3,152 research outputs found

    «Traiciones» a Luis Vives.

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    Academic disciplines in the «Quixote» or «siendo de toda imposibilidad imposible»

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    En el Quijote están presentes la vida universitaria y todas las disciplinas integrantes del trivium y del quadrivium, así como el derecho, la medicina y la teología. Además, los conocimientos sobre dichas disciplinas no son los vulgares, sino propios de alguien que las ha estudiado en profundidad. Por otra parte, tenemos la seguridad de que Cervantes no cursó estudios universitarios y de que no pudo dedicarse al estudio si se tienen en cuenta las características de su vida. Esa discordancia ha sido advertida por muchos investigadores. En este trabajo se llega a la conclusión de que Cervantes no pudo escribir una obra llena de toda la sabiduría grecolatina y bíblica.In Don Quixote you can find the university life and all the disciplines of the trivium and quadrivium, as well as law studies, medicine and theology. In addition, knowledge of these disciplines are not vulgar, but typical of someone who has studied them in depth. Moreover, we are sure that Cervantes did not attend any university and could not devote himself to studying if the characteristics of his life are taken into account. This discrepancy has been noticed by many researchers. This paper concludes that Cervantes could not write a book full of all Greco-Roman and biblical wisdom

    Propaganda and the construction of a war culture in Spain during the Civil War

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    Este trabajo analiza la propaganda de guerra durante la Guerra Civil española y los primeros años del «nuevo Estado» franquista. La bibliografía reciente ha analizado la construcción estereotipada de la imagen del enemigo, y cómo la persona del general Francisco Franco fue transfigurada simbólicamente mediante la construcción y la propagación de su imagen carismática en el discurso, los ritos y las liturgias del «nuevo Estado» durante la Guerra Civil. Mediante estos discursos e imágenes, la propaganda construyó una cultura de guerra en España de 1936 a 1939.This article analyses the war propaganda during the Civil War and the first years of the Francoist “New State». Recent work has addressed the construction of the image of the enemy on the basis of the prevailing stereotypes, and how General Franco’s persona was transfigured symbolically through the development of a charismatic image within the rhetoric, rites and liturgies of the ‘New State». This propaganda helped spread a culture of war from 1936 to 1939 and beyond

    “Our Real Enemies”: Political Foundations of the Legality and Legitimacy of the Spanish “New State,” 1936-45

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    The legality and political legitimacy of the Francoist New State in Spain during the Civil War and the immediate post-war period entailed the formulation of a doctrine and criminal legislation that enabled the regime to repress its political opponents, as well as to gain control over Spanish society as a whole. This article analyzes how this process of the social construction of the offender was based on the categorization of the other as a dangerous and morally and socially harmful enemy, mainly through the creation of a new offender-based criminal law