392 research outputs found


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    Na atualidade um dos problemas do Judiciário é quando, no processo de execução, não se encontram bens penhoráveis do devedor. Sabe-se que uma das funções do Judiciário é a pacificação social, onde o credor busca a satisfação do seu crédito junto ao devedor por meio da justiça. Mas e quando o devedor não tem bens passíveis de penhora? O que fazer? Esta paz estaria ameaçada? Para tentar minimizar esse problema, alguns doutrinadores oferecem soluções para esse problema, utilizando-se principalmente da analogia, uma vez que o Art. 791, III, é omisso quanto a data de início e quanto ao tempo de duração da suspensão.Palavras-chave: Prescrição. Intercorrente. Processo. Execução. Penhora

    Paleodictyon maximum: typical trace fossil of the Nereites ichnofacies in carbonate ramp environment from the Middle Jurassic of Mareta beach (Algarve Basin, Portugal)

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    O presente trabalho descreve a ocorrência de um exemplar de Paleodictyon maximum proveniente de ambientes de rampa carbonatada do Jurássico Médio (Bajociano superior) da Bacia do Algarve e discute as suas implicações para a compreensão do ambiente deposicional da sequência da Praia da Mareta, bem como para o comportamento do organismo produtor. Forma arquetípica da Icnosubfacies de Paleodictyon de ambientes marinhos profundos turbidíticos, mostra no Mesozoico, pelo menos, ser uma relíquia ecofenotípica do Paleozoico e ocorre, com uma relativamente ampla distribuição paleogeográfica, em ambientes de plataforma associados a eventos de sedimentação (tempestíticos, turbidíticos). Níveis de sedimentação elevados terão possibilitado a preservação deste Paleodictyon ao limitar a bioturbação subsequente. O exemplo de P. maximum da Praia da Mareta serve ainda para mostrar que, para a identificação das icnofácies e correspondentes interpretações paleoambientais e batimétricas, é fundamental identificar associações de icnofósseis ou icnocenoses recorrentes e não apenas icnofósseis individuais, integrando a informação sedimentológica e icnológica, para além de enquadrá-las no contexto paleoecológico evolutivo para o período cronoestratigráfico que representam.This work describes the occurrence of one specimen of Paleodictyon maximum from the Middle Jurassic (upper Bajocian) carbonate succession of Mareta Beach, Algarve Basin. It discusses its implications for the carbonate ramp environments of the Mareta Beach sequence, as well as the behaviour of its producer. Archetypal trace fossils from the Paleodictyon Ichnosubfacies, associated with deep-sea turbidite environments that occur in the Mesozoic, are interpreted to be an ecophenotypical relict from the Paleozoic Evolutionary Fauna. It occurs with relatively wide paleogeographical distribution in shelfal environments associated with event beds (tempestites, prodelta turbidites). High sedimentation rates may have allowed the preservation of this Paleodictyon, by limiting subsequent bioturbation. The example of P. maximum from Mareta Beach section helps to show that, for the determination of ichnofacies and correspondent paleoenvironmental and bathymetric interpretations, the best method is to identify recurring ichnocoenoses and not relying only in individual trace fossils. The integration of sedimentological and ichnological information, together with the inclusion of this data within the evolutionary paleoecology of trace fossils for the chronostratigraphic time under analysis proved to be a powerful tool in basin analysis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    First tracks of newborn straight-tusked elephants (Palaeoloxodon antiquus)

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    Tracks and trackways of newborns, calves and juveniles attributed to straight-tusked elephants were found in the MIS 5 site (Upper Pleistocene) known as the Matalascañas Trampled Surface (MTS) at Huelva, SW Spain. Evidence of a snapshot of social behaviour, especially parental care, can be determined from the concentration of elephant tracks and trackways, and especially from apparently contemporaneous converging trackways, of small juvenile and larger, presumably young adult female tracks. The size frequency of the tracks enabled us to infer body mass and age distribution of the animals that crossed the MTS. Comparisons of the MTS demographic frequency with the morphology of the fore- and hind limbs of extant and fossil proboscideans shed light into the reproductive ecology of the straight-tusked elephant, Palaeloxodon antiquus. The interdune pond habitat appeared to have been an important water and food resource for matriarchal herds of straight-tusked elephants and likely functioned as a reproductive habitat, with only the rare presence of adult and older males in the MTS. The preservation of this track record in across a paleosol surface, although heavily trampled by different animals, including Neanderthals, over a short time frame, permitted an exceptional view into short-term intraspecific trophic interactions occurring in the Last Interglacial coastal habitat. Therefore, it is hypothesized that Neanderthals visited MTS for hunting or scavenging on weakened or dead elephants, and more likely calves.Universidad de Huelva y Junta de Andalucía. RNM-293 y RNM-238Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal, fondos FEDER de la Unión Europea y plan COMPETE 2020 de Portugal. UIDB/MAR/ 04292/202

