884 research outputs found

    Sociología del fenómeno sectario: elementos para su interpretación

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    [ES] Las sociedades modernas se encuentran en un proceso de reconfiguración socio-religiosa. En este contexto, la vertiginosa proliferación registrada en los últimos años de un número indeterminado de asociaciones religioso-sectarias, junto a la nefasta acción coercitiva ejercida por una parte de ellas, han contribuido a generar un estado de opinión tan alarmante como indiscriminado al respecto. Partiendo de esta afirmación, se elabora un cuadro explicativo teórico social que ayuda a interpretar la dinamicidad socio-religiosa tan difusa y cambiante.[EU] Gizarte modernoak, berkonfigurazio sozio-erlijioso batetan murgildurik azaltzen dira. Kontestu honetan, eta azken urteetan azaldu diren hainbat erakunde erlijioso-sektarioak kontutan hartuta, gizartean alarma eta diskriminazioa sortu dela azaltzen da. Hemendik abiatuta, gaur egungo dinamizazio sozio erlijioso zirriborrotsu eta aldatzailea ulertzen laguntzen duen kuadro teoriko sozial bat azaltzen da.[FR] Les sociétés modernes se trouvent dans un processus de reconfiguration sociale et religieuse. Dans ce contexte, la vertigineuse prolifération d’un nombre indéterminé d’associations religieux-sectaires enregistrée durant les dernières années, avec l’action néfaste coercitive exercée par une partie d’elles-mêmes, ont contribué à produire un état d’opinion tellement alarmant comme non-discriminé à ce sujet. En partant de cette affirmation, on élabore un tableau explicatif théorique-social qui aide à interpréter la dinamicité sociale et religieuse tellement diffuse et changeante.[EN] The modern societies experience a process of social and religious reconfiguration. In this context, the vertiginous proliferation of an uncertain number of religious-sectarians associations registered in the last years, together with the unlucky coercive actions exerted by some of them, have contributed to generate an alarming and indiscriminate opinion state. Starting from this idea, a social theoretical explanatory profile is elaborated to interpret the social and religious dynamicity, so diffuse and changing

    Los jóvenes y su sentido de la vida

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    Los jóvenes buscan un sentido, pero desde sí mismos. Han trasladado los muebles de la vieja casa tradicional y, por el momento, los tienen almacenados en el pasillo de su nuevo espacio mental sin saber cómo colocarlos en los distintos compartimentos de su nuevo hogar íntimo. Un conjunto de valores ampliamente compartidos sustentan una ética mínima, que permite articular la diversidad de sentidos

    Religious coping in adolescents: new evidence and relevance

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    AbstractAdolescence is frequently seen as a troubled age. In many Western societies this is also a time of sharp religious decline. The question arises as to what extent religious faith and practice could help teenagers cope with their distress, especially when religion fades away in secularized environments and stops being a common coping resource. A study was conducted in South-East Spain (N = 531) to assess coping styles—religious and secular—and how they are related to other variables. The outcomes suggest that religious coping has become a minor choice. It correlates positively with age and is mixed with secular coping strategies. Secularization implies a confidence lost in religious means and the search for alternative coping strategies. This study reveals that religious coping works best when linked to religious communities and in combination with other non-religious strategies

    Ravinteiden vaikutus sokerijuurikkaan sokeripitoisuuteen

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    Sokerijuurikas (Beta vulgaris L. var altissima Döll) on melko nuori viljelykasvi verrattuna esimerkiksi vehnään. Tässä opinnäytetyössä on selvitetty, miten eri ravinteet vaikuttavat sokerijuurikkaan sokeripitoisuuteen. Sokerijuurikkaan tarvitsemat, tärkeät pääravinteet ovat: typpi, fosfori, kalium, natrium, kalsium, magnesium sekä rikki. Lisäksi juurikas tarvitsee mangaania, booria sekä rautaa, jotka ovat hivenravinteita. Hyvä juurikassadon tekninen laatu parantaa sekä viljelijän, että tehtaan tulosta. Sokerijuurikkaan tekninen laatu tarkoittaa kaikkia niitä juurikkaan ominaisuuksia, jotka vaikuttavat sokerin valmistusprosessin eri vaiheisiin sekä juurikkaasta saatavaan sokerin määrään. Sokeripitoisuus on kuitenkin vain yksi mitattavista; juurikkaan teknisistä laatutekijöistä. Muita sadosta mitattavia laatutekijöitä ovat: aminotyppi-, kalium- ja natriumpitoisuus, sillä erotuksella, että kolme viimeksi mainittua heikentävät laatua ja vastaavasti sokeripitoisuus parantaa sitä. Lannoittaminen on olennainen osa sokerijuurikkaan viljelyä. Kasvi ottaa osan ravinteista maaperästä, mutta niiden määrä ei kuitenkaan ole riittävä. Pystyäkseen tuottamaan määrällisesti ja laadullisesti hyvän sadon on juurikkaan ravinteiden tasapainoinen saanti varmistettava lannoituksella. Lannoituksen suunnittelu perustuu kasvin tarpeeseen. Lannoituksen suunnittelussa on otettava huomioon juurikkaalla typen ja fosforin vuosittaisissa käyttömäärissä ympäristötukiehtojen rajoitteet. Nykyään viljely on keskittynyt sokeritehtaan läheisyyteen, koska pitkä kuljetusmatka tehtaalle lisää kustannuksia ja siten alentaa viljelyn kannattavuutta. Sokerijuurikkaan viljelyllä on Suomessa vahvat perinteet ja sokerijuurikasta tutkitaan Suomessa aktiivisesti. Tästä syystä on oletettavaa, että sokerijuurikkaan laatu tulee tulevaisuudessa paranemaan entisestään. Sugar beet is a quite young agricultural plant compared to for example wheat. Despite this the plant has been studied and refined a lot. This thesis studied the effects of nutrients to sugar beets sucrose accumulation. The main nutrients of sugar beet are: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium nitrate, calcium, magnesium and sulphur. In addition to these the sugar beet needs manganese, boron, and iron. The main goal of refining sugar beet is not only to achieve high sucrose accumulation but to create good crop too. The high sucrose accumulation is one of the sugar beets quality factor. In Finland the two reasons for sucrose accumulation development are refining seeds and increased expertise of farmers. Also weather conditions have an impact on sucrose accumulation. Fertilisation is a key factor in sugar beet cultivation. The plant gets its nutrients from the soil, but the amount of nutrition is not high enough in the soil. That is why many different fertilisers have been developed to answer farmer’s needs. There are also different ways of fertilize. That’s why farmers have to choose the best methods for the current situation. When choosing fertilisation methods farmers need to take into consideration which nutrients the plant needs because different nutrients move differently in the plant. The future of sugar beet is dependent on the decisions made in EU. The goal is to secure sugar beet cultivation in Finland. It is possible that the cultivation is centered near the sugar factories because one of the biggest challenges in cultivation is transporting sugar beets to the factory. Every year many studies are conducted in Finland to improve the different factors of the plant. That is why the quality of the plant may improve in the future

    Simulación numérica de procesos de compactación de pulvimateriales. Parte 1: Modelo constitutivo, de contacto y fricción

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    Se presenta un modelo numérico, basado en la teoría de las grandes deformaciones plásticas, para la simulación del proceso de compactación de pulvimateriales aplicado al diseño de piezas axisimétricas. La respuesta elástica se obtiene a partir de un modelo hiperelástico. La respuesta plástica representa esencialmente la pérdida de vacíos así como la deformación plástica de las partículas. La superficie de fluencia es una modificación del criterio de Von Mises que se controla mediante dos parámetros que dependen de la densidad relativa. Se propone un modelo viscoplástico para incluir el efecto de la velocidad de compactación sobre las propiedades finales del compacto. Esta regularización permite además evitar la pérdida de elipticidad que puede aparecer con algunos procesos de compactación mal definidos. Se estudian dos tipos de modelos de fricción con las paredes: 1. Modelo del tipo Norton-Hoff y 2. Modelo de Coulomb. Para resolver este último se estudian las técnicas de penalización y multiplicadores de Lagrange y se propone el uso de un algoritmo mixto para implementar dicho problema de forma robusta.A numerical model, based on large strain plasticity, to simulate the uniaxial compaction of powder materials is presented. The elastic response is obtained from a hyperelastic model. The plastic response represents the loss of voids and the plastic deformation oY the grains. Two parameters that evolve in terms of the relative density control the modified, Von Mises type, yield surface. A visco-plastic model to include the rate load dependency is proposed. This regularization prevents the loss of ellipticity that could occur with wrong compaction processes. Two different friction models are studied: 1 a Norton-Hoff type model and 2. a Coulomb friction model. Penalization and Lagrange multipliers methods are studied to solve the last one as well as a mixed algorithm, to implement the last model in a robust way.Peer Reviewe

    Phytoplankton photosynthesis-light relationship in the Pas estuary, Cantabria, Spain

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    ABSTRACT. The relationship between the photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) curves of natural phytoplankton assemblages and environmental conditions was investigated in a partially mixed estuary, the Pas. During an annual cycle, photosynthesis was measured both by in situ and laboratory (light-saturation curve) incubation methods. The initial slope (aB) and the maximum photosynthetic rate (PDrnax) of P-I curves changed significantly over the year. The parameter (a" ranged from 0.001 to 0.04 mgC(mgCh1a) l h-' (FE m-' S l) and PBrnax ranged from 0.6 to 15 mgC(mgCh1a)-' h-'. Maxima for both aB and PBrnax occurred when the community of phytoplankton was dominated by small cell (small diatoms, Cryptornonas sp.) and the minima were obtained when the extinction coefficient was highest. In field (in situ) incubations, the production normalized to chlorophyll a (PDi) correlated positively with salinity and negatively with the nutrient concentration

