344 research outputs found

    La promoción de la resiliencia parental en familias con hijos con problemas de conducta

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     In this article we make a review of the concept of resilience and its main implications for practice. We carried out an analysis of different intervention programs for parents with preadolescent and adolescent children to broaden our understanding about the practical implications of this concept. Given the absence of interventions based on promoting parental resilience, we present a program for the prevention and promotion of parental competencies to support positive parenting and promote in parents an improvement in their level of resilience and emotional well-being. The main objectives of this program are: the development of strategies to manage the adverse situations that arise in the daily life related to the task of educating children; to promote parental skills that enable families to effectively respond to children's behavioral problems, to facilitate good emotional management of behavior problems, and to be able to recover from the impact caused. The program follows an experiential methodology, families are active agents in the process of change, and is accompanied by a rigorous implementation and evaluation to analyze the changes that occur as the intervention progresses.En este artículo realizamos una revisión a cerca del concepto de resiliencia y sus principales implicaciones para la práctica. Con el objetivo de profundizar en las implicaciones prácticas de este concepto, se realiza un análisis de los distintos programas de intervención destinados a padres y madres que tienen hijos preadolescentes y adolescentes con problemas de conducta. Dada la ausencia de intervenciones basadas en promover la resiliencia parental, se presenta un programa destinado a la prevención y la promoción de competencias parentales para apoyar la parentalidad positiva y promover en los padres una mejora en su nivel de resiliencia y bienestar emocional. Entre sus objetivos están: desarrollar estrategias de afrontamiento para gestionar las situaciones adversas que se plantean en el día a día de cara a la tarea de educar a sus hijos/as; promover habilidades parentales que permitan a las familias actuar con eficacia ante los problemas de conducta de los hijos/as, facilitar una buena gestión emocional de los problemas de conducta y ser capaz de recuperarse del impacto que causan los mismos. El programa sigue una metodología experiencial, las familias son agentes activos en el proceso de cambio, y se acompaña de una implementación y una evaluación rigurosa para analizar los cambios que se van produciendo a medida que se avanza en la intervención

    Kinect as an access device for people with cerebral palsy: A preliminary study

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    Cerebral palsy (CP) describes a group of disorders affecting the development of movement and posture, causingactivity limitation. Access to technology can alleviate some of these limitations. Many studies have used vision- based movement capture systems to overcome problems related to discomfort and fear of wearing devices. Incontrast, there has been no research assessing the behavior of vision-based movement capture systems in peoplewith involuntary movements. In this paper, we look at the potential of the Kinect sensor as an assistive technologyfor people with cerebral palsy. We developed a serious game, called KiSens Números, to study the behavior ofKinect in this context and eighteen subjects with cerebral palsy used it to complete a set of sessions. The resultsof the experiments show that Kinect filters some of peoples involuntary movements, confirming the potential ofKinect as an assistive technology for people with motor disabilities

    Calibrated prevalence of disabling chronic pain according to different approaches: a face-to-face cross-sectional population-based study in Southern Spain

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    Objectives To calculate the prevalence of disabling chronic pain (DCP) and to offer a more representative and accurate estimation by applying different calibration techniques. Settings 2011 Andalusian Health Survey, a cross-sectional population survey based on face-to-face home interviews. Participants 6507 people aged 16 years or older and living in Andalusia, Spain. Outcomes Design weights, linear calibration based on marginals and on crossings, and model-assisted calibration were used to estimate the prevalence and variance of DCP, for the whole sample and for the domains of sex and age groups (16–44; 45–64; +65). Results Calibration variables were sex, age groups and educational level. In the whole sample, DCP prevalence calibration reduced by more than 5.2% and 8.2% the estimated prevalences and variances, respectively, obtained with the design weights. Regarding the domains, prevalence reductions are from 33% to 1%, and variance reductions are from 0.2% to 1%. Model-assisted calibration is the best technique to estimate DCP prevalence for the whole population and crossing calibration for their domains, although with almost no differences compared to marginal calibration. Conclusions The validity and accuracy of estimations of DCP prevalence are improved by calibration adjustments. Model-assisted calibrated prevalence of DCP is 10.78% for the whole population, being at least 2-fold higher in women in all age groups. The results and methodology developed could be useful in clinical and population-based studies on chronic pain and disability.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y DeporteMinistry of Health of the Andalusian Government, Seville, SpainAllergan Inc