    Production of yellow passion fruit under different planting densities

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    O adensamento de plantas em cultivos do maracujazeiro-amarelo é importante por propiciar maior rentabilidade em menor área. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes densidades de plantio na produção, qualidade dos frutos e rentabilidade do maracujazeiro-amarelo. O experimento foi instalado e conduzido em pomar comercial da Fazenda Sant'ana, Município de São Tiago, MG. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de diferentes espaçamentos na linha de plantio: T1, 1,0 m (3.330 plantas/ha); T2, 1,5 m (2.220 plantas/ha); T3, 2,0 m (1.660 plantas/ha); T4, 3,0 m (1.100 plantas/ha) e T5, 4,0 m (830 plantas/ha). O espaçamento entre linhas foi de 3,0 m em todos os tratamentos. Cada parcela foi constituída de 12 m de comprimento por 3,0 m de largura (36 m2). O plantio foi realizado em outubro de 2001, e a colheita, a partir de abril, estendendo-se até agosto de 2002. A maior produtividade foi estimada em 11,9 t/ha na densidade de 1.841 plantas/ha. O adensamento não altera a qualidade do fruto. A máxima eficiência econômica foi alcançada na densidade de 1.340 plantas/ha, com rentabilidade de R1.321,92/ha.Thedensityofplantsincultivationsofyellowpassionfruitsisimportant,becauseitprovideslargerprofitabilityinsmallerareas.Theobjectiveofthisresearchwastoevaluatetheeffectofdifferentplantingdensitiesonproduction,qualityoffruitandprofitabilityofyellowpassionfruit.TheexperimentwasinstalledinacommercialorchardinSantanaFarm,districtofSa~oTiago,MG,Brazil.Theexperimentaldesignwasinrandomizedblockswithfivetreatmentsandfourreplications.Thetreatmentsweredifferentplantingdensities:T1,1.0m(3,330plants/ha);T2,1.5m(2,220plants/ha);T3,2.0m(1,660plants/ha);T4,3.0m(1,100plants/ha)andT5,4.0m(830plants/ha).Thedistancebetweenthelineswas3.0mtoallthetreatments.Eachplotwas12mlongand3.0mwide(36m2).TheplantingwasaccomplishedinOctoberof2001.TheharvestbeganinAprilextendingtoAugustof2002.Thelargestproductivitywas11.9ton/haatadensityof1,841plants/ha.Plantingdensitydidnotchangethequalityofthefruits.Thelargesteconomicalefficiencywasreachedunderthedensityof1,340plants/ha,withaprofitabilityofR 1.321,92/ha.The density of plants in cultivations of yellow passion fruits is important, because it provides larger profitability in smaller areas. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of different planting densities on production, quality of fruit and profitability of yellow passion fruit. The experiment was installed in a commercial orchard in Sant'ana Farm, district of São Tiago, MG, Brazil. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with five treatments and four replications. The treatments were different planting densities: T1, 1.0 m (3,330 plants/ha); T2, 1.5 m (2,220 plants/ha); T3, 2.0 m (1,660 plants/ha); T4, 3.0 m (1,100 plants/ha) and T5, 4.0 m (830 plants/ha). The distance between the lines was 3.0 m to all the treatments. Each plot was 12 m long and 3.0 m wide (36 m2). The planting was accomplished in October of 2001. The harvest began in April extending to August of 2002. The largest productivity was 11.9 ton/ha at a density of 1,841 plants/ha. Planting density did not change the quality of the fruits. The largest economical efficiency was reached under the density of 1,340 plants/ha, with a profitability of R 1,321.92/ha

