89 research outputs found

    Identification of transcripts involved in meiosis and follicle formation during ovine ovary development

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The key steps in germ cell survival during ovarian development are the entry into meiosis of oogonies and the formation of primordial follicles, which then determine the reproductive lifespan of the ovary. In sheep, these steps occur during fetal life, between 55 and 80 days of gestation, respectively. The aim of this study was to identify differentially expressed ovarian genes during prophase I meiosis and early folliculogenesis in sheep.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to elucidate the molecular events associated with early ovarian differentiation, we generated two ovary stage-specific subtracted cDNA libraries using SSH. Large-scale sequencing of these SSH libraries identified 6,080 ESTs representing 2,535 contigs. Clustering and assembly of these ESTs resulted in a total of 2,101 unique sequences depicted in 1,305 singleton (62.11%) and 796 contigs (37.9%) ESTs (clusters). BLASTX evaluation indicated that 99% of the ESTs were homologous to various known genes/proteins in a broad range of organisms, especially ovine, bovine and human species. The remaining 1% which exhibited any homology to known gene sequences was considered as novel. Detailed study of the expression patterns of some of these genes using RT-PCR revealed new promising candidates for ovary differentiation genes in sheep.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We showed that the SSH approach was relevant to determining new mammalian genes which might be involved in oogenesis and early follicle development, and enabled the discovery of new potential oocyte and granulosa cell markers for future studies. These genes may have significant implications regarding our understanding of ovarian function in molecular terms, and for the development of innovative strategies to both promote and control fertility.</p

    Specialized microbial databases for inductive exploration of microbial genome sequences

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    BACKGROUND: The enormous amount of genome sequence data asks for user-oriented databases to manage sequences and annotations. Queries must include search tools permitting function identification through exploration of related objects. METHODS: The GenoList package for collecting and mining microbial genome databases has been rewritten using MySQL as the database management system. Functions that were not available in MySQL, such as nested subquery, have been implemented. RESULTS: Inductive reasoning in the study of genomes starts from "islands of knowledge", centered around genes with some known background. With this concept of "neighborhood" in mind, a modified version of the GenoList structure has been used for organizing sequence data from prokaryotic genomes of particular interest in China. GenoChore , a set of 17 specialized end-user-oriented microbial databases (including one instance of Microsporidia, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, a member of Eukarya) has been made publicly available. These databases allow the user to browse genome sequence and annotation data using standard queries. In addition they provide a weekly update of searches against the world-wide protein sequences data libraries, allowing one to monitor annotation updates on genes of interest. Finally, they allow users to search for patterns in DNA or protein sequences, taking into account a clustering of genes into formal operons, as well as providing extra facilities to query sequences using predefined sequence patterns. CONCLUSION: This growing set of specialized microbial databases organize data created by the first Chinese bacterial genome programs (ThermaList, Thermoanaerobacter tencongensis, LeptoList, with two different genomes of Leptospira interrogans and SepiList, Staphylococcus epidermidis) associated to related organisms for comparison

    Gene expression profiling to identify eggshell proteins involved in physical defense of the chicken egg

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>As uricoletic animals, chickens produce cleidoic eggs, which are self-contained bacteria-resistant biological packages for extra-uterine development of the chick embryo. The eggshell constitutes a natural physical barrier against bacterial penetration if it forms correctly and remains intact. The eggshell's remarkable mechanical properties are due to interactions among mineral components and the organic matrix proteins. The purpose of our study was to identify novel eggshell proteins by examining the transcriptome of the uterus during calcification of the eggshell. An extensive bioinformatic analysis on genes over-expressed in the uterus allowed us to identify novel eggshell proteins that contribute to the egg's natural defenses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our 14 K Del-Mar Chicken Integrated Systems microarray was used for transcriptional profiling in the hen's uterus during eggshell deposition. A total of 605 transcripts were over-expressed in the uterus compared with the magnum or white isthmus across a wide range of abundance (1.1- to 79.4-fold difference). The 605 highly-expressed uterine transcripts correspond to 469 unique genes, which encode 437 different proteins. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis was used for interpretation of protein function. The most over-represented GO terms are related to genes encoding ion transport proteins, which provide eggshell mineral precursors. Signal peptide sequence was found for 54 putative proteins secreted by the uterus during eggshell formation. Many functional proteins are involved in calcium binding or biomineralization--prerequisites for interacting with the mineral phase during eggshell fabrication. While another large group of proteins could be involved in proper folding of the eggshell matrix. Many secreted uterine proteins possess antibacterial properties, which would protect the egg against microbial invasion. A final group includes proteases and protease inhibitors that regulate protein activity in the acellular uterine fluid where eggshell formation takes place.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our original study provides the first detailed description of the chicken uterus transcriptome during formation of the eggshell. We have discovered a cache of about 600 functional genes and identified a large number of encoded proteins secreted into uterine fluid for fabrication of the eggshell and chemical protection of the egg. Some of these uterine genes could prove useful as biological markers for genetic improvement of phenotypic traits (i.e., egg and eggshell quality).</p


