2,812 research outputs found

    Unpacking the relationship between screen use and educational outcomes in childhood: a systematic literature review

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    [EN] The increasing digitization of society has led to the growing immersion of children in virtual culture, raising concerns about how screen use affects their educational and personal development. Through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and Textual Data Mining (TDM), this study explores the profile of digital technology use, behaviour, and effects on childhood. We identify three distinct periods in the study of these effects: pre-2016, focused on addiction and health; 2016–2020, focused on educational applications and the role of families; and post-2020, with an emphasis on negative repercussions for identity construction, health, well-being, and behaviour. Our findings reveal a growing concern about the cognitive and emotional impact of screen use, underscoring the importance of teacher training and digital literacy for children and parents for appropriate and healthy use of technology. In contrast to what has been previously known, this study highlights the dynamic change in issues of concern about childhood screen use over time and emphasizes the need for educational strategies adapted to emerging digital cultural realities. This comprehensive approach offers a deeper insight into the dual role of technology as both an educational tool and a source of risk, providing a foundation for the development of informed and responsible educational practices in the digital age.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2024.105049https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2024.10504

    Looking at A 0535+26 at low luminosities with NuSTAR

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    We report on two NuSTAR observations of the HMXB A 0535+26 taken toward the end of its normal 2015 outburst at very low 3503-50 keV luminosities of 1.4×1036{\sim}1.4\times10^{36} erg/s and 5×1035{\sim}5\times10^{35} erg/s which are complemented by 9 Swift observations. The data clearly confirm indications seen in earlier data that the source's spectral shape softens as it becomes fainter. The smooth, exponential rollover at high energies present in the first observation evolves to a much more abrupt steepening of the spectrum at 203020-30 keV. The continuum evolution can be well described with emission from a magnetized accretion column, modeled using the compmag model modified by an additional Gaussian emission component for the fainter observation. Between the two observations, the optical depth changes from 0.75±0.040.75\pm0.04 to 0.560.04+0.010.56^{+0.01}_{-0.04}, the electron temperature remains constant, and there is an indication that the column decreases in radius. Since the energy resolved pulse profiles remain virtually unchanged in shape between the two observations, the emission properties of the accretion column, however, reflect the same accretion regime. This conclusion is also confirmed by our result that the energy of the cyclotron resonant scattering feature (CRSF) at 45{\sim}45 keV is independent of the luminosity, implying that the magnetic field in the region in which the observed radiation is produced is the same in both observations. Finally, we also constrain the evolution of the continuum parameters with rotational phase of the neutron star. The width of the CRSF could only be constrained for the brighter observation. Based on Monte-Carlo simulations of CRSF formation in single accretion columns, its pulse phase dependence supports a simplified fan beam emission pattern. The evolution of the CRSF width is very similar to that of the CRSF depth, which is in disagreement with expectations.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    The mesh is a network of microtubule connectors that stabilizes individual kinetochore fibers of the mitotic spindle

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    Kinetochore fibers (K-fibers) of the mitotic spindle are force-generating units that power chromosome movement during mitosis. K-fibers are composed of many microtubules that are held together throughout their length. Here we show, using 3D electron microscopy, that K-fiber microtubules are connected by a network of microtubule connectors. We term this network 'the mesh'. The K-fiber mesh is made of linked multipolar connectors. Each connector has up to four struts, so that a single connector can link up to four microtubules. Molecular manipulation of the mesh by overexpression of TACC3 causes disorganization of the K-fiber microtubules. Optimal stabilization of K-fibers by the mesh is required for normal progression through mitosis. We propose that the mesh stabilizes K-fibers by pulling MTs together and thereby maintaining the integrity of the fiber. Our work thus identifies the K-fiber meshwork of linked multipolar connectors as a key integrator and determinant of K-fiber structure and function

    Plan de trabajo Arrendadora ProParking, S. de R.L de C.V Investigación de Mercado Paralelo en China

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    El proyecto PAP elaborado para la empresa Arrendadora Pro-Parking S. de R.L de C.V. plantea realizar una investigación en mercados internacionales de donde surge el interés por un mercado particular, o mejor dicho un régimen preferencial para la importación de automóviles nuevos a China llamado “Parallel imports” de donde emana el know how el trabajo y a donde se vio dirigido todo el esfuerzo. Para ello, se investigará con especialistas en el rubro, que puedan proporcionar información que no está escrita en la Web, periódico o en libros. Esta afirmación surge de un constante freno en la búsqueda de información sensible del país destino (China). Creemos, con ello, obtener Información pertinente que nos dé la pauta para que ProParking pueda comenzar a exportar vehículos a este mercado, a la vez tratar de eliminar intermediarios y crear un flujo de efectivo más sano y rentable para la empresa y quienes están involucrados.ITESO, A.C

    Support effects on NiO-based catalysts for the oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of ethane

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    [EN] We report on the effect of NiO-support interactions on the chemical nature of Ni species in a series of supported NiO catalysts for the ODH of ethane. SiO2, TiO2-anatase, a high surface area TiO2 and a porous clay hetero-structure (PCH) with TiO2 and SiO2 pillars were used as supports, which led to a selectivity to ethylene in the range 30-90% over supported NiO catalysts. The catalysts were characterized by means of XRD, N-2-Adsorption, H-2-TPR, XPS and in situ (under H-2 reductive atmosphere) and ex situ XAS spectroscopy. The catalytic performance of supported materials is discussed in terms of their reducibility and specific reduction kinetics, but also taking into account the specific chemical nature of Ni species on each catalyst. The influence of the particle size and the presence of Ni and O vacancies on the catalytic performance in the ODH of ethane is inferred.Authors would like to thank the DGICYT in Spain CTQ2015-68951-C3-1-R, CTQ2015-68951-C3-3-R, CTQ2012-37925-C03-2 and ENE2017-88818-C2-1-R. Also authors want to acknowledge the ALBA Synchrotron Light Source (Project ID: 2015021258 at CLAESS beamline). Authors from ITQ thank Project SEV-2016-0683 for financial support. D. D. also thanks MINECO and Severo Ochoa Excellence Program for his fellowship (SVP-2014-068669). Authors from UV thank the University of Valencia (UV-INV-AE16-484416 project) and MINECO (MAT2017-84118-C2-1-R project) for funding.Delgado-Muñoz, D.; Sanchís, R.; Cecilia, JA.; Rodríguez-Castellón, E.; Caballero, A.; Solsona, B.; López Nieto, JM. (2019). Support effects on NiO-based catalysts for the oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of ethane. Catalysis Today. 333:10-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2018.07.010S101633

    Redox and Catalytic Properties of Promoted NiO Catalysts for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane

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    [EN] NiO and metal-promoted NiO catalysts (M-NiO, with a M/(M+Ni) atomic ratio of 0.08, with M = Nb, Sn, or La) have been prepared, tested in the oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of ethane, and characterized by means of XRD, TPR, HRTEM, Raman, XPS, and in situ XAS (using H-2/He, air or C2H6/He mixtures). The selectivity to ethylene during the ODH of ethane decreases according to the following trend: Nb NiO Sn NiO > La NiO > NiO, whereas the catalyst reducibility (determined by both TPR and XAS using H-2/He mixtures) shows the opposite trend. However, different reducibility and catalytic behavior in the absence of oxygen (ethane/He mixtures) have been observed, especially when comparing Nb- and Sn-promoted NiO samples. These differences can be ascribed mainly to a different phase distribution of the promoter. The results presented here are discussed in terms of the nature of active and selective sites for ODH of ethane in selective and unselective catalysts, but also the role of promoters and the importance of their phase distribution.The authors would like to acknowledge the DGICYT in Spain CTQ2012-37925-C03-2, CTQ2015-68951-C3-1-R, and CTQ2015-68951-C3-3-R. Authors thank European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, ESRF (Project CH-4512; BM25-SpLine Beamlime). Authors from ITQ also thank Project SEV-2016-0683 for financial support. D.D. thanks MINECO and Severo Ochoa Excellence Program for his fellowship (SVP-2014-068669). B.S. also thanks UV-INV-AE16-484416. Finally, the authors thank the Electron Microscopy Service of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for their support.Delgado-Muñoz, D.; Solsona Espriu, BE.; Ykrelef, A.; Rodriguez-Gomez, A.; Caballero, A.; Rodríguez-Aguado, E.; Rodriguez-Castellón, E.... (2017). Redox and Catalytic Properties of Promoted NiO Catalysts for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Ethane. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 121(45):25132-25142. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b07066S25132251421214

    Charged-current quasielastic neutrino scattering cross sections on 12 C with realistic spectral and scaling functions

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    Charge-current quasielastic (anti)neutrino scattering cross sections on a 12C target are analyzed using a spectral function S(p,E) that gives a scaling function in accordance with the (e,e′) scattering data. The spectral function accounts for the nucleon-nucleon (NN) correlations, it has a realistic energy dependence, and natural orbitals (NOs) from the Jastrow correlation method are used in its construction. In all calculations the standard value of the axial mass MA=1.032 GeV/c2 is used. The results are compared with those when NN correlations are not included, as in the relativistic Fermi gas model, or when harmonic-oscillator single-particle wave functions are used instead of NOs. The role of the final-state interactions (FSIs) on the theoretical spectral and scaling functions, as well as on the cross sections, is accounted for. A comparison of the results for the cases with and without FSI, as well as to results from the phenomenological scaling function obtained from the superscaling analysis, is carried out. Our calculations based on the impulse approximation underpredict the MiniBooNE data but agree with the data from the NOMAD experiment. The possible missing ingredients in the considered theoretical models are discussed.DGI y FEDER FIS2011-28738-C02-01 FPA2010-17142Junta de AndalucíaPrograma Consolider-Ingenio 2000 CSD2007-0004

    Modelos de crecimiento y remodelado en aneurismas

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    Frecuentemente el desarrollo de los aneurismas se relaciona con adaptaciones de la pared arterial frente a alguna alteración del estado homeostático de la misma. Es sabido que cambios en la pared vascular producen estímulos mecánicos y bioquímicos que, a su vez, desencadenan procesos adaptativos en las propiedades, orientaciones y concentraciones de los materiales que constituyen la pared arterial con el objetivo de alcanzar un nuevo estado de equilibrio homeostático en la estructura. En particular, se utiliza el término de remodelado para los procesos que cambian propiedades materiales y orientaciones de fibras, mientras que los procesos que cambian las concentraciones de los constituyentes son denominados procesos de crecimiento, en los cuales, evidentemente, hay variación de masa en el sistema. Dichos fenómenos son claves para el entendimiento de la génesis, desarrollo y posterior evolución de los aneurismas. En este trabajo se estudia el comportamiento de un modelo de crecimiento y remodelado ampliamente difundido en la literatura cuando un segmento arterial ideal es dañado en la componente de elastina de forma predeterminada. En este trabajo se propone realizar la implementación del modelo a través de formulaciones de sólidos hiperelásticos en grandes deformaciones. Las ecuaciones resultantes se aproximan por el método de elementos finitos. En este contexto, se estudia la influencia de los parámetros intervinientes, tales como la tasa de crecimiento, nivel de reclutamiento y vida media del colágeno, comparando resultados con los disponibles en la literatura.Publicado en: Mecánica Computacional vol. XXXV, no. 9.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Crossover interference and sex-specific genetic maps shape identical by descent sharing in close relatives

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    Simulations of close relatives and identical by descent (IBD) segments are common in genetic studies, yet most past efforts have utilized sex averaged genetic maps and ignored crossover interference, thus omitting features known to affect the breakpoints of IBD segments. We developed Ped-sim, a method for simulating relatives that can utilize either sex-specific or sex averaged genetic maps and also either a model of crossover interference or the traditional Poisson model for inter-crossover distances. To characterize the impact of previously ignored mechanisms, we simulated data for all four combinations of these factors. We found that modeling crossover interference decreases the standard deviation of pairwise IBD proportions by 10.4% on average in full siblings through second cousins. By contrast, sex-specific maps increase this standard deviation by 4.2% on average, and also impact the number of segments relatives share. Most notably, using sex-specific maps, the number of segments half-siblings share is bimodal; and when combined with interference modeling, the probability that sixth cousins have non-zero IBD sharing ranges from 9.0 to 13.1%, depending on the sexes of the individuals through which they are related. We present new analytical results for the distributions of IBD segments under these models and show they match results from simulations. Finally, we compared IBD sharing rates between simulated and real relatives and find that the combination of sex-specific maps and interference modeling most accurately captures IBD rates in real data. Ped-sim is open source and available from https://github.com/williamslab/ped-sim