    Melatonin and the cardiovascular system in animals: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Melatonin, a hormone released by the pineal gland, demonstrates several effects on the cardiovascular system. Herein, we performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to verify the effects of melatonin in an experimental model of myocardial infarction. We performed a systematic review according to PRISMA recommendations and reviewed MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane databases. Only articles in English were considered. A systematic review of the literature published between November 2008 and June 2019 was performed. The meta-analysis was conducted using the RevMan 5.3 program provided by the Cochrane Collaboration. In total, 858 articles were identified, of which 13 were included in this review. The main results of this study revealed that melatonin benefits the cardiovascular system by reducing infarct size, improving cardiac function according to echocardiographic and hemodynamic analyses, affords antioxidant effects, improves the rate of apoptosis, decreases lactate dehydrogenase activity, enhances biometric analyses, and improves protein levels, as analyzed by western blotting and quantitative PCR. In the meta-analysis, we observed a statistically significant decrease in infarct size (mean difference [MD], -20.37 [-23.56, -17.18]), no statistical difference in systolic pressure (MD, -1.75 [-5.47, 1.97]), a statistically significant decrease in lactate dehydrogenase in animals in the melatonin group (MD, -4.61 [-6.83, -2.40]), and a statistically significant improvement in the cardiac ejection fraction (MD, -8.12 [-9.56, -6.69]). On analyzing potential bias, we observed that most studies presented a low risk of bias; two parameters were not included in the analysis, and one parameter had a high risk of bias. Melatonin exerts several effects on the cardiovascular system and could be a useful therapeutic target to combat various cardiovascular diseases

    Resistance to Meloidogyne enterolobii in sweet potatoes

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    The present work was designed to select for sweet potatoes clones (Ipomoea batatas) resistant to Meloidogyne enterolobii (Syn. M. mayaguensis) as well as evaluate the efficiency of the selection methods used by estimating their genetic (VCg) and environmental (VCe) variation coefficients as well as broad sense heritability. A total of 142 sweet potato genotypes were tested, including four commercial varieties (Brazlândia Rosada, Brazlândia Roxa, Brazlândia Branca, and Palmas) as well as the Santa Clara tomato cultivar (utilized as a susceptibility standard). The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, in two repetitions of six plants each. Resistance levels were classified according to the numbers of eggs per gram of roots, the reproduction factor (RF), and the reproduction index (RI) relative to the Santa Clara tomato cultivar. The b= VCg/VCe ratio and broad sense heritability were high in terms of the numbers of eggs per gram of roots, as well as in terms of the reproduction factor and reproduction index, demonstrating the efficiency of the methodology used in the selection of resistant genotypes. Thirty-one sweet potato genotypes resistant to M. enterolobii were identified as having significant potential for continuing the breeding program.The present work was designed to select for sweet potatoes clones (Ipomoea batatas) resistant to Meloidogyne enterolobii (Syn. M. mayaguensis) as well as evaluate the efficiency of the selection methods used by estimating their genetic (VCg) and environmental (VCe) variation coefficients as well as broad sense heritability. A total of 142 sweet potato genotypes were tested, including four commercial varieties (Brazlândia Rosada, Brazlândia Roxa, Brazlândia Branca, and Palmas) as well as the Santa Clara tomato cultivar (utilized as a susceptibility standard). The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, in two repetitions of six plants each. Resistance levels were classified according to the numbers of eggs per gram of roots, the reproduction factor (RF), and the reproduction index (RI) relative to the Santa Clara tomato cultivar. The b= VCg/VCe ratio and broad sense heritability were high in terms of the numbers of eggs per gram of roots, as well as in terms of the reproduction factor and reproduction index, demonstrating the efficiency of the methodology used in the selection of resistant genotypes. Thirty-one sweet potato genotypes resistant to M. enterolobii were identified as having significant potential for continuing the breeding program

    Caranguejos que correm, crinóides que caminham, gastrópodes que se alimentam: diversidade comportamental no Lagerstätte do Cabeço da Ladeira e suas implicações evolutivas (Jurássico Médio, Portugal)