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    Profiling the landscape of transcription, chromatin accessibility and chromosome conformation of cattle, pig, chicken and goat genomes [FAANG pilot project]

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    Functional annotation of livestock genomes is a critical and obvious next step to derive maximum benefit for agriculture, animal science, animal welfare and human health. The aim of the Fr-AgENCODE project is to generate multi-species functional genome annotations by applying high-throughput molecular assays on three target tissues/cells relevant to the study of immune and metabolic traits. An extensive collection of stored samples from other tissues is available for further use (FAANG Biosamples ‘FR-AGENCODE’). From each of two males and two females per species (pig, cattle, goat, chicken), strand-oriented RNA-seq and chromatin accessibility ATAC-seq assays were performed on liver tissue and on two T-cell types (CD3+CD4+&CD3+CD8+) sorted from blood (mammals) or spleen (chicken). Chromosome Conformation Capture (in situ Hi-C) was also carried out on liver. Sequencing reads from the 3 assays were processed using standard processing pipelines. While most (50–70%) RNA-seq reads mapped to annotated exons, thousands of novel transcripts and genes were found, including extensions of annotated protein-coding genes and new lncRNAs (see abstract #69857). Consistency of ATAC-seq results was confirmed by the significant proportion of called peaks in promoter regions (36–66%) and by the specific accumulation pattern of peaks around gene starts (TSS) v. gene ends (TTS). Principal Component Analyses for RNA-seq (based on quantified gene expression) and ATAC-seq (based on quantified chromatin accessibility) highlighted clusters characterised by cell type and sex in all species. From Hi-C data, we generated 40kb-resolution interaction maps, profiled a genome-wide Directionality Index and identified from 4,100 (chicken) to 12,100 (pig) topologically-associating do- mains (TADs). Correlations were reported between RNA-seq and ATAC-seq results (see abstract #71581). In summary, we present here an overview of the first multi-species and -tissue annotations of chromatin accessibility and genome architecture related to gene expression for farm animals

    Strengthening insights into host responses to mastitis infection in ruminants by combining heterogeneous microarray data sources

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gene expression profiling studies of mastitis in ruminants have provided key but fragmented knowledge for the understanding of the disease. A systematic combination of different expression profiling studies via meta-analysis techniques has the potential to test the extensibility of conclusions based on single studies. Using the program Pointillist, we performed meta-analysis of transcription-profiling data from six independent studies of infections with mammary gland pathogens, including samples from cattle challenged <it>in vivo </it>with <it>S. aureus</it>, <it>E. coli</it>, and <it>S. uberis</it>, samples from goats challenged <it>in vivo </it>with <it>S. aureus</it>, as well as cattle macrophages and ovine dendritic cells infected <it>in vitro </it>with <it>S. aureus</it>. We combined different time points from those studies, testing different responses to mastitis infection: overall (common signature), early stage, late stage, and cattle-specific.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Ingenuity Pathway Analysis of affected genes showed that the four meta-analysis combinations share biological functions and pathways (e.g. protein ubiquitination and polyamine regulation) which are intrinsic to the general disease response. In the overall response, pathways related to immune response and inflammation, as well as biological functions related to lipid metabolism were altered. This latter observation is consistent with the milk fat content depression commonly observed during mastitis infection. Complementarities between early and late stage responses were found, with a prominence of metabolic and stress signals in the early stage and of the immune response related to the lipid metabolism in the late stage; both mechanisms apparently modulated by few genes, including <it>XBP1 </it>and <it>SREBF1</it>.</p> <p>The cattle-specific response was characterized by alteration of the immune response and by modification of lipid metabolism. Comparison of <it>E. coli </it>and <it>S. aureus </it>infections in cattle <it>in vivo </it>revealed that affected genes showing opposite regulation had the same altered biological functions and provided evidence that <it>E. coli </it>caused a stronger host response.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This meta-analysis approach reinforces previous findings but also reveals several novel themes, including the involvement of genes, biological functions, and pathways that were not identified in individual studies. As such, it provides an interesting proof of principle for future studies combining information from diverse heterogeneous sources.</p

