSC to the IL-11Rα is functionally relevant, (iii) Arg4 and Ser8 are the key residues mediating the interaction, and (iv) the IL-11-like motif induces cell proliferation through STAT3 activation. These structural and functional results uncover an as yet unrecognized receptor-binding site in human IL-11. Given that IL-11Rα has been proposed as a target in human cancer, our results provide clues for the rational design of targeted drugs

    PRUNE2 is a human prostate cancer suppressor regulated by the intronic long noncoding RNA PCA3

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    Prostate cancer antigen 3 (PCA3) is the most specific prostate cancer biomarker but its function remains unknown. Here we identify PRUNE2, a target protein-coding gene variant, which harbors the PCA3 locus, thereby classifying PCA3 as an antisense intronic long noncoding (lnc)RNA. We show that PCA3 controls PRUNE2 levels via a unique regulatory mechanism involving formation of a PRUNE2/PCA3 double-stranded RNA that undergoes adenosine deaminase acting on RNA (ADAR)-dependent adenosine-to-inosine RNA editing. PRUNE2 expression or silencing in prostate cancer cells decreased and increased cell proliferation, respectively. Moreover, PRUNE2 and PCA3 elicited opposite effects on tumor growth in immunodeficient tumor-bearing mice. Coregulation and RNA editing of PRUNE2 and PCA3 were confirmed in human prostate cancer specimens, supporting the medical relevance of our findings. These results establish PCA3 as a dominant-negative oncogene and PRUNE2 as an unrecognized tumor suppressor gene in human prostate cancer, and their regulatory axis represents a unique molecular target for diagnostic and therapeutic intervention

    Vascular ligand-receptor mapping by direct combinatorial selection in cancer patients

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    Molecules differentially expressed in blood vessels among organs or between damaged and normal tissues, are attractive therapy targets; however, their identification within the human vasculature is challenging. Here we screened a peptide library in cancer patients to uncover ligand-receptors common or specific to certain vascular beds. Surveying ∼2.35 × 106 motifs recovered from biopsies yielded a nonrandom distribution, indicating that systemic tissue targeting is feasible. High-throughput analysis by similarity search, protein arrays, and affinity chromatography revealed four native ligand-receptors, three of which were previously unrecognized. Two are shared among multiple tissues (integrin α4/annexin A4 and cathepsin B/apolipoprotein E3) and the other two have a restricted and specific distribution in normal tissue (prohibitin/annexin A2 in white adipose tissue) or cancer (RAGE/leukocyte proteinase-3 in bone metastases). These findings provide vascular molecular markers for biotechnology and medical applications

    Dépôt d'oxyde de silicium par procédé plasma hors équilibre à basse pression et à pression atmosphérique sur de l'acier (application aux propriétés anticorrosion)

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    Deux procédés de traitement de surface par voie plasma ont été développés afin d amélioration les propriétés anticorrosion d un acier. Des films d oxyde de silicium ont été déposés par PECVD à basse pression et à pression atmosphérique. L héxaméthyldisiloxane a été utilisé comme précurseur. Les performances de perméabilité aux gaz et aux liquides des couches déposées sont très fortement liées à leur composition chimique (présence de C, absence de SiOH) et à leur structure (épaisseur, densité ) qui dépendent directement des conditions de traitement. La morphologie du dépôt ainsi que sa composition ont été analysées afin de caractériser les dépôts. Nous avons pu obtenir des couches épaisses, continues, lisses, peu poreuses, avec du carbone. L efficacité des procédés de dépôts a été validée par l étude des propriétés anticorrosion des films par voltampérométrie et par impédancemétrie. Les propriétés anticorrosion ont été nettement améliorées et persistent pour des temps long d immersionPARIS-BIUSJ-Thèses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF