405 research outputs found

    Two new species of Ammothea (Pycnogonida, Ammotheidae) from Antarctic waters

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    Two new species of the genus Ammothea are described from Elephant Island and the South Shetlands Islands, Antarctica. The material was captured during the Polarstern cruise XXIII/8 to the Antarctic Peninsula area. The main features of Ammothea pseudospinosa n. sp. are a proboscis distinctly trilobulated distally with a constriction at 2/3 of its length and dimorphism between the propodi of the anterior (first and second) and posterior (third and fourth) legs, and a trunk: proboscis length ratio of about 1.5. The main features of Ammothea childi n. sp. are a cylindrical proboscis, longer than trunk length, and adults with functional chelifores. These species are compared with their closest congeners from the Southern Ocean: A. pseudospinosa n. sp. with Ammothea spinosa and Ammothea allopodes;A. childi n. sp. withAmmothea gigantea, Ammothea bicorniculata and Ammothea hesperidensis

    Colossendeis species (Pycnogonida: Colossendeidae) collected during the Italica XIX cruise to Victoria Land (Antarctica), with remarks on some taxonomic characters of the ovigers

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    The pycnogonid fauna of the genus Colossendeis collected during the Italica XIX cruise to Victoria Land (Ross Sea, Antarctica) was studied. A total of 19 specimens of six species were collected: Colossendeis australis (6), C. wilsoni (3), C. scotti (2), C. robusta (3), C. lilliei (2) and C. megalonyx (3). In the present contribution the observed variability of all collected Colossendeis species is described and illustrated. The previously synonymised C. lilliei is considered a different species from C. robusta. The observations made in this study lead us to discuss a controversy about the total number of oviger segments in this genus. Despite the currently established 10-segmented status, a short basal element is here considered to be a possible 11th segment. A detailed SEM study of the last oviger segment is carried out in all collected species, showing some intraspecific and the interspecific variability in the structures examined (shape and number of rows of compound spines, morphology of terminal claw, etc.). Finally, we discuss the taxonomic value of these characters of the last strigilis segment for distinguishing the Colossendeis species, and their possible utility in establishing internal phylogenetic relationships in future contributions

    New findings and a new species of the genus Ammothea (Pycnogonida, Ammotheidae), with an updated identification key to all Antarctic and sub-Antarctic species

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    Specimens of the pycnogonid genus Ammothea collected during the Polarstern cruise XXIII/8 (23 November 2006–30 January 2007) were studied. Nine species were recognized in this collection: Ammothea bentartica, A. bicorniculata, A. carolinensis, A. clausi, A. longispina, A. minor, A. spinosa, A. striata and A. tibialis. Three of them (A. bentartica, A. bicorniculata and A. tibialis) are reported for the second time, enlarging their known geographical and bathymetric range. In the present contribution, the observed morphological variability of all collected Ammothea species is described and discussed. For the identification and description of the material, different museum specimens were consulted. Among them, we have consulted part of the Discovery collection housed at the Natural History Museum in London. That material was initially identified by Isabella Gordon, a reputed author in the field of pycnogonid taxonomy. A new species, based on a museum specimen previously highly confused in the literature, is proposed in the present contribution as Ammothea isabellae n. sp. The new taxon is compared with its closest congeners, especially with A. longispina and A. stylirostris. Finally, we propose an updated dichotomous key to species covering all currently known Antarctic and sub-Antarctic Ammothea specie

    Nuevo modo de desarrollo postembrionario en el género Ammothea (Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae) procedente de aguas Antárticas

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    In this paper the postembryonic development of Ammothea glacialis (family ammotheidae) is described. The studied material was collected during the Italica XIX cruise to Victoria land, ross sea, antarctica. The external morphology of three larval instars is described and illustrated. The development of A. glacialis has the following characteristics: (1) protonymphon hatch from the eggs; (2) the larvae have yolk reserves and relatively large size (0.7 mm in length); (3) the larvae remain on the ovigerous legs of males during several moults; (4) the larvae have reduced larval II-III appendages and the spinning apparatus is absent; (5) the development of walking legs is sequential. This development is compared with those previously known, especially with Propallene longiceps and Nymphon grossipes.Nuevo modo de desarrollo postembrionario en el género AmmotheA (Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae) procedente de aguas Antárticas. – En este trabajo se describe el desarrollo postembrionario de Ammothea glacialis (familia ammotheidae). El material estudiado fue recolectado durante el crucero Itálica XIX a Tierra Victoria, en el mar de ross, antártida. se describe e ilustra la morfología externa de tres estadios larvarios. El desarrollo de A. glacialis se caracteriza por: (1) la larva eclosiona como protonymphon; (2) la larva es de tamaño relativo grande (0.7 mm de longitud) y con reservas de vitelo; (3) la larva permanece en los ovígeros del macho durante varias mudas; (4) la larva presenta los apéndices larvarios II y III reducidos y el “spinning apparatus” está ausente; (5) el desarrollo de las patas es secuencial. Este desarrollo es comparado con otros desarrollos postembrionarios previamente conocidos, especialmente con los de Propallene longiceps and Nymphon grossipes

    Las reflexiones de Antoine Meillet sobre la lingüística descriptiva

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    Observaciones sobre la distinción entre procesos sistémicos y estructurales en la adquisición del componente fonológico

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es el de analizar la distinción entre procesos sistémicos y estructurales, que suele manejarse al describir la adquisición del componente fonológico. Para llevar a cabo este análisis se tomará como punto de partida la propuesta analítica de Laura Bosch (2004), que goza de gran difusión entre los investigadores españoles. Nuestra atención se centrará, en primer lugar, en las dificultades que pueden surgir al tratar de distinguir con nitidez las peculiaridades etiquetadas como “sistémicas” y “estructurales”. A continuación, señalaremos la posible presencia de influencias contextuales o sintagmáticas en algunos de los procesos etiquetados habitualmente como fenómenos sistémicos.The purpose of this paper is to discuss the distinction between systemic processes and structural processes, which is well-known and frequently applied in studies on children’s phonological development. As a basis for reflection, we have selected Laura Bosch’s proposal (2004), because of its diffusion and influence among Spanish researchers. First of all, our attention will focus on the difficulties which may arise when trying to draw a perfectly neat line between the two types of processes. Secondly, and lastly, we will try to uncover the syntagmatic factors which lay behind some processes which are usually described as systemic

    Un lingüista entre dos siglos: Antoine Meillet y sus primeros proyectos de lingüística general

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    El propósito principal de este trabajo es iluminar algunos ángulos poco conocidos de la obra científica de Antoine Meillet (1866-1936), discípulo y amigo de Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) y cabeza de la llamada «École linguistique de Paris». Meillet es recordado, sobre todo, por su brillante aportación a varias ramas de la lingüística indoeuropea. Es comprensible, en vista de la magnitud y calidad de su labor como comparatista. Con todo, también es necesario tener presente su constante invitación a elevar la lingüística, ciencia predominante idiográfica (ciencia «de hechos»), al rango de ciencia nomotética (ciencia «de leyes»). Consciente de que tal empresa excedía las fuerzas de un solo investigador, sabedor de que el trabajo en equipo estaba llamado a desempeñar un papel cada vez más importante en el porvenir de la disciplina, Meillet trató de convencer a sus colegas de la necesidad de coordinarse y ponerse manos a la obra

    Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo y la Transición exterior: la prioridad europea

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    Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo played an important role in Spain’s transition to democracy, serving as minister and later prime minister. His political career was closely linked to Foreign Affairs and to the process of the “Foreign Transition” as he liked to call it. This paper, largely based upon his personal archives, analyses his thought, and how his idea of Europe played an important role in the formulation and execution of his policy. Calvo-Sotelo’s ideas and achievements are compared with those of other political leaders of the time, such as Adolfo Suárez and Felipe González. The conclusions show the nature and characteristics of Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo’s pro-European ideas.Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo desempeñó importantes responsabilidades ejecutivas en los gobiernos de la Transición, incluida la presidencia del Gobierno. Su gestión estuvo intensamente vinculada a las relaciones exteriores, dentro del proyecto que él mismo denominó «transición exterior». El artículo, basado en buena medida en documentación conservada en su archivo personal, analiza cuáles fueron sus principales ideas y en qué medida su concepto de Europa desempeñó un papel relevante en la formulación y ejecución de su política. Analiza esos hechos en relación con otros dirigentes del momento, especialmente Adolfo Suárez y Felipe González. Las conclusiones permiten conocer en qué consistió el europeísmo del principal protagonista de estos hechos