    Trabajadores de empresas turísticas: motivaciones y expectativas de futuros empleados

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    This research had three objectives: to know professional expectations of first ‑year students on the Bachelor’s degree in tourism, their main reasons for choosing the studies and what kind of jon they were interested in. Data was collected in a class assignment on the course of organizational behavior. Results suggest that students show few differences in either expectations or motivations. The vast majority of students consider hotel and travel agencies as their main outlet jobs after their studies. In addition, most of them chose their studies to speak foreign languages, travel and meet other people and cultures. When looking for a job, their motivations mainly include self ‑fulfilment, but also money and recognition. The implications of the study for tourism firms are discussed and future lines of research are highlighted.Esta investigación tiene tres objetivos: conocer las expectativas profesionales de los estudiantes del primer curso del grado en turismo, sus principales motivaciones para elegir los estudios y sus motivaciones para encontrar un trabajo. Los datos fueron recabados a través de una actividad en una clase de comportamiento organizacional. La mayoría de los estudiantes consideraron los hoteles y las agencias de viajes como trabajos principales después de sus estudios. Además, la mayoría eligieron sus estudios para hablar idiomas extranjeros, viajar y conocer otras personas y culturas. Cuando buscan un trabajo, sus principales motivaciones son la autorrealización, pero también el dinero y el reconocimiento. Se argumentan implicaciones para las empresas turísticas y se resaltan futuras líneas de investigación

    The Spanish adaptation of the NES-scale: segmentation of tourism by environmental interests and motivation

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    La escala NES es un instrumento diseñado para la segmentación de turistas en base a sus motivaciones medioambientales. Permite la identificación de turistas sostenibles, turistas motivados por la naturaleza, ecoturistas y turistas de masas. En el presente estudio se ha llevado a cabo una adaptación al castellano de la escala NES en una muestra de 149 turistas españoles. Mediante análisis de ítems y análisis factorial, se confirmó que la estructura factorial coincide con la del modelo teórico propuesto de tres factores: naturaleza, conocimiento y sostenibilidad. Los coeficientes de consistencia interna, así como los índices de ajustes del modelo fueron satisfactorios. Se discuten implicaciones teóricas de los resultados aquí obtenidos y también se proponen aplicaciones prácticas de la escala para los investigadores y profesionales del turismo. Por último, se comentan las limitaciones del estudio y se señalan futuras líneas de investigación relevantes para el campo del turismo.The NES‑scale is a questionnaire designed for tourist segmentation based on environmental interests and motivation. It allows for the identification of sustainable tourists, nature‑oriented tourists, eco‑tourists and mass tourists. In this study we have adapted the NES‑scale to the Spanish language and applied it to a sample of 149 Spanish tourists. Item and factor analysis allowed us to confirm alignment with the proposed triple based model of Nature, knowledge and sustainability. The coefficients of internal coherence and fit of the model were satisfactory. The theoretical implications of the results obtained are discussed and scaled practical applications proposed for tourism researchers and practitioners. The limitations of the present research are also highlighted with suggestions of relevant future strands of related tourism research