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    Ichnology is a powerful tool for understanding the evolutionary paths of animal clades, through the paleobiology of behavior preserved in Lagerstätten such as the Cabeço da Ladeira (Portugal) site. Here, the peritidal carbonates of the Chão das Pias Formation (Middle Jurassic, upper Bajocian) record the development of microbial mats in a tidal flat. Episodically, the flat was expanded during periods of equinoctial spring tides that may have been responsible for the in situ killing of several members of echinoderm clades, and the fine preservation of their endoskeleton, in addition to the behavior of an arthropod-dominated endo- and epifauna. Mat-preserved shallow tiers with a moderate ichnodiversity attributed to the Cruziana ichnofacies include trackways of crabs (Laterigradus lusitanica igen. nov., isp. nov.) and shrimps ( Diplopodichnus isp.); trails of fishes (?Undichna), gastropods (Archaeonassa fossulata), isocrinid crinoids (Krinodromos bentou igen. nov., isp. nov.) and insects (Haplotichnus indianensis); and burrows of shrimps or lobsters (Thalassinoides suevicus) and other arthropods (Asterosoma ludwigae, Gyrochorte comosa), or polychaetes (Rhizocorallium commune ). This is implied already above (igen. nov., etc.) and seems not needed. The crab trackways and gastropod bulldozing trails, extending up to 12.3 m, are among the longest invertebrate cursorial traces ever found in the fossil record. The mortichnial crawling trail of a crinoid is the first evidence of locomotion for this group in the fossil record, and a rare unambiguous example of this ethology. Extensive continuous trackways attributed to amphibious crabs record, with great detail, typical gaits of underwater punting and walking sideways on dry land. The earliest evidences of sidewalking behavior may also be evidence for the development of the crab form during their rise in the Jurassic.A Icnologia é um poderoso instrumento para a compreensão das etapas evolutivas de clados de animais através da paleobiologia do comportamento inscrito em sítios paleontológicos excepcionais, como o Cabeço da Ladeira (Portugal). O Jurássico Médio (Bajociano superior) da Formação de Chão das Pias é formado por uma sequência de carbonatos peritidais que regista o desenvolvimento de tapetes microbianos numa planície de maré. Episodicamente, esta terá tido um desenvolvimento extraordinário através de marés equinociais que poderão ter sido responsáveis pela morte in situ de diversos grupos de equinodermes e pela preservação com excelente detalhe dos seus esqueletos articulados, além das formas de comportamento de uma endo- e epifauna dominada pelos artrópodes. Os níveis superficiais, com uma moderada icnodiversidade preservada pelos tapetes microbianos e atribuível à icnofácies de Cruziana, incluem trilhos de caranguejos (Laterigradus lusitanica nov. igén.) e de outros crustáceos (Diplopodichnus isp.), assim como eventualmente de peixes (?Undichna), pistas de gastrópodes (Archaeonassa fossulata), crinóides isocrinídeos (Krinodromos bentou nov. igén.) e insectos (Haplotichnus indianensis), além de galerias de lagostins ou de lagostas (Thalassinoides suevicus), e de outros artrópodes (Asterosoma ludwigae, Gyrochorte comosa) ou poliquetas (Rhizocorallium commune). Laterigradus lusitanicus e Krinodromos bentou são novos icnogéneros e icnoespécies definidos neste trabalho. Os trilhos de caranguejos e as pistas de gastrópodes são algumas das mais extensas evidências de locomoção encontradas no registo fóssil dos invertebrados até ao momento. A “marcha para a morte” de um crinóide é o primeiro registo fóssil de locomoção para este grupo, e um raro exemplo desta categoria etológica. Extensos trilhos contínuos também evidenciam com grande detalhe os estilos de locomoção “salto com vara” subaquático e “caminhada de lado” em terra emersa característicos dos caranguejos anfíbios. Os mais antigos indícios da locomoção “de lado” poderão ser também a evidência da evolução da forma de caranguejo com a diversificação dos Brachyura durante o Jurássico, um clado bem-sucedido que culminou com a colonização de habitats terrestres devido às suas exaptações motoras

    Aplicabilidade de indicadores agrometeorológicos para análise do incremento de água por irrigação em sistemas de produção da palma forrageira, cv. Miúda

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a aplicação de indicadores agrometeorológicos de eficiência do uso da água para a palma forrageira, clone “Miúda”, visando à análise da contribuição do incremento de água em sistemas de produção da cultura. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Serra Talhada, PE. O delineamento foi em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, e os tratamentos compostos por dois regimes hídricos, o primeiro equivalente a 756 mm ano-1 e outro de 493 mm ano-1. Na ocasião da colheita foram obtidas as variáveis biométricas e de biomassa. Por meio desses últimos dados e das lâminas de água recebidas pela cultura foram calculados a eficiência no uso da água (WUE), a produtividade econômica da água (EWP) e a produtividade da água de irrigação (IWP). A EWP foi avaliada assumindo a venda dos cladódios para alimentação animal e como “semente”. Não houve efeito da redução da disponibilidade de água sobre o crescimento, a produtividade e os indicadores agrometeorológicos (p > 0,05). Porém, percebeu-se um aumento em 42% e 22% na matéria verde e seca da cultura, respectivamente. Em termos de eficiência do uso da água, a Miúda apresentou valores de 59,27 kg MV ha-1 mm-1 e 7,25 kg MS ha-1 mm-1, resultando retorno econômico maior na produção de cladódios para “semente” (85,73 R$ ha-1 mm-1). A IWP foi de 50,64 kg MV ha-1 mm-1 e de 2,29 kg MS ha-1 mm-1. Conclui-se que, os indicadores agrometeorológicos de eficiência do uso da água podem ser utilizados na avaliação do desempenho da cultura da palma forrageira