    Remote interactive whiteboard web application with synchronized video playback

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    The present work addresses the need for elite sport training centers to review exercises and discuss tactics based on captured sport footage when some of the attendees are not present. The proposed solution is a Web App that builds on top of the existing Sports Command Center application and enhances it with an HTML5 Canvas based whiteboard, which is synchronized using the WebRTC protocol. This provides a bidirectional, fast and reliable framework on which attendees can draw and express their thoughts, tactics and comments during briefing and debriefing sessions. The application requires no installation of plugins, drivers or extensions and works natively in the browser. It therefore runs in desktop PCs, tablets and mobile phones regardless of the Operating System. The project has covered all phases of the product development cycle, including requirement gathering, intensive research of the state of the art, design of the architecture with the help of UML diagrams, implementation of the application, dubbed Instant Video Feedback, and testing with customers, including looping in customer feedback during development and upon release to further tailor and improve the application. This document details the steps taken towards the finished solution, and documents the lessons and technologies learned, but cannot adequately capture the personal growth it has represented, or my deep gratitude to my supervisors and our customers

    Brazilian truckers’ strike and particulate matter (PM10) concentration: Temporal trend and time series models

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    As altas emissões de material particulado (MP) do tráfego de veículos impactam a qualidade do ar em áreas urbanas. Em 2018, uma greve de caminhoneiros interrompeu alguns serviços no Brasil, levando à falta de combustível em várias cidades, o que reduziu significativamente o fluxo de veículos. Este estudo avaliou a qualidade do ar durante essa greve, em duas cidades (Limeira e Campinas) no Sudeste do Brasil. A concentração de MP10 foi analisada nos períodos antes da greve (BTS — 1º a 22 de maio 2018), durante a greve (DTS — 23 a 30 de maio de 2018) e depois dela (ATS — 31 de maio de 2018 a 30 de junho de 2018), usando o método Theil-Sen e o modelo ARIMAX. Durante a greve ocorreu redução na concentração média diária de MP10 nas duas cidades. Considerando-se o horário de pico diário do fluxo veicular (18h), a concentração de MP10 foi 20% maior no período BTS do que no DTS, para ambas as cidades. Em comparação, o período ATS apresentou concentrações de 17% (Limeira) e 7% (Campinas) maiores, quando comparado com o DTS. As variações foram estatisticamente significativas com base nos modelos de séries temporais, e foram avaliadas as influências da velocidade do vento, da chuva no dia da amostragem e na véspera da amostragem e nos fins de semana. Também foi possível verificar a contribuição da greve na concentração de MP10 nas duas cidades. Em Limeira, o tráfego de caminhões teve maior influência na concentração de MP10, enquanto em Campinas essa contribuição foi similar entre caminhões e veículos leves. Com base na variação da concentração de MP10, observou-se a influência de mudanças na dinâmica de emissão veicular, que é uma das principais fontes emissoras nas regiões analisadas. Os resultados mostram que a restrição do tráfego veicular teve impacto imediato na melhoria da qualidade do ar e, então, são sugeridos investimentos públicos em outros tipos de transporte e políticas de controle de tráfego.High particulate matter (PM) emissions from vehicular traffic impact air quality in urban areas. In 2018, a truckers’ strike interrupted some of the services in Brazil, leading to a fuel outage in several cities that significantly reduced the flow of vehicles. This study evaluated air quality during the strike in two cities (Limeira and Campinas) in Southeastern Brazil. PM10 concentration was analyzed in the periods before (BTS — 05/01/2018 to 05/22/2018), during (DTS — 05/23/2018 to 05/30/2018), and after (ATS — 05/31/2018 to 06/30/2018) the strike using the Theil-Sen method and the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model with Exogenous Variables (ARIMAX). A reduction in the PM daily mean concentration in both cities occurred during the strike. Considering the daily peak time of vehicular flow (6:00 p.m.), the PM10 concentration was 20% higher in the BTS period compared to the DTS period for both cities. In comparison, the ATS period showed concentrations 17% (Limeira) and 7% (Campinas) higher when compared with the DTS period. The variations were statistically significant based on the time series models, and the influences of wind speed, rainfall on the sampling day and the day before sampling, and weekends were also evaluated. It was also possible to verify the contribution of the truckers’ strike to the PM10 concentration in the two cities evaluated. In Limeira, truck traffic had a greater influence on the concentration of PM10, while in Campinas, the contribution of trucks was like that of light vehicles. Based on the variation of the PM10 concentration, the influence of changes in vehicle emission dynamics, one of the main sources of emission in the regions studied, was observed. The results indicate that restricting vehicular traffic had an immediate impact on improving air quality. Therefore, public investment in other types of transport and traffic control policies are suggested