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    حد أكبر التحديات التي تواجهها هيئات تحرير المجلات العلمية يتعلق باكتشاف السرقة الأدبية في المخطوطات المستلمة. تتناول هذه الدراسة هذه القضية بناءً على تصور أعضاء لجان التحرير في 166 مجلة في مجال العلوم الاجتماعية في السياق الأيبيري الأمريكي المفهرس في سكوبوس. وتم جمع الإجابات من خلال استبيان رقمي, وإجراء تحليل كمي ونوعي للمعلومات المقدمة. تؤكد النتائج أن غالبية المجلات التي تمت استشارتها لديها برامج للكشف عن الانتحال, كما تقدم أيضًا أسبابًا عديدة مؤيدة ومعارضة لاستخدامها. معظم المقالات التي يتم إهمالها في عمليات الاستقبال تنطوي على سرقة أدبية ذاتية وانتحال خفي من خلال إعادة الصياغة. في حالات الانتحال, ترفض معظم المجلات المخطوطات في عملية الاستقبال, على الرغم من أنه من الجدير بالذكر أن أكثر من 15% تمنح المؤلفين الفرصة لتصحيح الخطأ وإعادة إرسال المقال. بشكل عام، نستنتج بناءً على هذه الدراسة أنه على الرغم من اتخاذ التدابير الوقائية, إلا أنها لا تضمن القضاء على المشكلة المذكورةOne of the greatest challenges faced by the editorial boards of scientific journals is related to the detection of plagiarism in the manuscripts received. This study addresses this issue based on the perception of the members of editorial committees of 166 journals in the field of Social Sciences in the Ibero-American context indexed in Scopus. The responses were collected through a digital questionnaire, and a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the information provided was conducted. The results show that most of the journals consulted have plagiarism detection software, with numerous reasons for and against its use. Most of the articles discarded in the reception processes include self-plagiarism and covert plagiarism through paraphrasing. In cases of plagiarism, most journals reject manuscripts in the reception process, although it is noteworthy that more than 15% give authors the opportunity to correct the error and resubmit the paper. This study concludes that, despite taking preventive measures, these do not guarantee the eradication of such a problem.Detectar el plagio es un desafío clave para los comités editoriales de revistas científicas. Este estudio investiga la detección de plagio en 166 revistas de Ciencias Sociales Iberoamericanas indexadas en Scopus, mediante un cuestionario digital que generó datos para un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo. Se encontró que, aunque la mayoría de las revistas utilizan software de detección de plagio, existen argumentos divididos sobre su eficacia. El autoplagio y el uso inadecuado de la paráfrasis son las principales razones para el rechazo de manuscritos, y mientras que la mayoría de las revistas descalifica inmediatamente los manuscritos plagiados, un 15% permite a los/las autores/as corregir y reenviar sus trabajos. El estudio concluye que las medidas preventivas actuales son insuficientes para erradicar el plagio, sugiriendo la necesidad de estrategias más efectivas para combatir esta práctica en el ámbito académico.Um dos maiores desafios enfrentados pelas comissões editoriais das revistas científicas está relacionado com a deteção de plágio nos manuscritos recebidos. Este estudo aborda esta questão com base na perceção dos membros das comissões editoriais de 166 revistas da área das Ciências Sociais no contexto ibero-americano indexadas no Scopus. As respostas foram recolhidas através de um questionário digital, tendo sido realizada uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa das informações fornecidas. Os resultados constatam que a maioria das revistas consultadas dispõe de software de deteção de plágio, havendo muitas razões a favor e contra a sua utilização. A maior parte dos artigos rejeitados nos processos de receção recorre ao autoplágio e ao plágio encoberto através de paráfrases. Nos casos de plágio, a maioria das revistas rejeita os manuscritos no processo de receção, embora seja de notar que mais de 15% dão aos autores a oportunidade de corrigir o erro e voltar a submeter o artigo. De um modo geral, conclui-se com base neste estudo que, apesar de tomar medidas preventivas, estas não garantem a erradicação do problema.Um dos maiores desafios enfrentados pelas comissões editoriais das revistas científicas está relacionado com a deteção de plágio nos manuscritos recebidos. Este estudo aborda esta questão com base na perceção dos membros das comissões editoriais de 166 revistas da área das Ciências Sociais no contexto ibero-americano indexadas no Scopus. As respostas foram recolhidas através de um questionário digital, tendo sido realizada uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa das informações fornecidas. Os resultados constatam que a maioria das revistas consultadas dispõe de software de deteção de plágio, havendo muitas razões a favor e contra a sua utilização. A maior parte dos artigos rejeitados nos processos de receção recorre ao autoplágio e ao plágio encoberto através de paráfrases. Nos casos de plágio, a maioria das revistas rejeita os manuscritos no processo de receção, embora seja de notar que mais de 15% dão aos autores a oportunidade de corrigir o erro e voltar a submeter o artigo. De um modo geral, conclui-se com base neste estudo que, apesar de tomar medidas preventivas, estas não garantem a erradicação do problema对收到的文稿进行抄袭检测是科学期刊编辑委员会需要面对的艰巨挑战之一。因此该研究试图对来自Scopus索引的166部伊比利亚美洲社科领域期刊的编委会成员进行感知收集,并在此基础上进行分析。我们对通过数字问卷收集到的回复信息进行定量与定性分析。结果显示研究涉及的大部分期刊都有抄袭检测软件,其中我们也发现并收集了很多赞同或反对使用该软件的理由。在收稿过程中被淘汰的大部分文章都是通过改写形式进行的抄袭或者一稿多投情况。如果被发现抄袭,大部分期刊会在收稿过程中拒稿,但是也有15%的情况是期刊会给作者改正错误重新投稿的机会。总的来说,在该研究的基础上我们发现虽然相关机构会采取预防措施,但是这并没有保证问题的彻底根除