    Geoconservation in the Cabeço da Ladeira Paleontological Site (Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park, Portugal): Exquisite Preservation of Animals and Their Behavioral Activities in a Middle Jurassic Carbonate Tidal Flat

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    The Cabeço da Ladeira paleontological site in central Portugal became known as the “Jurassic Beach”. Formerly an active quarry, the site was protected in order to preserve the large exposures of a Middle Jurassic (early? Bajocian) carbonate tidal flat with an outstanding fossil record. This multidisciplinary paleontological work involving experts from several national and international research and geoconservation institutions was carried out under the umbrella of the Institute for Nature Conservation (ICNF), since this geosite is located within the Serras de Aire e Candeeiros nature park. Cabeço da Ladeira has provided exquisitely preserved body fossils, especially echinoderms, together with the exceptional preservation of their, and other, animal’s behaviors. It is also a hotspot to understand the diversity of bivalves in the Middle Jurassic. Due to the large area of the geosite, the international relevance of the findings, and the risk of weathering and destruction of the fossils, a geoconservation plan has been developed by ICNF with the support of local authorities. After several years of being open to visitors without proper control, the Cabeço da Ladeira paleontological site is now conditioned to organized groups of researchers, schools, and tourists. Some body fossils were collected for studies and included in the national collections of the Geological Museum (Lisbon). Moreover, casts have been made to protect holotypes of trace fossils, also providing ways to replicate this fossil record in temporary exhibitions. A long-term experimental study to conserve the limestone bedding plane exposures and their fossil contents was started in order to develop the best geoconservation strategy with an aim to reduce the damage produced by the increasing tourist demand on natural sites. Cabeço da Ladeira and other geosites in protected areas are key to communicating an evolutionary approach to environmental education, and their geoconservation must be a priority to improve their long-term use as (geo)tourism attractions

    Combining ability of determinate-growth-habit tomato hybrids resistant to Begomovirus and Tospovirus

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a capacidade combinatória de linhagens de tomateiro com hábito de crescimento determinado, com resistência múltipla a espécies dos gêneros Begomovirus e Tospovirus, e identificar combinações híbridas superiores. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, com 14 híbridos obtidos do cruzamento de sete linhagens femininas (grupo I) com duas linhagens masculinas (grupo II), em um dialelo parcial. As seguintes características agronômicas foram avaliadas: produção total, produção precoce, massa média de frutos, formato, firmeza inicial e firmeza na meia-vida. As linhagens genitoras TOM-680 e TOM-682, do grupo I, se destacaram por exibir as maiores estimativas de capacidade geral de combinação (CGC) quanto às características produção total, produção precoce e massa média de frutos, enquanto a linhagem TOM-585 se destacou quanto aos maiores valores de produção total e massa média de frutos. No grupo II, a linhagem TOM-698 apresentou estimativas superiores de CGC para as características de produção total, produção precoce, massa média dos frutos e firmeza inicial dos frutos. O híbrido TOM-682xTOM-698 apresenta as maiores estimativas de capacidade geral e específica de combinação para produção total, produção precoce e meia-vida da firmeza, e é o genótipo mais promissor entre os materiais testados.The objective of this work was to evaluate the combining ability of determinate-growth-habit tomato inbred lines with multiple resistance to Tospovirus and Begomovirus species, ant to identify superior hybrid combinations. The experiment was carried out in greenhouse, with 14 hybrids obtained from crosses of seven lines of the group I (female parents) with two lines of the group II (male parent), in a partial diallel. The following agronomical traits were assessed: total production, early production, mean fruit mass, shape, initial firmness and half life firmness. The parental lines TOM-680 and TOM-682, from group I, stand out with the largest general combining ability (GCA) concerning total production, early production and average fruit mass, while line TOM-585 stood out as to higher values of total production and average fruit mass. In group II, TOM-698 showed higher estimates of GCA as to total production, early production, average fruit mass and initial consistence of the fruits. The hybrid TOM-682xTOM-698 had the highest estimate of general and specific combining ability to total production, early production and average fruit mass, and it is the most promising genotype among the materials tested