    DRAP: de novo RNA-Seq Assembly Pipeline

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    Trinity and Oases are two commonly used de novo transcriptome assemblers. The contig sets they produce are of good quality. Still, their compaction (number of contigs needed to represent the transcriptome) and their quality (chimera and nucleotide error rates) can be improved. We built a de novo RNA-Seq Assembly Pipeline (DRAP) which wraps these two assemblers (Trinity and Oases) in order to improve their results regarding the above-mentioned criteria. DRAP reduces from 1.3 to 15 fold the number of resulting contigs of the assemblies depending on the read set and the assembler used. This article presents seven assembly comparisons showing in some cases drastic improvements when using DRAP. DRAP does not significantly impair assembly quality metrics such are read realignment rate or protein reconstruction counts. Transcriptome assembly is a challenging computational task even if good solutions are already available to end-users, these solutions can still be improved while conserving the overall representation and quality of the assembly. The de novo RNA-Seq Assembly Pipeline (DRAP) is an easy to use software package to produce compact and corrected transcript set

    Compacting and correcting Trinity and Oases RNA-Seq de novo assemblies

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    De novo transcriptome assembly of short reads is now a common step in expression analysis of organisms lacking a reference genome sequence. Several software packages are available to perform this task. Even if their results are of good quality it is still possible to improve them in several ways including redundancy reduction or error correction. Trinity and Oases are two commonly used de novo transcriptome assemblers. The contig sets they produce are of good quality. Still, their compaction (number of contigs needed to represent the transcriptome) and their quality (chimera and nucleotide error rates) can be improved. We built a de novo RNA-Seq Assembly Pipeline (DRAP) which wraps these two assemblers (Trinity and Oases) in order to improve their results regarding the above-mentioned criteria. DRAP reduces from 1.3 to 15 fold the number of resulting contigs of the assemblies depending on the read set and the assembler used. This article presents seven assembly comparisons showing in some cases drastic improvements when using DRAP. DRAP does not significantly impair assembly quality metrics such are read realignment rate or protein reconstruction counts. Transcriptome assembly is a challenging computational task even if good solutions are already available to end-users, these solutions can still be improved while conserving the overall representation and quality of the assembly. The de novo RNA-Seq Assembly Pipeline (DRAP) is an easy to use software package to produce compact and corrected transcript set

    Early response of epithelial cells to Eimeria tenella infection

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    Session Poster : Intracellular survival and host-parasite relationshipEimeria tenella infection is associated with a severe intestinal disease leading to high economic impact in poultry industry. The cost of vaccine and the emergence of anticoccidial drug resistances highlight the need of alternative strategies. For this purpose, the understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the development of the disease at the earliest time of the infection is needed. Our objective is to determine the early epithelial cell response to Eimeria infection. We developed an in vitro model of mouse intestinal epithelial cells (mICcL2) infected with Eimeria tenella on which a RNA sequencing study was performed. Based on a cut-off of >2 fold differential expression compared with the uninfected cells, early infection (1-4h) with Eimeria tenella leaded to less than <1% changes in gene expression. Out of 76 genes whose expressions were modified 1h pi, 25 were upregulated, in contrast to 58 out of 78 4h pi. Transcription factor genes and genes related to the immune response were highly upregulated 1h pi whereas transcription factor and immune response genes but also genes encoding for cytoskeletal and adhesion molecules were upregulated 4h pi. Interestingly, the expression of the transcription factors fosB and c-fos was the most induced by the infection (30 and 19 fold after 1h). The Fos family transcription factors is implicated in many cellular functions such as cell cycle, differentiation and immune response and is upregulated in different models of infection. The role of cFos in an Eimeria infection of epithelial cells will be investigated using a siRNA approach