    Emotions Detection based on a Single-electrode EEG Device

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    The study of emotions using multiple channels of EEG represents a widespread practice in the field of research related to brain computer interfaces (Brain Computer Interfaces). To date, few studies have been reported in the literature with a reduced number of channels, which when used in the detection of emotions present results that are less accurate than the rest. To detect emotions using an EEG channel and the data obtained is useful for classifying emotions with an accuracy comparable to studies in which there is a high number of channels, is of particular interest in this research framework. This article uses the Neurosky Maindwave device; which has a single electrode to acquire the EEG signal, Matlab software and IBM SPSS Modeler; which process and classify the signals respectively. The accuracy obtained in the detection of emotions in relation to the economic resources of the hardware dedicated to the acquisition of EEG signal is remarkable

    Characteristic Factors in Loss: A Narrative Review

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    El duelo es un proceso emocional que permite adaptarse a una pérdida. El objetivo princi- pal que se pretende alcanzar con este artículo es identificar los factores característicos de la pérdida que se encuentran encapsuladas como «duelo complicado» para llegar a una posible categorización del duelo. Se realiza una revisión narrativa para la cual se han revisado y seleccionado los artículos científicos publicados en la base de datos PubMed, utilizando los siguientes términos: «Grief» [Mesh], «Disenfranchised Grief» [Mesh], «Bereavement», «Complicated Grief», «Prolonged Grief», «Traumatic Grief», «Pathological Grief», «Mal- adaptative Grief», «Collective Grief», «Anticipatory Grief», «Grief Loss» y «Covid Grief». Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que podemos conocer la categorización y los distintos tipos de duelo, y que esto ayuda a actuar de modo preventivo e intervenir de forma temprana para evitar complicaciones en el proceso de duelo. Además, dicha categorización nos va a permitir desarrollar una mejor intervención en la práctica clínica.Grief is an emotional process of adaptation to loss. The main objective of this article is to identify the characteristic factors of loss that are synthesized as: «complicated grief» in order to arrive at a possible categorization of grief. A narrative review is carried out for which scientific articles published in the PubMed database have been reviewed and selected, using the following terms: «Grief» [Mesh], «Disenfranchised Grief» [Mesh], «Bereavement», «Com- plicated Grief», «Prolonged Grief», «Traumatic Grief», «Pathological Grief», «Maladaptative Grief», «Collective Grief», «Anticipatory Grief», «Grief Loss» and «Covid Grief». The results obtained show that knowing the categorization and the different types of grief helps to act preventively and intervene early to avoid complications in the grief process. Furthermore, this categorization will allow us to develop a better intervention in clinical practice